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Property 0f The Babymaker (Kyrzon Breeding Auction Book 3)

Page 8

by Luna Voss

  But I do. I scoop up his warm cum with my fingers and push it inside me, cleaning up his mess as best I can. Then I point to my panties, still dangling around my ankle, and Gurrak nods, understanding. He helps me to put them back on, sliding them over my legs and past my butt, and I feel wonderfully dirty as the fabric covers my sticky folds.

  Both of us stand up from the bed, and Gurrak is very gentle as he drapes the cloak back over my shoulders and closes it in the front.

  I now look perfectly innocent, even though I can feel my dirty little secret dripping out of me, hidden from the world.

  “The ritual is complete,” Gurrak announces in a loud voice, taking my hand as he leads me to the other side of the fire where the clan waits. “The ancestors have smiled upon our union.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  After the ceremony, we all walk back to the settlement, just as we did the day I arrived. My legs feel like jelly. I rely on Gurrak for assistance as we walk, leaning against him and allowing him to support most of my weight. Every so often, my pussy twitches with the memory of my recent climax.

  There’s an urgency to Gurrak that I haven’t seen before. He keeps his arm clamped around my waist, walking so quickly that I struggle to keep up with my shorter legs. His touch is dominating, possessive, as though he wants to make it abundantly clear to everyone that I’m his. We pass Zyzza as we walk, and I can’t help but feel a triumphant thrill as I see the scowl on her face. The chief wants me, and she can’t do a damn thing about it.

  I want to ask him where we’re going, but I can’t, and soon it becomes apparent that he’s leading me to the castle. We move so quickly that we get there well ahead of the rest of the clan.

  “I’m not done claiming your cunt tonight,” Gurrak growls in my ear, picking me up off the ground and carrying me up the stairs. Confused excitement rushes through me. I thought he wasn’t allowed to see me naked now that the bonding ceremony is over.

  We reach a door that I realize must be Gurrak’s bedchamber. He pushes me quickly inside, then closes the door and presses me up against it, growling with need as he claws at my cloak, trying to get me naked.

  I moan, arching my back, and the war chief starts to nibble on my neck. My cloak falls to the floor. I now stand naked, wearing only my messy panties.

  “Mine,” Gurrak growls, picking me up again and carrying me over to the bed. He throws me down on the mattress, for the second time that night, and then tugs off my underwear, revealing that my pussy is still coated with his cum.

  “Fuck tradition,” he snarls, his eyes flashing. “I love that I’ve marked you as my territory. I want you to be mine always, Julia. My pretty little human, to love and to cherish and to fill with my cum.”

  He climbs on top of me, and then he does something that I know he’s not allowed to do:

  He leans down and kisses me on the lips.

  I react with surprise. I hadn’t been expecting it. This is my first kiss, after all. Not to mention, it’s against the rules.

  But a split moment later, I’m melting against him. I had no idea how sensitive my mouth could be. This is wonderful. It feels so… intimate. Which is a weird thing to feel about a guy who’s already taken your virginity, and whose sticky seed is currently coating your pussy lips. But it feels intimate nonetheless.

  Gurrak breaks the kiss, keeping his face next to mine and nuzzling my cheek with his nose. “I like kissing you,” he whispers. “I don’t care about the rules anymore. I just want you to be mine. Not even the ancestors can take you from me.”

  I press my lips back against his, overcome with emotion. For a little while, the kiss is gentle. Romantic. Sweet. Then Gurrak deepens the kiss, prying my lips open with his tongue, and he begins to explore my mouth. I moan, wrapping my legs around him and putting my hands on his hips. I want him to enter me.

  Gurrak reaches down, and I feel him positioning his cock at my opening. I inhale in anticipation.

  “Say something,” Gurrak whispers, teasing me with his cock. “I want to hear your voice again.”

  My mind goes blank. “…Hello,” I say awkwardly, having no idea what kind of words the situation calls for.

  Gurrak lets out a throaty laugh, his handsome face creasing with mirth. I start to chuckle too, and pretty soon the two of us are laughing uproariously, holding each other.

  “Hello?” Gurrak repeats, still chuckling. “I just took your virginity.”

