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The Black Moon's Curse (The Stellara Trilogy Book 1)

Page 6

by Alicia Restucci

  With fresh tears swimming in her eyes, she took a deep breath before turning and hurrying down the steps. The steps were damp from the moister in the air, making the steps slippery. She tried to use the walls to balance herself, but it was astoundingly dark and the steps were covered in dirt and grime. One wrong step, and she’d be tumbling down these steps instead of walking.

  She continued stumbling until she suddenly heard the door behind her slam shut. The sound of heavy panting echoed down the stairway, telling her she was no longer alone. The heavy footsteps that soon followed only confirmed that theory. Fear gripped her as she continued down the dark staircase at a now quicker pace.

  With a glance over her shoulder, she saw a spark of light not far from her. Whoever it was had been smart enough to light a torch. Something she had made the mistake of not doing herself. She cursed herself for not remembering to do so.

  “Ember, slow down.” Asher’s voice echoed down the staircase.

  With a heavy sigh of relief, her shoulders untensed and dropped. As the light from the torch got closer, she could now make out Asher, but he wasn’t alone. Cassius’ good arm was wrapped around his brother’s shoulders, Asher’s own arm wrapped around his brother’s waist to hold him up. He had gone back for him and no doubt dragged his ass back to the door with every ounce of strength he had in him.

  With the staircase being so narrow, she wasn’t sure how Asher had managed to squeeze himself and Cassius onto the same step, but she knew the young prince wouldn’t be able to manage the descent without his brother’s help. The arrows, now broken to keep them from catching on anything, were still embedded in his leg and shoulder. He wouldn’t be on his feet, much less rushing down a slippery staircase, without Asher to keep him steady.

  “Here. You take the torch, Ember. Do you remember the way to the cave opening?” He asked as he held out the lit torch for her to take.

  With a nod, she took the handle and continued down the now lit passage. They didn’t have to worry above any pirates following them, at least not right away. The doorway behind the painting was stone. She knew that they wouldn’t be breaking it down or figuring out how to open it any time soon. It didn’t mean they could move at a snail’s pace, but they didn’t have to risk breaking their necks on the slippery steps trying to run down them.

  Asher had showed her this passage a few times since finding it. They only used it when they needed to because finding the latch usually gave them an issue. The other entrance in the King’s study was easier, but also, at the same time, harder because of its location. Since the passageway behind the painting was so close to her room it made it easier to escape unnoticed by the guards.

  Asher would sneak them out late at night for a dinner under the stars on his boat. He usually saved those late-night visits until after her father scolded her about spending time adventuring with Cassius and dirtying her dress. It wasn’t lady-like, he’d tell her, nor was the activity appropriate behavior for a future queen. He’d always made her feel like she had done something wrong. She felt stupid for agreeing to accompany Cassius to his sessions with Asher and Theo in the barns, or on the horse rides that usually ended with them swimming in the hidden waterfalls in the woods behind the palace.

  When she was left to her own insecurities and doubts, Asher seemed to always know the right thing to say and he’d bring her out on his boat to cheer her up.

  Now, as they made their way down the narrow passage, Ember wondered if they’d ever be able to have days like that again. Ember led the way downward, her hand touching the slime coated wall to keep her balance. Even with the torch there was barely enough light to lead the way. She just hoped they were getting closer to the bottom and it wouldn’t be much longer before they reached the boat.

  “Not much further. Just a few more steps, I think.” Asher whispered from behind, as if he had heard her thoughts.

  Her gaze flickered over her shoulder to meet his briefly before she continued down the steps. It certainly didn’t feel like it had been this long of a staircase before. It suddenly felt like it was a lifetime ago that they’d been sneaking down here to enjoy a night under the stars together.

  In reality, it really wasn’t that long ago. Asher had come to see her in the middle of the night, exclaiming he’d wanted to show her something exciting and she just had to see it that very second. Never mind the fact that Malia would be in soon to help her dress for bed. Thankfully, Malia had succeeded in covering for her. He’d grabbed her hand and just whisked her away as if they had no care in the world.

