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Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4)

Page 3

by Cala Riley

  “Yo, Abbot!” Nate calls to me over the shouts.

  I make my way over to him, finding him perched on the crates sitting above the crowd.

  Walking up, I slip my hand in his, giving him the card Scratch gave me. It's proof that the job has been done.

  “Glad to see you made it. You’re up in two.”

  Nodding, I walk away from him and lean against the wall, watching as the current fight ends.

  As the next fight begins, Rocky comes to stand next to me.

  “Everything go okay?”

  “Yeah, I gave Nate the slip.”

  Rocky nods and is quiet for a beat. “You good, man? Head clear?”

  I can’t help but tense. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “I have to ask, you know that.”

  I look at him out of the corner of my eye and see he’s still watching the fight in front of us. “I know.”

  “Mom still giving you trouble?”

  “Rocky,” I growl, “not now.”

  “Then when, man? She’s not your responsibility. You say the word and your crew and I will do what we can.”

  “I know.”

  Rocky shifts on his feet, turning towards me, and slaps my shoulder. “Time for you to get ready. Win me some money tonight, yeah?”


  He nods before making his way across the room towards Nate. I head off towards the makeshift locker room to get ready, and I almost feel bad for the guy who’s stepping into the ring with me tonight.



  My phone ringing pulls me out of the homework I was doing. Smiling, I answer it.

  “Hey, Daddy.”

  “Hey, baby girl. How are you?”

  Shutting my books, I sit up straighter. “I’m good. How are you?”

  “Good. Good. School is going all right? You’re keeping your grades up?”

  Rolling my eyes even though he can’t see it, I answer him. “Of course, Daddy. School’s easy.”

  “That’s only because you’re so smart. The smartest there.”

  I preen under his compliment. While my brothers have a volatile relationship with our dad, my relationship with him has always been easy. When Reed forced him to leave for good, Dad cut off all communications with him, but not with me. He assured me he could never do that to me.

  I know my brothers would be upset if they found out I was still talking to him. They think Daddy’s toxic. I mean, last year he basically told Keaton he didn’t matter to him. That’s if Keaton’s version of the story is to be believed. It’s not that I don’t believe him; I just know that there are three sides to every story. Keaton’s, Dad’s, and the truth.

  So instead of telling them he still calls me weekly, I keep it to myself.

  “Thank you. What are you up to?” I ask, desperate to keep the conversation going.

  “Traveling to France tonight for a meeting. I need your help with something.”

  “Of course. What is it?”

  “There’s a new student in your school. Xavier Walsh. He’s a friend of a business partner. Can you befriend him? Make sure he’s fitting in okay.”

  I smile, happy that I already know him. “Already done. I met him at lunch today.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, darling. I think you will like him. He’s a nice kid. He’s from an excellent family. Maybe you could date him even.”

  I frown. “I’m not sure.”

  I hear his disappointed sigh. “Baby girl, you’re almost eighteen. I need to make sure you make a suitable match. Xavier would be suitable. All I’m asking is for you to date the boy, then report back.”

  “What if I hate him?” I whisper.

  “We all have to make tough decisions in our life. Sometimes we have to do things we dislike to meet a future goal. Get to know him. I’ll call next week.”

  “Okay, Daddy. I love you.”

  The phone clicks before I finish the sentence. Sighing, I settle back into the bed, homework long forgotten.

  Could I date Xavier?

  Briefly, Finley crosses my mind. After he passed out here last time, he’s kept his distance. I don’t think he’s been hanging out with Keaton. I planned to confront him the next morning, but I woke up to an empty bed and an even emptier heart. I can’t keep giving myself to a man who has issues that he is unwilling to share.

  Thinking back to Xavier, I compare the two. Where Finley is an asshole most of the time, Xavier is sweet. Where Finley’s eyes rarely land on me, Xavier couldn’t keep his eyes off me today. Finley’s touch lights my soul on fire. Will Xavier’s do the same?