  “Hey, it’s the first thing I’ve said in days! It was all I could think of.”

  He holds out his hand as if to shake. “Nice to meet you, Julia. I’m Gurrak.”

  “Oh, stop,” I giggle, poking his chest. “How do you know about handshaking, anyway? I didn’t think the Kyrzons did that.”

  “We don’t,” says Gurrak. “But I was raised by human mother, after all.”

  He starts to kiss my neck, and soon, I’m letting out little moans as he once again positions his cock between my legs.

  “Oh fuck,” I moan as he pushes himself inside me once again. “Gurrak, your cock is so big. It’s so fucking big.”

  “You took it so well last time,” says Gurrak in a throaty voice, pushing his cock deeper. “Your tight human cunt stretched open so nice and perfect for me. Let me stretch that little human pussy out. That’s it. Just like that. Yeah, Julia, take my cock just like that. Just like that.”

  I gasp in pleasure as he starts to thrust faster, gripping my waist. Every time he bottoms out inside me, I feel incredibly, deliciously full. I reach for him, wanting him to kiss me, and he does so, leaning down and crushing his lips against mine as we fuck.

  “Julia, your soft human body feels so good,” he groans into my ear, thrusting faster. “You’re going to make me come again.”

  “Yes,” I gasp, bucking my hips against him. “Please, I want you to come inside me.”

  He kisses me deeply, squeezing me with his arms, and then he stops thrusting, his cock pulsing rhythmically as warm cum begins to fill me up. I feel his growl of pleasure rumbling into my mouth as he empties his seed deep into my pussy, our lips still pressed together.

  “I love you, Julia,” he whispers, clutching me tightly.

  “I love you too, Gurrak,” I whisper back.

  That night, I fall asleep in his arms. Not in the guestroom, but in the chief’s bedchamber, the way it should be. I feel like a queen, lying there freshly-fucked and satisfied next to one of the most powerful chiefs on the planet. Everything about it just feels… right. Like it was supposed to happen. Like Gurrak was meant to buy me.

  He squeezes me, a hint of possession in his touch, and it gives me a thrill.

  As Gurrak keeps reminding me, I belong to him now. I don’t ever want to sleep alone again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning, Gurrak tells me that he needs to leave.

  “I’ll only be gone for a couple days,” he assures me, stroking my face. “There have been some reports that another clan is encroaching on our territory. I must discover the truth of the situation, and deal with it if necessary.”

  “Can I come with you?” I offer hopefully. I don’t want to be away from him. The idea of pretending to observe the stupid ritual of silence around the rest of the clan, without my mate there to comfort me, isn’t exactly inviting.

  “It wouldn’t be safe,” Gurrak sighs, looking wistful. “Truly, I wish I didn’t have to leave you. But if it makes you feel any better, there is going to be a significant feast tonight. Believe me, I would rather be at the feast than out camping on the other side of my territory.”

  “A feast? Why is there going to be a feast?”

  “We will be entertaining visitors from Clan Burbba,” he tells me. “Another clan with territory bordering ours. We have an alliance with them.”

  I recall what Kayla told me about Clan Burbba. “I didn’t realize Kyrzon clans made alliances.”

  Gurrak chuckles. “Well, we can’t just be killing each other all the time. Wouldn’t you want to be friend
s with your neighbors?”

  “I suppose I would. Promise you won’t be gone long?”

  “Promise,” says Gurrak, kissing me on the nose. “I don’t think I could bear to be away from you.”

  * * *

  I sit with Gurrak at breakfast, snuggling him while Zyzza glares daggers at us from a table across the room. There’s something in her eyes that gives me chills. I wish I could mention it to Gurrak, but I can’t talk to him around other members of the clan.

  After breakfast, Gurrak takes off on the back of a tusk-ox, accompanied by three of his best warriors. I watch them disappear into the distance, wishing for all the world I could just speed through the next several days until their return. The hours ahead with no Gurrak and no one to talk to are going to be stifling. I’ll have to see if I can track down Kayla for a conversation or two.

