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Let’s Start Over

Page 19

by Laurent, River

  I clicked my tongue. “You’ve been holding out on me.”

  “Of course.” He chuckled. “And don’t fill up on it, okay? I’m taking us out to dinner.”

  “Good luck with that,” I murmured. “I can’t feel my legs and I am perfectly content in lying here forever.”

  My stomach growled and Cooper burst out laughing.

  “Okay, I lied. Sue me,” I said with an embarrassed laugh.

  Cooper leaned up and kissed my lips. He crawled over to the cooler then came back with a fruit and cheese plate.

  Yeah, he’d definitely been listening to me when I told him about the things I liked. I popped a grape into my mouth. Sweet cold juice squirted onto my tongue. “That’s perfect right now,” I sighed. “I didn’t realize how much I needed this.”

  Cooper bit into a strawberry and I groaned as juices ran down his lip. “If you keep that up, we're never going to make it to dinner.”

  “I don’t mind,” He winked, then grinned. “I could eat you for the rest of my life.”

  My cheeks burned. Yeah, Cooper was definitely perfect for me.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  “Oh, my God,” Jo groaned as she finally tasted her linguine and clams. She bounced a little in her seat. “This is amazing.”

  I grinned. Whenever she was excited, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was like a child, eager, happy, and totally mind-blowingly amazing. I stared at her, my own food forgotten. I wanted to marry her. Everything about Ivy screamed for me to slip a ring onto her finger. When the time was right, I would.

  Even if she hadn’t said she loved me yet.

  I knew there was a reason for it. One of the first things I did when she told me about her ex was research. Trauma made it hard to move forward, to embrace someone when everyone else had betrayed you. I understood this and I wasn’t going to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for. I knew she loved me, she just couldn’t say it aloud yet.

  “Sorry!” She laughed. “Am I being a complete pig?”

  I chuckled. “Don’t worry. I think pigs are really cute.”

  “Did you just call me a pig?” she demanded, her eyes twinkling.

  “Since pigs are one of my favorite animals, consider it a big compliment.”

  She beamed at me. “I don’t want to be greedy, but the food here is just so delicious. Plus, I worked up an appetite.” She gave me a flirtatious wink. “I’m definitely not complaining though.”

  At her beaming, my heart stopped. Her smile and playfulness just did things to me. “Good, because I would hate to have to take it away,” I teased.

  Ivy rolled her eyes, her smile still on her gorgeous lips.

  I was constantly reminded of how much I couldn’t let her go. Even if she decided to up and pack her bags again and head out for New York, I would be right there with her, ready to give up everything to make her mine.

  “What are we going to do after dinner?” Ivy asked as she sipped at her glass of wine.

  “I was thinking we’d go home, watch some old movies, then fall asleep after we work off some of this food.” I smiled.

  “You’re so damn lusty,” Ivy crooned. “I don’t know how I ever got so lucky, but I love having you around.” She took another bite of her food and hummed. “I can’t wait for tonight.”

  “Me too,” I watched her over the rim of my glass. I put it down and cut into the chicken on my plate.

  Suddenly, Ivy reached over and touched my hand. “Thank you.” She smiled. “For everything. You didn’t have to take me in and you didn’t have to do so much for me. I know we’re together now, but you always go above and beyond and I’m so fortunate to have you.”

  I cleared my throat and gave her hand a warm squeeze. “I’m the fortunate one. I can honestly say I feel like I’m exactly where I belong for the first time in my life.”

  Ivy’s smile was enough to light up my entire world. I felt that pang again, the need to hear her say that she loved me too, but I was determined to be patient.

  We enjoyed our meals until our plates were cleared, then we indulged in one portion of delicious dessert called tiramisu. She definitely had some of that New York sophistication in her, as I was learning things about food I’d never known before.

  I dug into my pocket and pulled out the box that I’d kept tucked away for a few days now. Slowly, I laid it on the table and slid it across.

  Jo glanced up from her dessert and smiled. “What’s this?”

