The Black Moon's Curse (The Stellara Trilogy Book 1)

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The Black Moon's Curse (The Stellara Trilogy Book 1) Page 4

by Alicia Restucci

  She felt Cassius tense against her body and wondered if she’d said something she shouldn’t have. While she and Cassius would always remain just friends, best friends if nothing more than that, she knew even their friendship had limits. It was clear that she passed one of those lines somewhere between bringing up his father’s indiscretions to him having a similar affair while married to her. Either on its own would be an insult, both together the two insults might have been too far.

  Biting her lip, she grew more nervous the longer he was quiet. “I’m sorry, Cassius. I shouldn’t have pushed. That isn’t any of my business.”

  She watched him swallow his anger before pushing away from her. For a split second, she thought he was going to end their dance, but instead he raised up his arm high enough to twirl her around. As he lowered his arm, he pulled her back into his arms. “I’m not mad, Ember. I just ... I hate that it is an option. It’s not fair I could, you know, be with someone else, but you’re stuck with me until” He cut himself off, but she knew what he was going to say.

  “Until I die.”

  Now, even after trying to ignore their conversation earlier in the library, they were brought right back to it.

  Cassius nodded, his jaw clenching. “Yes, until then.”

  She saw Cassius opening his mouth to say more, no doubt about what he’d read in that awful book. She still wasn’t convinced they hadn’t had someone create it to scare her, but she quickly stopped him with a shake of her head. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. We can figure it out tomorrow. You’re not king yet, Cassius. We’ve got time.” She said, warning him to back off with her eyes.

  He held out for a minute, looking ready to argue with her, before he sighed and nodded in agreement. He’d give her tonight to live in denial, but come tomorrow she wouldn’t be able to stop him from blowing her innocence and ignorance out of the water.

  A throat cleared behind her, ending their conversation for the time being. Ember’s gaze initially went to her dance partner. As her eyes landed on Cassius, confusion crossed her features as she took in the annoyance she found there. Slowly, she tore her eyes away from him as she turned to see who had interrupted their dance.

  Standing there was the man she’d only just been ranting about to Malia up in her room while she finished getting ready. Gone were his sailing clothes, now replaced with a nice black silk shirt that he’d tucked into fitting leather pants. His scarred hands were hidden beneath a pair of black gloves. His hair had been combed through, giving his appearance just the right amount of danger that actually seemed to make him more appealing. For a pirate, he cleaned up nicely.

  “Nikolas,” She gasped before she could stop herself.

  His sea-green eyes shined, his grin curling onto his lips as he relished in the fact that she remembered him. “May I cut in?” He asked, though his eyes never left Ember.

  He was making it clear to everyone around them he was asking Ember and not Cassius. She wasn’t sure what to do. It would be a show of disrespect toward her future husband if she accepted his hand, but she didn’t want either man to make a scene. It seemed like a no-win situation for her. No matter what she did, she risked one of them putting up a fuss. Either option ended with her in trouble with her father later tonight.

  Cassius seemed to have decided for her as he stepped around her. She stood there stunned as he all but pushed her behind him. It wasn’t exactly a shove, but the meaning was clear. He was stepping into his tough guy mask. “I don’t believe we’ve met and that might be a problem for me. You see, I’m supposed to know the people of my own home since I’m the crowned prince here in Iron Kress.”

  It was a threat, his way of throwing his title around and making it clear that she belonged to him. Her eyes darted to the corner and noticed how Asher had pushed off the wall, his body tense as he watched the interaction with a new sense of worry. It was clear he had recognized Nikolas as soon as she had. So much for a fun last night of innocence.

  To his credit, Nikolas didn’t even look nervous as he chuckled. “Just visiting, I’m afraid. I’m only here for a job and then I’ll be off. Your lady friend and I were in the middle of a

  conversation earlier before we were rudely interrupted by, now I’m assuming here, your dear brother. I was just wondering if the lady would like to finish our pleasant conversation while we danced to the next song.”