  After Gurrak leaves, I walk around the settlement, bored. I’m not sure what to do with myself. I amuse myself by going into the castle and exploring, walking through its stone halls and trying to familiarize myself with the layout. I got to the same tower where I first met Kayla, and for a while, I just stay there, looking out over the tents and huts, getting used to the idea that this is my new home.

  Suddenly, I hear a commotion. Riders in the distance. My heart soars. Has Gurrak decided to return? I rush down the steps two at a time, eager to be there to throw my arms around him as soon as he dismounts.

  But as I run out of the castle, it becomes immediately clear that whoever is approaching is not Gurrak. My smile falters. What is going on?

  A group of Clan Gurrak warriors marches out from around the castle in full battle gear. I look at them, alarmed.

  “You should go back into the castle,” one of them barks at me gruffly. “Intruders. Could get ugly.”

  I retreat to the castle entrance, but I don’t go inside. I want to see whatever is about to happen.

  A band of riders on tusk-oxen approach, moving toward us rapidly. There’s something else along with them, something other than a tusk-ox, that I don’t recognize. It almost seems like it’s floating above the ground.

  As the unfamiliar group gets closer, recognition hits me and my jaw drops: the floating thing is my friend Cleo, piloting what seems to be a hover-vehicle with a laser cannon on the front. That big warrior with the beard riding next to her, then, must be Chief Drokal. What are they doing here?

  Oh shit. Me.

  That’s why they’re here. They’re here to rescue me.

  If I hadn’t broken my damn communicator, I could’ve saved them a trip!

  The party from Clan Drokal stops in front of the soldiers from Clan Gurrak. Gurrak’s men form a shield wall, their spears pointed threateningly.

  Chief Drokal dismounts his tusk-ox and takes a few steps forward, unarmed. “Warriors of Clan Gurrak!” he shouts, “I mean you no harm! We are of Clan Drokal. We have come to collect the woman Julia.”

  One of the Clan Gurrak fighters steps forward, acting as a representative. “Julia? We know of no woman by that name. You should leave, or we will consider you an enemy.”

  “We know that a woman named Julia was sold to your chief at the New Sutter auction house,” says Cleo, moving forward on her hover-cart. The Clan Gurrak soldiers eye her nervously, their eyes fixed on the laser cannon. It doesn’t seem like they’ve ever seen anything like this vehicle before.

  “You are mistaken,” says the representative from my clan. “There is no woman named Julia here. And if there were, you could not have her.”

  Cleo fires a bolt from her laser cannon into the ground right next to the Clan Gurrak shield wall. It scorches the dirt, forming a smoking crater, and I’m impressed that the warriors manage to hold their formation. I don’t want to know what would have happened if she had fired it at them directly.

  “We don’t want to have to fight you,” Drokal growls, “but we will. And my Queen doesn’t play games with the laser cannon. Release Julia to us. Now.”

  The Clan Gurrak representative’s grimaces, and he takes a step backward, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

  No. Not on my watch. I run out from the castle and throw myself in between the two groups of Kyrzons.

  “Stop!” I shout, waving my arms above my head. “Cleo, I’m here! I’m safe. You don’t need to fight.”

  Everyone stares at me. I’m too concerned with preventing a massive battle to be self-conscious. I walk up to Cleo’s hover-vehicle, looking at her seriously.

  “Julia!” she yells, her face breaking into a smile. “I’m so glad to see you! Climb on back of the hover-turret with me and we can leave this place.”

  I hesitate. “Cleo… I’m so grateful for you coming to get me. I love you so much, and it means a ton to me that you cared enough to track me down. But… I’m staying here.”

  Her face falls. “What? You’re staying here?”

  “Yes,” I tell her, hardening my resolve. “I belong to Chief Gurrak now. And I don’t want to leave him. I… I love him. I want him to be my mate.”

  Cleo looks shocked, but not upset. She’s quiet for a moment, processing what I told her.

  “Okay,” she says finally, nodding. “I understand. I’m glad that you’ve found happiness here.”

  Suddenly, I realize something. “Cleo, you’re pregnant!” I exclaim. “What are you doing riding out here to rescue me?”

