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JoJo (S.H.E Book 2)

Page 10

by Christine Michelle

  “I’d rather not take any chances, especially after your brother was asking questions about what happens if you die.” Steel told me.

  “He’s been a complete pain in my ass the past two and a half years, but I can’t see him trying to off me or something. That’s just nuts.”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  Quickshot and Keys both got on their phones, calling their respective clubs. I left the club business to Keys since she held a higher position that I did, and was part of our security team anyway. Still, it didn’t take long for my cell to ring.

  “Why weren’t you the one calling me about this?” Angel Girl’s voice shot through my cell loud and clear before I could pull it further away from my ear to avoid damage.

  “Because one of our security members is here, and she outranks me. It should have been her making the call to you.”

  “God damn it, JoJo. Don’t be a jerk!” Angel snapped at me.

  “Excuse me?” All the patience and forgiveness I’d been talking about only a few minutes ago just drained right out of me as I took in her snide tone. Apparently, she wasn’t as apologetic as Keys had made her seem. “No, you know what? That’s it. My last straw just snapped. I’m officially on hiatus from the club. Don’t contact me. Don’t do me any favors, not that you have before, and seriously don’t concern yourself with whoever was hiding in my bushes. I’ll take care of it on my own like I’ve done all my other problems. And Angel, if you don’t get over yourself and learn to treat me with respect, I won’t hesitate to change that hiatus into permanent status. I am not Marisol, and I won’t continue to be your whipping boy for what that girl did to you.” With that, I hung up my cell phone and promptly turned it off. Three sets of eyes were staring back at me.

  “What in the hell just happened?” Keys asked.

  “I’m sure you heard her first question about why I didn’t call, and my answer. Then she had the nerve to tell me not to be a jerk! I’m tired of her shit, and I will not stand by and continue to take the shit she dishes out. She has more drama with her man? I don’t care. I have my own shit to deal with in my life and sure as hell don’t need her bullshit drama with a lying husband or an ex best friend who happens to look like me making me a target for her anger. I don’t put my problems off on anyone else like that, and I won’t have them do it to me either.”

  “Shit. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with those two lately.” Quick managed to add. Then he turned to Keys. “Maybe you ladies need to have a come to Jesus meeting with your leader too. She may need to step away for a bit until she pulls herself together.” He then turned to me. “I’m sorry you seem to keep ending up as everyone else’s punching bag lately when you’ve had more than enough to deal with. I will see what I can do to get this mess straightened out.” He gave me a hug then before Keys followed with her own hug.

  “I’ll be in touch. I’m giving you a couple hours, but then you better turn that phone back on and get in touch with me. I’m speaking as your friend, not for the club.”

  I simply nodded my head in agreement and they left. “Well, shit, the day just keeps getting better and better, huh?” Steel finally managed to state the obvious.

  “I’m seriously wondering why I bothered to get out of bed this morning.” I agreed.

  “We could always go back to bed,” he offered with a huge grin. “I’m all for bed therapy!”

  “You’re ridiculous.” I thought about it for a moment though. “Actually, I really am tempted, but I need to get changed and head to the garage for a bit. I have some things I need to get started on there, and make sure the guys know you’ll be taking over the third bay.”

  “That’s not imperative today, JoJo. If you need a break, you can take it.”

  “I don’t though. Working will help keep my mind busy so I’m not coming up with all manner of silly scenarios for everything currently going wrong in my life.”

  “Okay babe, whatever you need. If you’re going to work though, I’m going there too.” When I started to protest, Steel cut me off with a surprising, quick kiss. “I won’t be under your feet, I promise. I’ll work on getting some projects finished with your guys in order to free up the bay space with less trouble. If you need me, I’ll be close by. It’s a win-win.”

  “Fine. I’ll just go change then.”

  “Need any help?” He asked with a chuckle.

  “I’m pretty sure that will just get us further behind today.”

