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Tormented: A Bully Romance Anthology

Page 26

by BBB Publishings

  “Yeah, we can go after I teach the children. I’ve decided I want to be a full-time teacher. I think the children need more schooling. They also need better books and computers. They need to start taking the state tests to pass and if they want to go to college they should be allowed. Growing up on pack land is great, but they need to be well-rounded individuals. The more they are with humanity, the more they can function in society,” I demand, watching them for any objection. Bruno’s wolf comes to the service for a second before he slams the emotions of being commanded down. Wow, he really is trying.

  “I think it’s a good idea. Giving the children something to do rather than run around and cause trouble. I know I’d have liked to be able to be in the world more,” Nile says, taking a bite out of his burger. It shocks me to find out that bit of information. I always thought they were content to just live in the pack and not have to deal with outsiders except for other wolves.

  “Same. Except for the part about the real world. I don’t really like humans much,” Ralph adds. He devoured his meal in ten seconds and is now leaning back and watching me finish mine. His gaze is intense, and it makes me want to stop eating and move over to him. I swallow a lump of food and break the eye contact; this is getting a little too heated. My mind reels with all the possibilities. How am I going to deal with all three of these men?

  An hour later we are headed back to pack land. I got the ice cream they promised, mint chocolate chip on a cone with sprinkles, it was heaven. The silence that surrounds us is quite thick, and I can’t take it anymore. The pins and needles that surround the four of us every time we are together. I can’t forget what they did, but maybe in time, I can forgive.

  “Guys, I wanted to say thanks for tonight. It was good to be out. I enjoyed the food,” I say, keeping my head turned to the window. I don’t need to look at them to know they are happy with my words.

  “We’re glad you enjoyed yourself,” Bruno says. He dares a glance at me through the rearview mirror and when our eyes meet, our magic mixes in the car, except this time it’s not aggressive or explosive. It’s like an old friend. The power share gives me some comfort and I let out a sigh. Leaning back into the seat, I rest my eyes for the rest of the drive. I’ll tell them everything tomorrow, tonight I’m going to enjoy my food coma.

  Chapter Eleven

  Beautiful Sunsets

  The next morning I’m woken up by a banging on the door. It’s not very pleasant, and I’m trying really hard to not want to punch the person behind the door. I roll over and try to ignore whoever it is, but the banging won’t stop. Getting up from the bed, I place my feet on the cold tile and grab the door with the intention of yelling at the person.

  “What?” I scream. My hair is wild, and I know I have drool crusted on my mouth. I must look like a crazy person.

  “Morning, I thought you’d like some coffee and a bagel before we head out,” Bruno says, with hope on his face. I can’t help but growl at him and take the bagel and coffee. He gives me a smile and a small pat on my head. Because my hands are full, I can’t hit him, but I do swing my leg out. He avoids it and closes my door. Fucking alpha.

  Twenty minutes later we’re loaded in the car ready to go on our run. The air is nice and crisp with the promise of fall, and there is excitement in the car. Even I can’t help but be a little bit happy. I haven’t run with the pack in a really long time. It’s a nice feeling to be included again.

  Pulling up to a lookout point, we get out and find the trail. Once we get to the end, it will be easy enough to disappear and shift. We brought backpacks for our clothes and will probably hunt during the run. It’s getting even more exciting as we get near the trail end. The sun is shining through the canopy of the trees, and my nose is picking up on the beautiful scent of the forest. There really is nothing like pine and earth mixed with the fresh scent of a just fallen rain. I tilt my head to the sky and stop, taking it all in. I feel a hand on the small of my back and crack an eye open. Nile is smiling at me. His happiness through the bond overwhelms me, and I continue on our walk without a word.

  Since the change is the fastest for me, I get a head start before the guys catch up. My wolf is content, happy even. She’s wanted mates for so long. She’s wanted a pack, someone to love and be loved by. I wish I had her instincts and her ability to forget all they’ve done. It would be so easy to fall for these men. To let them take away my pain. To let them in and hold me every night. To feel their love.

  I shake the thought away and let the forest overtake me. I run dodging fallen tree limbs and making divots in the ground. The wind rushes over my coat, and the smells of small animals over take my senses. I veer off course a bit and try to outsmart the guys, see if they can follow me.

  It doesn’t take long for Bruno to catch up to me. He runs parallel to me, and his wolf looks over to me with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. His enthusiasm of the run, of our hunt, has him running faster and faster. They move closer to me, and my wolf reacts. She slows down a bit and bumps his hind quarters. He goes flying into the dirt, recovering quickly and coming after me. He tries to tackle me, but I’m too quick and too small for him. She laughs inside my head. She’s wanted to play for so long.

  Being a little too smug, she continues on until a sandy-haired wolf runs into my side taking me down. We roll together on the floor. I snap at his throat not putting pressure but telling him I’m not going to take his shit. He winces, and I pop up, taking off again. We come to a clearing where there is nothing but tall grasses and flowers. I can’t see over them, as I’m too short, but they can. I’m soon overrun by three male wolves. We tumble together in the field until we are so tired, we are lying next to each other in the grass.

