by Alia Johnson
Kunchok stood stiffly at her side, reaching out to grasp her hand in support. He looked at Endemion fearlessly and growled harshly at the man Odesha feared so much. “Love Odesha. Mine salt. Give Prince orik land.” Odesha translated to the crowd, breathing a sigh of relief at this new ploy. She hadn't thought of the land. With Odesha’s happiness and gain found, the Prince had no reason to say no to their union.
Endemion looked Kunchok up and down, crossing his arms across his thick chest. His eyes cleared of worry. The courtyard was eerily silent when Endemion ordered, “Come inside. Only you two for now.”
They entered the cold throne room, the guards fanning out. Father laughed with the guards he brought from Merdi as he attempted to coax thick demon brew from the barrels in the corner of the room, oblivious to the tension. Endemion took over the proceedings.
Endemion spoke from his new perch on the throne, “I accept your offer of land and the claim to the Princess. She is my sister and a beloved princess, so you will treat her with respect. Or the consequences will be…painful. Do you understand me?” His sharp claws tapped a pattern on the raised arm rest, waiting for the fey's response. He had never met an ice fey before, but he was part woodland fey. In a way, they were similar.
Odesha translated, Kunchok nodding hard, raising his arm to beat on his chest loudly. He executed a bow like everyone had practiced in camp. Endemion raised a brow, bowing his head slightly in return at the good manners he displayed.
His face hardening, Endemion stated, “I have sent a pigeon to notify Gamble and Miravena of your return. They will arrive shortly. Kunchok, why would you want to reenter this land? The ice fey left Antiqua hundreds of years before the Blood War, wanting to find a new home through open waters on the ship your own people made. The stories tell of a prophecy foretold to them that they needed to leave Antiqua. But you return? It doesn't make sense.”
Odesha translated, sensing Endemion's increased agitation. He wanted a reason as to why they wanted to return to their old lands. Did they wish to take back their lands and kill his own people? Or was it another reason he hadn't thought of yet?
Kunchok hesitated, replying honestly, “Tribe want home. No food tribe ice. Enemy fight tribe ice. Ship?”
Odesha clarified, “With the dwindling food source they had no choice but to return.” She turned to Kunchok. “A ship is a giant home you float on waterways. It has a wooden circle that moved the ship back and forth.”
Kunchok shrugged. “Dek home circle.”
“Of course,” Odesha muttered thinking back to the halls she had journeyed. They had seemed familiar when she first arrived. It was a large ship containing the rooms of the people it transported. “Dek's home is the ship frozen in the ice. They had departed from Antiqua only to freeze on their journey.” She reminded herself to tell Endemion of the mysterious storm in private. The guards may be his hand-picked, but they still had wagging tongues.
Endemion shook his head, his black claws pinching his nose, trying to control his temper at the convoluted story. They weren't being completely honest, that much he could tell. And the fey had mentioned an enemy. He didn't have the time or patience for this today, his mood was as dark as his cloak he wore.
Endemion sat up abruptly when he reached his decision, ordering, “Kunchok, follow me.”
Odesha nervously translated again and Kunchok nodded his head, following Endemion and his guards out of the throne room.
Looking to Father, Odesha noticed he had somehow procured a large chalice and climbed on top of a table to sing a bawdy song of a demon in a tower to his listening audience.
Well it looked like he wouldn’t be any help. She only hoped Fanni wouldn't meet him yet.
Odesha hurried back outside to the courtyard to give the update to Dek. He nodded, shouting out the Prince's decision to the tribe.
He turned to Odesha, asking, “Where tribe stay?” She hadn't thought that far, looking around in thought, but Miravena and Gamble stood silently to the side waiting for their princess to notice them. She turned to pose the question to them, gesturing them forward, she called, “It’s lovely to see you ag…”
“Oh, my lady!” Miravena babbled, throwing her arms around Odesha unceremoniously. Odesha stiffened in surprise when Gamble burst into tears, crying in his hands. His one piece of hair was slicked down from its usual pointy position on his head.