  He’d once explained to her it must have been an old emergency passageway out of the palace in case of an attack. She wondered if they ever had to use it before. Even if they hadn’t, she was thankful they’d thought ahead.

  “I don’t remember it taking this long. Is this where you’ve been the past couple of days? Adding more stairs to make my life miserable?” She said, a huff of laughter escaping her lips.

  It was a poor attempt at trying to be funny, to lighten the mood, but she knew it was a fool’s hope. There was nothing to laugh about right now. Not when she’d just seen her friend killed right beside her. She doubted Cassius felt much different.

  At least Asher was going to play along.

  “We weren’t running for our lives from pirates that night.” He pointed out, his half-attempt at a grin lifting the left side of his lips.

  “What were you doing down here then?” Cassius asked out, his eyes shifting between them suspiciously before a grimace of pain flashed across his face.

  A deep blush spread across Ember’s face. She was suddenly grateful for how dark it was in here. Cassius might be her betrothed, or they would have been if tonight had gone as planned, but they were not in any way shape or form in a relationship other than the friend kind.

  Still, it was one thing to know that, and another to say it out loud. Especially when the situation concerned his brother.

  “It was a good night for sailing.” Asher shrugged it off as nothing more than a night of fun between two friends.

  Which, in all honesty, it was supposed to be.

  Until, suddenly, it wasn’t.

  A few innocent kisses between friends that were never supposed to happen. That was a story not meant to be shared outside of the group of only her and Asher, she had decided as soon as it happened. They both had sworn each other to secrecy and promised to never mention it again. It never happened, nor would said ‘something’ ever happen again.

  Clearing her throat, Ember wanted to steer this conversation in a different direction. “What were you two able to find out about this curse?”

  Heaviness fell over the trio then as silence hit them. It seemed like a lifetime ago she’d promised Cassius that they would talk about this tomorrow, but when there was a chance there wouldn’t be a tomorrow? They had to do with what time they did have.

  Cassius was the first to say anything, cutting his brother off before he could do any more than open his mouth. “There’s a book hidden in the restricted section of the library. Asher found it and brought it to me last night. You already know that much. He overheard father before he left for his trip mention going through a ritual after I was crowned. A ritual that uses a woman from your bloodline as a blood sacrifice. When my mother asked him to find some other book, he went looking for it. Then, well, he found it.”

  There was a sadness in his voice she didn’t understand.

  Confusion crossed her face as she listened. How could she not know about this ritual? Why was it never explained, but instead kept a secret from her? Did her father know? Is that why he pushed so hard for her to be in the sights of the royals? Was he truly offering her up like a pig on the slaughter? Tears burned her eyes. She didn’t want to believe that to be true.

  “But no one was from my family

  disappeared when your father was crowned.” She said once she had control over her emotions.

  They all ignored the crack in her voice.

  A sil
ence fell over the trio, one she was almost afraid to question. They knew something she didn’t, and she found herself frightened to know what could upset them this much. Part of her was unsure she wanted to know, but she knew it was more of a danger for her if she didn’t fully understand what all of this was about.

  “It was your mother, Em. She was killed just after our father was crowned king. I was seven when it happened. I remember going to the coronation for my dad. I remember when they left for Cane Island not long after and when they came back without her.” Asher said, the sadness dripping in his voice as guilt flashed across his face.

  Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach as her face scrunched up in confusion. No, no that couldn’t be true. Her mother died at sea. They’d been traveling on business for the King with her father. They’d been attacked by pirates and she didn’t survive. She’d fought as hard as she could, but her father had watched the pirate captain cut her throat open without an ounce of remorse. She was dead before her body hit the ground.

  That was what her father had told her when she was old enough to hear about what had happened that day. He failed to protect her mother then, which was why he was guaranteeing her safety by handing her over to the royals.

