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Beyond Always (Lex and Amanda Series)

Page 36

by Carrie Carr

  "I'll have her paged," the woman offered. She appeared as exhausted as Kyle felt.


  Ten minutes later, Ellie stepped through the doors from the emergency area and glanced around. Her eyes quickly found Kyle. She hurried across the room and embraced her lover, mindless of the people around them. "I'm sorry I didn't--"

  "Shh." Kyle kept her arm around Ellie's waist and led her outside. "Have you had anything to eat?"

  Ellie rested her head against Kyle as they walked. "Hmm?"

  "Food. Have you had any since yesterday?"

  "I had a sandwich last night, I think."

  When Ellie stumbled, Kyle tightened her grip around her. "I'll make you something when we get home. Eggs and toast okay?" Kyle felt Ellie's nod on her shoulder. "Then I'm putting you to bed."

  "I'd like to go to Parkdale and see Lex. Besides, we still have some cleanup to do in our bedroom."

  "Not anymore. I took care of it." Once they reached the truck, Kyle helped Ellie inside before jogging around to the driver's seat. "The window's still boarded up, but I was able to put clean sheets on the bed. I had to throw away the comforter, though."

  Ellie rested against the back of the seat and closed her eyes. "You're amazing." She reached out blindly and smiled as Kyle took her hand. "I love you."

  Kyle squeezed her partner's fingers before starting the truck. "I love you too, baby."

  The drive home was in silence. Kyle let Ellie rest as she navigated the streets that had been cleared by volunteers.

  "That's Amanda's SUV at Jeannie's house. Pull over, Kyle."

  Kyle jumped at the sound of her lover's voice. "I thought you were asleep."

  "No, just resting." Ellie had her hand on the door handle before the truck stopped. "Jeannie's house looks okay." She climbed from the vehicle and waited for Kyle. "I guess this area was away from the path of the storm."

  "Yeah. It started a couple of blocks north of here." Kyle walked beside her as Ellie headed toward the front door. "Remind me to drive by Mrs. Cauble's after we leave here, okay? I want to make sure she doesn't need anything."

  Ellie stopped short of the door and turned to Kyle. "You're just too sweet." She put her arms around Kyle's neck and kissed her.

  THE DOOR OPENED and Jeannie cleared her throat. "Should I leave you two alone?"

  Kyle jumped back as if she had been poked as Ellie laughed. "Hi, Jeannie. I'm sorry to bother you, but we saw Amanda's truck and decided to stop. How's she doing?"

  "She's tired, but okay. Come on in." Jeannie stepped back to allow them inside. "Amanda's getting Shelby settled in the guest room. Do you want me to get her?"

  "No, that's all right. We were on our way home," Ellie answered. "We'll get out of your hair."

  Jeannie noticed how worn out both women were. "Amanda is going to start brunch in a few minutes. Why don't you come into the kitchen with me and have some coffee? We'll have more than enough food to go around."

  Before her partner could argue, Kyle nodded. "Only if you'll let me help. I'm pretty handy in the kitchen, too."

  "Thank goodness. I've been banned from my kitchen by my sister."

  Jeannie pointed a warning finger at Ellie. She knew her husband had spoken of her misadventures to his staff, including Ellie. "Not one word."

  AFTER SHE MADE certain Shelby was asleep in the guest room, Amanda moved down the hallway of her sister's home and opened the door to Teddy's room.

  The light blue walls were complimented with navy curtains and posters of cartoon characters. Against one wall was a wooden desk with different action figures posed together. Next to the desk was a two-shelf bookcase, filled to overflowing with books and more toys. Across from both was a twin-sized bunk bed. Lorrie was curled up on the bottom bunk, mumbling in her sleep.

  Amanda quickly crossed the room and sat beside her daughter. "It's okay, sweetie," she said, as she rubbed Lorrie's back. "Everything's all right."

  "Momma!" Lorrie cried, waking up. She sat up and looked around the room in confusion. "Mom?"

  "I'm right here, honey. You were just having a bad dream."

  Lorrie tightly embraced Amanda. "It seemed so real."

  "Do you want to talk about it?"

  Lorrie shook her head. "It's too hard."

