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Lockdown Nation

Page 22

by Lim, Candice

  Mandy and I fired at the same time as I slid down the aisle towards the vending machine. I kept firing back without looking as I tapped on the screen.

  “Roxy, duck!” shouted Mandy.

  I threw my arms over my head and dropped to the floor as the clear beam blasted through the air and blew up the screen. Smoke wisped out of the flashing screen before it blacked out. “Mandy, I thought you are covering me!”

  “I am! But they have bigger guns!” Mandy shouted above the shots.

  Sucking in a breath, I spun around, pulled the trigger, and crouched in front of another vending machine.

  My shaky fingers danced nervously on the touchscreen. The sweat dripped down the sides of my face when a familiar eerie snarl boomed across the lab. My hand froze on the screen as a hollow hole burned in my stomach.

  “Uh, Roxy. We have a new problem,” said Sam.

  “Blot my gel…” I turned around slowly. Blood drained from my face as the ATP jerked violently. When they ripped off their face covers, bloodshot eyes glared in my direction.



  “Are you sure she’s here at this time? Lockdown Nation is starting in half an hour. Don’t you think she’ll be at home or something?” Axon looked out through the window at the blurred city skyline. It wasn’t hard to comb out Roxy Riley on an empty street but his hope was dwindling with every second inching closer to Lockdown Nation.

  Vaxine shrugged. “Just keep looking.” Genom cruised along the quiet street when a siren wailed from a distance. Vaxine muttered a cuss and eased into the curbside parking. She turned on the tinted window setting and killed the engine.

  Two seconds later, an armored vehicle appeared in the rear mirror and zoomed past their car, shaking the earth.

  Axon glanced at the time. “The ATP started patrolling already? That’s a bit early.”

  “It doesn’t seem like they’re patrolling.” Vaxine’s frown deepened along with her doubts. She pulled up the GPS. “They’re heading towards the co-lab.” The sudden realization hit. The adrenaline pumping through her veins catapulted her into action.

  The engine roared to life and Genom shot down the street following the trail of the armored vehicle. When they turned around the corner, it was parked right in front of the co-lab.

  “Is that Sam’s car?” Axon pointed at the car parked behind it.

  “I think so.” Vaxine swerved into the spot behind Sam’s car and they hopped out. The icy cold droplets splatted on their outfits but it was the last thing on Vaxine’s mind.

  She and Axon headed straight to the co-lab and snuck behind the pillars on the opposite sides of the double glass door. The pair of ATP stomped through the half-lit foyer and disappeared behind the wall read, ‘Live, Lab, Love.’

  Another siren wailed in the distance, a cue for action. The pair checked their weapons and entered the co-lab.

  Vaxine’s heels clicked urgently against the immaculate floor as they made for the lab area. A stray stun beam struck the doorframe with a spark. She muttered a cuss and turned away. The two flattened themselves behind the wall as Zapper rays flew in the air. “Father of Science! We’re a step behind them.”

  The ATP sought cover behind the bench and fired at the group at the back.

  Vaxine groped for her Zapper and aimed at the ATP. “It’s too far to penetrate their armor. We need to get closer.”

  The footsteps coming from behind stopped them at the tracks.

  Axon rolled his eyes. “We’ve got company.” He rolled out from the other side of the wall and fired a couple of shots. Grunts came from behind the wall. Axon pulled back and flattened against the wall.

  “Did you get them?”

  Axon’s hand flew to his erratic chest. The sweat dripped over his darkened face. He shook his head, black veins creeping up from his collar.

  Vaxine’s stomach dropped. “Blot my gel!” She glanced around and picked up a fire extinguisher by the door. She hopped out of cover and swung the canister at her unsuspecting opponent. The metal connected to his mask with a loud clatter and knocked him out.

  The second intruder crept up on her from behind her, encircling his arms around her neck and pulling her back. “Put down your weapon!”

  Vaxine stomped his foot with her heel but even the stiletto failed to pierce through the thick synthetic leather boot. Gritted teeth, she wriggled to no avail. She pointed the nozzle at her attacker and pulled the pin. Pinching her eyes and mouth closed, she squeezed the lever and the frigid foam sprayed all over his face.

  Amid burning screams, the white-faced ATP let go and staggered back, groping the air.

  Vaxine spluttered and caught her breath. When she turned around, Axon, who’d turned into full form Infected, pounced onto him. “Told you to take your meds on time.” She bolted into the lab area where the other two ATP jittered and transformed before her eyes.

  Muttering a cuss, she looked across the lab at the vending machine where was Roxy. “Roxy! The antidote!”



  The fear gathering in my chest put me into a freezing spell. My fingers turned into icicles I could hold the PCR products in my palms without degrading them. My head swirled from panic. Sure I’d handled Infected before but not armored ones. I wasn’t even sure if the Zapper or Genex could penetrate their exoskeletal suit.