He shouted out, “We thought dat giant bird had dang gum gobbled you right up der on dat mountain top! Whole army sent but couldn’t find a durn piece of yous to bury proper like!”
Odesha shushed them, patting Mira on the back to console them, “No, you both did your best in that situation. We have more mouths to feed and more hands to help. Let’s start with dinner. Mira, you will have Fanni and Halana to work with. They're close friends of mine. Use hand signals since they can’t speak our language. Gamble, your resources are going to be Boni and Dek. They are very friendly, but Dek is their chief. Let’s speak about the mining tomorrow, not today, please. Mira, do you have any issues with the people I need to address today?”
“Yes, my lady. We have a child that is sickly. She needs the Reawakening as soon as possible. And I hope not to speak out of turn, my lady, but you look very well.”
Wiggling out of Mira’s arms, Odesha pinched her brow tightly to relieve the oncoming headache, replying, “Thank you. It will take time for the bath to fill during the night. Let’s do the ceremony early in the morning so the child doesn't suffer.”
Mira curtsied in acknowledgment, racing off to find homes for the ice fey, notebook at the ready. Gamble sniffled again, staring up at Odesha with wide eyes.
“My lady. I musts tells yous bout the mines now! I don't means to speaks out of turn, but the salt. All of its was takens tos Romule on Vladeric's command. The profits have all being going to Romule!” His eyes well with fresh tears, the betrayal clear in his eyes.
“Why would Vladeric send the money to Romule?”
“Didn't you knows, my lady? Vladeric was a royal of some sorts, sitting mighty high in Romule.”
“Great Freyja. I'll have to report this to Endemion. Thank you so much, Gamble.” She had forgotten. Hadn't Vladeric warned her when she ordered his death? The report of Romule receiving all the salt profits was troubling. What could they need the money for? A new army? Was the Blood War to begin again?
She placed her hand on his arm to point him towards Boni and Dek. Gamble puffed his chest out proudly, strutting towards the two giants, gesturing where he wanted to lead them. They looked at him with raised brows, the skinny man’s different-colored garb helping him stand out.
Odesha hurried back inside to make sure Endemion was being cordial to Kunchok and report the findings of the profits. This was a serious matter.
The pictures of the old kings and queens stared down at her as she made her way through the hallways.
Odehsa felt a dark pull of magic flutter through the air. Endemion's voice spoke harsh demon tongue through a closed door. She sprinted towards the doorway, grasping the handle to pull urgently. The door opened. Kunchok grasped his head in his hands tightly, kneeling on the floor in front of Endemion.
Endemion continued, his black eyes bright red, holding a large book.
Dear Freyja, her brother was killing her husband.
Odesha screamed, racing towards Kunchok to help him.
Endemion gently shut the book, announcing, “A wedding gift to you both. Since he is linked to his people, I was able to give them the knowledge of our language. No more translating. It will take much less time. I don't seem to have a lot of that anymore.” Endemion wasn't going to mention he had looked through Kunchok's memories while he was implanting the language. That would just be rude.
Odesha looked up to Endemion, bewildered at this kind offering.
She cleared her throat, replying hesitantly, “Gamble explained where the profits of the mines have been going. Vladeric ordered the salt to be sent to Romule. When I ordered his death, he men
tioned being related to the royals there.”
Endemion answered, “The King of Romule doesn't have any siblings as far as I know. His latest wife does have several siblings. I'll find out what Romule is up to.” Another item to take up his time. And the list kept growing.
Turning, Endemion left the room, taking his dark presence with him without another word.
Kunchok turned to Odesha, “You can hear me speak now?” The halting tongue was easy to understand, the new words flowing through him. The knowledge coursed through him, this complicated language. He could express his feelings to his mate even better now, thankful for the Prince for giving him the gift.
“Well, yes, of course…” But he had spoken in the vampire tongue. He could speak to the people of Antiqua.
Brother might actually…care?
“Think Odesha's brother knows of monsters in storm now. I could feel him reach into my mind. I saw events replayed as if reliving them.”