  "That's all right, you don't have to." Amanda kissed her on the head. "But if you need to talk, I'm right here."

  They sat quietly for a minute or two. Lorrie was the first to break the silence. "I was walkin' in the hospital, but it was dark and no one else was there," she whispered. "I heard a noise and went into this room, and--" She trembled and began to cry again. "Momma was lying on this bed, really still."

  Amanda continued to rub Lorrie's back as she related her dream.

  "When I," Lorrie choked out, "touched her, she was d...dead." She burst into tears and got as close to Amanda as she could. "I kept trying to get her to wake up, but she wouldn't."

  "It was just a bad dream. Momma is doing fine. As a matter of fact, I thought that this afternoon, we could pick up your sister and brother and go visit her."

  Lorrie moved back enough to see her mother's face. "Is she still okay?"

  "She's grumpy, bored and misses all of you. I promised her if she'd do as the doctors tell her, we'd all come up for a visit."

  "How long does she have to stay?"

  Amanda kissed Lorrie's forehead in an attempt to erase the last vestige of terror from her daughter's mind. "Hopefully only one more day. They want to make sure her head and ribs are all right before they let her leave."

  "How about her back? When she first came into the hospital, they had her tied in place. And something around her neck, too."

  "Her back is okay, honey. She's going to be sore for a while, but the only real damage was to her wrist." Amanda lightly touched Lorrie's cast. "Like you."

  Lorrie frowned and looked at her cast. "I...I don't know if I can go up there." She raised her head and blinked away the tears from her eyes. "I'm scared."

  "Oh, sweetie." Amanda pulled her close. "You don't have to go. Momma will understand."

  "But I want to see her."

  "I know. Let's play it by ear, all right? Would you like to go to the ranch with me to get Mel and Eddie?"

  "Is our house okay?"

  "We have some roof damage, and one of the rear doors on the hay barn is broken." Amanda thought about the call she'd made to Roy before Lex awakened this morning. He assured her that the ranch was in better shape than they had thought, and that two of the ranch hands had covered the damaged roofs with tarps. "But yes, everything's okay."

  Lorrie's stomach growled, causing them both to laugh. "Sorry."

  Amanda touched the end of Lorrie's nose. "I was going to ask you if you were hungry, but I think I already have my answer. Why don't you go wash your face and then meet me in the kitchen?"

  "Aunt Jeannie's kitchen?"

  "Don't worry. I love you too much to subject you to her cooking." Amanda stood and hauled Lorrie out of bed. "Just don't tell her I said that, okay?"

  "Okay." Lorrie giggled and hugged her. "I love you, Mom. And I think I want to go see Momma at the hospital, too."

  "That's my girl." Amanda lightly swatted her on the rear. "I love you, too. Hurry up, before Aunt Jeannie decides to poison, I mean, cook for us."

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  SHELBY YAWNED AS she walked toward the hospital entrance. She had made the drive from their home to Parkdale twice a day for the past week. Each morning, she took care of their horses before the forty-minute trip to visit Rebecca. Shelby stayed until the nurses sent her away, then returned that evening until they forced her to leave. The only upside was that she and Kathy had become better acquainted.

  She stepped off the elevator and nodded politely to the nurse as she passed the desk. "Mornin', Miz Charlotte."

  "Good morning, Shelby. I'm going to miss seeing you here."

  Shelby stopped and looked at her. "What? Does that mean Rebecca's gonna be released t

  "Dr. Patterson signed her release and gave instructions to her family a short while ago. I was surprised you weren't here."

  "Her--" Shelby bit off the curse. "Thanks, ma'am." She headed for Rebecca's room.

  When she reached the open door, Shelby heard Rebecca's father's raised voice.

  "I don't know why you're being so stubborn, Rebecca."

  Shelby moved into the room and stepped around him. "Mornin'."

  She insinuated herself between Greg and the hospital bed so she could kiss Rebecca's cheek. "How're you doin', darlin'?"

  "Much better, now that you're here." Rebecca cupped her hand behind Shelby's head and pulled her in for a proper kiss.

  Greg cleared his throat. "I was just suggesting to Becca what a good idea it would be for her to stay with us while she recuperates."

  Shelby straightened and turned to look at him. "How do you figure that, Greg?"

