Book Read Free


Page 22

by Marie Force

  After hearing me say I care, she pauses. “What do you care about?”

  “You. Of course I care about you. We’ve been friends for years.”

  She scowls and continues on her misguided plan to initiate herself into anal sex.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself. You need to be prepared, especially to take… well, me.”

  “Fine, then prepare me.” She lifts herself off me and stands next to the chaise, gesturing for us to switch places.

  “You haven’t had enough?”

  “Obviously not.”


  “Prepare me. Now.”

  I don’t want it like this. “I’m not sure I can.”

  She glances at my hard cock and raises a brow.

  “I’m kind of sore from what we’ve already done.” I’m quite certain I’ve never had this much sex in such a condensed time period, and I really am sore.

  Her eyes shoot fire at me, but her chin wobbles. “Fine. Forget it. Just forget the whole thing.” She walks over to where our clothes lie scattered about on the floor and gets dressed, her movements jerky and rushed, as if she can’t wait to get out of there and away from me.

  I start to get up to go to her, but my legs feel like overcooked spaghetti noodles. It takes me a second to get my shit together, and by then, she’s heading for the stairs. I gently grasp her arm to stop her. “Don’t go.”

  “Why not?”


  “That’s all you’ve got?”

  It’s time to put up or shut up. I get that. But the words… They’re stuck inside me, wedged behind an unbreakable wall of fear.

  She twists her arm free of my grasp. “Let me go, Sebastian. You’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t want what I do.”

  “That’s not true.”



  Probably only because we’ve been friends for so long does she turn to look at me.

  “I’m afraid.” It takes every ounce of courage I can find inside me to admit that.

  Her expression doesn’t change. “Of what?”

  “Of this, of you, of how I feel when I’m with you, of what it felt like to know you were in danger because of me, of losing you after what we’ve had. All of it. It’s terrifying.”

  She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly before closing the distance between us and laying her hands flat against my chest. “I love you.”

  “I know, but—”


  I look into the lovely green eyes that are looking at me with affection and humor and love, so much love. “I’m in love with you. I think perhaps I have been for as long as I’ve known you.”

  “You… I… Really?” My voice breaks on that last word, the way it did when I was twelve and going through puberty.


  I shake my head. “You shouldn’t love me like that.”

  “Kinda too late.” She flashes the toothy grin that made her a superstar. “I already do. I’ve made a lot of really bad decisions because I refused to acknowledge what was right in front of me for years. Are you going to make bad decisions, too?”

  “You got kidnapped because of me.”

  “I know, and guess what? I survived it because of me. I’m right here. I’m safe and sound and telling you I’m in love with you.”

  “You can do better.”

  Her disappointment is obvious. “I guess I’ll see you around, then.”


  She stops but keeps her back to me.

  “You bring so much to the table, and I…”

  She turns to face me. “Do you love me, Sebastian?”

  When she looks at me that way and asks me point blank, I find I can’t deny it. I don’t want to. “Yeah, I love you.” Some of the tension in my chest eases when I say those words.

  “That’s the only thing I need you to bring to the table. I don’t want or need one single other thing from you besides that. Well, I need your exceptional cock once in a while, too.”

  “He kinda comes with the package.”

  “It’s a very appealing package, and you don’t even know it. You’re the most loyal person I know. Do you have any idea how important that quality is to someone like me, who frequently sees the worst of people in this business? You’re the best friend anyone could ever hope to have. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for any of us, and we all know it. I’ve seen your heart, and I love your heart.”

  “You humble me.”

  “You thrill me.”

  My heart, the heart that belongs only to her, skips a crazy beat, the same way it would if I were about to step off a cliff into a free fall. Isn’t that exactly what I’m doing? “Are you absolutely sure this is what you want? That I’m what you want?”

  “One million percent sure.”

  “And you won’t change your mind in a year or two when someone better comes along?”

  She puts her arms around my waist and gazes up at me. “There is no one better than you.”

  When she says it with such conviction, I start to believe that maybe it’s true. There might be better men out there, men who’ve never broken the law or done the things I’ve done, but no one will ever love her more than I do. That much I know for certain. I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her soft, fragrant hair. “Are we really going to do this?”

  “Only if it’s what you want, too.”

  “It is. It’s what I’ve always wanted but was too afraid to reach for.”

  “And now that you have it within your grasp, what do you plan to do with it?”

  “Keep it.” I tighten my hold on her. “Forever.”


  It’s Oscar night, and I’m nervous. Not about the awards or the show, but what comes after. Over the last week, Sebastian has been preparing me to finish what we started in the dungeon that day. Tonight, under the copper-colored Dior gown that was made just for me, I’m wearing the largest of the plugs he procured for me.

  When I think about the battle it took to insert that plug, my body tingles with anticipation and a healthy dose of fear. Sebastian is twice the size of the plug. There’s a very good chance I won’t be able to handle him there, but I’m determined to try.

