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The Pregnant Professor (McKenzie Cousins Book 11)

Page 2

by Lexi Buchanan

  I head to his office after grabbing a clean set of clothes.



  Walking into my hotel room, I let my coat and scarf fall to the bed as I walk in a dream toward the chair in the window. Sitting, I kick my shoes off and settle more comfortably into the chair while I look out over Lexington.

  I rub at my forehead, feeling a headache coming on. Stress and worry. When I'd made up my mind to come and find Jaxon, I hadn't realized it would be so difficult. Firstly, I'd gone to Boston and heard through a friend that he'd traveled home. So here I was, however, still so far.

  The woman at the McKenzie building hadn't been amicable, and I sensed she wanted me gone. If it hadn't been for the security guard standing to the side of her, then I don't think she'd have called me a cab. Although he didn't say a word to me, he'd been courteous and refused the five-dollar tip I’d tried to shove into his hand.

  Tears slowly trickle down my face as sadness overwhelms me. I rub my tummy absentmindedly, wondering what to do next. I do have one more place to look for him before I give in and go to his home address. That's the last resort.

  In Boston, Jaxon had been everywhere. I hadn’t been able to turn around without seeing his eyes on me.

  I missed him.

  I knew I would when I walked out of his apartment early that morning.

  As a visiting Professor, I knew the rules, and no matter how difficult Jaxon had made it for me, I didn't break them. Not even that last night. My contract had come to an end. I'd been free to be with whom I wanted, without rules getting in the way. I took what I wanted. What I knew Jaxon wanted—then I'd left. Crept out like what we'd shared had been a one-night stand. My heart had been involved and still is.

  Four months I've stayed away, but I can't anymore. I want to see Jaxon again. Talk to him. See him smile. See the way his eyes light up when he looks at me. I want him to know how I fell in love with him before the night we spent together. Of course, I won't be admitting any of that to him. I have a more pressing need. One that I'm not sure how he will feel or even want to know.

  Slowly wiping at my cheeks with my fingers, I turn my head slightly and sigh when my brother places his hand on my shoulder. He squeezes and takes the chair opposite. I've been living with him since I left Boston. He's my best friend and the only person I trust, which is why he's traveled to Lexington with me.

  I’m grateful to him, but I wish he'd stayed home instead of coming on this trip. Although I'm nervous, it's something I felt I had to do alone. If only David had listened. It's exhausting having him in my ear all the time. He isn't a big fan of Jaxon and won't listen to anything I have to say that's positive. He's twisted the whole thing around so that it sounds like Jaxon is the only one to blame for my heartache when I know it isn't. We were both there that night. Consenting adults. I'd craved his touch, knowing that I was leaving Boston the following day. I could have told him. Instead, I'd taken what I wanted and left him not knowing how I truly felt about him.

  Now I’m not sure if I’ll ever know how he truly feels about me.

  “Did you see him?” David asks, his fingers steepled together in front of his face.

  "No." Sighing heavily, I admit, "He's away from the office for two weeks. The receptionist wasn't pleased about it either."



  “I’m thinking?”

  “Think aloud. You know how much it annoys me when you do that ‘hmm’ thing.”

  “The doctor told you to stay relaxed.”

  "I was there. I heard every word the doctor said. I also heard you when you tried to interfere.”

  His brows shoot up. He had no idea I'd heard him whispering to my doctor, who put my brother straight.

  "Stop, please. You are my brother and my best friend, that won't ever change no matter what happens once I've spoken to Jaxon. I'm a big girl and can take care of myself."

  He coughs in surprise. "Oh?"

  "Yes." My word is final, and to my relief, he says no more. "I'm going to nap before lunch.”

  Leaving my brother to stew, I pad in bare feet into the room I'd claimed as my bedroom. David says he needs space while traveling, which is why we have a two-bedroom suite instead of our own compact rooms. I'm willing to humor him for now, but I'm sure there will come a time soon where we have words.

  In all fairness, I did land on his doorstep in tears, not knowing what to do. So, I only have myself to blame for David’s need to protect me being a bit too much.

