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Single Red Dragon: A Dragon Shifter Fated Mates Novel (Space Dragons Seek Mates Book 2)

Page 10

by Michelle Ziegler

  She sat alone for hours, with nothing but the sound of her own heartbeat, until she'd heard the crack of the door as something attacked. It had only taken seconds as she had reacted, driven by the terror that filled her as two wild-eyed beasts erupted into the room.

  Her memories flickered into something different, though, into his memories. He saw the fear in her eyes, saw the chain at her ankle, and his own anger flared through her.

  Remember, you aren't alone.

  Eadric's voice chased the fear away, fueling her with anger. Vengeance.

  Emotion makes us weak, but anger is much more useful than sadness and fear.

  Her chest squeezed tight, closing in on itself. God. She couldn't go back. She couldn't breathe. Already her father's hold seemed to be reaching out and suffocating her.

  Mate? Are you okay?

  Her hands flew to her chest as she tried to focus on him, tried to release this panic.

  Focus on me. Focus on us.

  A deep hum vibrated through him, filtering to her.

  Do not worry. I will not leave you. I will remain close and attack at your command.

  The fear wasn't that he would leave and forget her. The fear was of the unknown. What would be waiting for them? Her father adapted. He knew how to use people. He knew how to ensure his own success.

  I know.

  She couldn't tell everything his brothers said. He shared bits and pieces. She didn't have the link to them, and maybe right now it was comforting to not know everything.

  The closer they got, the thicker a cloud of anger seemed to grow. Was it her anger? She couldn't tell anymore, it bled through Eadric., but where it started she didn't know.

  Breathing deeply, she tried over and over again to get the relief of one good deep breath. She couldn't though.

  My fire, please. Calm yourself.

  She nodded as if he could see.

  I'm trying. But you don't know him like I do.

  Blowing out a breath, she tried to focus on what could be controlled. Her stomach flipped and her eyes flew open.

  Sorry. Turbulence. We're almost there.

  Tears of panic threatened to return. No. She could do this. Another breath. Logic. Perhaps she'd get through this with never seeing him. He wouldn't greet her, she wasn't important enough. Her sister. She'd focus on saving her sister. Her sister would be able to find the antidote, and they'd be out of there quickly. Her dragon waiting.

  Mate, do not worry, I have seen your memories. I understand what he is. But understand that there is nothing that will stop me from getting to you.

  Crap. She jostled as they hit the ground, and reality hit. Eadric folded his wings against his body in one quick motion as they began to move through the trees in their dragon forms.

  Are we close?

  He snarled.

  Yes. And without a doubt there is more protection this time.

  Right. Probably. Maybe this was her time to go.

  Her mind began to race again. How to get the antidote fast. She needed to not get locked up again, not right away. If she asked Eadric to hurt her, to get her into the medical wing, would-

  I would not, mate. Stop.

  Stupid mind connection. Well, with the confirmation she was left with one choice. To not think.

  She jumped, the word shit running through her mind as Eadric swore.

  The dragon snapped at her a second late. She'd be smug about hiding one thought, later.

  She cried out in pain as her ankle collapsed under her weight the second she hit.

  Her body folded, and she toppled over.

  "What were you thinking?" he asked.

  She blinked through the pain as Eadric's human form came into view.

  She tried to divert her eyes as Deo flanked him, just as naked.

  Eadric nodded, a conversation he was obviously not going to let her in on. She figured out what they were saying, or the gist of the conversation as Deo knelt down near her ankle.

  "Well? What do you think?" Eadric asked Deo?

  She winced as he applied pressure.

  Okay, maybe that went too well. Was she going to be able to walk?

  "Lilly? Answer me? What were you thinking?" he demanded.

  She stretched her neck, testing out the rest of her body. Eadric's eyes swirling between dragon and human.

  She winced again. Damn it, Deo.

  "Sorry, Miss Lilly," Deo said.

  She appreciated that at least he seemed to be marginally less angry than Eadric. The good news was that the pain in her ankle seemed to shove the panic aside.

  Swallowing the pain, she finally answered. "I was thinking that if I can get in and go to the medical wing first, this might be easier."

  She flinched as he snarled.

  "If this doesn't work, I am going to tie you down to our bed for the rest of your life to keep you from making any more stupid plans."

  She tried to smile. "That isn't a threat if I want it."

  He swung around and slashed at a tree, the thing shaking with the force.

  "It's your fault. You said you wouldn't hit me or break my arm."

  He turned back on her. "Because I'm meant to keep you safe. Now how will you escape? Hopping? Your stupid earth creatures that hop never get away. Think before you act, Lilly."

  Anger boiled up. That's all she'd ever done in her life. Think. For once she was doing, and it felt amazing. Before she could yell at Eadric, Deo cut them both off.

  "It's not broken. Her head seems fine, no broken ribs, her arms are okay. Just the ankle. At least we weren't running," Deo said, having her follow his finger again.

  "So I'll be able to walk, then?" she asked.

  "I didn't say that. I said it's not broken. It could be fractured. It's swelling, some bruising. I don't think you'll get far. What's your explanation to this, to the enemy?"

