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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 78

by C. D. Gorri

  Now the king could draw a straight line from us to Caden to Renard Gauthier. Any hope we had of him helping us just went out the window.

  “I must get to the prison.” The king licked his lips, his gaze raking over me. “Tonight is Reaping Night, and I want to watch the culling.”

  Then he swept out, and we watched him leave, the line of black SUVs picking up the dust from the gravel drive.

  Chapter Six


  I worked my finger between the collar and my throat, my nail scratching the sensitive skin before Markus batted it away.

  “You’re already bleeding, Tessa,” he scolded me gently. “Stop fucking around with it.”

  They’d tried everything to get it off me. Caden had tried to pick the lock, but discovered it was sealed with magic. Rafael had suggested a flamethrower, which was quickly voted down, although at the moment, I seriously considered it as an option. Now Markus, Rafael, and I were on the bed, Caden sitting on my dresser, watching us with hooded eyes.

  “I can try again,” he finally offered, his unreadable gaze locked on to the collar around my throat. “If you’d allow me to.”

  “Maybe once more,” I said, untangling myself from my boys and offering him my neck, holding my hair up so he could work unimpeded. His fingers, like before, were gentle, drifting across my skin with a featherlight touch, before he began working the lock. I heard the near-silent scratching of metal inside the collar, Caden’s warm breath on the nape of my neck.

  I leaned back against him, my knees turning shaky as I replayed the king locking this thing around my neck, like I was some kind of dog he could call to heel.

  Caden changed position and moved my head slightly, his huge hand cupping my cheek gently as he positioned me. At my back he was nothing but solid, hard muscle, so unlike Markus and Rafael. My mind began to wander as I noticed just how different he was.

  His spicy scent filled my heightened senses, and I was acutely aware of how calloused his hand was, how tightly I was pressed to him. As if he read my thoughts, Caden put an inch of space between us, cool air filling the place where our bodies had been mashed together, his hard thighs braced against my ass.

  When he let out a grumble of frustration, I dropped my hair, stilling when his hand didn’t leave my face. In slow motion, Caden turned me to him, and emotion flashed in his blue eyes, just before he released me.

  “Thanks for trying,” I murmured, feeling off balance—both from his gentle touch and the sentiments he stirred up inside of me. “It was a good effort.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it.” His low growl vibrated in my stomach. “It’s sealed with the king’s magic, and only the key will unlock it, I’m afraid.”

  “If that’s the case, then I suppose I’m stuck with this damn thing.” I blew a lock of hair from my face in anger. “I just thought…” I glanced over at Markus and Rafael, lounging on my bed, a dull sense of futility turning my bones to lead. “I thought we’d figure a way to hold him off. But the harder everyone tries to get me out of this mess, the deeper I get pulled in.”

  When nobody said anything, I kept on going. They had to understand how much danger they were in. I wanted to fight Viktor with every ounce of my energy, but he had too much of an advantage.

  “The king saw us together today. All of us,” I told them pointedly, looking specifically at Caden. “Now he knows who to use as leverage. He already had my sisters; now he has all of you.”

  I forced down the sob bubbling up and kept my voice decisive. “I won’t have anyone hurt because of me.” I met their eyes, one by one, to make sure they understood.

  “Are you always this feisty?” Caden broke in. “I mean, I like assertiveness, but I figured this was”—a line appeared between his eyebrows as he looked at the three of us—“more of a group effort.”

  “What Tessa says goes,” Rafael responded with a grin. “We’re just here to do her bidding, n’est-ce pas, mon amour?”

  “When it comes to the safety of my friends”—I pegged Caden with a look—“we don’t take chances. We have our whole future ahead of us. Unless the king decides to change that. Let’s not give him reason to, okay?”

  Markus and Rafael knew me well enough to accept what I was saying as gospel, but Caden began shaking his head before I was even finished.

  “Remember Viktoria Rivette?” I asked him pointedly. “Remember what Viktor did to her, and then tell me we should openly defy the king…and the law.”

  A cloud passed over Caden’s face, although Rafael made a vague sound of agreement. There was silence for a moment as we all remembered what happened to Viktoria, who had the misfortune to defy Viktor’s summons, who decided to go to New York instead, where she thought she’d be safe.

  “I have no wish to spend the rest of my life with no limbs, and I have no desire to watch him murder the three of you in front of me, along with my entire family. Or worse.” I sighed, thinking of Viktor’s monsters. “Trust me, I’ve had lots of time to think this through.”

  I wasn’t sure about this, but I had to sound sure. If I showed the slightest doubt, they’d scoop me up and hide me away, and then we’d all be dead.

  “One night. I only have to survive Viktor for one night, and then I’ll come back to you. After that…” I swallowed the sob I’d been holding back. “After that, we’ll have our entire lives together.”

  They weren’t entirely convinced—Markus looked thunderous, Caden merely looked thoughtful, and Rafael looked… Well, he’d back me up, no matter what I decided. He was also the most sensitive of us, and the one Viktor would choose to break first. Just the thought of my beloved in that monster’s hands made me shiver.