  “Open it.” I grinned. “I think you’re going to like it.”

  Ivy raised a brow at the rectangular box before she opened it and gasped. Inside was a gorgeous bracelet of silver and diamonds.

  It was perfect for her and I watched as she carefully lifted the bracelet out in awe.

  “Cooper,” she breathed. “You didn’t have to do this for me.”

  “I wanted to.” I reached across and took the bracelet from her. She laid her wrist into it and I fastened it, my fingers brushing against her soft skin.

  Jo turned her hand back and forth, as she admired her new bracelet. “This is beautiful, Cooper. Thank you so much.” Her eyes watered up, so she quickly yanked her napkin and dabbed at her eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be so emotional.”

  “I told you.” I smiled. “I would do anything for you. I’m so glad you like it.” I reached over and rubbed my thumb over her cheek. “You don’t ever have to apologize to me. Not for feeling things. I love that I can be the one that you’re vulnerable in front of.”

  “You’re going to be the death of me,” she said, smiling softly at me. “I love it.” She cooed and stroked her fingers over it. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Shall we get going?” I asked when our plates were cleared.

  “Yes,” Jo chimed. “I’m nice and full and ready to get home and relax.” She reached across the table and held my hand. “Might as well relax as much as we can before work starts tomorrow.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I wrapped an arm around her waist as we walked out of the restaurant. My eyes wouldn't stop taking in how cute she looked in the black dress that clung to her gorgeously full curves. I’d noticed the stares that she got in the restaurant and it made me smile. They could look all they wanted, they would never have her.

  She was mine. And only mine.

  The sun had already started to set when we made our way out of the restaurant. It was a perfect evening. The air was still warm, but it had cooled off a bit. Fall was right around the corner and thankfully, it seemed like the heat would subside and leave us with a pleasant season. I wanted to enjoy it with her. “Let me go and get the car,” I told her as we stopped at the sidewalk. “I’ll pull it around.”

  Jo smiled. “You don’t have to do that. I can walk it.”

  I shook my head. “We parked down more than a little bit far and you’re wearing those damn heels.” I pointed to her ridiculous shoes. “Let me get it for you and I’ll be right back.”

  She chuckled. “I won’t lie, my feet are killing me a bit,” she said as she winced and then smiled up at me. “Hurry back?”

  “Of course, beautiful.”

  I kissed her deeply and Ivy leaned against me. Every time her lips touched mine I was floored. No woman had ever done that to me before, but she did it without even trying. Just by being who she was, Jo drew me in and I never wanted to be away from her.

  “I’ll be right back,” I whispered against her soft lips.

  “I’ll be right here.”

  We finally pulled apart and I grinned at her. She gave a little wave and my heart fluttered. She’s the one for sure. One day we’re going to have a wedding, a family, the works. I was going to give Ivy the world.

  I finally turned and headed for the car. The street was clear, so I started across.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  As soon as he was in the middle of the road a car revved its engine. I turned to the right and saw a sleek, black car with
tinted windows. I couldn’t see who was behind the glass, but that didn’t matter when they slammed their foot on the gas, and the car leapt toward Cooper at top speed.

  Cooper was a sitting duck. Whoever was in that car wanted him hurt or dead. Unless he could avoid that vehicle, he was going to die before I ever got to have the life that I wanted with him.

  “Cooper!” I screamed.

  I didn’t think as he stared at the charging car. I moved. My heels clacked hard against the ground, but I couldn’t hear or see anything besides the man I loved. I ran for him, my heart pounding in my chest. Even as I ran I saw Cooper jerk back, but that didn’t stop my momentum. I flew forward and would have landed on my face on the tarmac if Cooper hadn’t thrown himself down to catch my fall.

  The car sped off at full speed and never slowed as Cooper laid on top of me.

  “Are you okay?” Cooper asked, his forehead creased in a frown.

  “Are you?” I asked, slightly out of breath.

