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JoJo (S.H.E Book 2)

Page 5

by Christine Michelle

  “We’re nowhere close to done yet.” His words blazed through my skull as I felt him line up with my body. Our height difference made it a little awkward at first. I was staring at his chest as he lined up and pushed his almost too-thick cock home.

  “Holy hell!” I gasped the words out and then I did the only thing that seemed to make the adjustment easier on me. I bit down into the soft flesh between his pectoral muscle and his clavicle. The answering groan from him, coupled with another deep thrust, made me believe he didn’t mind my biting him one bit. I stepped it up a notch and started to suck away the hurt I might have caused as he continued pumping in and out of me.

  Moments later, or hell maybe hours, another orgasm rolled through me with all the grace of a tsunami. Wave after wave of bliss battered my body from the inside out. Steel rolled us then, while keeping his hardness locked firmly inside of me. I helped by situating my legs on either side of thighs as his hands gripped my hips and started helping me into a steady rhythm. My hands landed on his well-defined chest, scraping across the crisp hairs there before I found the rest of my senses. I rocked my hips, swiveling them slightly, eliciting another groan from the mammoth of a man beneath me. As my pace increased, so did Steel’s upward thrusts. The way he filled me had me wondering why I’d ever been with anyone else. It was obvious our bodies were meant to interlock this way. This, being with him, was sheer perfection. The glide of our sweat-drenched bodies together, the fast pace of our breaths, and the grunts we were each making and causing swamped my sense,s sending me into another overload that had me seeing stars. Only this time, when I clenched around him, he followed me over into orgasmic bliss as well. Steel stiffened beneath me while growing impossibly large inside of me before grinding my hips down tightly to his own as he shouted out his release, and the contractions from my own orgasm milked him dry.

  I had been wrung out. My toppling over and utter collapse on his chest was completely involuntary. My body was boneless. Now, I honestly knew what women meant when they said that. Sure, I’d had decent sex before, even what I’d call good sex. This was in a different stratosphere though. Hell, who was I kidding. My inebriated state probably just made it seem more than it really was. Kind of like how a two becomes a ten with beer goggles. Maybe the sex was really only okay, but I was too drunk to know better.

  A few moments passed where the only sounds in the room were each of us catching our breaths. Steel’s fingers glided gently up and down my sweat-slicked back, pebbling my skin in gooseflesh as the movement tormented my already overblown senses. When I shivered involuntarily at his touch, paired with the rapidly cooling sweat on my body, he turned us so we both lie on our sides facing one another. His erection, now diminished, slid from between my legs followed by a slickness that shouldn’t have been there. My orgasm and alcohol hazed brain was in shut down mode as I simply closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  “Last night, did we?” My half asked question hung in the air as I listened to Steel sigh heavily.

  “We had sex. I didn’t think you were so blitzed you wouldn’t remember. I wouldn’t have…”

  “I know we had sex.” Even if I couldn’t remember, the slight throbbing between my legs was enough evidence of the act. “I meant we didn’t use anything, did we? It felt, hell, it was different. I didn’t think…” My brain was boggling through the myriad of possible consequences. I’d slept with a biker dude I really didn’t know, and I’d done it unprotected. Never mind that he was my husband. I had no clue if he was the type to plow through club whores or what.

  Judging by the sudden stiffness of the man at my back he was suddenly going through the same inner turmoil I was. “Shit,” he finally muttered. “Guess we were both drunker than I thought to let that happen.”

  “I’m clean,” I mentioned in hopes that he would reciprocate. “I was tested for everything after Eddie took off. Not that we ever did anything without a condom, but just in case.”

  “I thought you said he took off more than two years ago?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “Jesus, are you telling me I’m the only guy you’ve been with in two years?”

  I finally grew enough courage to open my eyes. Steel was propped up on his elbow, looking down at me. The crease from his pillow still marred the side of his face that he slept on. “I guess so. I just haven’t had time for dating with my dad’s illness, and learning how to run the business.”

  “Damn,” he huffed out, but added nothing else to the conversation.

