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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 42

by C. D. Gorri

  His eyes connected with his cousin’s from across the room and he lifted his glass, even as Quinn matched the gesture. Quinn held his sleeping daughter in his arms, and Aubrey stood close, her hands wrapped around his bicep. They were the picture of happiness, and a pang of longing shot through him. Instantly, an image of the beautiful Paige filled his mind and his inner bear rumbled with pleasure.


  It was a pure sentiment, and Sebastian didn’t argue with his animal. He’d never reacted to a woman like this, and the hunger inside him was growing even now. He had to find her in the crowd.

  Allowing his instincts to guide him, he began to move, stopping every few steps when someone wanted to speak with him. Even as he grew closer to the place he’d last seen her, he knew by her fading scent that she’d moved on. It was as if her delicious fragrance permeated the air completely. Sebastian no longer smelled the perfumes and musk of the crowd, he only scented the one woman he wanted to pull under him for all time.

  She was everywhere and nowhere. He turned the room several times each time growing more frustrated with the search. Where could she have gone? The space was only so big, and her scent was still here, so she must be close.

  Escaping the crowd’s noise, he veered off down the hallway that led toward the bathrooms and the back offices. To his surprise, his prey stood at the end of the long walkway, staring out a window into the night, her back to him.


  Paige sensed him the moment he stepped into the hallway. He didn’t make a sound, but his scent enveloped her. Honey and brown sugar with pure virile male. Sebastian Jameson was something very special, but she couldn’t place what. He was most assuredly shifter, a bear perhaps? Could she be so lucky?

  “You’re missing the festivities.” He murmured, as he drew up close to her back, his hands coming up to cup her shoulders, his nose pressing against the side of her throat as he inhaled deeply. “Could it be you prefer the silence over the noise?”

  “When that noise is made by my boss, absolutely.” She said, breathlessly, her body swaying back into his despite her reservations. “Who are you? What, are you?”

  “I was going to ask you the same thing, but I’m guessing your animal recognizes me as someone important, even if your human side hesitates.” He inhaled sharply when she spun in his arms to stare up at him.

  “I feel it, but that doesn’t mean I can act on it. I’m in the middle of something…important. I have no time for feelings or relationships.” She said, swallowing back a growl of dismay from her animal even as she said it. “My other self will just have to accept what is.”

  “You’re in the wrong relationship.” He said firmly, misconstruing her words. “This is a big moment, don’t walk away before you give us both a chance.”

  “I’m not in a relationship at all. I’m just involved in…something. Look, you’re handsome, and charming, and if it were any other time I wouldn’t hesitate, but…”

  “Give me a chance to change your mind.”

  His head bent towards her, close enough they exchanged a breath, and inside her bear begged her to cave and capture his lips with her own. Unable to resist the physical need building inside, she did exactly that, rising on her toes just enough to reach his mouth. The soft brush of their lips turned into an unquenchable fire that roared through her veins from her hair to her toes. He was absolutely the right man for her bear.

  Once they’d connected, it was like nothing else in the world mattered. She’d found her mate. The other half of her whole self. She’d never felt joy so profoundly, even as her libido spiked and she ached to crawl up the man.

  A loud clearing of a man’s throat at the end of the hallway interrupted their interlude, and peering around Sebastian’s wide shoulders, she spied Arnie glaring at her.

  “Excuse me for interrupting, but I believe that’s my date you’re manhandling Jameson.” Arnie grumbled, looking murderous.

  “I’m you’re assistant, Arnie, not your date.” She corrected, patting her hair and brushing at her gown to correct the feeling of disheveledness that surrounded her.

  “You’ll pardon me for stealing her away, won’t you Arnie? After all, she and I have just realized we share a kindred attraction to each other, and I won’t have her slipping away from me on the arm of another man so soon.” Sebastian’s tone was growly, as his bear rose to protect her from the other man. Paige cupped his cheek to calm him.

  “It’s okay, I did come with him, I’ll leave with him too. As I said, the timing isn’t perfect.”

  Before Sebastian could argue, she walked away from him, leaving behind her heart as she took Arnie’s arm and allowed him to lead her from the building.

  Chapter Two

  Six weeks later…

  Sebastian was running out of ideas. He’d sent flowers, made phone calls, and even popped into Arnie Glasson’s office in an attempt to curry favor with Paige, but each time she rebuffed him saying that she had pressing business that just wouldn’t allow for a relationship.

  It was driving him crazy. They were shifters for God’s sake. It wasn’t like there were dozens of soul mates running around for each person. His bear recognized her as his perfect one and based on the scent she gave off when he was near, her animal did too. How was she able to ignore it?

  Reduced to a frustrating pile of hormones and bear instincts he took one last shot, scoring an invitation to Arnie’s house for a dinner party in the hopes that she would be attending. If not, he’d set himself up for a night of misery as the party was in a place Arnie owned in the mountains. Guests were even invited to stay the night to avoid driving the winding trail of a driveway that crept through a thicket of forest climbing the mountainside.

  Pulling his truck up to the house, Sebastian had to admit he was impressed. It was a modern looking mansion, but it had been built to accommodate its surroundings and it blended nicely. The entrance was centered by two massive carved doors that looked antique, and a uniformed butler answered the door.