  She started to push herself up, Eadric rushing to help her. Mad or not. He'd protect her.

  "I figured I can just say I tripped while escaping and it just got worse or something. Anything to land me not in my cell."

  Looking around, she saw three other dragons all staring at her. Waiting.

  Creepy and impressive all at once.

  "Well. I'll carry you as far as we think it will be safe. But, there's an odd metal looking shed thing up ahead, we think that's the door."

  Lilly racked her brain for long-forgotten memories.

  "I think that's right. But something I forgot to ask about. Did you bring that chip?"

  Eadric's eyes grew wide.

  Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she realized she'd made a very large miscalculation. Well, praying that her father didn't figure it out.

  "Why do you need it?" Deo asked.

  Lifting her hand, feeling the fading scar on her neck to the light scar, she realized that without it she wouldn't have found it back here. At least the scar wouldn't appear new. Whatever, they did their best. Now let's hope this scar hid well enough that the chip had been removed.

  "The chip. It has some kind of tracking on it. My sister said it wasn't like a GPS, but it more or less removed any choices I had. The pain it caused would reduce as I neared the lab, stopping me from ever getting very far. If I got too far, well. You saw what happened."

  "The poison?" Eadric asked.

  Nibbling the inside of her lip, she hated telling him this all now.

  "If I got too far it was meant to kill me before I could ever get help. The issue was, my sister told me something in my blood, my power, weakened the poison. So although it made me sick, it wouldn't kill me. Over time, I built a tolerance, I think. It was the pain that controlled me, the way it targets my nerves that I couldn't handle."

  Flashes of her sister circled her mind. She prayed she was okay. She'd been the only one to ever help. To ever care.

  Looking up into the gold-orange eyes of her dragon, though, she realized now she had someone else. But still. Coming back had more risk and more reason than just an antidote.

Eadric nodded in understanding.

  If things go badly, I will not risk you for your sister.

  Lilly nodded. "Okay. Help me up?"

  The rustle of the undergrowth had her fraying nerves jumping.

  Just my brothers.

  A lump formed in her throat as she realized this was it. In a few minutes, she would be alone.

  "Eadric you will need to put me down."

  He grunted. When we are closer.

  One by one, they continued their trek. She started counting as if noting how many steps had gone by would suddenly change the level of fear in her.

  Eadric remained in human form, while the rest of his brothers remained in dragon form. Mad or not, he wouldn't leave her.

  Magnificent. She thought as the dragons surrounding her moved quiet and graceful. Barely a noise.

  He smiled at her.

  I want to be jealous of you looking at my brothers that way, but they are amazing, aren't they?

  She cupped his cheek, a day's worth of stubble there.

  They are, but you are more. I've never seen something so amazing in all my life.

  He nuzzled into her hand before speaking.

  Didn't you say you lived in a stark white room, alone?

  She nodded.

  So I'm guessing your standards are rather low?

  Eadric halted. His brothers following suit as the forest around them changed.

  He fell silent, pulling her in closer.

  A shiver tingled along her spine and she shifted in his arms, an odd magic in the air flooding her senses.

  What is that, Eadric?

  Two of the dragons turned, taking off in opposite directions. Eadric's eyes glowed bright, his tattoos faint along his skin.

  This is where we need to leave you.

  A cold she'd never felt before slithered through her.

  It's a dark magic.

  Her fingers had a mind of their own clinging to him as he bent to put her down, her bad ankle searing with pain as she put her weight on it.

  Next time check with me before you throw yourself to the ground, Eadric scolded.

  She glared.

  Now you tell me.

  Her joking tone a cover for the terror.

  She was regretting her choices though, all of them.

  How far up do you think the lab is? she asked.

  Eadric sniffed the air and shrugged.

  Maybe a mile. The magic messes with my senses, but it isn't far.

  She nodded, trying to keep the tremble wreaking havoc in her stomach from getting out and betraying her.

  I know you're scared. I will not be far.

  Lilly nodded and turned. She took two steps forward and was jerked back and pulled into Eadric's arms.

  His mouth closed on her own in a fast, desperate kiss.

  He let her go and backed away as she stood stunned.

  This wasn't getting easier.

  He gave her a push, and she started again.

  Walking in silence, pushing away thoughts because all she wanted to do was panic. She focused on the pain in her ankle. On the fact she had no idea where she was going, but Eadric guided her with his own mental directions.

  She walked. All she could do was hobble, get to the lab. Save her sister. Save the woman. Save herself.


  Eadric and his brothers backed down the mountain. The magic wasn't the same as last time.

  He continued to focus on the rage, the anger at this Illuminati doctor who felt he could fuck with people's lives.

  He focused on Lilly as she continued to walk, still walking. If he let the fear in, he wouldn't be able to be strong. So that left anger, and the mission to consume him. The end goal, the focus.

  This isn't elemental magic, added one of his brothers, breaking him from his own mind.

  Eadric recognized the complication of the magic as well. He tried to share the memories from Maddie's rescue. The lab he'd found Lilly at. The magic there hadn't been much, it was mostly human tech.