  She felt Rebecca's hand on her back, which was the only thing that kept her from yelling at him.

  "Well, the doctor said she'd need to go to physical therapy every day for the next couple of weeks. And since we live in town--"

  "Physical therapy? Every day?"

  Rebecca tugged on Shelby's belt to get her to turn around. "Because of the weakness in my legs." She glared at her father. "I wanted to surprise you with the news that I'm being released this morning."

  "That's great to hear, darlin'. The boys from the ranch already helped me build a ramp to the back door for you, so we're good to go."

  Greg would not be dissuaded so easily. "And you're going to drive her into town every day? What about your job?"

  "I'm on paid leave "˜til my shoulder heals," Shelby answered. She had initially argued with Lex about it but now she was glad she had the leave to fall back on. "And yeah, I'll do whatever I need to do for Rebecca."

  Kathy came through the door waving a bag. "Sorry it took so long, Becca, but--" She silenced when she felt the tension in the air.

  "Good morning, Shelby. I ran out to the car to get the new sweats for Becca to wear home." She gave Shelby a careful hug and kissed her daughter's cheek. "I bet you're excited to be going home."

  "I sure am. Thanks for the clothes, Mom."

  "I was glad to help." Kathy stood beside her husband. "How is your shoulder, Shelby? Is it still giving you much trouble?"

  "It's feelin' better every day, thanks."

  "I'm glad to hear it. Becca, do you need me to help you change?"

  "Um." Rebecca looked at Shelby, then her father.

  "I think I can manage it, Kathy," Shelby said.

  When Kathy's expression deflated, she added hurriedly, "But it would be great if you could come out to the house. Maybe show me some things that are easy to cook? I really don't want to send Rebecca back to the hospital from eating my cookin'."

  Rebecca exhaled in relief. "That would awesome. Could you, Mom?"

  "Of course, honey." Kathy turned to her husband. "I told you."

  He shrugged and stared out the window.

  Kathy went on to explain. "Greg thought we should have Becca stay with us. I told him it wasn't a good idea, because the bedrooms are upstairs." She nudged him with her shoulder. "But you know how guys are. We'll leave you to get dressed, Becca. Shelby, give me a call once you get settled at home."

  She gave her daughter a gentle hug and kiss on the forehead.

  "I sure will, Kathy. Thanks." Shelby couldn't help but grin at Greg. "See you later."

  Greg ignored her and kissed Rebecca's cheek. "Love you, sweetheart."

  "I love you too, Daddy."

  Shelby closed the door behind the couple and leaned against it. "That was fun." She exhaled heavily and sat at the foot of the bed. "Your dad sure was full of himself today."

  "I don't know what's gotten into him, lately. Every time he'd come to visit, he would start griping about one thing or another."

  "Maybe it's his time of the month."

  Rebecca giggled. "Poor Mom."

  "Yeah." Shelby stood and took the clothes out of the bag. "Let's get you dressed and out of here, before they change their mind."

  AMANDA HEADED UPSTAIRS after seeing the girls off onto the school bus. She could hear her wife talking, so she followed the sound toward Eddie's room. She stopped at the doorway and bit her lip to keep from laughing at the conversation.

  "Big boy," Eddie said.

  "I know you're a big boy, son. But you still need to wear socks and shoes." Lex tried to slip a sock onto his foot but he jerked it away.


  Lex sighed. "Come on. I promised to have you dressed before your Mommy got back."

  Eddie turned his head and grinned. "Mommy!"

  "Yeah. Now don't give me--"

  "Mommy!" Eddie squealed again, kicking Lex's hand away and climbing to his feet on his bed. "Hep!"

  Amanda came into the room and stood beside Lex. "Are you giving Momma trouble?"


  Lex rested her casted arm on the edge of his bed. "I think his idea of trouble and mine aren't the same."

  "Eddie, why aren't your shoes and socks on?" Amanda asked him. "Don't you want to be ready when Mada and Pawpaw come over?"

  "No." Eddie backed away from his parents. "No go, Mommy."

  Lex started to say something, but stopped when Amanda touched her back.