  Cassius’ eyes shifted, giving the pirate in front of him a good look over before he

  straightened, standing at his full height now as if it was supposed to intimidate the man in front of him. Ember could have rolled her eyes at the show of intimidation if she wasn’t worried about making Cassius look badly in front of other people. “She’s going to have to pass. Go bother someone else before I let my father know a pirate managed to somehow receive an invitation to his party.” Cassius said, his voice low as he tried to keep himself from creating a scene.

  Ember touched Cassius’ arm, trying to tell him he needed to relax before he caused the scene that he was trying so hard no to bring to light and end up attracting unwanted attention anyway.

  Either Nikolas was incredibly stupid or he was unbelievably brave. He actually managed a chuckle while crossing his arms as his gaze shifted between them. “Do you decide everything for her, or does she actually get a say in who she dances with?It’s just a dance, Your Highness. I give you my word I won’t be stealing your pretty arm accessory away from you without you knowing.” He said, his smirk spreading across his face.

  Cassius took a step forward, ready to no doubt kick Nikolas out of the palace himself. From a brief glance behind them, she knew Asher was ready to help him.

  Before things could get out of hand, she moved between them and pressed a hand against Cassius’ chest, sending him a warning look to cut it out. “It’s one dance. If it makes him leave us alone the rest of the night, I’ll do it. I’ll be fine, Cassius.” She said, begging him to just relax before people started to gossip.

  Cassius didn’t want to let her go. That was written clearly on his face, but he sighed and nodded as he finally backed off.

  Once she was sure he wasn’t going to lunge for the man behind her, she turned to see his taunting smirk in place as he held out his hand. Her body tensed, knowing this wasn’t going to end well, but she placed her hand in his anyway and let him lead her away to find another spot on the dance floor.

  They didn’t move far before he stopped and tugged her closer as he wrapped his arm around her waist. With a glance over her shoulder, she saw Asher approaching Cassius. She knew it was to ask him about what just happened. “He does know you’re not a dog he can keep on a leash, doesn’t he?” Nikolas said, drawing her attention back to him.

  “His father is announcing our engagement tonight, so it’ll be no different.” She said, her voice flat as she kept her stare on the other dancers around them.

  She refused to give him the satisfaction of meeting his eyes and pretending she was enjoying their dance.

  It took everything not to acknowledge the stare burning into her skin. “No one deserves that kind of prison. That’s what this place is for you, isn’t it? Your prison. You can dress like a goddess, flash a few fake smiles and wear that crown on your head, but you hate it here. I saw how you cried today on the beach where no one could see you. You don’t want this life.” He said as his eyes studied her.

  Every word out of his mouth was true, and it was frightening how on point he was with his assumptions. This man didn’t even know her name, yet he read her like an open book like it was nothing. She decided to lie. “Who wouldn’t want to be the next queen? I’m marrying my best friend. I’ll be loved and spoiled by everyone here. Most girls don’t get to say the same.” She replied sharply as her head turned to face him.

  His smirk was no longer present on his face as he looked down at her. What she saw was somehow worse than his taunting smirk. It was pity and sadness. “He’s your best friend, sure, but you didn’t say you love him. He can
give you all the riches in the world, but it won’t make you love him.” He said, his voice low as they glided around the dance floor.

  “You don’t know me. Don't pretend that you do.” She snarled, wishing he’d just stop talking.

  His jaw was clenched. She could tell he was holding back whatever he wanted to say. Surprising, since he didn’t seem to have any issue holding back anything else that he seemed to assume about her life. “We could change that. You could tell me your name.” He said, his teasing grin back in place.

  A scoff slipped through her lips, her eyes rolling before she turned back to him. “Why does it matter? You won’t see me again after tonight. You shouldn’t even be seeing me right now. King Ivan will have your head for breaking into the palace during his party.”