  “I’m all right,” he said and touched himself all over as he spoke, “I’m in one piece.” He quickly scrambled off of me as people poured out of the restaurant. “You sure you’re fine?”

  I nodded. “Wind knocked out of me a little,” I strained to say as I tried to catch my breath.

  “Shit,” Cooper cursed and checked me closely. “We should get you to a hospital.”

  “Me? You’re the one that almost got mowed down!’

  “Are you two all right?”

  I turned to the manager who’d walked over concern all over on his face.

  Cooper took his hand and let himself be pulled to his feet. He limped a little, but quickly thanked the man and then reached out for me. “Can you stand?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine, really.” I let him help me to my feet and dusted off my dress. My gaze scanned the area around us, but I didn’t see the car that had tried to flatten Cooper. A touch to my shoulder startled me and I nearly leapt out of my skin. I turned around and looked up at Cooper with concerned eyes. “I’m fine, but you’re limping.”

  “Just a little,” he said as he ran a hand down my arm. “Might have sprained my ankle a little, but it’s fine. Don’t worry about me.” He kissed my forehead. “Let’s get home, okay?”

  I nodded. “I’ll drive.”

  Cooper happily handed over his keys and I saw the effort to keep the pain off of his face. We climbed into the car and I stared up and down the street.

  Cooper reached over and squeezed my leg. “What are we waiting for?” he asked.

  “I was wondering if there were any cameras, but there aren’t any on this street,” I huffed, angry that nothing had been there to capture what happened. “We should go to the police.”

  “What good would it do?” Cooper asked. “It was just some moron that doesn’t know how to drive. Those are a dime a dozen. Besides, like you said there are no cameras here and we were the only two people that saw anything. Might as well let it drop.” He grunted and adjusted himself in his seat. “Let’s just go, okay? My ankle is starting to kill me.”

  I nodded and didn’t push the subject anymore. It was clear that he was sore and starting to get cranky. I didn’t want to tell him I was worried. Not just because he almost got hit, but because I was pretty sure it was on purpose. My stomach churned at the thought, but I didn’t want to upset him.

  I can’t believe I didn’t get a damn license plate number. I had stood there scared and frozen for too long, but at least Cooper was safe. What if this someone tried again?

  What if it was Brian?

  I couldn’t stop looking in the rearview mirror the entire trip home. I kept expecting to see a car come out of nowhere and follow us back to his place. My eyes shot to the mirror multiple times, but there was no car behind us. At least not the same one.

  We finally reached his place. I quickly hopped out and moved to his side.

  Cooper limped a little and held onto me a bit for support as we made our way into the house.

  “Why don’t you sit on the couch, and I’ll get some ice for your ankle and painkillers?”

  “That would be great.” He grunted as I helped him sit down and he let out a breath. “Thank you,” he said as he held onto my hand and kissed it. “I’m sure it’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

  I smiled at him. “I hope so.”

  As soon as I was hidden away in the kitchen, I slapped a hand over my mouth. My body shuddered as I tried to keep the sound to a minimum and I thanked God, that Cooper had turned on the television when he sat down. I didn’t want him to hear or see me when I was completely breaking down.


  My head shot up and I sucked in a sharp breath.

  Cooper stood in the doorway. The frown on his face was so deep and even with a hurt ankle he crossed the space between us to pull me into his arms.

  I buried my face in his chest and the sobs wouldn’t stop as I clung to him.

  “Shhh…it’s okay,” he cooed. “You’re okay.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not about me,” I sniffled as I pulled back and wiped at my face. “It’s about you. What if I lost you? I love you so much and I couldn’t handle it if anything bad happening to you, Cooper. You mean everything to me and if you weren’t here I-I… I would—I don’t know what I would do. I love you so much!”

  Cooper caressed my cheek and smiled softly. “I know I shouldn't be happy right now, not while you’re panicked and hurting, but do you realize what you’ve just said?”

