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Steve Yeager

Page 27

by William MacLeod Raine



  Spurred by Daisy Ellington, the star of the border Lunar Company hadkept the wires hot with messages to "the old man" in New York. To do himjustice the president of the company rose to the occasion as soon as itwas impressed upon his mind that Threewit and the others were in seriousdanger. He telegraphed for Lennox to meet him in Washington and hurriedto the Capitol himself to lay the case before the senior Senator fromNew York, a statesman who happened to be under political obligations tohim.

  The Arizona congressional delegation was called into conference and anappointment made to meet the President of the United States. As soon asLennox reached the city, he was hurried to the White House, where hetold the story before the President and the Secretary of State.

  The case called for prompt action. Instructions were wired to CaptainGirard, stationed with his company at Bisbee, Arizona, to act as aspecial envoy from the President to General Pasquale.

  Girard, with a corporal, two saddle-horses, and a pack-horse, entrainedat once. Four hours later he was dropped at a tank station, from whichpoint he and the corporal struck straight into the barren desert. Theglare of the afternoon sun was slanting down upon them when theystarted. Their shadows grew longer as they rode. The sun, a ball offire, dropped below the distant horizon edge and left a sky of wonder todrive a painter to despair.

  The gold and crimson and purple softened as the minutes passed. Thedistant ridges were no longer flamed with edgings of fire. A deep purplepredominated and was lightened presently to a velvet violet haze. Thenthe stars came out, close and cold and innumerable.

  Still Girard rode, taking advantage of the cool breath of night. Towardmorning he stopped at a sand-wash where three or four dusty cottonwoodsrelieved the vegetation of mesquite, palo verde, and cacti. Among therocks a spring rose hesitant to the surface and struggled faintly forlife against the palpitating heat and thirsty drought of the desert.

  The corporal hobbled the horses. The men stretched themselves in thesand and fell into deep sleep. It was noon when they awoke. They ate,lounged in such shade as the cottonwoods offered from the quiveringheat, and waited till mid-afternoon. Having saddled and repacked, theystruck again across the dreary roll of sandhills and washes. When NocheBuena lay at their feet the sun was low in the sky.

  Into the dusty main street of the village the two men rode at a walk. Asentinel with a rifle stopped them. Girard explained that he wanted tosee Pasquale.

  "He is dead--shot by a Gringo who has gone to hell already. And anotherGringo will be shot when the sun falls below the hills, and perhapsanother to-morrow. Who knows? You, too, may pay for the death of theLiberator," jeered the sentry.

  "Pasquale dead--and shot by an American?" asked the captain in surprise.

  "As I have said. But General Culvera killed the dog in his tracks. Ho,Manuel! Call an officer. A Gringo wants to see the general," he shoutedto a barefoot trooper crouched in the shade of an adobe house.

  Girard explained to the officer that he was a messenger from thePresident of the United States. He and the corporal were searched andtheir arms removed.

  The Mexican officer apologized. "Since Pasquale was murdered, we take nochances," he explained. "You understand I do not at all doubt you arewhat you say. But we search all strangers to make sure."

  After Culvera had glanced over the credentials of Girard, he was allsuavity. "I offer you a hundred welcomes; first for yourself, as anofficer of the army of our sister Republic, and second as an envoy fromyour President, for whom I have a most profound respect. But not a wordof your mission until we have dined. You will want first of all a bathafter your long dusty trip. May I offer you my own quarters for thepresent till arrangements can be made?"

  Captain Girard bowed. "You are very kind, general. Believe me, Iappreciate your courtesy. But first I must raise one point. I have beentold that an American is to be executed at sunset, which is almostimmediately. You will understand that as a representative of the UnitedStates it is necessary that I should investigate the facts."

  Swiftly Culvera considered. If the American officer had arrived an hourlater, Yeager would have been safely out of the way. How had hediscovered already that an American was to be shot? Was it worth whiledenying it? But what if Girard insisted on seeing the execution? What ifhe asked to see Yeager? Ramon's glance swept the obstinate face of thecaptain. He decided it better to acknowledge the truth.