  “Mr. Jameson, I presume.” The man said, holding the door open.

  “Yes, Sebastian, please.” He stepped into a massive foyer with a sculpture in the center that tickled Sebastian’s memory banks. He’d seen it somewhere, but he couldn’t place where. It was ornate and clearly expensive, as were the paintings lining the walls.

  “Please allow me to show you to the parlor where the other guests are enjoying cocktails.” The butler said, gesturing for Sebastian to follow him. As he did, he caught a whiff of the purely delicious scent he’d been craving for weeks. Paige was definitely here. Perhaps he’d revise his plans and stay the night afterall.

  Entering the parlor, he was greeted by Arnie who seemed all a flutter to have him there. “It’s wonderful that you were able to attend. I invited your father as well, but he wasn’t able to make it this evening.”

  Sebastian knew his dad was just avoiding being around the slimy man, but he smiled politely and said, “He’s a very busy man. Thankfully, I’m not nearly as occupied.”

  “Let me introduce you to everyone. This is a party of art lovers, so I think you’ll be right in your element.” Arnie escorted him around the room, parading him as though he were a trophy he’d won in some competition. There were art lovers, artists, and art critic’s in the group of about twenty, many he’d already met. The one person he wanted to see was nowhere in sight.

  “And might I ask, is your lovely assistant here tonight?” Sebastian tried to play casual, but Arnie’s eyes flashed with irritation.

  “Paige is around here somewhere. She organizes my dinner parties, she doesn’t attend them.” The way the words tumbled from his tongue irked the hell out of Sebastian, but he managed to nod.

  “She had an interest in one of my pieces and I wanted to speak with her about it. Perhaps a later time would be better.” Sebastian said simply, sipping his drink.

  “Speaking of pieces, you know I have been trying to connect with Michael regarding that piece he has, Ri
ver Frontage, the De Marnier one, I’m sure you know it.”

  “Certainly. It’s currently hanging in his office because he loves it so much. There’s no way you’ll convince him to sell it.” He couldn’t hold back a chuckle at the expression on Arnie’s face. “Sorry to be a let down. I just know he bid high on that one when it went to auction, and he immediately hung it in a place of honor.”

  “That’s too bad. I really am quite enamored with that piece.” Arnie said, his irritation swiftly transitioning to aloofness. “No bother, I’m sure he has other pieces he’d be more willing to part with. I’m building quite the collection.”

  “I saw the Coleson piece in the foyer. I wasn’t aware it was up for sale. When did you acquire that one? It must have cost a pretty penny.”

  Arnie’s eyes flashed again, but this time a smug smile crossed his face, “A few months ago. It was a private sale, as were most of my collection. I prefer to keep the value of my assemblage quiet so as not to encourage theft.”

  “I see.” Sebastian quietly let the subject drop. Something wasn’t quite right about Arnie Glasson, and his expensive collection, but he couldn’t quite place what. He spent far too much time touting his artwork to be shy about its origins. This was a man who would bend over backwards to ensure the world knew he owned something others coveted. Like the Coleson piece. That stunning oil painting had been hanging in a museum the last time Sebastian saw it. It just didn’t make sense that it was now in Glasson’s foyer as if by magic. Something was definitely off.


  Paige knew Sebastian would be at the party. She’d organized the guest list and the seating arrangements. She’d also been hyper aware of him the moment he’d stepped through the front doors. His warm male scent enticing her bear to think about decadent things despite her need to keep a distance.

  It bothered her more than she wanted to admit that Sebastian was friends with her boss. Arnie was such a scuzzbucket, and Sebastian seemed like such a nice guy. They were an odd pairing.

  A quick glance around the dining room assured her that everything was set correctly, and she nodded to Kenneth, the butler, to ring the dinner bell. A soft chime moments later was her cue to disappear into the kitchen for the rest of the evening. Dinner was prepared by a renowned chef, and she was looking forward to it even if she was eating in the kitchen rather than the dining room.

  Before she could settle in to enjoy her meal, she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat at the kitchen door. She didn’t have to look up to know it was Sebastian, but when she did, her body clenched. His eyes were the rich green of new spring grass, and he appeared taller, and more dominating than before.

  “You’re supposed to be at dinner.” She said dumbly, staring at him with wide eyes.

  “I’m going, but I needed to see you first. Do you think we could talk later? Just for a moment?” the plea on his face was too much to deny.

  “Okay.” Did she have to sound so breathless and excited? “But later, after the dinner party has concluded or Arnie will be furious at me for monopolizing his special guest.”

  “After dinner. Perfect.” He turned to leave, and then paused, “You can’t avoid this thing between us, Paige. I know I can’t.”

  She watched his broad shoulders leave in stunned silence. A part of her was thrilled he wanted her so much he was willing to keep chasing her after she’d turned him down multiple times, but another part of her worried that his persistence would kill the case she’d been trying to build against Arnie.

  She had a memory card in her bra with images of four artworks that were currently residing in this mansion, and she had to get it to her handler without Arnie knowing. All four pieces had been stolen recently, and once the FBI had visual evidence of their whereabouts they could obtain a search warrant.