  Without warning, he dipped her back, moving her left to right before he brought her back up to him. Somehow, he’d pulled her even closer to him, pressing their bodies together. It was a scandalizing position to be in with a man who wasn’t her soon-to-be betrothed. Especially when he looked at her with such desire in his eyes. “It matters. It appears my time is up. You look beautiful darling, but I’m afraid you’ll have to get back to me about that name the next time we meet.” He said just before he took her hand and spun her away from him.

  A gasp left her lips when his hand slipped from hers. For a moment, she thought she was going to fall flat on her face in front of everyone.

  Before she could make a fool of herself, she felt herself collide with another body as a pair of arms wrapped around her. Looking up, she saw Asher standing there. She found he wasn't looking at her. Instead his eyes were glaring in the direction Nikolas had left in. “Did he hurt you?” He asked as he managed to tear his eyes away and down finally at her instead.

  Cassius appeared beside them, his eyes flickering between them as she pulled herself out of Asher’s arms. “I’m fine. Don’t go chasing after him. He’ll leave as soon as he gets what he came for. Going after him will cause nothing but panic and that’s exactly what he wants. I’m feeling a bit lightheaded. I think I need to rest before I take another spin around the dance floor. Cassius, will you please get me some water? Thank you.” She said, knowing that if they were to survive tonight, they needed to go on as if nothing was wrong.

  Hesitation passed over Cassius’ face, but after a moment he nodded and went in search of some water for her.

  Asher waited all of two seconds before he led her over to a chair so she could rest her feet. “What did he say to you? You looked as pale as a ghost.” He said as soon as it was safe.

  Ember fiddled with the locket around her neck, her eyes locked on the floor before she seemed to realize she had let her mind wander and raised her gaze back to him. “I think he was just playing mind games with me. He’s not important. This night needs to go smoothly from now on, Asher. It can’t be ruined. Too much is at risk. Pleasepromise me you won’t go looking for him. Just let him go, or at least give him a head start. You can send men out for him tomorrow.” She asked as her fingers slipped from her locket and lowered to his hand on her knee.

  He didn’t want to cave, she could see that, but he needed to.

  For her sake, he had to.

  His hand turned, catching her off guard as he went to entwine their fingers. She yanked her hand away before he had the chance to. “You can’t do that here, Asher. Especially not in front of all these people who are here to celebrate my engagement to your brother. Please, don’t do anything jeopardize tonight for me. Please,” She pleaded, just wishing someone tonight would listen to her.

  “Half-brother.” He corrected, his glare near icy as he started off away from her.

  With a heavy sigh, her shoulders dropped as she sent him a sympathetic look. She knew this wasn’t fair to him, nor was it fair for her, but it was what it was. Still, there was a small part of her that hoped it wouldn’t be him that finally listened to her.

  To her disappointment, he let out a sigh and nodded as he gave in to her wishes. “I’m sorry. I won’t give anyone reason to start any rumors. Tonight. I can’t promise about the rest of our lives here together.”

  Leave it to Asher to make a joke out of this.

  She crossed her arms, queuing him to cut it out, but she knew her smile betrayed her annoyance with him. With another sigh, she hesitated before turning back to him. “He talked as if he knew who I was, Asher. He said things I’ve only ever thought to myself. It just shook me, that is all. I’m not going to let him put a damper on my night and neither should you or Cassius.”

  Before he could reply, Cassius had found them. He was carrying three glasses, one for each of them, as he approached. Asher reached up and took one of them before his brother managed to spill it everywhere. Ember quietly thanked him as she took her own.

  As Cassius took the seat beside his brother, she studied them both. It was weird to think after tonight their dynamic would be forever different. It wouldn’t be the three of them as friends, but as she and Cassius as the queen and king instead and Asher now in a boat by himself without them. It didn’t seem fair that things would have to change, but after the announcement being made during the toast they would be.

  Clearing her throat, she raised her glass as her gaze shifted between the two brothers on either side of her. “We have to celebrate. It’ll be the last night of any chance of us being anything close to normal. Tonight, until the announcement, we’ll just be Asher, Ember, and Cassius. Best friends, and friends for life.”