  “That isn’t true. My father said-”

  “Your father lied, Ember. He lied.” Asher said, his voice now cold.

  Her head shook side to side, not for one second believing what he was trying to tell her. There was just no way it was true. Her father was a lot of things, but murderer wasn’t one of them. “He did not. This is all just nonsense. You’re taking your joke too far. This is beyond cruel now, Asher. Everyone knows that my mother was killed by a pirate. Not for some ritual for King Ivan.” She hissed, tears streaming down her cheeks now.

  “Ember,” He sighed, his voice dripping with guilt.

  “No! Don’t patronize me, Asher. They didn’t kill her.” She snapped, her eyes burning a glare into him.

  Cassius was quick to come to his brother’s defense. “Enough, Emberlyn. I understand you’re upset, but he’s telling the truth. Why do you think your father has been pushing our engagement? To continue the bloodline, you’ll need to produce children before I’m crowned as the next king. He wants you married and pregnant well before then, and he’s killing two birds with one stone by having us married. He gets his spot as my father-in-law, and they won’t have to worry about your line continuing.”

  Her breaths came in deep pants, her eyes narrowed on theboy in front of her. “I don’t believe you. My father loved my mother with all his heart. He was devastated when she was killed by that pirate. He didn’t fake that.”

  Asher cleared his throat as he adjusted his grip on his brother. “I’m not doubting he loved your mother, or that he loves you, but we both know he loves power more. He’s been pushing my father to wed you to Cassius since you were old enough to bare any children. That is no secret to anyone. The ritual is real, and you are in danger. I’m not going to let you die.”

  “Neither am I,” Cassius added.

  Ember looked between the two, wishing she had a solid argument that could hold up against their accusations, but she didn’t. She wished for this to be some silly prank so very badly, but she knew that wish would not be granted. “Us three leaving on your boat, it’s not just to protect me from the pirates, is it?” She asked.

  The pain was clear on Asher’s face now. He wasn’t upset over having to tell her the truth and what telling her that truth would do to her heart. It was because of whatever plan he and Cassius had cooked up.

  Asher said nothing as he averted his eyes from her. Cassius had suddenly gone quiet as well, neither showing signs of wanting to tell her what they had planned. Asher had mentioned he’d had the boat prepared hours before the attack. They had already planned on getting her out of the palace tonight. Their time schedule had just been moved up because of the pirates invading their home.

  Stunned, Ember didn’t move right away as she tried to process the pieces she was slowly connecting. “You mentioned the boat was prepared before you even spoke with me this morning in the library. You already planned on leaving during the party tonight, didn’t you? That was why you pushed for us to talk privately while everyone was distracted. What did the two of you plan on doing?” She demanded.

  “It’s for your own good.” It was the only answer Asher would give.

  It was a stupid answer, she decided. One she was not going to accept.

  “My father said the same thing about my marriage to Cassius. Forgive me if I don’t take you at your word right now.” She said, stumbling slightly as she almost missed a step.

  He said nothing more.

  “Will you please tell me what is really going on?” She pleaded, glancing over her shoulder when he gave her no better explanation.

  She was so caught up in trying to get him to talk, she didn’t realize she’d reached the bottom of the stairs until she stumbled and only fell a few inches before she’d hit the floor. Both boys called her name, but she held up her hand to show them she was okay. “I’m fine, just a bruised tailbone. I’ll survive.” She said as she picked herself up off the ground.

  Dusting herself off, she picked up the dropped torch and looked out into the walkway that would lead them to an underground opening where Asher’s boat would be docked. From there they could be back out to the ocean and far away from here before anyone knew any wiser. A perfect escape route if they were planning on leaving quickly with no detection from the guards or the invading pirates.

  She turned back to the brothers behind her. “Please, just tell me what’s going on.”

