by Alia Johnson
She must have been gone longer than she thought.
Odesha cleared her throat loudly, drawing everyone’s attention. Kunchok's haggard face lightened in relief at her sudden reappearance, jumping in the pool and enfolding her in his arms, letting out a long, drawn-out groan of misery. He whispered brokenly, “Thought blood swallowed Odesha.”
Hugging him back, she reassured him, “Vashti had the bloodstone, remember? She summoned me.”
Endemion walked to the edge of the pool, eyes fading to a cool black signaling his mood was calming. He asked mildly, “Vashti used a bloodstone? Is she on her way here then with Saphira?”
Glancing up to Endemion in apprehension at the news she was about to deliver, Odesha replied, “No, Prince. They are both far, far away from here. They were being held against their will and in extreme danger… And I’m not entirely sure if Vashti wants to be rescued…or not.” Odesha was still confused about that part.
Endemion’s eyes turned a menacing shade of red, heralding the storm coming for Vashti. Odesha would have to explain Saphira's situation before he left in a rage from the room.
“Vashti requested you retrieve Saphira first. She is busy trying to survive the trials of Baklan and wasn't sure where Saphira had been taken, only that they were both near the Bijou Forest when they were separated. They were both stolen from the pier trying to board Autum's ship.”
Endemion clenched his hand, his voice lashing like thunder across the room, “And where was Autum when this was going on?”
“Vashti said Autum was there when she fell but didn't see what happened to him. He could be dead for all she knows.”
Endemion nodded, turning to leave the room. He would have to find Saphira, Vashti, and Autum in that order. They were his family. Desmond had fostered Autum from a young boy. They had grown up together and had the loss of their mothers in common and leaned on each other for support. He would find them all and bring them back.
The land would tremble beneath his rage if he didn't get them all back safely. It was a promise.
Chapter 22
Odesha strolled through the halls of Antiqua, looking for Miravena, having left Kunchok in bed to sleep. The scare of her Reawakening disappearance had taken a toll on him. He watched her constantly and it was slowing her down. There were many things to do since she had been gone so long. She had to check on the mining progress, check to see if the celebration was being planned to welcome the new tribe accordingly, and had to check on the people themselves. Not in that order, but she was racing around frantic trying to finish everything before the day was out.
Instead, she ran into the one person she didn't particularly want to. Turning a corner, she stumbled against a large body slouched in the hallway, sitting on his bottom.
Odesha approached him cautiously. The low moans he was emitting showed he had drunk too much the night before. Again.
She sat down beside him, eventually getting his attention. Resting her cheek against her folded knees, she asked quietly, “Why was Vladeric sent here?” Odesha had promised herself she would ask him the next time she saw him, and she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.
Desmond quit moaning and rubbed at his head. The silence stretched between them. He had never been one to talk with his children about the orders he had given or the past, but now seemed like a great time while he had a massive headache throbbing along his temples.
He grumbled, “That was a long time ago. Are you sure you want to know the truth?” His eyes remained closed against the candlelight. The flame was trying to stab him in his eye, he knew it, so he peeked an eye open to see her reaction cautiously. Odesha nodded tightly. Desmond's bushy eyebrows rose in surprise. His first daughter had always been the one to stay in the shadows, staying away from conflict or intrigue. This was a new development. Her time on the ice had truly brought her out of her shell.
Clearing his throat, Desmond tried sitting up straighter to tell the story.