  "It is to me a matter of profound regret," he sighed. "The man enlistedin our army as a spy, disguised as a peon. He is guilty of the murderof one of our men in a gambling-house. He attempted to kill GeneralPasquale a short time ago. He was undoubtedly in league with the manHolcomb, the assassin of our great general. He shot Major Ochampa, butfortunately the major is recovering. The man is a border ruffian of theworst stamp."

  "May I talk with him, general?"

  "But certainly--if the man is still living," assented the Mexican.

  The American officer looked straight at Ramon. His steady eyes made noaccusation, mirrored no suspicion. Culvera could not tell what he wasthinking. But he recognized resentfully a compulsion in them that hecould not safely ignore.

  "With your permission I should like to talk also with Miss Seymour andthe two moving-picture men," said Captain Girard.

  The Mexican adventurer announced a decision he had come to that veryinstant, one to which the inconvenient arrival of the envoy from thePresident of the United States had driven him.

  "I am making arrangements to have them all three taken safely back toArixico. Between you and me, captain, old Pasquale was something of asavage. It is my purpose to win and hold the friendship of the UnitedStates. I don't underestimate Pasquale. He was my friend and chief. Hemade a free Mexico possible. But he was primitive. He did not understandinternational relations. He treated the citizens of your great countryaccording to his whims. That was a mistake. I shall so act as to win theapproval of your great President."

  "I am very glad to hear that. The surest foundation upon which you canbuild for a free Mexico is justice for all, general. And now, if I maysee Yeager."

  A messenger was sent to bring the prisoner. He found an officer with afiring party already crossing the plaza to the place of execution. Theprisoner was bareheaded, ragged, unkempt. His arms were tied by theelbows behind his back. But the spirit of the unbeaten spoke in his eyesand trod in his limping step.

  "The general wishes to see the prisoner," explained the messenger to theofficer.

  The party wheeled at a right angle, toward the headquarters of Culvera.

  Steve thought he understood what this meant. Culvera had sent for him togloat over him, to taunt him. The man wanted to hear him beg for hislife. The teeth of the cowpuncher clenched tightly till the muscles ofthe jaw stood out like ropes. He would show this man that an Americandid not face a firing squad with a whine.

  At sight of the captain of cavalry sitting beside Culvera the heart ofYeager leaped. The long arm of Uncle Sam had reached across the borderin the person of this competent West Pointer. It meant salvation forRuth, for his friends, possibly even for himself.

  "Captain Girard wants to ask you a few questions," Culvera explained.

  Without waiting for questions Yeager spoke. "Do you know that anAmerican girl is held prisoner here, captain,--that Pasquale was drivingher to a forced marriage when Holcomb shot him to save her?"

  Girard turned toward the general, a question in his eyes.

  Ramon shrugged his shoulders. "I told you Pasquale was a barbarian. Thetrouble is he was a peon. He took what he wanted."

  "Her name is Ruth Seymour. She's a fine girl, captain. You'll save her,of course, and see that she gets home," continued Steve.

  "I have the promise of General Culvera to see her and your friends safeto Arixico," replied Girard.

  "You'll ride with them yourself all the way," urged the prisoner.

  "No doubt. But, of course, the word of General Culvera--"

s worth what it is worth," Yeager finished for him.

  "The man stands in the shadow of death. Let him say what he likes," saidthe Mexican contemptuously to the officer beside him.

  "You are charged with being a spy, Mr. Yeager. I am told you werecaptured in disguise after having plotted to help prisoners escape,"said Girard.

  Yeager nodded quietly. "Technically I am a spy. I came here to try tosave Miss Seymour and my friends. The attempt failed and I wascaptured."

  "Are you a spy in the sense that you were in the employ of the enemiesof General Pasquale and his armies?"

  "No. Culvera understands that perfectly well. I came only to look outfor my friends."

  Girard knew what manner of man Yeager was. He intended to save his lifeif it could be done. This would be possible only if Culvera could bemade to feel that it would cost too much to punish him.

  "It is claimed that you attempted the life of General Pasquale once."

  "Nothing to that. I was a prisoner, condemned to be shot in the morning.He came to my cell and offered me my life if I would knife Culvera inthe back. I couldn't see the proposition. But I got a chance, knockedhim down, tied him up, and slipped out in his serape. Then I made mygetaway on the horse he had left for me in case I came through with theknifing."

  Instantly Culvera knew the story to be true. It cannot be said that hewas grateful to Yeager, but the edge of his resentment against him wasdulled.