  I cleared my throat, hoping he’d volunteer his own info. He didn’t so I had to speak up and ask. “What about you?”

  “What about me? It’s only been about two months.”

  “I don’t care how long its been since you last fucked,” I complained as I sat up, being sure to pull the sheet with me as I went. “I meant how careful are you usually? Results of your last check up? The kind of thing that eases my worried mind about possibly ending up with a disease I need to see my doctor for, you know? Well, that and the risk of pregnancy.”

  “I was checked after my ex. She um, cheated. So, I wanted to be sure. I was with her alone for the two years you were playing nun. We only ever went without condoms once. Not really a choice for me since I woke up to her riding me bare.” Suddenly he sat up and touched my shoulder. “What exactly did you mean by ‘the risk of pregnancy’?”

  “I haven’t been engaging in sexual activities, so no need for birth control.” He paled visibly. “Don’t worry, I’ll hit the drug store as soon as we get up to grab a morning after pill just to be sure.”

  “Sure, yeah. That’s good.” His responses seemed automatic, almost robotic in nature. We didn’t really discuss anything else though because the room door burst open and in marched Tash with a scowl on her face.

  “Worst sex ever!” She complained without even noticing if anyone was paying attention to her. She just continued on rambling about her night. “I mean, how could the gods allow for such endowment, but give absolutely no skill in how to use the damn thing?”

  My laughter blended with Steel’s, which stopped Tash in her tracks. She slowly glanced over and realized for the first time that I wasn’t alone in bed. Then a huge grin spread across her face as she noticed we both appeared to be naked. “I hope your night was better than mine since you married the guy first and all.”

  “Eh,” I shrugged my shoulders, feigning indifference. “It was all right.”

  “All right?” Steel asked indignantly. “You passed out twice. I’m pretty sure the fuck-coma I induced at the end said it all.” I blushed until my cheeks burned like they were on fire and Tash laughed at me.

  “I guess that answers that.” Tash offered with a snicker.

  Keys burst through the door next. “Legs called. She found a real lead and needs,” Keys’ eyes moved from Tash over to me on the bed, and then to Steel who was sitting up beside me with his chest on display because I was hogging the vast majority of cover from the sheet that draped over us. “Oh shit! I didn’t realize you guys were actually going to consummate the marriage too. I guess after that kiss though,” She stammered out before Quickshot also barged into the room, crowding it even more.

  “Did you tell them?” He asked before stopping to take in the scene before him and then glancing at Keys with an ‘Oops,’ expression on his face making her giggle.

  “Would you all get the fuck out for a minute?” Steel bellowed, bringing Quickshot’s eyes swinging back in our direction.

  “I guess you took care of the whole consummation thing, huh?” He quipped proving that Keys and Quickshot were perfect for one another.

  “You need to avert your eyes, brother.” Steel spat out.

  “Whoa!” Quickshot tossed his hands up in the air in mock surrender, while using one of them to cover his eyes like a five year old secretly watching a kissing scene on TV. “I’ve got my own woman, Romeo. We need you guys dressed and ready ASAP though. Shit’s going down on the home front, and the girls are n
eeded back there.” With that, Quick, Keys, and Tash turned to leave. Not before Tash gave me two thumbs up though. The smirk adorning Steel’s face told me he had not missed the gesture.

  “I guess everyone will know what we were up to now.” I laughed out.

  “Yeah, whatever.” Steel managed to say before rounding up his clothes and heading to the en-suite bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, and thought about joining him for a minute, but I had no clue if our night together was just a one-off event or something more. Instead, I waited after pulling fresh clothes from my suitcase.

  As soon as he came out, drying his hair with a towel, I ran my cowardly ass in and cleaned myself up as quickly as possible before getting dressed. I was somewhat disappointed Steel wasn’t still in the room when I came out of the bathroom. I’d just gotten up the nerve to ask if last night was indeed a one time thing, and of course, he wasn’t here to ask. My suitcase also wasn’t here any longer.

  I made my way out to the living room where everyone was currently gathered. “What’s going on?”