“Your mother was not my fire, remember? I'm sure she told you that, as well. I still thought we were happy together during the time we shared. We had our two beautiful baby girls and watched them grow into beautiful young women. I thought that Vladeric was the one for her.” Desmond cleared his throat uncomfortably. “He was around her more than anyone and was her head guard following her around the castle. I heard horrible rumors from the other guards of what Vladeric did in private. I was going to send him away, but your mother stopped me. That's when I became jealous towards him. I was sure it was him! She was acting differently, happier with her life in the castle after we signed the Blood Treaty with Romule. She sent Vladeric away to Antiqua to be with him. But she took her own life that night. I scoured her room looking for answers and I found a single note made out to me. She explained that she knew she had been acting differently and I was wrong. Vladeric wasn't the one she had fallen for. The one she did fall for betrayed her for another woman and she couldn't take the pain of it. Your mother chose to end her own life that night, but to this day I still don't know who it was that caused that pain. I wish she would've talked to me. I can't tell you why she sent him here. The truth died along with her.”
Odesha absorbed this. She had already known most of what he said, but asked softly, “Why did you send me here?”
Desmond smiled, sadly replying, “I knew the ice had chosen you and there was nothing to be done. I was so close to losing you, I couldn't think of anything else to do. I saw the spark enter your eyes when people spoke of Antiqua. You were interested. And I was right! You vanquished the man terrorizing your ancestral home, found the reason for the low profits, and fell in love! My little girl is back again.” The tension from Desmond’s face melted into a relieved smile. A small tear floated down Odesha's face. She had chosen the ice before she left for Antiqua, she could see that now. It had taken a lot to bring her away from it and she wasn't going back. Kunchok was her fire and he had ended her curse for good.
Odesha stood, holding out her hand to her father. He moved to his knees, placing his hand in her own to stand up. He held his arms open to her. Odesha hesitated for only a moment, rushing into his arms. It felt good to be held by him. It took her back to the days when she was little, and she would run to him if she had a scrape or wanted to tell on Vashti for any slight she made against her. She felt complete, having her father back. So, she was going to give him a small piece of himself back.
“Before Vladeric died he told me who mother had met,” whispered Vashti. She hated bringing up old wounds, but sometimes a wound needed to be reopened to heal properly. Desmond stiffened, tightening his arms on his daughter.
“Who?” he gruffly asked. A part of him had always wanted to know the truth.
“The King of Romule. She met him while signing the Blood Treaty. I think the King advised mother to put Vladeric in Antiqua. The King told Vladeric to relay the message he would be with her there soon. But somehow she found out about the woman the King had married.”
Desmond shuddered, silent in the light of the new information. His heart broke all over again, this new information bringing his loss to light again. She hadn't been his true love, but he had respected and loved both of his wives in their own individual way.
Odesha whispered, “No matter how much we want to change the past, we must look to the present to shape our future.”
“When did my daughter become so wise?” Desmond asked, holding Odesha at arm’s length to look her up and down with a smile. The information Odesha had shared with him didn't change the past, she was right, but he did have closure. He had always felt like he had failed his first wife.
Odesha smiled brightly, “It must've been when I was flying over the mountain in the sharp grip of an orik. The world looked different from up there.”
Desmond's booming laughter echoed throughout the hallway. “When do we celebrate your journey home?”
“How about you get some rest and we'll have the celebration tonight?” she promis
ed. Desmond let out a whoop of excitement, kissing her on top of the head, and made his way to his room. He wanted to debut a new brew he had been working on.
Kunchok came further around the corner to leave his hiding place, eying Odesha happily. Her light blue gown made her eyes sparkle with color, clear of worry for the moment. It was rare to see. She cared so much for everyone around her and wished happiness for everyone that she neglected herself at times. That’s why he watched her so closely. He wanted to look out for her when she didn’t herself.
He cleared his throat.
Odesha turned, startled, and asked, “How long have you been there?” Raising an eyebrow, she waited for his reply.
“I heard everything.” Smiling, he realized her tongue was complicated, but he liked to understand everything she said now.
Odesha groaned. “You aren't supposed to listen to a private conversation, Kunchok,” she grudgingly said.
“You are in the middle of the hallway; did you forget already?” He looked concerned, feeling her forehead with his hand. He looked especially handsome today wearing a deep-V tunic showing off his scars. It gave him a dashing appearance.