  "Sounds like a plausible story, doesn't it?" he suggested ironically."Why should Pasquale want the death of his friend, his lieutenant, theman who was closest to him among all his followers?"

  "Send for Juan Garcia. He was on sentry duty that night. Ask him as tothe facts," the cowpuncher proposed.

  Girard turned to his host and spoke to him in a low voice. "General,this man has a good reputation at home. He has a host of friends inArizona. I believe he is speaking the truth. Perhaps General Pasqualemay have been too hasty. Let us send for all the witnesses and make athorough investigation of the charges against him. I shall be called toWashington after I have wired my report. The President, no doubt, willquestion me. Make it possible for me to tell him that under the rule ofGeneral Culvera a regime begins that is founded on justice for all."

  Culvera was far from a fool. He had lived in the United States andunderstood something of the temper of its people. The fall of Huertawas potent proof that no ruler could survive in Mexico if theGovernment at Washington was set in opposition to him. After all, thelife of Yeager was only a small matter. Why not use him as a pawn in thegame to win the approval of the big Republic to the north?

  With his most engaging smile Ramon offered his hand to Captain Girard."You are right. Pasquale was a child, a creature of moods, of foolishsuspicions and tempestuous passions. Perhaps this man tells the truth.It may be he has been condemned unjustly. You and I, my friend, shallsit in judgment on him. If he be guilty, we shall condemn; if innocent,acquit. Meanwhile I will remand him to prison and order the executionpostponed. Does that satisfy you, captain?"

  The American officer shook hands warmly. "General, it is a pleasure tomeet a man like you. Mexico is fortunate in having such a son."

  Culvera beamed. "Gracias. And now, captain, first a bath, then dinner.Afterwards you shall talk with the moving-picture men." He turnedaffably to Yeager. "I shall give orders that you be given a good dinnerto-night. To-morrow we shall pass judgment on you."

  Steve nodded to the West Pointer. "Much obliged, captain."



  Breakfast was served to Yeager next morning by a guard who either knewnothing or would tell nothing of what was going on in the camp. After hehad eaten, nobody came near the prisoner for hours. Through the barredwindow he could see a sentry pacing up and down or squatting in theshade of the deserted building opposite. No other sign of human lifereached him.

  His nerves were keyed to a high tension. Culvera was an opportunist.Perhaps something had occurred to make him change his mind. Perhaps hehad decided, after all, not to play for the approval of the UnitedStates. In revolutionary Mexico much can happen in a few hours.

  Steve was a man of action. It did not suit his temperament to sit coopedup in a prison while things were being done that affected the happinessof Ruth and his own life. He tried to persuade himself that all wasgoing well, but as the fever of his anxiety mounted, he found himselflimping up and down the short beat allowed him from wall to wall.

  It was noon before he was taken from his cell. Steve counted it a goodaugury that a saddle horse was waiting for him to ride. Last night hehad limped across the plaza on his wounded leg.

  He and his little procession of guards cut straight across toheadquarters. Culvera sat on the porch smoking a cigarette. He wasdressed immaculately in a suit of white linen with a blue sash. Hisgold-trimmed sombrero was a work of art.

  At sight of Yeager the Mexican general smiled blandly.

  "Are you ready to take a long journey, Senor Yeager?" he asked.

  The heart of the cowpuncher lost a beat, but he did not bat an eye."What journey? The same one that Holcomb took?" he demanded bluntly.

  Culvera showed a face of pained surprise. "Am I a barbarian? Do youthink me another Pasquale? No, no, senor. You and I have had ourdisagreements. But they are past. To tell the truth, I always did likethe way you see a thing through to a fighting finish. Now that I knowyou are not the ruffian I had been led to think you, it is a pleasure tome to tell you that you have been tried and acquitted. I offer regretsfor the inconvenience to which you have been put. You will pardon, is itnot so, and do me the honor to dine with me before you leave?"

  The heels of the Mexican came together, he bowed, and offered a hand tothe range-rider.

  "Just one moment, general. All that listens fine to me, but--what arethe conditions?"

  Ramon made a gesture of regret at being so sadly misunderstood."Conditions! There are none."

  "None at all?"

  "None. Is it that you think me a peddler instead of a gentleman?" Theface of the young Mexican expressed sorrow rather than anger.