  Resigning myself to the fact that I can’t live my life comparing every single man in my life to a fantasy of a man they can never live up to, I decide to take my dad’s advice. I’ll give Xavier a shot. Who knows? Maybe he’s what I’ve been waiting for all my life.


  “Hey, Tinsley,” Xavier greets me at my car when I arrive at school.

  “Hey, Xavier. I hear our dads know each other in a roundabout way.”

  He looks guilty. “About that, I kind of already knew.”

  He rubs his hand over the back of his neck.

  “Why do you look so guilty?” I lean against my car.

  He sighs. “My dad instructed me to seek you out. I don’t want you to think that’s the only reason I spoke with you yesterday. You’re gorgeous, and I really didn’t like how that kid talked to you.”

  I laugh. “I’m not mad. My dad told me to talk to you too.”

  He lets out a nervous laugh. “Let me get your bag and walk you to class at least.”

  After handing over my bag, I walk next to him. “So, our dads are friends then.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. My family owns an oil drilling company in Texas. Your dad wants to expand his portfolio.”

  I bite my lip. “My dad wants us to date, I think.”

  He chuckles. “I know that’s what my dad wants.”

  As we reach my locker, he turns to me, studying my face.

  He reaches up, pulling my lip from between my teeth. “Hey, no pressure. I’m not friends with you because of them. That was a lucky coincidence. If we end up dating, then we do. If we don’t, then I’ll be happy with being friends. You’re the first person here to act like a decent human being. I won’t risk that for the agenda of two old white guys.”

  I blush at his compliment. “I’m not surprised. This place is a battleground. The students didn’t use to be so bad, but now that Reed and Keaton graduated, it’s like a free-for-all.”

  “Not much better than my last school then. Nice to know.” His goofy grin makes me smile. “Now that we have that settled, how about I take you out on Friday night?”

  “I think I would like that.”

  “Then it’s a date,” Xavier teases.

  “It’s a date.” I smile. Turning, I grab my textbooks from my locker. “I should get to class.”

  He nods. “Let me walk you?”

  I shake my head. “I’m just down the hall. See you later?”

  “At lunch.”

  I give him a shy smile. “At lunch.”

  As I walk away, I still feel the blush covering my cheeks. If I’m being honest with myself, this feels good. Really good.

  I’ve never had anyone openly flirt with me the way Xavier does. Most guys fear my brothers, and the ones that don’t, well, I guess I’m not their type.

  Even Asher didn’t flirt with me. He asked me out, and I jumped on it. Stupid when I look back, but I was desperate for one normal high school experience.

  Then there’s Finley. I was so focused on him most of my high school career, I never even looked at anyone else once, let alone twice.

  I’m still lost in my thoughts when someone knocks into me, causing my books to fall.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, leaning down to pick up my items.

  Before I can grab my book, the person kicks it.

  Standing back up, I glare at Josh. “What the fuck is yo
ur problem?”

  He lets out an evil laugh. “You, princess. Leave the new kid alone. Trust me, he doesn’t need your brand of crazy.”

  “Aww. Joshy pooh, are you jealous?”

  “As if. You’re nothing but a prude. Everyone knows that.” He snickers at his own joke.

  “Oh, honey, I meant are you jealous because Xavier wants me instead of you? Trust me, we both know I’m way out of your league.” I give him my best pity face.

  He takes a step towards me. “You fucking bitch.”

  My heart jumps in my chest.

  “Watch yourself, Baby Yates. There’s no one to save you. You’re at my mercy now, and I’m not a merciful king.”

  I can’t help the snort that leaves me. Reed and Keaton would never be caught dead calling themselves a king. It's an arrogant statement that undermines the status.

  “I’ve got my eye on you, bitch.” He kicks my book further down the hall as he turns to leave.

  I wait until the tardy bell rings before I run over and grab it then slip into my class.

  “Nice of you to join us, Ms. Yates. Take your seat quickly before I give you detention.” Ms. Wheeler glares.