“No, I didn't forget. Let's go find Fanni. Maybe she knows where Mira is hiding. The celebration is tonight!” Odesha reminded him, tugging at his arm. He hadn't forgotten. The excitement was palpable in the castle. It was going to be a large celebration and it made him nervous to be a focal point in front of all the strangers. But this was for her.
Kunchok asked curiously, “You are not worried for Vashti?”
Odesha shook her head and replied, “No. Vashti looked like she had the situation semi-under control. She is tough. Stronger than any woman I know. She would cut you in two if you crossed her. I am worried for Saphira. I hope Endemion can find her quickly.” She frowned, wondering where she could have gone.
“She isn't stronger than any woman I know,” Kunchok said swiftly. “My wife is the strongest of women. She faced an orik, a storm, and magic beasts. She faced her fears and her family. I'm proud of you.”
Odesha jumped up to wrap her arms around Kunchok's neck in her happiness. That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. She was going to reward him later.
“When is the Prince leaving to find Saphira?” he asked with a smile. He didn't want her worrying herself to death over the situation, and he knew she would. If he could offer her his help before Endemion left, he would.
Odesha shrugged, “I was going to ask at the celebration. He needed time to prepare, so I'm sure he's not gone yet. I'm going to talk to him about us journeying with him.”
“I thought you would. We'll go together,” Kunchok replied decisively. He wasn't going to let her go unprotected, even though she had her powers. He would be just as worried as Endemion then, pacing the halls waiting for news. They left the castle together to find Dek and Fanni.
Odesha and Kunchok knocked on Dek and Fanni's new home. It was a small cottage with two rooms, perfect for the size of their family. If one day they decided to have more children, they could always build on or find a new home. The door opened wide, a happily smiling Fanni waiting at the doorway. Halana and Boni sat at the table talking animatedly with Dek and Dede.
Odesha yelled her greeting to the group. She hadn't seen them since arriving, being so busy, and she felt bad.
Halana stood, hugging Odesha tightly to her. She asked, “How was the Reawakening?”
“It went perfectly. The boy’s illness went away, and he went home right after with his family. My sister called me to her at the end using the stone I gave her.”
Halana's eyebrow shot up, giving Odesha a concerned look. She verified, “Is she well?”
Odesha sighed. “Yes and no. She seemed to be happy, but she was trying to make it through trials wherever she is. Vashti ordered Endemion to find our half-sister Saphira first. She is near the forests of Bijou and we need to search for her quickly. She is…gentle. Endemion is leading the rescue. Tonight, I'm going to ask if he needs assistance.” She changed the subject, asking absently. “Have you seen Mira? I need to ask her about the preparations.”
“Yes, I saw her at my brother Halafren's cottage visiting,” Halana recalled.
Odesha stood abruptly, shocked. “At your brother's home? The quiet man that hasn't said two words to me? That brother? Why didn't you tell me?”
Kunchok laughed and sipped his drink Dek had provided. He interrupted, “Halafren hardly ever speaks. He is a great provider, focused on the hunt. If you had approached him in the marketplace, he wouldn't have talked to you.”
Halana nodded sheepishly. “Mira started asking him question after question about where he wanted to live and how he was liking Antiqua. I think he was shocked someone could talk so much. They have been…inseparable…ever since.”
Fanni stood with a squeal and screamed, “Ranna soon?! She will need lessons, Halana!” What a wonderful idea to merge the two cultures. They could have two celebrations.
Odesha groaned, remembering her own “lessons.” That had been chaos, but the memories were special to her. Father had said he was debuting a new brew tonight. Odesha worried Fanni would find a new loma she favored. She looked Fanni up and down, promising to have a word with Desmond about being a bad influence on the tribe.
“I'm going to go speak with Mira. Have a great day, everyone.” Odesha stood, reaching over to grasp Kunchok's hand to lead him to the doorway. They waved to the group. It was nice to see Dek’s shoulders free of worry and the happiness that shone brightly in Halana’s and Fanni's eyes. Boni just seemed happy to have a family with Halana. He was accepted and loved.
