The Black Moon's Curse (The Stellara Trilogy Book 1)

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The Black Moon's Curse (The Stellara Trilogy Book 1) Page 3

by Alicia Restucci

  Her father moved his hand under her chin, pushing her gaze up with a nudge of his knuckle. “You were born to play this role, Emberlyn. You will be the one who brings peace over our kingdom. What have I always told you? Behind every powerful king, there’s-”

  “There’s a more powerful woman pulling the strings,” she finished, her voice lacking the excitement she knew he wished she had about this.

  His grip was no longer gentle as he held her chin between his fingers. A whimper left her lips before she could think to hold it in. Her eyes raised to meet his, fearful of what sort of scolding she was about to receive. “Do not ruin this for me, Emberlyn. You will be asked to marry the prince tonight and you will say yes. You will fake a smile and tears if you must, but you will do it. You do not have any other choice in this matter. So, accept your fate and smile. Understood?” His voice was deadly, his grip tightening on her chin with each emphasis of his order.

  Ember didn’t dare voice her disagreement. “Understood.”

  Tears swam in her eyes,but she didn’t let them fall in front of her father. She knew better than to let that happen again. She had learned from enough past slipups to know showing signs of weakness in front of him would not end well for her.

  When he was satisfied with her answer, he pushed her chin away. “Good. Now finish getting ready. There’s a gift for you on its way up. I expect you to be down there within the hour with a smile on your face.”

  Her father paused for a moment, as if waiting for an answer from her. When he received none, he turned and left the room.

  As the door shut behind him, she felt a shaky breath release from her lungs. Her hand immediately went to her locket around her neck, her fingers tracing the silver vines that encased the ruby heart beneath it.

  “I can start on your hair now if you’d like, Miss Emberlyn.” Malia said softly, reminding her she wasn’t alone in the room.

  With a small nod, she dropped her hand from her locket and turned toward her maid. “I would like that very much, Malia.” She said as she fought back her tears.

  As Malia twisted her hair into a nice braid, Ember allowed her mind to wander. With the engagement being announced tonight, would she be expected to spend the night at Cassius’ side? Would she be able to sneak in a dance with Asher, or would that be frowned upon seeing as she was to be his brother’s fiancée in just a few hours? She wasn’t sure, but she hoped they could fit in at least one dance.

  A knock on the doors alerted them of a new arrival. It was no doubt the guard with the gift her father had mentioned was coming. Malia finished with the braid falling down her back before sharing a questioning look with her in her mirror. Ember gave her a small nod, silently telling her she could go answer the door.

  Malia crossed the room to open the doors while Ember stood from her chair to look herself over in the floor-length mirror. Flattening down the wrinkles, she found herself smiling despite how low she felt at her reflection. The dress truly did look fantastic. She hoped it would impress a certain prince, but she wasn’t sure he’d even notice. There would surely be plenty of other beautiful women to dance with, others who weren’t his brother’s betrothed.

  Malia returned with a rather large box in her hands. Reaching out her hands, she carefully passed it off to Ember. “What do you think it might be this time?” She asked, her curious gaze dropping to the box in her hands.

  It wouldn’t be the first time her father bought her something as a reminder that he loved her. Usually it was a simple necklace or a refined piece of artwork for her to hang up around her room. Given the fact that she didn’t have much space left on her walls. By how small the box was in retrospect, she knew it wasn’t artwork. Which meant it was jewelry.

  “Let’s open it and find out, shall we?” She said, forcing a small smile as she turned and placed it down on her vanity. Malia moved to stand beside her to get a better look.

  Sharing a glance, Ember took a deep breath before she reached forward and pushed the cover back. As it lifted away, her breath was caught in her throat when it revealed what was hidden inside. A hand went to her throat before slipping lower as her fingers curled around her necklace that rested against her breasts, twisting the heart shaped locket out of habit.

  Sitting there was a beautiful silver tiara with ruby-colored gemstones trapped in the detailed vines, they ended in small combs that would help keep the piece secure in her delicate hair. “Have you ever seen something so beautiful, Malia?” She asked, whispering in case this was merely a dream. She didn’t want to wake up if it was.