Endemion didn't care, he wanted answers. That was the brother she knew. Take without asking.
Kunchok cleared his throat, looking at Odesha with concern. “Endemion told me of your curse Odesha. How do we fix it?”
Kunchok hadn’t asked if they could fix it, Odesha took note of that right away.
“You broke my curse, Kunchok. I couldn’t make you understand before Ranna, but the ice melted from my heart when you accepted me. I can’t feel the pain anymore.” Odesha began to laugh, rubbing her chest in joy. She realized that she now had a chance at life. The ice wouldn’t take her now and she didn’t have to join the ice garden. Kunchok sighed with relief.
“Let's go check on your people,” Odesha replied. Now that the worry of her curse had passed, she didn't want to dwell on what Endemion may have seen in Kunchok’s mind. That would be horrifying.
Kunchok stopped her from turning away, stating, “Our people.”
“Yes. Our people.” They were one now. The fey and the people of Antiqua mingled together. The miners ordered to take the day off to meet the new village members.
Mira and Gamble did well with their counterparts, rejoicing when they could understand each other. It had been by accident they had discovered they could speak to each other. One moment they were miming hand signals, the next they were speaking in full sentences.
Antiqua had many homes available for the couples. Only a handful of single fey were grouped in homes together. But they could always build more.
The late dinner they had was festive, a celebration planned for tomorrow. Fanni met the King, overjoyed that someone had her love for drink. The King was happy he had a new taste tester. Dek just shook his head at the merry pair as they sang to the crowd together the songs of their people. Endemion sat alone on the throne, gazing into the shadows, not attempting to be sociable as plans for the future grew in his overburdened head. Kunchok and Odesha sat with Boni and Halana discussing the future and their new home. This was the new Antiqua. Full of love, laughter, and family. Kunchok and Odesha retired early, heading to her old rooms.
“Odesha happy here?” Kunchok asked, admiring his small mate walking tiredly beside him. They had come so far together. From an orik forest where Odesha was buried in an avalanche, to the hall of Antiqua.
Odesha looked up at him to reply, “I felt cold when I first got here, torn from Vashti. The ice was taking me over and I was going to let it. I wasn’t feeling much at all. But I think the tribe, especially you, brought me out of a shell I hadn't realized I was carrying around. I think the ice would have smothered me until I froze to death. And now I realize Father saw that when he sent me here. He was trying to give me a chance at life. This whole time I wonder if Father has been watching us closer than he let on. He may act like a carefree king, but he worried for us. Mother died when I was younger and had always warned Vashti and I not to find our fire. Because if your fire doesn’t accept you, then it could mean your death. It made Mother crazed that her fire abandoned her and she jumped to her death.”
Kunchok nodded his head. “Glad King sent Odesha here.” They entered the rooms together, gazing at the large bed.
“I feel like we are getting married all over again,” whispered Odesha shyly.
Kunchok placed a claw under her chin to raise her gaze to his, replying, “Kunchok mate Odesha every day if Kunchok could.”
Odesha smiled at him. “Do you want to wash up before we go to bed?” A basin of water had been placed on the bedside table. If they wanted a full bath, they would have to summon help.
“No. Quick wash. Want Odesha in bed.” Odesha giggled lightly, grabbing a washcloth to run over their bodies. Kunchok watched her with gentle eyes as she slowly moved lower, her breathing beginning to increase. He could tell her arousal was quickly growing. His hands gently pulled her tunic from her shoulder, exposing a breast. The pointed tip called to him as he gently sucked it into his mouth, causing her to moan. He smiled when she forgot to keep washing him and took the washcloth from her hand, quickly finishing washing. He wet it again to run it lovingly over her.