  “Roxy! The antidote!” A familiar voice snapped me back into reality. I glanced across the lab area and was met with Vaxine at the door. I did a double-take. What on earth was she doing here? I thought I was supposed to go rescue them? When her words finally sank in me, the sudden wave of urgency catapulted me into action.

  “Carlisa, the gene gun!” I slid down the aisle and snatched the gene gun from Carlisa. Popping open the breech, I reloaded the Genex and tossed it at Vaxine. “Catch!”

  The gene gun spun in the air in Vaxine’s direction. She leaped forward trying to catch it but the ATP reacted faster. He swung his arm in the air and struck the gene gun that clattered on the floor.

  My eyes widened in shock. I staggered back as the Infected charged at me. Spit dribbled from the corner of his mouth as growls rolled from his chest. He was about to pounce onto me when a Zapper stun struck him on the back. Pulling up, he spun around and glared at Mandy, who swiftly lowered her gun.

  “Duck!” Sam shouted behind me.

  I dropped to the floor at once and the stool flew over me the next second. The metal legs connected to the Infected’s face with a dull thud, knocking him few steps back.

  “Roxy, do what you need. We’ll take care of it here at the moment!” Sam picked up another stool and launched himself at the Infected.

  Carlisa and Mandy got the cue and jumped out of cover. Mandy hopped onto the bench and slid across the other side. Her fingers curled into a fist and struck across the other Infected’s face. Carlisa came to her assistance and kicked him in the shin, bringing him to his knee.

  Snapping out of trance, I scrambled to my feet and made for the vending machine. I glanced back constantly as I completed the transaction. The machine dispensed the storage case I quickly scooped up. I dropped next to the PCR machine and transferred the tubes into the case I shoved into the depth of my jeans pocket.

  Mandy elbowed her opponent, who wobbled a few steps before Carlisa punched him in the face. Blood splashed out of his nose. His eyes rolled back into his skull as he collapsed on the ground, dead. “Take that, asshole!” Carlisa pumped her fist in the air in a victory pose.

  Sam hurled the stool at the bigger guy, striking him in the chest. Gritted teeth, he spun around and kicked him in the guts, sending him flying and slamming his back against the wall. A puddle of sweat formed on the front of his shirt where his chest heaved and fell in sync. He wiped his hand over his drenched face. “We should pick up some self-defense classes.”

  The gene gun on the floor and Vaxine disappeared. For a second, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I fo
llowed the grunts out of the lab where Vaxine stood over Axon with the Genex pointed in his direction.

  Sam and Mandy took my sides.

  Axon rolled side to side on the floor amid his groans. Blood stained his teeth and trickled down his neck. “Blot my gel…what’s going on here?” He mumbled and rubbed his eyes. When he turned to his side at the ATP with the half-mauled face, he shrieked and sprang to his feet. “Father of Science! What on earth…blot my gel…oh no…”

  His face twisted in disgust as soon as it struck him. A blech rose to his throat. With sudden retching, he turned around and threw up against the wall.

  Carlisa scrunched her nose and turned back to the lab. “I’ll go and see what I can find out from the ATP.”

  Axon wiped his mouth and turned around at us. “Please don’t see me in a different light after this.”

  Vaxine patted his back and turned to the group. “We better leave now. We don’t know how many of them are coming here.”

  “How did they find us?” Sam muttered.

  “Hey, guys! Check this out!” Carlisa called from the lab. The group gathered around the bench where she produced a tablet. “I found this on the ATP.”

  Sam picked up the tablet. His face paled at once as he tilted the tablet towards me. “Roxy, is this your Zapper?”

  My heart cinched. He wasn’t going to confront me about losing the Zapper now, was he? “Uh, yeah…” I muttered.

  “They must’ve found your other Zapper at Graybridge and traced us here via the user location feature of your current one.”

  Blood drained from my face. “Can I deactivate user location?”

  “No, you can’t. It’s required by the Ethics as a part of the Zapper regulations,” said Vaxine. “You have to discard your Zapper and we need to leave this place ASAP.”

  My heart ripped from my chest. I stared at my remaining Zapper, what’s left of the graduation present I got from Sam. Perhaps, it proved I didn’t deserve it since I dropped out. I slammed the Zapper on the bench. “Fine. Let’s not be hypocrites. I’m not the only one with a Zapper here.”

  “You’re right but they don’t know our Zappers’ IMEI codes. They can’t search by users and can’t access our locations without the codes.” Vaxine took the tablet to study when the door at the back flung open.

  Tameera jumped out with a Zapper. “Freeze, guys!”

  Vaxine and Axon reached for their Zappers when Sam and Mandy threw their hands up. “Hold up! We’re all friendlies here!”

  Tension uncoiled as Tameera lowered the Zapper that had seen better days and yellowed with age. “Oh, it’s over? So, who are these guys?” She joined us at the bench and jutted her chin at Vaxine and Axon.

  My eyes darted between Tameera and the seniors. “Axon, Vaxine, meet Dr. Tameera, owner of the co-lab. Dr. Tameera, meet Axon and Vaxine. Well, they’re the ones we were supposed to go and rescue.”