  Panting, my wolf snuggles closer to the three males. I’m so shocked by this movement, that I try to pull her back a bit. She seems to want this so bad, that she whines. My heart cracks a little and I allow the contact. A sigh erupts from Ralph’s mouth and he lays closer to me, rubbing his muzzle over my back. I close my eyes, realizing that I enjoy the feeling of being touched. My wolf is my armor between my human form and the men. Bruno gets up and lays on my other side, while Nile makes a pillow for my head. Soon I’m drifting off to sleep relishing in the comfortable feeling of being protected and secure.

  Sometime later we wake to the smell of deer. My wolf goes on alert from the musky scent of the beast and she nudges the guys to wake up. Bruno recovers first, and I can see the want in his eyes. He looks at me and does a wolfish grin. The rush of the kill runs through my system, as we make an instinctual formation to take the deer down. Quiet and crouching, we make our way over toward the deer. We’re downwind so it doesn’t have a chance to smell us, until Bruno is jumping on its back, going for the neck. Once he has it to the ground, I grab it by the neck and break the spinal cord with my powerful jaws. Nile and Ralph join us and help open up the belly, then they all back away sitting down on their hindquarters, waiting for something. I stare at the three of them trying to figure out what they are doing when Bruno comes up to me and nudges me toward the deer. They want me to eat first. This is normally the alpha’s right. My wolf is so surprised she nuzzles Bruno’s neck and trots over to the deer. Taking her fill and enjoying the sweet taste of the deer meat she eats vigorously. It’s delicious. I haven’t had a large kill like this in a long time. Mostly you need a pack to take down a large animal, and I’m too small to do it myself.

  Once I’m finished, the guys step in and start to devour the rest of the deer. I lay in the grass and wait patiently. My belly is full, and I feel good. It’s such a different feeling for me, that the walls around my heart crack a little more. I sigh and watch them with a different view. It’s all going to change though when I speak with them.

  We come upon the cliff’s edge that Bruno wanted to show me. It’s around sundown at this point, and the anticipation of seeing a sunset from up here rushes through my body. We washed up in a nearby stream, so there is no longer blood coating our muzzles and pa
ws. I shift and wait for the guys to do the same.

  Being naked in front of them is a bit more comfortable now. Everything is a bit more comfortable. Looking out into the forest from up here, I get a calming sense of tranquility; thinking that maybe my life could always be like this. They come up beside me and gaze at the beautiful scene in front of us.

  “It’s beautiful up here,” I say, not turning to look at them, but keeping my sight on the view.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Bruno says, taking a step closer to me. I move out of instinct and walk away from them.

  “I need to talk to you all about something. I don’t think you are going to like what I have to say, but I need you to listen and wait until I’m finished before you interrupt,” I say. My voice is a little shaky since I’m afraid of what they are going to say.

  “Say what you need to. We’re here to listen,” Nile says, watching me with a tad bit of sadness and fear. I think he’s going to take this the hardest.

  “Okay, well you all know that I have an issue with you three. I was thrust into this mating business before I was ready to forgive you. In fact, I still don’t. I don’t think you understand what you have done to me. The damage you’ve caused. My life was that of a slave. Someone that was abused not only by you three, but the whole pack. It’s hard for me to forget that. Ten years of abuse. Ten years,” I say, looking at each of them for a reaction. Sorrow and sympathy flood the bond, but I continue on.

  “What I’m offering today, is a compromise. A way to make amends while trying to build this relationship up. Having sex with Nile was a mistake. I don’t regret it, but I now know that it was something that I shouldn’t have done. I don’t want you all to think that I’m now willing to sleep with the rest of you. I’m not ready for that. My proposal is friendship. It’s a way for us to get to know each other, and hopefully, get to the point where I can be intimate with you, and maybe love you.”

  Waiting for their response felt like an eternity. The bond was going crazy with emotion, and I couldn’t even decipher who was feeling what. I’m starting to feel uncomfortable standing here, being so vulnerable and so raw. “Say something,” I plead.

  “We accept. We’ll do whatever it takes to form a solid relationship with you. We want to atone for what we have done, and we’ll do it in any way you want,” Bruno says, speaking for the entire group.

  A breath of relief leaves my lips and I walk away from them before they can see the tears slide down my face. Hands come to my shoulders and back. I feel the heat of all three guys behind me, and for the first time since the bear attack, I allow them to touch me in my human form. I lean back into them and feel arms entangle me in a hug. My resolve lessens in this moment, as I close my eyes and let the sensations wash over me.

  “The sun is about to set; do you still want to watch it?” Ralph asks, placing his mouth near my ear, but not touching it. I nod my head and break from the hug.