  A soft sigh leaves my mouth as I sink into the soft mattress. Everything seems to ache these days, my heart most of all.

  Exhaustion finally pulls me into a deep sleep.


  Fastening my necklace, I stand back and look at myself in the full-length mirror. I look good. My new low-heeled black boots stop mid-thigh, leaving some of my bare legs on display. It's meant to entice. My brother would have a fit if he saw me in this. However, I want to look good for when Jaxon sees me. I know he looked before, and I want that attention again. I crave that attention.

  I twist so that I'm in profile and reaching up, cradle my belly through the thin black dress. I'm eighteen weeks pregnant with a stomach that gets more significant daily. As much as I've told myself that I'm only looking for Jaxon to inform him we're having a baby, my heart is hoping for so much more. I'm afraid, though. My brother thinks I'm stupid for wanting more with Jaxon because, after all, he never came after me. Maybe I am silly, but it's something I need to know. I need to see if he wants the baby and me, or neither of us. It will break my heart if he doesn't want us, but at least I'll know and not spend the rest of my life wondering.

  David left me sleeping, probably thinking I’d sleep until morning and forget all about my plan to visit Kenza. My belly is full of nerves, but there is no way I'd forget about my idea. I knew Kenza was his family-owned business, so if Jaxon isn't there, then I'll be able to get a message to him that I'm in town—at least that is the plan.

  I slip out of the hotel room and hope I don’t bump into my brother downstairs.



  Watching Ryan flirt with the ladies at the bar has me wincing. He's a fool, but his corny lines are working. Once or twice, he only smiles and captures the solo attention of the women. He moves down the bar toward me with a cocky smirk on his lips. "And that," he says, "is how it's done." He swipes at me with the towel he grabs from over his shoulder.

  “I find it hard to believe we’re even related right now.” I shake my head laughing.

  “You’re jealous,” he accuses.

  “Hell, no! I have a girl—”

  “Jaxon, sorry I’m late,” Sian says, jumping up on the seat beside me.

  Ryan raises a brow and ignores Sian when she asks the bartender for a drink. I'm not interested, and I'm only here because I said I'd have a drink with her—the stupid idiot I am.

  “Why don’t you dance with me?”

  I cringe inside but smile. "You go dancing. I'm resting my feet while catching up with my brother.”

  Sian huffs and flounces off into the middle of the dance floor. Hopefully, she won't be back any time soon—lots of guys looking for a good time in her vicinity.

  “Going back to this girl you’re in love with—”

  Sighing, I add, “I haven’t worked out how I’m going to get her to choose me.”

  Ryan blinks a few times and, leaning forward, searches my eyes. "You're not shitting me? You do have someone?" He grins. "You're in love?"

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  I drop my head and run my fingers through my hair. "I found her," I raise my gaze and hold Ryan's, "except she was with a guy, and they had their arms around each other."

  “Hmm,” Ryan mumbles. “Did you see them kiss? Get hot and heavy?”

  I shake my head.

  “Then she can’t be that into him. I’d go and talk to her this time because from the sou
nd of things you didn’t—”


  Ryan starts drying glasses. "If she won't listen, then use some McKenzie charm.”

  “I refuse to use high school language to get a girl.”

  “You can laugh now, but I’m telling you, the ladies like the kid in a guy. They think it’s cute.”

  “I think I’m going to puke.”

  "Don't be so dramatic." His gaze focuses off behind me, but I don't pay attention. "Holy, motherfucker!” He gulps. “You need to look. She has legs going on for miles and a tiny dress. If she bends over—oh, fuck! She’s pregnant.” Ryan swiftly drops his gaze to his hands, embarrassed.

  “Serves you right.”

  “She’s coming over.” Ryan slams the empty glass down and disappears round to the back of the bar, leaving me to fend off the woman.

  Typical of him.

  Wanting the woman to veer off in a different direction, I keep my head down. I also can't help hoping Sian has found someone else. I'll at least have to tell her I'm leaving—see if she wants a lift home. I certainly won't be going in for coffee.

  While I’m thinking up ways of avoiding the female population, everything happens at once.

