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JoJo (S.H.E Book 2)

Page 20

by Christine Michelle

  “Charlie, I wish you could be here for this,” he said so low I almost missed hearing it. If I still had a heart to speak of, that sucker would have stopped cold. Hearing him talk to me was something else. “You should have been here for all of it. I miss you like crazy!”

  “Miss you too, Rome.”

  ~ 4 hours later ~

  “They’re so beautiful together, aren’t they, Nate?” Kelly cooed out.

  “They sure are, honey. Look at them, they make a beautiful family, but where is my grandson? I thought we’d get to see him before we had to go.”

  “Maybe they thought they were trading up and got rid of him?” When both of JoJo’s parents shot me dirty looks, I just chuckled. “It was a joke. Come on, I’m a freaking teenager, man. Give me a break.

  The girl from earlier, when they first got to the hospital, walked into the room carrying the aforementioned grandson. “Hey buddy, you ready to meet your little sister?” Romeo asked.

  “Is hu names Chaw-wee?” Killian asked his dad. I would have to remember to tell him how much I liked that kid’s name one day when Rome could hear me.

  “Yeah, bud, her name is Charlie.”

  “I TOLD YOU!” I yelled at JoJo’s parents. Then I did some weird jump and clap thing that was just totally nutso since I was a ghost and couldn’t actually clap anything. “Holy crap, that asshole did it. He named a kid after me. I hope she has better luck than I did.”

  “You had that man as your best friend while you were here on Earth, I’d say you were pretty lucky,” Nate told me then. His smile said he meant every word of what he’d just said, and I couldn’t help but like him a little more for it.

  “You’re right. I had a great mom, and I had him. I was lucky.”

  “Got it,” the red head, who had brought Romeo’s son in, announced from over by the door.

  “Got what?” Romeo asked her.

  “I captured the perfect family photo,” she told him as she waved her phone at him. She was really hot for an older chick. Too damn bad I hadn’t survived the Leukemia, maybe we could have double dated.

  “We have to go now, Charlie,” Kelly called to me. The room was getting misty, and fogging in around the edges. I knew we only had a limited time here with them, but I really hated when I had to go.

  “I’m going to miss you, Rome. You have a cool ass wife, and damn good lookin’ kids, bro. I think you definitely lucked out.” Almost everything was faded away when I heard JoJo giggle and Romeo say, “You know one day, when we meet again, Charlie’s going to kick my ass for this right?”

  “You’re damn right, man,” I answered him back as if he could hear my promise. I snickered at the prospect of that as the world before me faded out and dimmed back down to a pinprick of light that I had no choice but to follow.

  Angel Girl

  I was born Jamie Murdock, an MC Princess in the Aces High Motorcycle Club. At 17 I was promised to one of the club members. At 18 I ran.

  The MC life was in my blood though, and years later I found myself with a new name, running my own club full of tough, smart, beautiful women who happen to love the open road as much as the next guy. Everything was fine with my new life until it wasn't. It took seven years, but he found me again, and nothing would ever be the same.

  * Angel Girl is a 120,000-word novel (stemming from a novel and novella put together into one story) so it is quite lengthy.

  Dancing With Danger

  Aces High MC – Dakotas Series #1

  Available Now!

  What do you do when your husband, an ex-NFL running back, is trying to have you murdered?

  You get kidnapped, run, dance in questionable strip clubs, and stay under the radar while trying to survive.

  That is exactly the path that I took, only in the end, it lead me to a motorcycle club in the Dakotas and to a family I never knew I had. I don’t know if they can keep me safe or sane, especially after meeting their VP - Rage. I do know it’s time to stop running, and to start living again.

  *Meant for adult readers, strong language, violence, and sexual situations.

  Over 70K word, full length, stand-alone novel with an HEA.

  Redemption Weather

  Aces High MC – Cedar Falls Series #1

  Available Now!

  When I married Walker Smithson it was the happiest day of my life. My family was there, we had a bright future ahead of us, and the world was ours for the taking.

  Then the storms started coming.

  First, there was the one that took my family.

  Then, there was the one that took my husband.

  Moving to a new town, new state, and a new life was never on my agenda until I couldn’t take the ghosts, both living and dead, that haunted my every waking moment in the town I’d been born to, grown up and always thought I’d die in after living out my happily ever after.

  I’d been wrong about my life before.

  Wrong took me to Cedar Falls, West Virginia and left me on the doorstep of the same motorcycle club that had failed me before.

  It took me to a place where my future was waiting for me.

  If only the past would let go of us so that we could be happy.

  If only tragedy and storms would stop following in my wake.

  If only the weather would turn, so my happy could commence. If, for once, wrong could prove to be absolutely right.