  Still Steve doubted. "Let's understand each other, general. Are youtelling me that I can walk out of that door, climb into a saddle, andkeep going till I get back into old Arizona?"

  "I tell you that--and more. You will be furnished an escort to see yousafely across the line. You may choose your own guard if you doubt."

  "And my friends?"

  "They go, too, of course."

  "All of them?"

  The Mexican smiled. "You're the most suspicious man I ever knew. All ofthem, Senor Yeager."

  "Including Miss Seymour?" The range-rider spoke quietly, but his eyeswere like swords.

  "Naturally she will not wish to stay here when her friends leave."

  Steve leaned against the porch post with a deep breath of relaxation."If I'm sleeping, don't let any one wake me, general," he implored,smiling for the first time.

  "I confess your amazement surprises me," said Culvera suavely. "Did youthink all Mexicans were like Pasquale? He was a great man, but he was asavage. Also, he was a child at statecraft. I used to warn him tocooeperate with the United States if he wished to succeed. But he wasignorant and eaten up with egotism."

  "You're right he was, general."

  "A new policy is now in operation. In freeing you I ask only that youset me and my army right with your people. Let them understand that westand for a free Mexico and for justice."

  The hands of the two men gripped.

  "I'll sure do my share, general."

  "We're to have a little luncheon before you go. Captain Girard and yourfriends are to be my guests. You will join us; not so?"

  "Gracias, general. Count me in."

  The black eyes of the Mexican twinkled. "Your wound--does it greatlytrouble you, senor?"

  "Some. When I walk."

  "Too bad. I was going to ask you to step upstairs and tell SenoritaSeymour that General Culvera will be delighted to have he
r join us atluncheon. But, of course, since your leg troubles you--"

  "It's a heap better already, general. You're giving me good medicine."

  "Ah! I think you know the lady's room. But perhaps I had better call apeon."

  The eyes of the cowpuncher were bright. "Now, don't you, general. Keepon talking and you're liable to spoil what you've said," answered Stevewith his old gay laugh.

  He hobbled out of the room and up the stairs.

  The door of Ruth's room was open. She sat huddled in a chair lookingstraight before her. There were shadows under her young eyes that nevershould have been there. Her lissome figure had lost its gallantry, thefine poise that had given her a note of wild freedom. Steve had come upso quietly that she evidently had not heard, for she did not turn herweary head to see who it was.

  He stood a moment, hesitating on the threshold. She sat without moving,a pathetic picture of despair and grief. A man had died for heryesterday. Another man was to die to-day because he had tried to saveher. She herself was in danger still. The tragedy of life had carriedher beyond tears.

  When he moved forward a step she turned. Her lips parted in surprise.The dark eyes under her tumbled, blue-black hair stared in astonishment.Slowly she rose, never lifting her gaze from him. With a little cry ofwonder she stretched her arms toward this man who had come to her as iffrom the dead.

  In two strides he reached her and swept the girl into his arms. Hekissed the tired eyes, the tousled hair, the soft cheeks into which thecolor began to flow. She clung to him, afraid to let him go, uncertainwhether it was a reality.

  At last she spoke. "It _is_ you, isn't it? I thought ... they toldme ... that you...."

  He laughed softly with the joy of it all. "I'm free--free to go homewith you, Ruth,--back to God's country, to friends and life and love."

  "Are you going to take me, too?" she asked with naive simplicity.

  "Is it likely I'd go without you? Yes, we're all going. Culvera has seenthe light. Soon all this will be like a nightmare from which we haveescaped. That's right, honey. Cry if you want to. Little girl, littlegirl, how am I ever going to tell you how much I love you?"

  She wept with gladness and relief while he held her tightly in his armsand promised to keep her against all harm as long as life lasted.

  And afterward, when smiles came again, they fell into the inarticulatebabblings that from the beginning of time have been the expression oflovers.

  They forgot time, so that neither knew how long it had been before adenim-clad soldier stood saluting in the doorway.

  Steve, over his shoulder, fired a question at the man. "What do youwant?"

  "The compliments of General Culvera, senor and senorita, and I was toremind you that luncheon has been waiting twenty minutes."

  Steve and Ruth looked at each other and laughed. They went downstairshand in hand.



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