  She raises her eyebrows. “It really wasn’t that big a deal,” she tells me, shrugging. “This was basically just a leisurely hover ride for me. Drokal didn’t want me to go, but he can’t deny his queen. And besides, I’m the only one who’s any good at piloting the hover-turret.”

  I’m about to say something back, when the Clan Gurrak warrior who had been speaking clears his throat. “Julia, these are friends of yours?”

  “Yes,” I tell him. “You don’t need to fight.”

  His eyes narrow. “You should leave,” he barks to Chief Drokal. “Clan Gurrak does not wish to have hostilities with you, but your presence here threatens that.”

  Drokal looks to Cleo for confirmation, and they nod at each other. “Clan Drokal, we ride!”

  The warriors turn around on their tusk-oxen and begin to ride off in the other direction. Cleo stays with me, still floating on the hover-turret, and we say our goodbye.

  “Thanks so much for coming. It really means the world,” I say to her as she dismounts and gives me a big hug. “Take care of yourself, Cleo. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Julia,” she says, hugging me tightly. “You promise you’re happy here with Clan Gurrak?”

  I think about the ritual I’m performing, and my vow of silence. I can’t say I’m very happy with that part of things. But then I think of Gurrak, and I know that the idea of me leaving is impossible. I won’t abandon the man I love. I can’t.

  “Yeah, I’m happy,” I tell her. “Gurrak is amazing. I hope you can meet him someday.”

  “I hope so too,” she says, squeezing me before getting back onto her hover-turret. “And maybe even someday, our kids can play together.”

  “I’d like that,” I tell her, wiping away a tear. It’s hard to say goodbye so soon.

  We make eye contact for a final moment, and then she turns around and zooms off after her clan. I stand there watching her disappear into the distance, feeling emotional. I’m going to miss that woman.

  Then I hear the sound of someone coming up behind me. I turn around, and am confronted by Zyzza, who has a positively wicked smile on her face.

  “It looks like somebody just violated the restrictions of an Unproven Bride,” she hisses, her eyes flashing.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Is she still pure?”

  “She went through the bonding ceremony last night.”

  “I don’t care if she’s a virgin. I care that she doesn’t start showing signs of pregnancy in the next couple months. Has she been seeded?”

  “No. The ritual was completed successfully.”

  “So why are you selling h
er, then?”

  Zyzza flashes an evil smile at the Clan Burbba warrior. “She violated the ritual of silence.”

  The male Kyrzon chuckles. “That’s the hardest part of your clan’s mating tradition, isn’t it? I feel like half the Brides I’ve bought from you got sold because they broke that rule.”

  “Yeah, it’s hard for them,” says Zyzza, making eye contact with me, her expression cruel. “These little human sluts sure do like to talk.”

  I stand watching them converse, my hands tied and my mouth gagged. We’re in my bedroom in Castle Gar, where I’ve been imprisoned ever since I spoke to Cleo in front of the clan. As soon as she and Drokal left, Zyzza ordered that I be locked in my room until Clan Burbba arrived for the feast.

  It’s after the feast now. It’s only been a few moments since Zyzza and this other Kyrzon barged into my room. Zyzza immediately insisted on tying me up and gagging my mouth, which the Burbba warrior seemed to find amusing. I don’t get the impression that they normally tie up Brides like that.

  Now they’re talking about me, trying to settle on a price.

  “I think 25,000 would be more than fair,” says the Burbba warrior, stroking his chin.

  “25,000? Brath, you must be kidding. Chief Gurrak paid many times that for her.”

  “Well, this isn’t the New Sutter auction house,” says Brath. “Prices are different on the secondary market.”

  “She was quite the hit at the auction, apparently. Look how pretty she is. She had ten different warriors bidding for her. You need to offer higher.”

  I glance at Zyzza, and I can sense her annoyance at having to play up my positive attributes. This woman isn’t just cruel, she’s catty as all hell.

  “She is pretty, I’ll give her that,” Brath admits. “Even with that gag in her mouth. I can do 30,000. How’s that?”

  “35,000,” says Zyzza.

  “32,000, and that’s my final offer. Look, I don’t doubt that she’s worth it, but I have to consider my bottom line here. That’s the highest I can go.”


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