  “It’s a match to your mother’s locket, Miss Ember. It’s like they were made for each other.” Malia said, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched the emotions hitting her friend all at once.

  Ember was quick to make sure no tears had ruined the charcoal Malia had so nicely underlined her eyes with. The last thing she needed was to ruin such a beautiful outfit with a horrifyingly black streaked face. “Will you help me put it on?” She asked, turning towards Malia as soon as she was able to tear her eyes away from the stunning head piece.

  Malia immediately nodded and she motioned for her to take the seat Ember had been sitting in before when she was doing her hair. Ember’s hands twisted on her lap, her nerves getting the best of her as Malia went to work.

  “You mentioned there was an incident on the beach when you were in the bath. A handsome mysterious man was involved, if I heard correctly.” Malia said, her slim fingers being as careful as they could be as she put the tiara in the correct place without messing with her braid.

  It was a distraction at its best. Ember knew as much, but she would play along with Malia’s attempt to calm her nerves. “His name was Nikolas, and I don’t believe I ever said he was handsome. It doesn’t matter even if he was. I doubt I’ll be seeing him ever again. His kind is not welcome in Iron Kress.” She said, her eyes refusing to meet Malia’s in the mirror.

  “His kind?” She asked.

  Her expression was clear of emotions, though Ember could see anger swirling behind her eyes. Still, Malia acted as if she was holding back the disgust from slipping onto her expression. To anyone else it might have worked, but Ember knew her too well to be tricked.

  “He’s a pirate. Asher found the brand on his wrist.” Ember clarified, her eyes flickering up to meet the maid.

  Malia’s hands only paused for a second, but Ember could see that her wording had offended her. It wasn’t intentional and she hoped her friend knew that. The air was tense around them for a moment, but as soon as Malia rolled her eyes, the tension seemed to disappear. “Lord Asher was there too? Now that explains everything. Did he hit another boy and say it was to defend your honor?” She asked, a hint of a smile now on her face.

  The smile confirmed to Ember that she’d been forgiven.

  “He controlled himself this time. I can’t say the same for Nikolas.” Ember said with an eye roll that was followed by a scoff.

  “Nikolas? The rugged handsome pirate?” Malia said, her brow raising.

  She was daring her to admit she found the pirate intriguing, daring her to admit she felt an attraction for this stranger. Ember wasn’t going to be so easily baited.

  “Yes, the pirate from the beach. No, he wasn’t that handsome. Only slightly. He openly flirted with me in front of Asher. He’s lucky Asher did not hit him right then and there. Did I tell you, he asked me what it would take to earn my name?” Ember said, her eyes raising to meet Malia’s in the mirror.

  Maliaonly got out a ‘hmm’ before Ember continued in her rant. “He saw it as a challenge, Malia. A challenge! Like my name was the prize to some contest. The nerve of him to assume I’m so easily wooed. All those hours under the sun must have made him insane if he thinks flashing a charming smile and using that deep sultry voice will earn him anything other than a smack from my hand.”

  Ember didn’t miss the chuckle her maid was trying to hide. A blush formed as she realized just how flustered she had gotten over
a man she presumed she would never see again. “Sultry, Miss Ember?” She teased, flashing her a look in the mirror as her shyness disappeared crack by crack the more that they talked.

  Ember refused to take the bait this time as she kept her mouth shut. She resisted the urge to look around her room as if someone was going to suddenly jump out from behind a wall and smugly go to her father with their gossip. “Don’t forget about hidden ears, Malia.” She said, her frown deepening as she turned back to her vanity. Though, it wasn’t long before she felt a sense of relief when she touched the locket handing around her neck.

  And just like that, the conversation was over and Malia wouldn’t meet her eyes in the mirror again until she finished. “You look stunning, Miss Ember. A true princess.”

  Ember’s smile fell as soon as the words left her maid’s lips. She could already see the walls coming back up.