  After getting changed into my usual shorts and tank top that I would wear under my coveralls, I descended the stairs and in to the garage where I heard Steel’s voice. He must have been on the phone because I never heard anyone pull up in the yard.

  “I get that’s a bit of a shock, but I explained why I did it,” he paused a moment, probably listening to whomever was on the other end. “Well, see there, Ghost vouched for her. That should tell you all you need to know. She’s good people, Hopper. I wouldn’t have offered to do this if she wasn’t.” Another pause before Steel’s voice grew quite cranky as he spoke again.

  “Dad, the man has his own demons chasing his ass right now. His opinion is clouded, because he wasn’t honest with his old lady about what was happening. JoJo knows about Jenn and the possibility, however remote. She also knows what everyone else needs to get through their heads, that I don’t want anything more to do with the woman unless we have to parent together. There’s nothing more to say. We’re both solid with where we stand here. Sweet’s issues are his own, and if he keeps running his damn mouth and causing problems for JoJo and me, I will lead the damn charge in making sure the men here offer up a vote of no-confidence in their leader.” There was another brief pause before Steel spoke again.

  “Then I won’t be wearing the kutte anymore.” I barely held in a shocked gasp. “Sweet’s woman is already causing JoJo enough grief on his behalf. Even after everything came out about them. I’m telling you dad, this shit ends or we’ll both go rogue. I’m not letting her keep getting the raw end of a stick she didn’t even earn for herself. She’s been through too much already and without her club supporting her while she did it. It’s bullshit. Honestly, I expected more from Ghost’s daughter when I heard she was running her own club. She’s running a damn successful business end, but fucking over her club family in the process from what I’ve seen.” I really wished I could hear whatever was going on with the other side of the conversation, but I couldn’t, and honestly I felt guilty for overhearing what I had. Though, I had to admit, it was a wonderful feeling to have someone in my corner, sticking up for me, for once. I’d felt so damn alone for so long, I’d forgotten what it was like.

  “I’ll tell mom in short order. I’d rather she hear it from me than second hand through the club grapevine. Yeah, tonight. I’ll give her a call when I get off work.” He laughed then, the rich sound sent shivers rippling over my body. “I haven’t actually seen her work, but the guys that work for her were raving about her abilities when she wasn’t around and before they knew who I was. That says a lot to me.” At that point I decided I really shouldn’t listen in anymore. I marched my ass noisily down the stairs and waltzed right over to the fridge to nab a bottle of water to take with me.

  “Yeah, I have to get going, dad. I’ll let you know how everything goes tonight.” Steel hadn’t taken his eyes off of me since I walked into the room. Granted, I looked good in grease monkey chic. My cutoff jean shorts were probably a little too short, showing off my muscular thighs while my curve hugging white, wife-beater style tank definitely accentuated the little bit I had going on upstairs. I coupled all of it with my black steel toe boots I wore in the garage.

  “Something wrong?” I asked as I picked up an apple and bit down into it, releasing the juices that dribbled down my chin. Steel didn’t say a word. Instead, he walked over to me with purposeful steps and heat in his gaze, dipped down to my level, and proceeded to lick the apple’s juice right off my chin. Holy hell! I would need to change again before w
e left, because that one gesture sent me into heat, or something. I was pretty sure a cat in heat was an apt description though.

  “Please, tell me you’re not wearing that to work.” Steel groaned before taking his own bite out of my apple.

  “I am, because I have coveralls I put on overtop and I don’t feel like dying of a heat stroke while I’m bent over the hood of a car.”

  “Can we send the guys on an extended lunch break so I can watch you bend over the hood of a car in that outfit?”

  I seriously giggled at his question. It was such a girly sound coming from me. It was such a small thing, to giggle over a lecherous comment from my boyfriend. Shit, my husband. That was just weird, and would take some getting used to. All those small moments with him were starting to add up though. For the first time in a long time I felt that nagging feeling in the back of my mind lift and underneath there was simple contentment. Maybe happiness would finally follow. Here was a man who was obviously turned on by me, but he also stood up for me, and made sure I was safe. If I wasn’t careful, five years would find me too in love with him to be able to watch him go, if that’s what he ended up choosing. For now, I was going to enjoy the wistfulness he was bringing out in me. The dreamer I had once been was starting to be reborn.