  Her stomach was twisted in knots of anxiety so that she could barely choke down the food in front of her. She just had to avoid Arnie’s constant questions for tonight and then she could be done with him. One more night of that nasty man, just one more.


  Sebastian hated lobster. He didn’t like the flavor, or the texture, and he especially hated how pretentious it was. So of course, that’s what was on the menu for the evening. Thankfully, there were several other courses that he was willing to eat. Why didn’t people serve a good old T-bone steak anymore? Who wanted their potatoes au grautin when they could be French fried?

  God he was a simple man, with simple desires. He had no reason to fancify his life, and he hated that he’d agreed to attend this ostentatious party. The guests were uptight and full of themselves, Arnie was boastful and arrogant, and fifty percent of the food couldn’t even be pronounced in English.

  Right now, he just wanted the shenanigans over so he could search out the beautiful Paige again. Her scent tickled his nose, and his cock stayed half mast no matter how hard he tried to think about anything else. Was she feeling the same?

  The woman on his left was an art professor at the local community college, and she was clearly starstruck to be included in the dinner as she barely ate and spent most of the meal staring at her fellow dinner guests. The man across from him was an art critic with little to no personal taste and Sebastian found him vane and obtrusive. That left the woman to his right as the only choice to help keep his attention away from his mate.

  A middle-aged woman with a shocking mane of white hair, Diana Chesapeake was also an artist, and she was particularly well known in the area for her mixed media landscapes.

  “Cardamom in brussel sprouts? Who ever heard of a thing.” Diana muttered under her breath to Sebastian who grinned back.

  “It can’t be worse than the potatoes. Why in the world someone would ruin good potatoes with all of this…” he pointed at his plate, “mush, is anyone’s guess.”

  “The only good thing is the wine, I think I’ll have another glass.” Diana gestured to the staff to refill her glass. “How did you get roped into this evenings affair?”

  “Arnie is a fan and a business associate of my father’s.”

  “Ah, obligation. That’s how most of us ended up here. Glasson cornered me at the Martinsburg show and I couldn’t figure out a way to weasel out of it. This is the fourth dinner party I’ve been invited to and the first I’ve shown up for. Is this cilantro?” She held up a tiny speck of green, examining it closely, “Cilantro and cardamom?”

  “I’m sure you’re used to these pretentious events?” Sebastian said conversationally.

  “No more than you are. I avoid them at all costs. I would have faked the flu, but I used that excuse two invitations ago.”

  Sebastian chuckled, rather enjoying the woman’s feistiness. “Well, I for one am glad you’re here. At least I’m not alone in this cilantro and cardamom hell.”

  A phone rang somewhere in the background as he and Diana became absorbed in a discussion of their various media’s, that was only interrupted when Paige’s gorgeous face appeared at Arnie’s elbow. She whispered something in his ear that turned him slightly gray, before he excused himself from the table and hurried off. Sebastian couldn’t tear his eyes from her as she checked in with the butler and then followed after Arnie.

  “Ahha, now I see what kind of obligation drew you to this dinner.” Diana murmured. “She’s a pretty one.”

  “I’m sorry?” Sebastian tried to paste a confused look on his pout, but his lips curved up in a smile.

  “Are you and Ms. Harth an item?”

  “Not yet.” He felt his face warm, “Although there’s certainly a mutual attraction.”

  “Be careful. Arnie is rather jealous of his toys, and he seems downright fond of her.”

  “They’re only business associates.” He said firmly, trying to reassure himself even as a tiny spike of jealousy burned in his belly.

  “Not for lack of trying on his account, I’m sure.” Diana said with a flat laugh. “He’s had more than his share of assistants.”

  That spike of jealousy ig
nited into a full-fledged flame and Sebastian pushed his plate away, his stomach turning. “If you’ll excuse me, Ms. Chesapeake, I find myself in need of the facilities.”

  “Of course, of course.” Diana smiled at him knowingly. “Go get’em tiger.”


  “What are you doing?” Paige had just returned to the kitchen when she sensed Sebastian’s presence behind her. “Dinner isn’t over.”

  “My host excused himself, I think I’m safe.”

  “Arnie won’t be gone long. He just had a pressing business matter to—”

  “I don’t want to talk about him.” He paused and glanced around at the bustling kitchen staff. “Can we speak somewhere in private?”

  Paige hesitated only for a moment. Despite the danger to her mission, she couldn’t resist the plea in his eyes. As much as she wanted to be stoic, she found herself melting in his presence. “Come on then, but we’ll only have a few minutes.”

  He followed her out of the kitchen and down the hallway to the library. Thankfully, they didn’t run into anyone on the way. It would have been hard to explain what they were doing to her boss. Quietly she shut the door behind Sebastian while nerves danced in her belly.

  Turning back to face him, she was surprised to find him across the room staring at a painting on the wall.

  “What did you want to say?” she asked softly, approaching him from behind.

  “This is The Graduate by Ostian.” He said, drawing her gaze to the painting. “I saw this painting in the Los Angeles Museum of Art several years ago.”


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