  Clearing her throat, she grabbed her skirts and stood from her stool. “I’m not a princess, Malia. Thank you for helping meget ready. I’ll see you down at the party. Perhaps Theo has managed to fit in a visit to town and will make a surprise

  appearance?” She said as she crossed her room to head for the doors.

  While it was meant as a way to cheer her friend up, she saw that it did the opposite. Theo might be on the King’s guard now, but he was still a higher rank in station than Malia was because of his connection to Ember’s father.

  Malia had accidentally let it slip that she found Theo handsome and that they were

  attempting a relationship. From the sadness on her friend's face, she wondered if that hadn't worked out for them. She should ask about it, open that door in their friendship but in the end, she chose not to. Instead, she opened the door and left with her guards for the party.

  Chapter 4

  The walk down to the ballroom was silent. So silent that she almost forgot she was being followed by two guards. Almost, but she would never actually forget. It would cost her, her life if she forgot about the ears and eyes around the palace. If she made one mistake or said one wrong word, she knew her father wouldn’t risk his station to protect her reputation. In fact, he would certainly disown her and throw her out on the streets before he let his place beside King Ivan be put at risk.

  Asher and Cassius were standing at the end of the staircase together, chuckling over whatever it was they were discussing. As she descended the stairs, she let herself smile sincerely as she cleared her throat. Upon hearing her approached, they both raised their attention toward her. She found she couldn’t fight the blush when she noticed the look of awe on not only Cassius’ face, but on Asher’s as well.

  Her eyes quickly took in their nice suits. Cassius had gone for a midnight blue color choice, no doubt an attempt to compliment the shades of reds in her gown. Asher was dressed just the opposite as he wore a dazzling emerald green. Both brothers looked ready to charm and pull

  unsuspecting women in with their smooth voices and hypnotizing eyes.

  “Well don’t you boys both look handsome. What are you doing out here? Don’t tell me the party’s already too boring for you. It’s barely even started.” She teased, trying to let the morning disappear from her worries.

  The madeup curse they’d found in that book wasn’t the only problem she had demanding her attention tonight. With a glance to Cassius as she approached the bottom, she wondered if his father had told him yet what it was that he intended on announcing tonight.

  Cassius flashed her that charming smile of his as he held out a hand for her. It was a smile she’d seen him flash a dozen other girls before. “We’ve been waiting for you. A beautiful lady as yourself shouldn’t enter a party by herself. Other men might get the wrong idea.” He said as she placed her hand in his larger one.

  As she stepped off the final step, she stood between the brothers and the height difference between her and them could have been comical. Her eyes flickered to Asher, giving him a small smile before she turned her attention fully to Cassius. “Whatever would I do if I didn’t have you both here to glare at other men who may look once, maybe twice, at me?” She teased as she slipped her arm around the crook of his.

  Cassius took her by surprise as he reached up and ran his knuckle down the curve of her cheek, stroking the skin with an affectionate touch she hadn’t felt by him before. “You clearly haven’t looked in the mirror then. Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe how you look tonight, Ember.” He said, his voice low as to make it clear those words were for her ears only.

  A blush burned on her cheeks and there was no pretending this time. Cassius wasn’t supposed to say things like that to her. It was bad enough they were stuck in a courtship neither of them wanted. He wasn’t allowed to act as if he might actually like her. She knew that was all it was too. An act. It was no fantasy of hers that Cassius might actually feel something more for her than friendship and she suspected he felt the same.

  “Thank you, Cassius. You’re a horrible liar, but thank you.” She said back, lowering her eyes so she didn’t see the hurt in his eyes.

  Asher cleared his throat behind them, reminding them that he was still there. “If you two would stop being so disgusting, I’d like to get to the party before all the good wine is gone.”

  Her shoulders tensed as she glanced back. His stare was intense as he raised a brow at her. The look said something she wasn't ready to think about. So, instead she chose to be naive about it. She didn’t know what he was so upset about anyway. This situation wasn’t new for the three of them, nor had their roles changed since the last party.