  “Jaxon,” I barely hear, whispered in a smoky voice from my right, that can only belong to one woman.

  At the same time, arms wrap around my neck from the left. "Come dance, Jaxon," Sian laughs, rubbing against me.

  I jump up and turn around so fast that I have to reach out to catch Sian before I send her to the floor. The moment she’s on her feet, I meet the watering green eyes belonging to Poppy.

  She’s here in front of me?

  She swallows hard, and her chin wobbles as she looks between me and Sian, who continues to cling.

  My eyes eat up the beautiful woman in front of me, and it takes a few moments for my brain to register, that she's cradling her belly—her swollen belly. I quickly lift my gaze and stare, lost for words.

  As a tear slips down her face, she turns and flees through the crowd.

  Hearing a fist slam down on the bar, I turn and face Ryan. “You’re an idiot.” He leaps over the bar and follows Poppy, and that’s when I try to follow.

  Sian grips my arm tightly. “You’re out with me,” she snarls. “You shouldn’t look at anyone else when you’re on a date.”

  “I’m not on a date. I’m with you!” I hiss. “And, it had been Poppy in Reception asking for a cab. She'd been to see me." Her eyes betray the lie she told. "Rob,” I catch the bartender’s eye, “make sure she gets a cab home." He nods, so I take off after Poppy and Ryan.

  Sweaty bodies crowd around as I shove my way through looking for my brother. He's taller than Poppy and stands out. Luckily, I see him with his head bent close to my girl.

  What is he saying to her?

  Ryan isn't stupid. He'll have worked out the situation within a blink of time. I can only hope he doesn't let her leave before I can get to her.

  When I'm a breath away, he wraps an arm around her shoulders and leads her along the dark hallway to where the offices are. I slowly follow, my eyes on the sway of her dress over her bottom as she walks. She's a sexy woman, especially in the boots that give a tantalizing peek of firm thighs. I swallow hard, remembering how she looks without the barrier of clothing, causing my dick to go rigid—not such a good idea with Ryan about to be a witness.

  Upon entering Ryan's office, I tug my jacket closed and fasten one of the buttons to hold it together. Not sure it's much protection with how fitted my suit is. Ryan takes one look at me and hides a laugh with a cough, the asshole.

  Poppy sits, and my eyes stray to her bared thighs, as do my brothers. Any closer and I would have yanked him from the room so he can't look at her anymore. I narrow my gaze and hold his office door open, waiting for him to leave.

  Ryan raises a brow and drops his ass onto his desk, crossing his arms with a grin on his face. "I think you have some explaining to do, Jaxon Ruben McKenzie."

  Narrowing my eyes, I glare in return. "Get out, Ryan, and let me talk to Poppy."

  “It’s my office.”

  “You’re seriously going to be an asshole about this?” I question, desperate to have Poppy to myself.

  "Okay." He moves to the door. "But I want a proper introduction afterward." He opens the door and just as I'm about to breathe a sigh of relief, he steps back inside. "Please don't have sex in my office."

  “Get out.” I shove him out and lock the door.

  Leaning against it, I hold Poppy’s gaze. “You left me.”

  The moment those words leave my lips, Poppy’s lips wobble, and tears hover on her long eyelashes. Cursing myself, I stride forward, cup the back of her head, and cover her trembling mouth with mine. Her gasp of surprise and the hunger I feel in her as she returns my kiss, sends all my blood south—every drop. My cock throbs behind the zipper while I slowly gentle the kiss. I can’t quite pull away from the beautiful woman yet and trail my lips over her cheekbones, her eyes, and before I pull away, I kiss the corners of her mouth in a feather-like caress.

  With a soft touch, I run my hands over her dark brown hair before I cradle her face between my palms. “I’m sorry, Poppy,” I whisper. “I’m an idiot.” Wincing, at my choice of words, I hesitate and remove my hands. If I’m not mistaken, she looks disappointed that I’m no longer touching her.

  Forcing myself to take the seat next to her, I admit, "I shouldn’t have said that."

  “Why? It’s true,” she whispers.

  “I wanted to wake up with you, but I found your note instead.”