  A grin spread across Cassius’ face as he clinked his glass with them both. “Hear, hear! I’ll drink to that. I love you both. Nothing will change that. Especially not some piece of paper.”

  Ember smiled with him, nodding her head in agreement before she turned to Asher. Her smile fell as soon as she did. He looked miserable, but he was trying to hide it. His eyes met hers and he nodded. “To being friends until we die, and here’s to hoping after death as well.” He said, not bothering to clink glasses with either of them before he tossed back the clear liquid.

  A moment of silence fell over them as Cassius and Ember took smaller sips.

  “So, who am I dancing with next?” She laughed, her eyes shifting between them as she put her glass down and stood.

  “I’m sorry, big brother. As my dance was interrupted by the pirate, I’m calling for a second dance.” Cassius laughed, squeezing his brother’s shoulder before taking Ember’s hand and pulling her back towards the dancefloor.

  Ember only looked over her shoulder once, watching as Asher stared at his glass with so much anger and sadness.

  Tomorrow, she said to herself.

  She’d make things right with him tomorrow.

  Chapter 5

  After some mingling with guests and another dance with Cassius and even one with her father as well, Ember needed a moment to freshen up before dinner. She needed to look her best during the announcement and her skin covered in sweat from dancing was not considered looking her best. She excused herself and found Malia before heading upstairs to her room.

  The girls were giggling as they returned to her bedroom, chatting about how Ember’s night was going as if they could be normal friends. As her maid, Malia would never be someone Ember could go out with publicly, but the young maid

  understood her more than most people would. Unfortunately, they had to play the roles they were born into.

  “You looked happier tonight. Perhaps things with Cassius will have improved once you’re married? It could work out between you two over time.” Malia said as she collected a few wet rags to clean the salty precipitation off Ember’s skin.

  Ember sat in front of the mirror, her fingers twisting the locket around her neck. “Perhaps you could be right, but I don’t know. People like me, we don’t get to marry for love. It’s all about power and creating a united front. It’s about who looks the nicest together and who’s babies will gain more power once they’re grown.”

  Malia came up behind her and went to work on fixin
g the loose hairs that had come out from her braid. “It sounds miserable.” She said.

  Malia wasn’t the first person to tell her that tonight.

  Her gaze drifted off as she replayed her dance with Nikolas. She examined every word he said until it became white noise in her head. Her eyes lifted to meet Malia’s in the mirror. “It does, doesn’t it?”

  Before Malia could reply, a commotion at her door caught her attention. Someone was knocking on her doors frantically. She and Malia shared a look of confusion before the maid went and opened them to see what was going on. Perhaps, it was just a drunk who’d lost their way heading back to the party or it was Asher, who’d no doubt noticed she wasn’t in the ballroom anymore.

  The sound of clashing swords and shouting as soon as Malia had opened the door was what caught her attention first. Turning her head, she saw a guard talking with Malia, his voice hushed but quick. The guard looked panicked and his

  appearance was tense with fear, which only unsettled her more.

  “Is everything alright, Malia?” She called over as she picked up her skirts and began to make her way across the room.

  Something down the hallway suddenly caught the guard’s attention then, his fear growing in his eyes. “Get Lady Emberlyn and yourself hidden somewhere safe.” He ordered before he pulled his sword from the sheath at his side.

  Malia shut the door just as the shouting got louder. “It seems your unwelcomed dance partner wasn’t alone. Pirates have broken into the p alace. They’ve already gotten through the gates and have attacked the party guests. You must hide, Miss Emberlyn.”

  Confusion passed through her, unable to process what she had said. How could pirates have made it past the gates? What pirate crew would be crazy enough to attempt such an attack on the palace? Nikolas’ crew, she realized, that was who. She was stupid not to have Asher and Cassius go after him when he rushed out before. Now they were paying for her mistake.


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