  He remained in his human form, laying close to the ground, covered in the brush while his brothers scouted the lands in both human and dragon form, two in the sky and two on the ground.

  Eadric would wait an eternity if needed to. His mind was silent. No one spoke. No news was good news, he supposed.

  Although Lilly wouldn't speak, he guided her. His brothers had scouted from the air and it was the best direction he could give her. These woods were poisoned. He couldn't figure out by what though.

  Her pain nearly killed him, but at least with the pain she seemed to push off her own panic.

  "Stupid woman", he swore under his breath. Throwing herself off of his back. She was wise to know that he wouldn't have allowed her to hurt herself. But what she had done had weakened her and it could cost her - could cost him.

  He tried to see through her eyes. She tried to resist at first. After a moment she recognized him and allowed him to share in her current thoughts. He needed to be with her, and this was the best he had.

  She limped along, trying to bite back the wince of pain at each step. He felt her adrenaline kicking in as her heart beat faster and faster.

  His skin crawled as the magic grew thicker around her, even if she barely noticed it. This lab, these illuminati were demons, or he should say that the magic he felt was demonic in origin.

  She shivered and hugged herself. Everything within him fought going to her, instead he had to settle for the strength that his presence afforded her. He tried to warm her with his own energy, pushing away the darkness.

  She looked around, giving him visions of trees thinning. The visions came somewhat blurred around the edges, but he could tell that she was still alone, or alone in physical proximity. He also knew she was close.

  Use my senses. Can you smell anyone around you?

  She seemed confused at first, but he gave her a mental nudge. She did as asked and pulled in the air.

  He helped her understand what she smelled.

  That is human, or mostly. There are many scents here. Several might be alien.

  He felt an anger spark within her, but he couldn't understand why. The closer she got to the compound, the harder it was to remain in her head like that. He pulled back.

  Someone's here, she said.

  He waited, the weight of a thousand enemies pulling down on his heart. His hands gripped a boulder as he fought his dragon, the rock cracking at the force. His dragon wanted to save her. Take her away.

  Do you see them? he asked.

  There was nothing for a moment, and his heart nearly stopped.

  Yes. One is a guard that I recognize.

  She thought the words as she said them, letting him in on the conversation.

  I've been trying to find -

  She cut off abruptly. He shot up as a sting of pain ran through his body.

  Instinct grabbed him and he started to run, but Deo gripped his arm, stopping him dead in his tracks.

  She needs to go.

  "She's hurt though!" he screamed.

  Stop. They will hear you. Just stop.

  He stopped and fell to a knee.

  How did he stop the pain?

  Was she lost to him? Was she still there? What could he do?

  He could do nothing but wait.

  He wanted to scream, but Deo was right. Nothing would help her. Nothing, yet.

  His dragon writhed within his soul. Their mate was hurt, and he couldn't save her.

  He took a few more steps and Deo let him go. The world crashed in around him as her faint heartbeat reached him, as if it alone tried to contact him. Burying his face in his hands, he tried to clear his head.

  His magic burned around him, and Deo put a hand on his shoulder.

  Careful, brother. Do not start this forest on fire just yet. Calm yourself. Listen for her.

  Eadric wanted to shout to Deo and tell him to shut the fuck up.

  Deo had no idea what it was like. He had no idea what it was to offer up one's sou
l as a sacrifice. His dragon tried to push through the chaos.

  The reason. Find the reason. The warrior. Push away the need and the anger. Duty first.

  Fuck duty. He couldn't do this. He should be ripping that lab into a thousand pieces with each passing second that he didn't hear her.

  Too much time to think. Too much silence in his own head. With her went his breath.

  He was drowning. What the fuck was the goddess thinking to link an Amit warrior, a dragon, to a frail human.

  Is this what it was like for his mother when his father had perished? Is this why a mate never lived long without the other?


  Deo's voice tried to break through the panic clouding his entire being.

  You cannot save her if you do not pull yourself together.

  Fuck. He shook his head. What was wrong with him?

  He was not weak. He would not fall. He would not allow these humans to pull him down.

  Rubbing at his chest, he tried to refocus on the air. He focused on the demons he knew.

  Do you feel it?

  Eadric nodded. Finally, he understood what he felt.

  The magic wasn't just dark; it was from fear demons. A creature he'd never had the pleasure of fighting, as they couldn't invade a mind without fear, until now.

  He'd never had to fear a thing until now. Until his Lilly.

  We must back away and find another way in.

  Eadric did as told, feeling the pull of the evil following him.

  When we get off this planet, this little group needs to be fucking listed on the intergalactic terrorist register. Where the hell did they get a fear demon?

  Deo shook his head.

  The further down the mountain he went, the more clear his head grew. He still couldn't feel her thoughts, but he knew she was alive.

  He had to just wait now. Something he also sucked at. At least the panic subsided. That wasn't like him.

  His dragon snickered. Glad something was enjoying this turmoil.

  Eadric, Nyke could see her being carried into the compound. He kept his aggravated growl to himself.


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