She moaned softly, running her fingers through his white fur. He tossed the cloth aside when done, turning his full attention to Odesha. Nipping at her lips, he slipped inside, running his tongue along hers when she opened her mouth. He lifted her in his arms, placing her on the bed. She gripped his fur tightly, moving him to his back as she ran her hands over his thick shaft stroking it softly. He groaned, tilting his head back, her soft hands causing him to harden even more as she leaned down, gently licking his tip. Cursing, he pulled her legs apart to enter her. He thrust inside quickly, muttering an apology at her gasp. Odesha began to rock her hips, moving quickly as the pleasure boiled inside her. Kunchok’s hair fanning out, muscles bulging, was the last sight she saw before she closed her eyes on a scream, her orgasm ripping through her body while Kunchok let loose a loud bellow, the sheets tearing under his claws as his seed released in her tight sheath. Odesha fell forward to Kunchok's chest, gently breathing in his cool minty scent, feeling truly home at last.
Chapter 21
With a dawn of a new day, the people of Antiqua mingled, setting up the market. Odesha stared out the icy window in their room, watching the bustle. The ice fey and the miner families helped each other clear more space for their wares. Life was progressing. Kunchok rustled in bed behind her as he wakened for the day.
Kunchok asked roughly, “Does Antiqua look different since Odesha left?”
Odesha ran her finger over the dried blood trail she had left on the wall before leaving, replying to his question, “Everything is much brighter. The present and the future are something I look forward to now. With you by my side, I'm happy. I wish my sisters were here to enjoy it with me.”
She looked behind her. Kunchok growled fiercely, “Kunchok always be by Odesha's side.” His eyes looked lighter with the knowledge his tribe would have food now. They had a place to call home. He had a family again.
Odesha sat on the side of the bed and said, “Come with me, love, it’s time for the Reawakening. The poor child is suffering.” She had explained the purpose of the ceremony during the late night with Kunchok while discussing their homes. He knew what had to be done to ease the child’s sickness.
Kunchok stood, going to the wardrobe provided by the Prince, selecting loose clothing. No more armor unless they were under siege. He had never felt lighter. The heavy armor wasn't chafing him or weighing him down, but the protection had been needed at the time. They were safe here, their tribe protected in the high walls.
The ceremony robes swayed as they made their way down the hallway to the blood pool that Mira had ordered filled during the night. Mira waited inside, holding the towels patiently.
The family sat with their young son on a corner bench, his young face pale and gaunt. He was in pain and Odesha wanted to hurry to help.
Kunchok released her arm to stand at the side of the room, arms crossed. His shoulders stiffened, displaying his nervousness at this ritual that was strange to his c
ulture. Odesha stepped gingerly in the pool, reaching her arms out to the young child. The family hurried forward, carrying him, to place him in her arms. She whispered to him, “What is your name, child?” This time she added a smile that came easily.
“Benye, my lady,” he coughed quietly. She stroked Benye's hair back and gave him the same directions she had last given Evie, loudly enough that Kunchok and his family could hear and be at peace. Lowering them gently into the pool of blood, she completed the binding words of the ceremony. Life poured into the young boy. His eyes sparkled as the sickness left him. His body filled out with health.
Suddenly, Odesha felt a tingle in her hand. Looking down, the hand holding the back of Benye was disappearing. She realized what was happening and thrust the boy up to his parents to keep him safe. She attempted to climb out of the pool. Kunchok ran to her side and tried to reach her in panic, but a sharp pull made her lose her footing. She fell back into the blood. A large bubble engulfed her, pulling her deep where she couldn’t escape. Odesha screamed, thrashing in the blood, trying to reach the surface. A splash disturbed the pool when someone jumped in. She felt herself being taken under when…
She was summoned.
The bloodstone pulled her away from Antiqua. She had to answer the summons that called her, hearing the words in her mind that Vashti uttered to pull Odesha to her.
What felt like just moments later, Odesha’s body returned to Antiqua. She regained her footing on the bottom of the pool.
The cool blood dripped down her body while steam poured from her skin.
She wiped her eyes, trying to see where she returned to. Kunchok roared in anguish on his knees, fur caked with blood as he swiped through the far side of the pool searching for her. Blood splattered the walls. Miravena stared at Kunchok in fear. Benye and his family were absent from the room. Endemion stood at the entrance, his eyes red with rage, glaring at Kunchok, his fists were clenched at his side.