  Chapter 8

  Today was my one month wedding anniversary. I wasn’t expecting a celebration of any kind, simply reflecting on how well things were actually going. Steel worked out of our third garage bay a few days a week. When he wasn’t working on servicing or tweaking club bikes, he took on special rehab projects. Our community has a vast amount of classic cars and trucks amongst its populace. As an older generation dies off with their “clunkers” sitting in the yards or long forgotten in a back barn, a younger generation swoops in and wants them turned into something spectacular again. Steel actually had clients penciled in on a calendar because he had too much work coming in. Not that any of us were complaining, of course.

  Since word got around about my marriage, and Steel’s skills were being lauded in town, business for the garage had started picking up again. In fact, if our next two months looked like the last, we were going to have to look at expanding the garage for the first time in 30 years. My dad would be so proud.

  I had shown up to welcome Angel and Sweet back to town, and drop off a baby gift since they obviously hadn’t had a shower, or time to even plan for a new baby. I wasn’t going to take my anger on the parents out on the child. LeLi was a sweet baby from what I’d seen and she was already starting her life out in turmoil, even if she wasn’t yet old enough to realize she’d had one mom abandon her and another woman step into fight for her. I couldn’t imagine explaining all that to the poor girl one day, and didn’t envy Sweet and Angel having to take on that task.

  I meant what I had said to her though. I was on hiatus from the club and, after seeing the baby, I stayed away from the clubhouse too. Steel had club business to handle, and was doing a solid job of it after he and Sweet sat down and had a discussion. Having a discussion seemed like a nice way of putting it after seeing what they both looked like, but apparently that was how the boys worked out their shit. It had never occurred to me to just hop in the ring at the clubhouse and beat the shit out of Angel Girl. Somehow, I didn’t think it would make me feel better about how she treated me sometimes.

  Then, there was Steel and me. We were surprisingly solid. Although we were still getting to know one another and definitely learning how to live and work together without getting on one another’s nerves. Things were actually transitioning smoothly with us on all fronts. Well, they would be super smooth if he’d get his ass out of the shower already, because I wasn’t feeling well again this morning. Clyde and Chuck had each been out of work one and two days, respectively, last week with the flu. It seemed the sneaky bastard of a virus was finally catching up to me too.

  I banged on the bathroom door one more time. I heard Steel chuckling from the other side, apparently thinking I was just still being shy about my bodily functions around him. I most definitely was, but that was not my problem this morning. Thankfully, he kept the door unlocked. I barreled in and raced by his still laughing ass in the shower, threw the toilet lid up and proceeded to puke my guts up until I was dry heaving, tears streaming down my face from the effort. The toilet flushed of its own accord once during the lull in my heaving. A part of me knew it meant Steel was there, but that small girly part of me that only wanted him to see me at my best all the time held out hope that I suddenly owned a magically flushing toilet. Then again, that would also mean I owned magical hair ties that pulled all of my hair up and out of the way in an improvised messy bun as I puked.

  “Jesus, babe! Are you okay? That was spectacularly violent.” I turned slowly, planning on glaring up at him only to come face to dick with his still dripping penis. Okay, in his defense, his entire body was still dripping from the shower he had jumped out of to help me. Not that I would complain about the puddles he was currently making on the floor, because he was doing it to help me.

  “If you wretch again after looking at my cock, I’m going to develop a complex.” He managed a straight face while saying that, then added softly, “Please don’t.” He managed to make me laugh a little, which in turn actually did not feel that great on my sick-sore abs.

  “Ugh,” I managed to groan out as he stooped down beside me with a wet washcloth and wiped my face free of tears, and possibly gross stuff that I didn’t want to think about.