  "Why don't you go downstairs and see if we have enough coffee. I'll finish with him." Amanda leaned closer to Lex and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry I forgot about you being down a hand. It's hard enough wrestling with him with two good ones."

  "All right." Lex lightly touched Eddie's stomach. "Behave, Eddie." She laughed as he grabbed her finger. "Now what are you gonna do?"

  "Momma, no go." He tugged until he lost his grip, then toppled back onto his rear. "Momma!"

  Amanda picked him up and kissed him. "We'll see Momma in a minute, as soon as you get your socks and shoes on."


  Before she could get pulled into the argument, Lex kissed the top of Eddie's head. "Be good." She kissed Amanda's cheek. "You, too." As she left the room, she heard Amanda laugh.

  "We'll have to show Momma who's good, won't we?"

  LEX CHUCKLED AND moved gingerly down the stairs. She had gladly put away her cane two days earlier, but still walked slowly in deference to her healing body. As she hit the bottom of the stairway, the back door opened.

  Martha entered the house and allowed Charlie to help her remove her sweater. She looked up and noticed Lex. "You look a little too happy this morning."

  "Too happy? What does that mean?" Lex followed them into the kitchen. She nudged Martha away from the counter. "Sit. I'll bring the coffee over."

  Martha glared at her, but joined Charlie at the table. "How long will you and Amanda be gone?"

  Lex brought four mugs and the insulated carafe to the table. She poured everyone coffee before she took her place across from Martha. "Not too long. I'm hoping we'll be done by the time the girls are out of school, so we can pick them up."

  "Mada! Pawpaw!" Eddie toddled into the kitchen with Amanda not far behind. He grabbed a handful of Martha's slacks and tried to pull himself into her lap. "Hep."

  She hefted him up and kissed his chubby cheeks. "How's my boy?"

  "Mmm." Eddie wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a slobbery kiss on the chin.

  Amanda laughed and sat beside Lex. "Be careful, Mada. His newest trick is to lick instead of kiss. I think he's been playing with Freckles too much."

  As if she had heard her name, Freckles raced through the pet door and into the room. She danced around the table to see if anyone had goodies for her. When none were forthcoming, she trotted to the corner by the pantry and curled up in her dog bed.

  "Lellels," Eddie screeched. He slid from Martha's lap and headed for the dog.

  Freckles raised her head and sighed, but didn't move as she was tackled by the rambunctious child.

  "Eddie, be gentle," Lex warned. "Don't hurt

  "Love Lellels." He left a gooey kiss on the dog's head.

  Amanda laughed and stood. "Since he's found something else to focus on, I think it's a good time for us to head to town." She rinsed out her coffee mug and placed it in the dishwasher. "Do either of you need anything while we're there?"

  Charlie stretched his arm behind Martha, who leaned into his embrace. "Not that I'm aware of. Are you sure you don't need my help?"

  "All the heavy work is done," Lex assured him. "We're just going to be there for moral support, more than anything else. And maybe to keep Jeannie from doing anything in the kitchen."

  Amanda swatted her on the arm. "Be nice. She's very excited about moving into Gramma's house. I doubt she'd do anything to jeopardize that."

  "Who's being ornery, now?" Lex walked to the dog bed and picked up Eddie. "Be good for Mada and Pawpaw, okay?"

  He giggled when she blew raspberries on his cheek. "Momma, no."

  Lex put him down, but not before one more kiss. "I love you, Eddie."

  "Love Momma," he answered with a big smile, before returning his attention to Freckles.

  Lex cleared her throat. "Well, okay. Guess I can't put this off any longer."

  Amanda knelt beside the dog bed to give Eddie a kiss as well. "You've been itching to get away from the house all week."

  "Ha. I have not."

  "Have to."

  Martha rolled her eyes. "Children!"

  "Have not," Lex whispered. She kissed the top of Martha's head. "Bye."

  Not to be outdone, Martha lightly swatted Lex on the rear as she stepped away. "Don't make me get my spoon after you."

  When Amanda laughed, Martha added, "You, too."


  Martha shook her finger at them. "You two try to stay out of trouble. I know that'll be hard for you, but at least try."

  "I don't know what you're talking about," Lex scoffed. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's go." She held the back door open for her wife. "Have not!"

  She quickly closed the door.


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