  Asher shared a glance with his brother before he lifted his arm off his shoulder. Cassius winced as he moved to use the wall as his crutch. Asher sighed heavily as he approached her. His hand reached up and pushed a fallen curl out of her face. Pushing it behind her ear, he let his thumb linger to caress her cheek. His eyes flickered up to the tiara on her head only briefly before his gaze returned to her eyes. “I already told you, Starfish. I’m not about to let you die because of our family.” He said quietly, his words meant for her ears only.

  Her shoulders sagged, sadness filling her when she realized what was happening. They had fully intended on sending her off into hiding, never to be heard from again. “Asher,” She said, knowing this plan had so many cracks in it. It was rushed and foolish, especially considering the battle going on back in the palace. It was Asher trying to play hero even though they knew their fathers would both get what they wanted in the end.

  A throat cleared behind them, reminding them they weren’t alone. They didn’t have time for this. Asher’s jaw clenched as he nodded. “I packed as much supplies on it as I could without anyone noticing. We’ll be long gone before they even notice, especially considering they have their hands full at the moment. By the time anyone can send word to my father it’ll be too late. We’ll be gone.” He explained as he returned to his brother’s side.

  Her mind was in overload trying to process everything she’d been told in the last few minutes. This was all just happening so quick and she just needed a moment to process it before anything else happened. They didn’t have that spare moment though.

  “I was planning on staying behind to hold off suspicion as long as I could. I still might. I won’t be any help to you like this. I’ll only slow you both down.” Cassius explained as they rounded the corner.

  Looking back, Ember was just confused. Cassius couldn’t stay behind, especially given the fact he was wounded and wouldn’t last long on his own. If this was all true, he wouldn’t be any safer when their fathers found out she and Asher were missing. “You have to come with us, Cas. You won’t be safe here. You’re hurt. If they find you here? You’ll be as good as dead. Malia’s sacrifice to save you will have been for nothing.” She said, tears burning her eyes as she realized this was all really happening.

  “It’ll be worse if I’m not here when the pirates’ attack is over. I’ll buy you
as much time as I can.” He said as he squeezed her free hand.

  This was all happening too fast. Her head was spinning as they came to the opening where Asher’s boat was docked. It was nowhere near the size of his father’s ships, but it was big enough to get through the rough waters they were sure to face on the way to wherever it was that they were going.

  Asher left his brother in her hands as he jogged ahead to get the boat ready to go.

  Ember and Cassius slowed to a stop, the tears freely streaming down her cheeks. Her hands shook as she tried to understand what was

  happening right now. “I-I don’t understand, Cas. I don’t want to leave. This-this has to be a mistake. We can talk to my father when he is found. We can ask him about”

  Cassius just shook his head as he attempted to adjust his footing without his knees giving out on him. “Emberlyn! Ember, I know you’re confused and scared, but you can’t panic right now. Asher is going to get you out of here and you’ll be safe.”

  “Correction, Your Highness. I’ll be getting the lady out of here.”

  Cassius and Ember turned towards the boat as the sound of footsteps developed behind them. Before she could react, she was yanked away from her friend as another pirate kicked the back of his knee. He went down with a grunt of pain.

  “Cassius! Leave him alone!” She shouted, struggling as she watched the cloaked pirate from the hallway yank his head back from the roots of his hair. Ember’s pants were feral as she struggled against the man holding her arms back. Her head turned toward the boat as her eyes widened and she became overrun with fear.

  There standing on the boat with a gun to his head was Asher with his hands raised in surrender. Behind him stood the last person Ember expected to see again.

  Nikolas Barrelwalker.

  Chapter 7

  Somehow this disaster of a night had gone from bad to worse in a matter of minutes.

  Everything felt like it was exploding all at once. Her life, her home, her trust, all of it was up in flames. Ember felt her heart stop as she saw Nikolas holdinghis gun to Asher’s head. Her eyes widened with panic as she noticed the cloaked figure tighten their grip on Cassius. The pirate’s sword was pressed to his exposed neck as a warning not to try anything.


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