  The Other Princess

  Aces High MC – Charleston Book 1

  Available Now!

  I was eight years old when I found out I had a father. It was the same day I held my dead mother in my arms while praying her life wasn't really over.

  I was dropped into the middle of a new family not long after that. My dad, his wife, and their two kids to be exact. My new brother was ten years old and my sister was five. It doesn't take a genius to figure out I wasn’t supposed to be there.

  My family ended up bigger than that though. My dad was a member of the Aces High Motorcycle Club. From the very beginning I was ostracized because of who my mother had been. The daughters of club members were generally known as MC Princesses. My little sister was one. My title was a bit different, and proved that my mom's sins would always be held against me. I was The Other Princess.

  My family, both by blood and MC ties, did wrong by me so I walked away from them. That was until he came home from the Army.

  He tried to fix everything.

  He tried to win an unattainable heart that had shut down years earlier.

  I would know since it was my heart he was after.

  He didn't realize it would take a miracle.

  Secretly, I hoped I could still believe in miracles.

  *Meant for adult readers, strong language, violence, and sexual situations.

  Over 80K word, full length, stand-alone novel with an HEA.

  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

  Aces High MC – Dakotas Book Two

  Available Now!

  I was sent to South Dakota with a tattoo artist, biker named Tango in order to keep me safe from whatever mess my brother had gotten himself into this time.

  Tango was a stupid name for a tough biker who was supposed to be able to protect me. How was a man named after a dance supposed to do anything to keep me safe?

  Stupid name. Sexy biker though.

  Lucky for me, I had been dead wrong about pretty much everything.

  Wrong about his name.

  Wrong about his ability to take care of me.

  I wasn’t wrong about how sexy he was though. My perpetually soaked panties were all the evidence anyone needed that Tango could dance all over my body any time, anywhere if only I was all that he wanted.

  Unfortunately for me he seemed to be in a weird relationship with his buddies Whiskey, Fox, and their girl Amy. No way was I signing on to be the lettuce in that screwed up sexual sandwich.

  Nope. Nope. Nope.

  I might need protection from an entire MC, but I did not need to share my man. Ever. Then again...

; I’d been wrong about everything else so far.

  Maybe I was wrong about this too.

  The Infinite Something

  T.I.E. Book One

  Available Now!

  I thought I could fall in love with an up and coming rock star until he betrayed me. The lying, cheating, scheming piece of crap bassist for my brother’s band destroyed my faith in men.

  Funny how another musician saved me from humiliation, became my best friend during my internship with his band’s tour, and ended up winning my heart despite the fact that I had sworn to never go there again.

  Too bad things couldn’t stay so simple.

  One jealous ex-girlfriend, one crazy infatuation later, and I became public enemy number one. Then I waited to see if he would remain my savior, or prove that I was right the first time around… You can’t trust a rocker. Why the hell had I done so twice?

  He was the reason for the second chance, and my reason for everything that followed.

  *Note: The Infinite Something is over 100k words, a stand-alone book (future books in the series involve other people) and is intended for adult readers due to strong language, sexual situations, and some violence.

  The Infinite Beat

  T.I.E. Book Two

  Available March 28, 2019


  I was a stowaway, on tour with a rock band. We were supposed to be on tour with them legitimately - my brother as the bass player for the opening act - Seduction and Sacrifice - and me as their merch girl. Then my brother's band imploded, and they lost their spot. We lost our jobs, our apartment, and almost all hope before he managed to get us on with the road crew.

  I pretended to be a one of the guys in order to go unnoticed. It worked until he saw me, saw through my disguise, and then changed my world.


  That was no dude dropping stuff by my kit. Too slight. Too perfect. Too beautiful for anyone to mistake her as anything but the feminine perfection she was; yet these morons on the road crew had referred to her as a dude.

  One look from her stopped me cold. One smile of hers stopped my heart. One laugh brought it all back into focus.

  One test changed everything.



  Thank you to Bella Hickman for keeping me on track, even when we had technical difficulties two books running.

  Thank you to all the readers out there who post about books and get the word out. Without you, these books wouldn’t exist.

  Thank you for taking a chance on a new book, a new series, a new author… whichever brought you to this point right now. I appreciate it.

  Thank you to everyone who has been reviewing. As authors, I think we have a love/hate relationship with the review system and how it affects us. Please, review the books you read. Good, bad, or otherwise, every review helps our books get more notice!

  About the Author

  Christine Michelle (aka Christine M. Butler) writes paranormal fantasy and contemporary romance books from her fabulous home tucked away near the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountains on the North Carolina / Georgia border. That means she sees a lot of rainy days to help her focus, but when the sun comes out she’s usually out and about playing in the woods, a creek, river, or lake.

  She spends her free time with family and her dog.

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