  I do as I’m told, embarrassed that I’m late.

  Ms. Wheeler launches into our lesson for the day. I’m reading through our expected reading material when I feel something hit the back of my head. My stomach fills with dread.

  Don’t react. Don’t react.

  Then I feel it again, and then the giggles start, followed by deep laughs. I feel the tears start to fill my eyes but refuse to let them fall. They won’t get a reaction out of me.

  “How does it feel to not be on the top of the totem pole anymore, Little Yates?” Stacey taunts.

  “What did I ever do to you? Any of you?” I ask no one in particular.

  “You thought you were above us. But guess what, you never were. Your brothers aren’t here to protect you anymore,” a guy says from behind me.

  “Better watch out, Little Yates. We don’t have to play nice anymore,” Stacey says cheerfully.

  “Stacey,” Ms. Wheeler says, gaining her attention. “This is not social time. Pay attention, yes?”

  “As you wish, Ms. Wheeler!”

  The rest of class goes by in a blur. I have no idea what Ms. Wheeler has said by the time the bell rings. When everyone jumps up and leaves in a hurry, I take my time.

  “Ms. Yates,” Ms. Wheeler says from behind me. I turn towards her. “I hope you pay attention for this year. I didn’t call you out on it this time, but make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “How about I worry about myself and you worry about not sleeping with another student this year, yeah?” I watch her turn pale before turning on my heel and walking out.

  Now I understand why Sage has always called this place hell.


  Chapter Three


  I sync up my phone to my wireless speaker and start dancing around, singing into my curling wand about things my future husband needs to know. I stand in front of my mirror in lavender panties and a pushup bra, makeup already done, as I slowly curl my hair.

  “Knock, knock,” Sage says from the doorway.

  “Hey, how was your day?” I set my curling wand down and reach up and unclip the next section.

  “It was good. Busy for a Friday afternoon. What are you doing tonight?” she asks as she jumps up onto the counter next to me.

  I take a deep breath. “I have a date.” I don’t meet her eye as I do my hair.

  “A date? So tell.” She turns towards me and gives me her undivided attention.

  “His name is Xavier. He’s new to BA.” I leave out the fact that his dad and mine are friends.

  “Oh, new blood. How scandalous,” she teases. “Where are you going on said date?”

  “Dinner and then who knows.” I shrug. I grab the hairspray and spray my hair, making sure it holds but not to where it doesn’t move at all. As I turn to her, I smile. “Help me pick out something to wear?”

  Her answering smile is blinding. She jumps off the counter and walks behind me into my closet.

  “What do you want to wear? A dress or go casual with jeans and a T-shirt?” she asks while rifling through my clothes.

  “I don’t want to wear a dress, but I want to look sexy. I want him to see me and want me.” I bite my lip at my admission.

  I tell myself I’m talking about Xavier, but Finley is still there in the back of my mind. Maybe if Xavier wants me, Finley will.

  No, Tinsley. Damn it. You need to give Xavier a shot.

  Sage turns towards me. “Are you sure this date is a good idea?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “You say you want to go, but your body language says otherwise. Are you trying to prove to yourself or someone else that you deserve someone's attention?”

  I look Sage in the eye. “I want to go. Xavier’s sweet, handsome, and likes me for me.”

  Sage nods to herself before turning back to the shelf. “Okay.” She pulls off a pair of light skinny jeans and a long-sleeved, mesh style bodysuit and throws them at me. “Wear that.”

  I look down at the clothes in my arms. “Are you sure?”

  “For sure. You’ll look sexy, but not like the good girl you are.”

  “The bodysuit is see-through,” I remind her.

  “That lavender bra will look sexy under it. If he doesn’t want you now, he will by the time he sees you in it.”

  I nod. “What about shoes?”

  “Be right back.” Sage pushes past me and out of my room. I slip on the bodysuit and then the pants. When I walk over to my mirror, I have to admit that Sage has killer taste.