Kunchok knocked on Halafren's cottage door. The smaller cottage was framed for a single man. Opening the door widely, a blushing Mira shyly greeted them. Halafren sat at the table carving an orik from a piece of wood. Odesha hadn't realized how much Halafren favored his sister before. His blue coloring matched hers, but the larger muscles and hairier face proclaimed him a male. The swirls of hair peppering his face were softer than Kunchok's making him seem more approachable. He looked up from his sculpture with his brown eyes, standing to greet them, worry clearly etched on his face.
“Good, chief?” he asked abruptly.
Kunchok nodded, smiling to ease his worry. He explained, “Odesha wanted to ask Mira about the preparations for the celebration tonight.”
Mira gasped, turning to Odesha with her soft brown eyes, replying without question, “Yes, milady. Everything is ready. The cooks know what to prepare. Everyone is very excited to attend tonight. Gamble even gave the men the day off from mining!”
Halafren nodded, turning back to his craft, uninterested in the talk of celebrations. Odesha smiled at the soft look Mira gave Halafren. She didn’t seem to mind that he didn’t join their discussion.
Odesha softly suggested, “Come to the castle to get ready for the ceremony if you like, Mira. Halana and Fanni will be there with me.”
Mira gasped at the honor the Princess bestowed upon her. She was getting ready with royalty!
“Thank you, Princess Odesha, of course I'll come.”
Chapter 23
Kunchok went below to the celebration while the women got ready, wanting to find Endemion before Odesha did. He had to know what his plan was so he could stop worrying.
Endemion sat on the throne watching the people mill around him in their fine gowns. His mind was racing with all the preparations that needed to be done, secretly planning to leave as soon as possible without telling anyone but his own captain. He could move faster by himself than with a group of people. Getting out of the castle without being seen was going to be painful though. He rubbed his arm at what was coming.
Odesha's new husband walked towards him. The tunic fit him well, his large furred muscles stretching out the outfit nicely. He was kind, this ice fey from the north. Endemion was happy to have him in the family, even if he didn't show it to his sister. It was a sound match filled with promise. He expected a niece or nephew t
o be produced from the union soon, but first he would guarantee their safety by wiping out all who stood to harm them all.
Kunchok growled softly, “You plan to leave soon.”
Endemion crossed his legs, settling down for a long talk and asked, “Is that a question or a fact?”
“A fact. It is what I would do. You want to move fast across your vast land but can't use a large force to show your presence. Odesha wants to join you, by the way. And if she goes, I go,” Kunchok stated emphatically, settling in for the discussion by sitting on the queen's throne beside Endemion.
Endemion rolled his eyes, snarling softly, “Why does everyone want to get in my way?!”
“Because she cares about you.” Desmond sidled up beside the group talking, burping unexpectedly. “I think your sister is ready for the journey. She's proved she's just as strong as you, Endemion. Give her a chance to prove herself! You have to rely on the people around you, haven't I told you this before?”
“Spare me your ‘suggestions’ father. It is hard to rely on the people around you when they aren't reliable,” Endemion bit out.
Kunchok eyed his new brother. He carried a lot of baggage for someone so young and it was wearing on him. Endemion reminded him of Dek, needing someone to shoulder the burden with him. The King wasn't helping his son, only interested in revelry. The times that Desmond showed his wisdom were few and far between.
Kunchok interjected before the argument became heated. “I have been wanting to see your land. Odesha and I could go to find Saphira and you find Vashti. Odesha knows this world better than I. We will take a small guard and travel quickly.”
Desmond took a swig of his large drink, smacking his lips at the tasty liquid. He asked, “Why wouldn't you go to Vashti instead, Endemion?”
Endemion rubbed his head. It was beginning to pain him to voice his thoughts to the group. He was used to talking to himself in silence.