  “You don’t feel feverish. Maybe a tiny bit warm,” he mentioned as he tended to me.

  “Sorry,” I muttered.

  “Babe!” It was an admonishment, not an endearment. “Nothing to be sorry for. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have been tormenting you when you knocked though. Hell, I thought if I made you knock enough you’d come wash me to get me out of the bathroom quicker.” He winked then, looking far too sexy to be sitting naked in front of Princess Pukes-a-Lot, or in other words, me.

  “Maybe you should put on some clothes though. I might decide Olympic style sexcapades are the cure-all for what ails me.” Steel just laughed at me, and then seemed to notice the mess he’d made on the floor.

  “Stay still. I’m going to clean this up before you slip.”

  “Not really motivated to go far so take your time,” I mumbled as I hung my head on the arm I still had draped over the toilet seat. Again, I was thankful that I enjoyed keeping our space clean.

  He did not take his time. Instead, he tossed on a pair of sweatpants, an old concert t-shirt, and then he wiped up all the water he’d tracked everywhere before coming back for me. Steel gripped me in his sturdy arms, lifting me like I weighed nothing and took me to our bed. “You stay right there. I’m going to get you some fresh clothes and probably some mouthwash.” He grinned at the last suggestion.

  I made a face. “Much appreciated.” As he ducked back into the bathroom, my cell phone rang. Luckily, it was on the night stand beside the bed so I reached and answered it.

  “Hey, JoJo. Mr. Sawyer is here to pick up his car.” Chuck stated quickly, which meant Mr. Sawyer was probably being a pain in the ass. I glanced at my alarm clock.

  “He’s early,” I lamented. “Really early.”

  “That’s what he said,” Chuck countered. I almost giggled at his unintentional joke.

  “Okay, well, I’m sick. Could you go up to the office? His invoice should be in the top spot on my desk. The keys are on the peg board in the garage though.”

  “Sure thing, JoJo. I hope you’re okay.”

  “Puking my guts up, actually. I figure I have whatever got you and Clyde down last week.”

  “Uh,” Chuck sounded weird all of a sudden. “Sure, I bet that’s it. Okay, gotta go take care of this. Feel better.” The words were blabbered out at a mile a minute before he hung up on me.

  “That was weird. Chuck’s never usually that easy to get off the phone.”

  “Probably because what ailed him and Clyde last week was a good
case of bow hunting deer season starting.”

  “What?” I yelped incredulously. “Seriously? They were hunting? We had to all but shut down for two days.”

  Steel just chuckled. “According to the guys, your dad always used to close the shop for a long four day weekend when the season started.”

  “Why didn’t they just tell me? I would have continued on with the tradition.”

  He shrugged at me. “Maybe they didn’t think a girl, who doesn’t really hunt, would understand.”

  “Well, I would have. I just didn’t realize that’s why my dad always had the long weekends on the schedule.”

  “Now you know. You can bust their balls for not telling you once you’re better.”

  “I guess,” I muttered. “Man, I am so hungry,” I commented.

  “After puking your guts up like that?” Steel asked incredulously.

  I just shrugged. “I can’t help it. Actually, now that I think about it, I just feel really thirsty. Do we still have any Ginger Ale downstairs?” I’d purchased some the week before to take to work, thinking it would help the guys’ stomachs when they came back to work after being sick. They’d all just laughed and mumbled their thanks. Now, I understood why, but boy was I glad I brought it back home with me now.

  “Of course. No one actually drinks that stuff.”

  “Well, I do when I’m sick. My mom used to say it was the best thing for an upset tummy.” I stood to head downstairs.

  “Where are you going, babe?”

  “Couch. I’ll be more comfortable down there.”

  “Yeah, but the bathroom is up here. Is it wise to tempt fate like that?”

  “I can keep an emergency bucket by my side. Actually, I’m already feeling a bit better. Maybe it was just something bad I ate last night.”


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