  She comes back into my room right as I’m coming out of the closet. “Damn, I’m good,” she mutters. She hands me a pair of black sneaker wedges. “Wear those. They're comfortable as fuck and good for any occasion.”

  I sit down on my bed and slide my feet into them before zipping them up the sides one at a time. I stand up. “What do you think?”

  “I’d do you,” Sage teases.

  I laugh as I loop my arm through hers and we make our way down the stairs towards the kitchen. Reed’s standing at the counter pouring himself a glass of water when we walk in. As soon as he sees Sage, his whole face lights up.

  “Hey, baby,” he says, holding his arms open for her. She breaks away from me and goes straight into his embrace. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses him. “I missed you today,” she whispers.

  Reed runs a hand through her hair before squeezing her neck. “Missed you too.” He kisses her one more time before tucking her into his side and looking at me. “What in the fuck are you wearing?” he growls.

  “A bodysuit and jeans,” I say flippantly as I pour myself a glass of water.

  “The jeans are fine, but it’s that bodysuit thing—” He waves a hand in my direction. “—you need to change.”

  “Not happening.”

  Reed runs his free hand over his face while the other rubs circles on Sage’s back. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “No, just my date,” I tease.

  Reed goes tense.

  “Relax, he sounds like a good guy,” Sage says into his neck.

  Reed shivers and closes his eyes. He nods once. “Okay, but what’s his name?”

  “Xavier Walsh. He’s new to BA,” I tell him before sliding onto the stool at the kitchen island.

  “Well, if he does anything you don’t want, knee him in the balls.” Reed cringes then reaches towards his junk. “Then call one of us. I also want his phone number and a photo of his license plate.”

  When the doorbell rings, I slide off the stool and set my glass in the sink before walking over to Reed and Sage. “You know I will.” I stand on my tiptoes and kiss Reeds cheek. “See you guys when I get home.”

  “Oh, hell no. This guy will meet me.” Reed stalks out of the room after me.

  I roll my eyes at his antics. When I get
to the foyer, Xavier’s standing in the entry staring at a picture of Keaton, Sage, Reed, and myself with Boswell next to him.

  “Hey, right on time.” I give him a shy smile.

  He turns towards me and his eyes light up. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” I take a step towards him, and he immediately pulls me in for a quick hug, pressing a chaste kiss on my cheek. Pulling back, I turn towards Reed and Sage. “This is my brother, Reed, and his long-time girlfriend, Sage.”

  He shakes their hands, but I don’t miss how he flinches when his hand is in Reed’s.

  “You better treat her right and have her home at a decent time. Tinsley will text me a photo of your license plate and your phone number. Know that I have connections, and I won’t hesitate to make you disappear,” Reed says it in such a friendly manner that I have to blink at the threat.

  “Yes, sir. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything to hurt Tinsley. She’s one of a kind.”

  I blush at Xavier’s words.

  “Damn right she is,” Reed mumbles.

  Sage slaps his chest. “You kids go have fun.”

  As she pulls him away, I chuckle as he’s furiously whispering to her.

  “Sorry about him.” I shake my head.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less. You’re worth it.” He lightly takes my hand as we head outside towards his car. After I take the requested photo and send it to Reed, Xavier opens the car door for me.

  “Thank you,” I say softly before sliding into the passenger seat.

  “You’re very welcome.” He shuts the door and rounds the front of the car to get in on the driver’s side. “You ready for dinner?”

  “I am. Where are we going?”

  He smiles. “Do you like surprises?”

  “I love them. My brothers once surprised me by closing down an ice-skating rink so I would have it all to myself while we were on vacation.” I bite my lip to stop rambling.

  I’m nervous as hell. Xavier doesn’t elicit the tingles in my body just from looking at me like Finley does, but he causes butterflies.

  Did. Finley did.

  “Well, I hope you like this surprise.” He reaches over, grabbing my clammy hand.

  I want to cringe at how sweaty and cold they are, but he doesn’t complain. He rests our joined hands on my thigh.


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