  How am I supposed to think about anything but what’s coming later while we’re at the show?

  He walks into his bedroom and stops short at the sight of me in the gown that perfectly complements my coloring. Wearing an Armani tuxedo, he’s absolutely devastating.

  “Let me see the front,” he says gruffly.

  I turn to show him the plunging neckline—if you want to call it that. It leaves the middle of me completely bare. The daring look required double-stick tape to keep my nipples from popping out, but Tenley has assured me I’m a slam dunk for a best-dressed nod, not that I care about that.

  I do care about the heated, desperate, possessive way Sebastian studies me. “What do you think?”

  “There’s too much of you showing.”

  I knew he’d say that. “All the important parts are covered.”

  “All your parts are important.”

  I crook my finger at him. “Come here and let me see you.”

  He crosses the room to me, and I smooth my hands over the fine fabric of his jacket. “You look gorgeous.”

  “So do you.”

  I hook my arm through his and turn us to face the full-length mirror Tenley brought when she learned that Seb didn’t own one. “How can men live this way?” Tenley asked.

  I tip my head to lean it on his shoulder. “We look pretty good together, don’t you think?”

  “We look incredible together.”

  Ever since he decided to let go of the fear and take what he wants, he’s been like a whole new and improved version of his already awesome self. He’s all in, and all-in Sebastian is a force to be reckoned with. He tells me he loves me no fewer than a dozen times a day. He wants to talk about our futu
re—where we’ll live and whether we should sell his place and live at mine at the beach or buy something new together.

  He won’t let me pay for anything. “I’ve got it, babe” is his regular refrain.

  I let him pay because I understand that he needs to take care of me, which is fine with me. What do I care who pays as long as we get to do everything together?

  Turk was arrested about an hour after we walked out of the warehouse. My statement and Leah’s helped to build the case against him. I’ve kept my promises to Ariel and have plans to meet her for lunch this week. She had nothing to do with what her uncle did, and if I can help her get ahead in this cutthroat business, why wouldn’t I? Somehow the cops managed to keep my name and Leah’s out of the public statements about Turk’s arrest, and for that I’ll be eternally grateful. I’ve had more than enough publicity lately.

  Turk has been charged with multiple felony counts of kidnapping, false imprisonment and extortion. His chop shop was raided, and the guys who worked for him were arrested, too. Leah and I think it’s kind of cool that we helped to shut down their entire criminal enterprise.

  Speaking of Leah, she and Emmett are engaged! We’re all so thrilled for them. I love the way she’s totally transformed Emmett’s life and given him something he didn’t even know he was missing until she showed him that there could be so much more. And the rock he put on her finger? Holy statement, Batman. The man is smitten, and that’s plainly obvious to anyone who spends even five minutes with the two of them.

  She and I are closer than ever since our ordeal with Turk, and I was delighted when she asked me to be in her wedding party.

  Sebastian’s hand on my ass takes me out of my thoughts and back to reality when he presses on the base of the plug. “Everything still a go for later?”


  “You’re not going to wimp out on me, are you?”

  “I really hope not.”

  He carefully puts an arm around me and kisses the top of my head. “It’s okay if you do. After you plugged me, I have a whole new appreciation for what it’s like to be on the receiving end.”

  “No, you don’t. That plug was nothing compared to the beast in your pants.”

  His gruff laughter warms me all the way through. It’s so perfect with him. He’s everything I ever wanted and more. That I can be completely and totally myself with my friend Sebastian, who is also my love, is the greatest gift in an already blessed life.

  “We need to go.”

  “I still can’t believe I’m your date to the Oscars.”

  “Believe it. You’re my date to life.”

  “I still can’t believe that either.”

  “Is your mom going to watch?”

  “Yep, with my dad, apparently.” No one is really clear on how the relationship between his parents works these days, but whatever. It works for them, Sebastian says, and that’s what matters.

  A chauffeur-driven black Bentley, the same model as my white one, delivers us into town for the show. I’m meeting my Quantum partners there and looking forward to a big night for all of us with Insidious the front-runner for best picture. Winning two years in a row would cement our place as the top production company in Hollywood.

  Because of that, I’m almost more excited for the best picture category than I am for best actress. Although, it would be nice to win for acting again. It’s been almost twenty years since I took home the best supporting actress statue for my first film. I also received an Oscar as a producer for Camouflage last year.

  More than anything, I’m excited to have the man I love as my date to the biggest event of the year.

  My cell phone rings, and I take the call without checking the caller ID, certain it’s one of my partners. It’s not.

  “Marlowe. Please don’t hang up.”

  Rafe. “How’d you get this number?” I can’t imagine how he would’ve gotten my new number.

  “It doesn’t matter. I need to talk to you. You have to do something. Everywhere I go, the women… They throw things at me. One of them threw hot food on me in a restaurant!”

  I roll my lips together so I won’t be tempted to laugh.