  I blinked up at him. The words had spilled out of my mouth and heart so quickly that I really had no idea what I’d said to him. I shook my head softly and tried to think before I froze. Did I just say that I loved him?

  “Is it true?” he asked as he rubbed at my cheeks gently and pushed my hair behind my ear. “Do you love me?”

  I nodded hard. Why would I ever deny it? Thinking about how difficult it had been to say earlier, it just felt stupid now. What if Cooper had died and I was never able to tell him how I truly felt about him? I never wanted anything like that to happen. I needed to be more in the moment, more honest about everything going on in my head. I quickly glanced up at him and saw the way he beamed down at me.

  “I love you, Ivy Johanson,” he smiled. “More than you’ll ever know.”

  Cooper kissed me and my knees wanted to buckle. This man, this amazing, hot, caring, big hearted man loved me and I loved him too. I would shout it to the world if I could because I wanted everyone to know. Cooper was mine and I was most definitely his. “Let me get you those pills,” I said quickly as I remembered that he was in pain.

  Cooper nodded. “Once you do, come back into the living room, and sit with me.”

  “I’ll be right there.” I watched as he disappeared back into the other room. I splashed water on my face and swiftly dried my face with a paper towel, before grabbing the pain pills and a bottle of water. When I walked into the living room, I dropped the bottle of water and the pills and they clattered to the floor. “What are you doing?” I gaped as I stared at him sitting on the couch completely naked.

  Cooper ran a hand down his muscled chest and over his hard abs. He traced his tongue over his soft lips.

  With a will of their own, my eyes followed each and every movement. When he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, I damn near fainted.

  “I’m celebrating the fact that you said you love me. I always said the minute you said it I was going to mark the occasion and now it’s here.”

  I shook my head. “You’re hurt!”

  “I told you, it’s just a little sprain,” he said as he gestured toward it. “Besides, I don’t need it anyway. As long as you can climb into my lap, I’ll be just fine.”

  Even while I was still freaked out and it had been weird, seeing Cooper completely naked and turned on made my heart throb in my chest. I wanted to celebrate too. Before the car, I’d been thinking about getting him home, stripping off his clothes and giving him a wild night until both of us were too exhau
sted to keep going. “Are you sure?” I pushed. “I don’t want to injure you more and we have to end up at the hospital because I couldn’t stop being a thirsty bitch.”

  Cooper burst out laughing. “It’s not like you asked me to do this for you,” he reassured me. “I’m offering because I want to feel you and I want to make love to you after hearing you say that you really love me.” He extended a hand toward me. “So come and show me just how much you need me and let me hear you say you love me a few more times. I’ve been waiting to hear it for so long.”

  I took no more convincing. The same way I recognized that I should have said I loved him sooner was the same way I recognized I didn’t want to miss a minute of being with him. If we were sitting together not saying a word or if we were mixed up and tangled in the sheets, it didn’t matter. What did matter was the fact I craved him so hard it hurt and I never wanted to miss an opportunity to celebrate us.

  He didn’t need to convince me. I kicked off my heels and stripped off the dress. The bracelet I left on my wrist. I would never take that off. I sailed over to him and climbed onto his lap. Cooper’s hand pressed against my back as I leaned down and kissed him passionately. Heat swept the entire length of my body as I ground myself against him eager to feel his touch and to have him fill me up.

  My nipples became rock hard as they rubbed against his chest. Cooper did that deep, toe curling groan that made me want to come right then and there, but I kept going. I wasn’t done with him yet.

  My lips kissed his throat and my teeth nipped at his shoulder. Cooper’s breaths turned to pants and I loved how I could reduce him to an eager, desperate thing that craved me. Cooper gripped my ass and squeezed as his other hand slipped between my thighs. He opened me up. Then I felt a finger slide into me and coax more wetness from my aching pussy. It didn’t take long at all before his fingers were slick with my juices and he rubbed my clit with them.

  I threw my head back and gripped his shoulders for dear life. “Oh my God,” I moaned. “That’s so good.”


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