  “Avery called,” Keys explained. “She thinks she found her daughter.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, we found a flight that leaves in two hours with enough seats so we have to hustle. Sorry to interrupt the honeymoon,” Keys teased.

  “Well, I guess we better get to it then.” For some reason Steel was avidly avoiding my gaze, and Quickshot was shooting him odd, angry looks. I wasn’t sure if I should be bothered by either thing or not. Maybe in the light of day he had buyer’s remorse. I wouldn’t have thought so, considering earlier he seemed almost jealous-protective of me when Quickshot was in the room. Who knew? Men had been steadily surprising and disappointing me over the past couple of years. This would be nothing new. Sweet and Angel Girl were nowhere to be found, and Tash finally explained that she got a brief text the night before that they were headed back to Georgia.

  Chapter 5

  Before we boarded our flight, Quickshot asked me if it would be okay if he sat with Steel. They apparently had some club business to discuss. That was fine by me, because I needed to hear about what was going on with Legs back home. With that being said, Steel and I didn’t get a chance to speak during the entire flight. I had thought Quick just wanted to sit with him for a few minutes to discuss something that would only take a moment, but apparently not.

  One of the prospects picked us up in a van when we got to Asheville, and we had a two hour drive back to Sierra High from there. Steel was once again spoken for by Quickshot during the trip, and everyone else seemed to be napping. I spent the better part of the two hours watching the scenery blow by the window as I thought about things like, did I have to change my last name now? How does one go about doing that? Would Steel and I have to live together in the same house? What if we did, and he decided to bring a woman home? How would I handle that? Maybe he planned on keeping his hookups out of sight at the clubhouse. I didn’t know. Hell, I didn’t know anything. I had so many questions and no way of getting any answers because we kept being interrupted and separated.

  By the time we pulled up outside of the S.H.E. Clubhouse, I’d bitten my thumbnail to the quick and practically jumped out of the van before the prospect - Chief, as they called him - came to a full stop. I snatched my bag out of the trunk space and all but ran my ass to the clubhouse. “JoJo, wait up,” Keys called out to me.

  I didn’t stop to wait until I was inside. Then I turned to find Tash and Keys watching me. “What’s up?” I asked as Tash rolled her eyes at my attempt to sound casually unaffected by everything. Keys wore a matching concerned look.

  “You ran off like your panties were on fire, girl. Maybe you should tell us what’s up?” Tash commented and I just shrugged.

  “Tash, can you go get the latest on Legs while JoJo and I get all our stuff put away?”

  “Sure,” she said before walking away. Then Keys and I grabbed everyone’s bags and started hauling them toward the stairs. “So, what’s wrong? I thought you two were getting along. At least, according to what I walked in on this morning.”

  “Yeah, and all of you interrupted a pretty important conversation this morning. One we needed to have. Then he wouldn’t even look at me, let alone speak to me, before we left the hotel for some reason, while Quickshot was throwing dodgy looks his way. And then he managed to hijack Steel for not only the entire flight, but the two hour ride back to Sierra High. I don’t know what the hell is going on. Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe I sucked in bed, or he realized I’m not enough to give up five years of his life. I don’t know and everyone made damn sure I couldn’t find out. Hell, maybe he organized that too.” I opened the door to my room, the one I only used on occasion, and tossed my bag in. I would snag it again on my way out. I actually lived in a little cabin a couple miles from my garage. I bought it cheap as a fixer-upper in the hopes of fixing and flipping it one day. Hopefully, I’d be able to keep the garage long enough to make that happen.

  “Crap!” Keys huffed, pulling me out of my thoughts. “I told him to wait.” Her grumbling had me spinning on my heel.

  “Told who to wait on what?”

  For the second time in two days I witnessed a guilty flush roll over my friend’s cheeks. “Sorry, Jo. Quick wanted to talk to Steel and make sure he knew what it was he was signing on for with you and your arrangement. It was supposed to be up to Sweet to do that, but since he ran off to try to fix shit with Angel it was left to Quickshot to do.”