  Cassius cleared his throat, bringing her attention back over to him. “Let’s get inside then. Shall we?”

  Ember could only muster up a small smile before nodding and letting him lead her into the ballroom. Asher wasn’t far behind them, but she was trying to ignore the heat of his glare as she instead chose to take in the party in front of her.

  The ballroom had been recently cleaned for the event, and it was obvious from the glimmer of the shining floors. The room was decorated in the colors of Iron Kress' colors of purple and gold. People from all over the kingdom filled the room. She could only make out a few familiar lords and their wives before it all got to be too overwhelming. Even after attending dozens of these kinds of parties, this feeling never seemed to disappear.

  As her gaze roamed through the room, she saw her father talking closely with King Ivan. Both men seemed to be in good spirits judging from the smiles on their faces.

  Well, at least that was a good sign.

  Cassius’ hand touched the one she had in the crook of his arm, flashing her a smile he probably hoped would calm her nerves.

  It didn’t.

  Still, she forced a smile in return, hoping it was enough to convince him that she was fine. They still had to find time to sneak away later and talk about what he’d found in that book with Asher, but she knew it wasn’t going to be easy since the attention would be solely on the two of them tonight. Finding time to sneak away would be near impossible.

  Cassius shifted, holding out his hand to take her free one. “May I have your first dance tonight, Lady Emberlyn?”

  He wanted to distract her with his teasing and humor. She was half tempted to let him. With another glance around the room, she saw her father’s stare now burning holes into her as he watched her. Swallowing nervously, she turned back to Cassius and nodded. “Sure.” She said, forcing a smile as she let him lead her to the dance floor.

  With a brief look over her shoulder, she saw Asher leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. A sour expression ruining his handsome face. Clearly, he was just determined to be miserable all night.

  “He’s just in a foul mood since father returned and told us about the announcement that he will be giving tonight at the toast. Between what we found in the library and this, he feels like

  everything’s slipping out of his control. He doesn’t want to see you hurt, or with me for that matter.” Cassius whispered in her ear, not
daring to say it any louder and have someone overhear them.

  A chill went down her spine, remembering her father’s warning about tonight. She couldn’t let feelings get in the way. Too much was at risk. “I’m not his to get jealous over, Cassius. I’m yours. That choice was never mine to have. We’ve always known my father would push to have us be matched. Anything else was not an option.” She whispered back as she held him close to her.

  This was why she and Cassius were great friends. He could have a civil conversation with her. Unlike Asher who was currently sulking in the corner of the room.

  “Do you ever wish you could have the choice?” He asked, his voice almost too quiet for even her to hear.

  Pulling back just enough to meet his eyes, she studied him to see if he was seriously asking her that. Just answering that question was treason, especially if her father was to hear about it. There was a longing in Cassius’ eyes though, and she remembered it wasn’t just her stuck in this loveless marriage.

  Hesitating, she rested her head back on his shoulder and let him start their dance, if a person could even consider the swaying they were doing as dancing. “Who would you choose if you could?” She asked, choosing to ignore his question for her. It was safer if she didn’t answer, especially in her case.

  “Do you think Malia thinks I’m handsome?” He asked, avoiding her question, but she knew what he’d say anyway.

  A small smile played on her lips, her eyes closing as she held back the emotions swimming inside of her. She could feel a bit of sadness for her friend had slipped out on accident as she squeezed his hand that was holding onto hers. “I’m sure she does. Every girl in this entire kingdom would be a fool not to, but I’m sorry, my friend. I believe you have some competition with my dear cousin where Malia is concerned.” She said, hoping the bit of teasing would lessen the blow to his heart.

  Silence fell over them, giving Ember a chance to think. Her eyes drifted around the ballroom until she landed on the person who was currently the topic of their conversation. “Your father had Asher’s mother as a mistress for years before she died. He’s had plenty more since you were born. Perhaps, while we might be married by law, you could woo a certain maid behind closed doors?” She said, making sure to keep her voice as low as possible.


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