  Tameera’s brows crinkled, the confused look on her face reflected mine. She glanced at them up and down. “I thought you guys were caught by Peyton.”

  “We got out.” Axon shrugged.

  “And Ronin?” I asked.

  “He got the stronger strain. He’s part of the Hive Mind now,” Vaxine snorted. “Didn’t think you care.”

  A wave of sadness washed over me. It couldn’t be a worse fate for a man who devoted his life to the Community and people to turn his back against them. As much as I hated him for what he did, I couldn't let him suffer this way.

  “Well.” Axon glanced at his watch and clapped once. “If we don’t get going right now, we will all end up in the same fate.”

  Sam looked at the time. “We have only five minutes before the commencement of Lockdown Nation. We won’t make it without bumping into the ATP.”

  Vaxine waved the tablet. “We have the real-time locations of all ATP patrolling units at our fingertip.” She tucked the tablet under her arm and turned around to leave the lab. “Follow our car.” The rest traded a wary look but followed suit.


  “Is this…your lab?” Tameera turned in circles and feasted her eyes at Axon’s garage. He did a lot of work on it since the accident. Most machines and furniture were replaced; a heap of unsalvageable scrap sat at the corner. The door had been fixed and a couple of new locks had been added to improve security.

  “Yeah, well, it used to be.” Axon poked his head out of the door to check the coast before shutting it. “But now it should suffice as a safe house for us until we hatch our next plan.”

  Vaxine had tossed the tablet through the window on the highway before we made for the garage. So I took their words we would be safe. But that didn’t stop the questions bubbling in my head.

  “How did you catch it?” I blurted out at Axon. All eyes turned to him as we congregated around the bench next to the door.

  Axon sighed. “We wanted to prove our hypothesis Peyton caught the stronger strain so we thought it would be a great idea to infiltrate the Council. Well, to be fair, we accomplished our objective, but they caught us. They made us talk and when we didn’t cooperate, Cash infected me.”

  Tameera’s gaze bounced between Axon and Vaxine. “And how did you get out?”

  “I’ve got a Cranatol with me,” said Vaxine. “But we know Cranatol isn’t a permanent solution and we run out of it.”

  “How did you know we were at the co-lab?” I asked.

  “We went back to Hershey’s facility hoping to find y’all there but we were too late. The ATP got there first and all that’s left was Assunta’s phone. We ran it through a data extraction program and learned you guys have more interesting plans in mind.” Vaxine shot me an accusing look.

  “What was that for?” I retorted.

  “It’s not a good look to be involved in grant fraud at such an early stage of your career,” said Vaxine.

  “You’re welcome. I did that to save your ass,” I snarled, not holding back.

  Mandy stepped between us and patted me on the shoulder. “It’s not the time, Roxy. We’re all we have now. Let’s focus on the goal.”

  With a huff, I retreated to the back of the group and plopped on the stool.

  “And the goal now is?” Carlisa’s eyes darted around, not directing the question to anyone.

  Vaxine sucked in a breath. “We have to rescue Prof. Ronin. He’s not safe.”

  “And what do you propose?” Sam asked.

  Vaxine shook her head. “There’s nothing we know of that can reverse the infection of the stronger Cranax.”

  “Not yet.” All heads turned to Tameera. “All scientific breakthrough starts from a problem and a will to solve it. Now, we have a problem, so the next thing we’re gonna do is to solve it.”

  “Easier said than done. The whole Cranax coalition has been wiped out. We have nothing but the anti-Cranax gene. Even if we have the resources to cure the whole nation, it will take years to accomplish that,” spat Vaxine.

  “Even if we could physically accomplish that, I’m not sure if this is the best course of action.” Sam rubbed his chin. “I’m not well-versed in biologicals and genetics and stuff. Since we know the stronger strain can control the rest of the Infected by telekinesis, is there a way we can hack into Ronin or Peyton’s mind and gain control of it, you know, like a program as such? Then, we use the telekinesis feature to disable the rest of the Infected.”

  The group traded looks.

  Axon cleared his throat. “That was the whole point of Project Cranax. The virus was the way to hack into the host’s genome, modify the source code, and fix the bug, or you know, whatever the programming terms you use.”

  “I might have just the perfect tool for it.” Tameera whipped out a tablet from her bag full of stuff she could retrieve from the co-lab. “I’ve been working on this open-source prototype program since the start of the pandemic. I’ve been running some in-silico predictions on the viral genome but it looks like you guys are one step ahe
ad with the anti-Cranax gene. If I have the data of the stronger strain—”

  I flicked the data from my tablet to hers. “That’s all we got.”

  “That will do for the moment.” Tameera hit ‘Run’.

  All eyes trained on the screen, all anticipating the moment of truth. My heart skipped a beat when the ‘Complete’ message appeared on screen with a DNA sequence.

  Tameera arched her brow with interest. “We’ve got a hit. All we gotta do is brew the synthetic gene and load up our gene gun.”


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