  Walking over to the edge of the cliff, we stare out at the sunset. It’s beautiful, one of the best I’ve ever seen. The colors blend and mix in an array of oranges, pinks, and purples. The swirl of the colors with the bright sun leaves me with a feeling of hope. Nile grabs my hand and Bruno my other. Ralph comes from behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. At this moment, I’m loved. They are respecting my wishes. This is all nothing short of a miracle and I know if they can respect me enough to let me heal, we’ll be just fine.

  As the sun touches the horizon, I close the chapter on my hurt and start a new one of healing. The dream of being loved and loving another slowly creeps into the walls around my heart, and they shatter for the first time in a decade. Closing my eyes, I let the last of the suns heat bless my face with promise.

  Other Books by AC Wilds:

  Death Card – The Changer Series – Book 1

  Claiming Death – The Changer Series – Book 2

  Sinner’s Harem – A Sinners and Saints Prequel Novella

  Lady Luck - A St.Patrick’s Day Short Story

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  The Vicious by Joely Sue Burkhart

  Trigger Warnings: violence, domestic abuse, murder, attempted rapist receives his comeuppance.

  Heat level: 0 (gasp, I know!)

  Thank you to my beta readers and comma warriors: Sherri Meyer, Stephanie Cunningham, Lydia Simone, Bibiane Lybæk, Kaila Duff, and Jennifer Swan

  Special thanks to Nicole Dimas for recommending the theme song by Halestorm.

  Chapter One

  Blood spilled down my forehead, blinding me. Pain exploded like brilliant flashes of fireworks in my head. Back. Stomach.

  Instinctively, I curled into a ball, trying to protect my organs, but that exposed my spine for another kick. Something cracked, a horrible jolt that tore another scream from my lips. But then the bliss of oblivion started to soften the edges of my vision.

  It’s almost over, I told myself. I could see my broken, bloody body on the floor of my tiny studio. I saw my murderer clearly.

  He was no stranger to me. In fact, he was my husband. Ex-husband. Or would have been, if he hadn’t walked right through my protective order and killed me.

  I waited for the bright light to lead me to the other side, but all I saw was the horror in my glassy eyes and the way my dead mouth gaped open, trying to call for help. Shuddering, I turned away.

  I stood outside the dingy brick apartment building that I could barely afford. A giant sentinel oak in the front yard softened the grim brick, welcoming me home each day. It had lived for hundreds of years, through war and drought and floods. Surely I would make it through this life and be happy again.

  Until tonight.

  The heavy, humid air of a New Orleans summer evening should have made sweat break out on my forehead, but I didn’t really feel anything. The sky was a soft, purplish dusk. Not dark—but not light either. A rustling sound in the branches drew my gaze up to the biggest crow I’d ever seen. It tipped its head to the side and cawed, bobbing its head.

  I looked where the crow pointed. The busy street was gone, replaced by what looked like a red dirt road.

  Curious, I walked closer, trying to identify the scraping sound. Metal clanged on what sounded like rock. A broad-shouldered man worked in the middle of the road with his back to me, dressed in a black coat that was strangely long and formal for manual labor. He paused his work as I neared and started to slowly turn toward me.

  Something told me I didn’t want to look at his face. I dragged my gaze away quickly, studying the road. Where was I? I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a dirt road like this. No, two.

  We stood at a crossroads.

  Goosebumps raced down my arms, making me shiver. I hugged myself, hanging my head down so my hair covered my face. Hiding, I didn’t want to see.

  I wanted my bright light, damn it. I wanted to pass on. I wanted this all to be over.

  The man didn’t say anything to me. With a loud clang, he dug the shovel’s head down into the ground at my feet and paused.

  A gravedigger at work. That was the sound I’d heard.

  He’d been digging my grave. At the crossroa

  His boots were black and shiny like mirrors despite the dust and dirt from his work. Black heavy pants with a crisp, sharp line, also pristine despite the digging.

  My heart felt like a wild thing trapped inside my chest. Not pounding, exactly, but fluttering frantically, wings beating against my ribcage. I was dead. I knew that. But this was nothing like what I’d been taught to expect when I died.

  I dragged my gaze higher. White pristine shirt. Old fashioned ruffles at the neck, hanging open at his throat. A heavily decorated necklace with ivory beads and black feathers. A macabre fascination came over me. Those beads looked like bones. Ancient, age-worn bones. Each one was carved with some kind of rune. Finger bones, maybe? I couldn’t tell.

  He let out a low, rumbling chuckle, startling me into looking up into his face. Only he didn’t have a face. It was a skull.

  He was at least seven feet tall and broad like a football lineman. He wore a black top hat decorated with feathers and beads in a complicated design. The swirl of those beads made me dizzy.

  “Ah, that’s better, child.” His voice rumbled and rolled like soft thunder on the horizon. “Do you know who I am?”

  The frantic fluttering in my chest stilled. Wordlessly, I shook my head.

  “No matter.” His eyes were dark, empty pits. No reflection, even my own. Drawing me deeper. Closer. I couldn’t look away. “You died in violence in my city. It’s up to me to decide whether I should dig your grave or not.” He tipped his head to the side. “I think not.”


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