  “They hit me and slap me. You have to call them off!”

  “Why should I? After what you did to me and twelve other women, it’s the least of what you deserve.”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  “I don’t believe you. I think you’re sorry you finally got called out for your bad behavior. Here’s a piece of advice—stay home. No one can throw things at you or slap you if you don’t go out. Also, you might want to stay out of the US since there’s a warrant for your arrest. And here’s my final piece of advice. If you call me again, I’ll press charges for harassment in addition to the assault charges.”

  “Marlowe, please…”

  I end the call and block the number.

  “So fucking hot.” The low rumble of Sebastian’s sexy voice makes me want to fan myself.

  “You think so?”

  “Oh yeah. My woman is a badass. Nobody better fuck with her.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Damn straight.”

  “They’re throwing food at him in restaurants.”

  We lose it laughing.

  And when the phone rings again, I scowl in anticipation of another call from him. This time, I check the caller ID and see Flynn’s name pop up.

  “Mo,” he says before I can even say hello. He sounds frantic. “Nat’s in labor.”

  “Already?” She’s not due for another month.

  “Yeah, we were all ready to leave when her water broke. We’re on our way to the hospital.”

  “What does Dr. Breslow say?”

  “That she’s okay to deliver at thirty-five weeks, but…”

  “She’ll be fine, Flynn. She’s young and strong, and the baby is totally fine. I know it.”

  “Mo.” He manages to convey a world of fear in the way he says my name.

  “You want me to come to the hospital?” I’d do it in a second if he asked me to, and he knows it.

  “Absolutely not. It’s going to be a big night for you and for Quantum. I hate to jinx myself this way, but will you accept for me if I win?”

  With his superstitions, it’s a huge thing for him to even acknowledge the possibility that he might win. “I’d love to. Can I tell them where you are?”

  “Yeah, why not? I’m gonna be a dad.”

  The wonder and amazement in his voice move me to tears. “Yes, you are. The best dad ever. We love you both. Let us know how she’s doing?”

  “I’ll text you.”

  “Give Nat our love.”

  “Will do.”

  “Keep breathing, Flynn.”

  “Trying. I’ll be in touch.”

  The line goes dead, and I glance at Sebastian. “Do you think I should go to the hospital?”

  “We’ll go by after the show.”

  “We have plans after the show.”

  “They’ll keep until we check on our friends.”

  We arrive a short time later at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles and wait in a long line of other cars offloading celebrity cargo.

  “You ready for this?” We’ll officially go public with our relationship at this event, and I’ve tried to prepare Sebastian for how things will change for him. He says he gets it, but how could he until he’s chased from a coffee shop or grocery store by camera-wielding paparazzi? Sure, he’s spent time with all of us and seen how it can be for us, but it’s different when the focus is on you—and the focus will be on him once the media figures out that we’re together.

  He kisses my hand and gazes into my eyes. “I’m ready for anything if it means I get to sleep with you every night and wake up with you every morning.”

  Swoon. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too, babe. Let’s go knock ’em dead.” He gets out first and reaches for me.

  I take hold of his hand and let him help me out of the car.

bsp; The crowd goes wild when they see that it’s me, and we’re momentarily blinded by the flashes of a thousand cameras recording this moment. I hear the buzz: Who is he? Do we know him? Haven’t we seen him before? It won’t take long for them to figure out who he is. I’ve instructed Liza not to give them anything. Let them figure it out for themselves.

  I wave to my adoring fans who call out to me from the bleachers as we walk the red carpet, stopping for several interviews with the big entertainment shows.

  As we planned, Seb waits for me outside the shot so he won’t be forced to answer questions. I talk to the interviewers about the movie, tell them who I’m wearing and make small talk while avoiding the one question they most want answered: Who is he, and what does he mean to me?

  Soon enough, they’ll know. He’s Sebastian Lowe, and he’s everything to me.

  The awards show is surreal. What the fuck am I doing in a three-thousand-dollar tux, hobnobbing with Hollywood royalty? When Marlowe looks over at me and flashes that irrepressible trademark grin, I remember what I’m doing here. I’m here for her, because there’s nowhere I’d rather be than wherever she is.

  A week after sealing my fate in the dungeon, I wonder why I bothered to resist her. My resistance was as futile as metal would be avoiding a magnet when the two are on a collision course with destiny.

  She is my destiny, and for some reason that I’ll never fully understand, I’m hers.

  After our stroll down the red carpet, we’re shown into the theater, where the Quantum team is seated in the first two rows. When the producers are informed that Flynn and Natalie won’t be attending, there’s a scramble to fill their seats. Marlowe agrees to fly solo for the presentation of the best original screenplay award they were supposed to do together.

  Everyone wants to know where they are. Other than our Quantum family, we tell no one why they’re missing the biggest night of the year. Only we know that this could be the biggest night of their lives, and the reason has nothing to do with awards.


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