  “One night, Jaxon.”

  I glance at her swollen belly and find I'm unable to move my eyes elsewhere. "That's all it took, huh? The best night of my life, and I'm going to be a Dad."

  Tears fall from Poppy’s eyes. “You’re engaged?”

  “What?” I shoot the question out so fast in shock. “There’s been no one since you. Why would you think I’m engaged?”

  Where the hell, did she get that idea from?

  “The girl.” Poppy indicates with her head, her hands trembling. “She also said you weren’t in work for two weeks when I enquired after you at the McKenzie building.”


  "That girl is a shark. She lied to you. Both times. I have zero interest in Sian. I'm only here tonight because I thought I saw you leave the company in a cab. I needed answers, and Sian would only tell me if I came for a drink with her." I sigh. "I should have viewed the security feed." I offer her an encouraging smile. "I'm going to be a Dad, Poppy?"

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she replies softly, “Yes.” Dabbing at her eyes, she adds, “That’s why I’m here.”

  Disappointment hits right in my chest. “The only reason?”

  Holding my gaze, she asks, “What else could there be?”

  I swallow around the lump in my throat and moving to crouch in front of her, I admit, "I was never after only one night, Poppy.” I take her hands into mine. “I know it’s easy for me to say that now, however, it’s the truth. I was disappointed you left before I woke up.”

  “I had a flight to catch,” she whispers. “I wasn’t planning on coming back.”

  I frown and pull away, pacing in the small space Ryan calls an office. "If it weren't for me getting you pregnant, you wouldn't be here, right?"

  She drops her gaze into her lap and nods. “My brother didn’t want me to find you. I couldn’t do it without giving you a chance to be part of this.”


  I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my belly at hearing she has a brother. “Do you live with him?”

  “I have done since I went home. Yes.” She frowns. “Why?”

  "No reason." Changing the subject, I ask, "Where are you staying?"

  “Hotel in town.”

  I shake my head. "I want you to move in with me." I'm not sure who's more startled at my words, Poppy or me. "I don't want you staying in a hotel when you can be more comfortable at my home." Running m
y fingers through my hair while I'm thinking up a plan, it hits me that moving in with me isn't going to be as straightforward as it could be. "I still live at home." I wince. “It’s not ideal, but Mom wanted me close after being away at school for the last few years.” I shrug. “I’ve been preoccupied, so the last thing on my mind was finding my own place.”

  Smiling softly, she says, “I’m fine at the hotel.”

  "No. I want you with me. I want to look after you and the baby. Please, Poppy." Standing in front of her, she raises her face so she can look at me. "You came to tell me about the baby. Well, now I know, and you are not in this alone. I want to be part of everything from this point forward."

  Standing, she ends up brushing against me. On instinct, I reach out and place my hands on her hips. Poppy gasps at my touch and quickly meets my gaze. I smile, knowing she wants me just as much as I want her.

  “I’m nervous about what you’re asking, Jaxon. Your parents?”

  "Leave them to me. But I need you to know that you're welcome. Mom will be excited to have another grandchild on the way. Trust me on this." I squeeze her hips, and add, “Plus, my brother, who you’ve already met, will love nothing more than to tease me about knocking you up.”

  Raising a brow, I get the first real smile out of her. "Ryan is quite the charmer."

  I frown.

  Poppy isn’t looking at my brother, is she?

  “Tonight, I’ll go back to the hotel and speak with my brother.”

  "I'll drive you there, and then I'll pick you up in the morning." I step away and take her hand into mine, kissing her knuckles, my eyes on her. "Don't worry about anything, okay? I'll make sure you are taken care of. I promise Poppy."

  “I believe you.” She chews her lip. “I’m not sure my brother will be as easily persuaded.” Shrugging her shoulders, she moves further away. “I didn’t come here expecting you to ask me to move in with you. You had the right to know about the baby. That’s why I’m here.”

  Shaking my head, I tell her, “I want you close to me, so let’s make no mistake about that. I’m not willing to let you walk away again. Your brother will have to deal with it.” I grin. “Perhaps I should come and talk to him.”


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