  “With me? What exactly is that supposed to mean?” I didn’t bother to hide my annoyance.

  “No, not you, just the crazy situation you’re in. He’s trying to protect his guy, but also to protect you. He doesn’t know Steel well. Steel hasn’t even been patched over to the local chapter yet. He was just here trying them on for size to start. You know, making sure they were a good fit. I guess shit went sideways with his ex-girlfriend. She cheated with a brother from the Dakota chapter and all hell broke loose up there. They were together a long time, and apparently the woman he was seeing was pissed about not being made his old lady officially. Sweet wanted to make sure Steel wouldn’t head back once they cooled off, you know? Then it got left to Quick to take care of it.”

  “Yeah, well don’t you think that’s a conversation I should have been able to have with my husband before anyone else? Now, I’m stuck in some weird limbo of not knowing anything because Sweet and Quickshot apparently thought it was their place to have the conversation I deserved to have.”

  “He was just trying to look out for you,” Even she didn’t believe that was his motive. I could tell by the shiftiness in her voice. I didn’t blame her for wanting to stand up for her man, but I would absolutely call her out on trying to sugarcoat shit when it came to me.

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it. He just doesn’t want drama between our clubs that could make his life harder. I remember how he butted in with you and Quickshot too at first. I would have thought Quickshot would be less inclined to put someone else through that same crap.”

  “Okay, well whatever his reasons, club business supersedes everything else. You know that.”

  “Funny, Steel’s still a part of the Dakota Chapter, so how is his marriage to me Sweet’s business exactly? And for that matter, if he objected so heartily, he should have said so last night when he was invited to the wedding. You know, before we got married. He couldn’t even be bothered to show up though.”

  “He did though. I guess they talked about the option on the way here and he told Steel not to marry you right now.”

  “He what?” That was it. I was done. I turned, shut and locked my door, and made my way back downstairs. I didn’t wait for Keys answer, nor did I want to hear her defend her man, his president, their club and the bullshit interference in my life anymore. She was supposed to have my back and it was blatantly obvious that wasn’t the case anymore. I marched my ass straight to our meeting room and rolled in like a tornado, ready to do damage.

p; “What can I help with?” I asked.

  Three sets of wide eyes greeted me. “Um, I was just filling them in. I really only needed Keys to come back to hack a network for me. I told Angel Girl that when I got a hold of her and Sweet,” Legs explains. “I’m sorry to have made you cut the trip short.” She glanced between me and an upset Keys who had followed me into the room. “Angel and Sweet have their hands full though, so maybe they didn’t tell y’all.”

  “Where are they?” I asked, ready to rip them both a new one.

  “Cedar Falls. He got some emergency call when they landed in Asheville and they took off right away.” Legs smiled brightly at me then. “The girls told me one of Aces High crew stepped up to help you out. Congrats!”

  “Yeah, apparently against their fearless leader’s wishes.” Legs, Tash, and MiMi looked shocked at that news. I waved away their concerned looks. “It’s whatever. I guess I’ll just go home and wait to see if an annulment is coming my way or whatever. It seems Sweet’s more interested in me losing my business. All that talk from Steel before about just buying the space when it reverts to my brother probably sounded too good for Sweet to pass up. Definitely makes shit easier on their club that way.”

  “Now, you know that’s not true!” Keys’ voice raised from the doorway just behind me.

  “Do I? He alienated me from Steel the entire trip back home. A trip that apparently we didn’t even need to make. I needed to talk to Steel. You said yourself he told Steel not to do it. If you honestly think I believe he was looking out for my heart, or my best interest, you’re delusional. Then you go along with that bullshit because your boyfriend has to step up when Sweet gets called away on some emergency, and still no one has a problem with the fact that my new husband is being warned away from me after we got married.”

  Keys huffed, the anger that blazed across her features was tempered though. The truth of my statement couldn’t really be argued. “Jesus,” Tash muttered. “I was wondering why the newlyweds weren’t sitting together during any of our trip home. Even if I hadn’t walked in the honeymoon aftermath this morning, I still expected the two of you would have a lot to talk about.”


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