  I ran my finger beneath the collar, and Caden loosely grasped my wrist and pulled my hand down, his gaze roving over my face before settling on my lips. For a second, his mask cracked, long enough for me to glimpse the fury in his eyes, along with something else.

  His eyes flared bright blue, the sort of glow a vampire’s eyes acquired when they were very hungry.

  Or very aroused.

  “I cannot bear for you to have to go through with this, just to save the rest of us,” he muttered so only I could hear him. Why is he including himself in our group? “I swear to God, I will kill that bastard for what he’s done.”

  At his protective, possessive tone, I searched Caden’s face, finally seeing all the things I’d missed these past years.

  How had I never noticed his emotions before? I’d been too busy hating him, I supposed, hating him for his father’s sins, holding his family name against him.

  Gauthiers cannot be trusted, my father always warned me.

  Maybe that was the root of it, but whatever it was, my previous reservations melted away as a shiver went through me, starting at the place where Caden’s fingers were still wrapped around my arm, holding me immobile.

  “Tess,” Caden murmured, though he didn’t seem to realize he’d said my name. “Ah, Tess.”

  There was so much more than regret in those words, so much more than anger. His grip tightened slightly, his fingertips digging in as he pulled me toward him, and I went to him in slow motion, until we were fused together, his lips nibbling at mine, his tongue licking into my mouth, between my teeth.

  It had been a long time since I’d tasted anyone new, not since Rafael joined Markus and I years ago, and a thrill of excitement went through me at the newness of Caden, the utter surprise of his tongue tracing my lips, his spicy, musky flavor.

  I opened wide and let him explore, his kiss more of an invasion than an inquiry, one strong hand on my back, the other never letting go of my wrist, tucking that hand behind me.

  Delicious. It was delicious, this feeling of being dominated. I knew what I liked and usually took the lead in bed, but this unrelenting control… I went damp between my legs as he firmed his grip, holding me immobile.

  My bed squeaked as Markus and Rafael quietly escaped the room, shutting the door behind them. I hal
f wanted to invite them to stay, but Caden… I wasn’t sure how he’d feel about sharing.

  I knew this first time, I wanted him all to myself.

  “They’re finally gone,” he muttered, nuzzling at my throat. “Do the three of you…” He pulled back and raked a hand through his hair, looking sheepish. “Fuck, never mind. It’s none of my business.”

  “It will be, if we continue this,” I told him gently, while turning my head so he had better access. I didn’t know how he felt about Markus, Rafe, and myself, but we could work out the messy details later. Right now…

  Right now I wanted him, and that was all that mattered.

  Caden’s fangs grazed my throat, stopping when he reached that hideous collar.

  “Don’t stop, Caden.” I squeezed my eyes shut, praying he didn’t. “Keep going. This feels good. You feel good.” The bulge in the front of his fatigues was rock hard against my stomach, and he was built like a tank, my exploring hands discovered as they swept down his arms, then back up his chest.

  Arousal perfumed the air around us, and my head swam as the heady scent became almost overwhelming. I wanted this. I needed to lose myself in someone, and Caden—with his big, gentle hands and eyes that saw too much—was right here.

  I was aware of nothing except the strength with which he held me, his plunging tongue, the dampness between my legs, until my butt hit the bed and he laid me down gently, yet firmly possessive when he pressed my hands above my head, our mouths still fused together.

  He was huge, all muscle and bone, far heavier than Markus, but I supposed he needed to be strong to hunt down rogue vampires and fight bloody wars.

  Even with all that power pressed into me, Caden’s lips were impossibly gentle, teasing and nipping, his tongue flicking out every once in a while, to taste me somewhere new.

  He lifted my other hand and pressed them tightly together before sitting back, straddling me, his cock pressing into my belly, my breasts rising and falling above the neckline of the destroyed dress.

  I didn’t know what to expect, which meant my core was tingling with anticipation, my body thrumming like a strung wire. I mean, from the look on his face…he wanted to eat me alive, and was just trying to figure out where to start.

  “Keep those hands up, Tessa,” he ordered me, then frowned, rising so he wasn’t touching me at all. “I don’t know what you usually like, and… Well, hell, sometimes I can get a little carried away. Tell me if anything is too much.”

  I rolled my hips, but he regarded me doubtfully, like he was wondering if this was good idea.

  “I want this,” I assured him. “I like how you make me feel.” He looked skeptical, and I remembered all those times he’d hidden himself away from me. “Don’t ever be afraid to show me who you are, Caden. No masks, no lies, no secrets between us, okay?”

  His face relaxed, those harsh lines smoothing out, his mouth curving upward.

  Not a smile, not yet, but close.

  I grinned, wiggling my fingers to show I was perfectly happy with this arrangement. “No lie, I like you being in control. It’s exciting. Freeing, in a way, though I can’t explain why.”

  Finally, Caden dropped his mask and smiled. A secret, slightly devious smile, like he had grand plans for me, and couldn’t wait to see them through. He settled back onto his knees, his delicious weight pressing me down into the mattress.

  He ran his fingertips across the top of my breast, callouses rough against the thin, creamy skin. “These are quite nice, Contessa.” He purred. “I’ve been waiting years to see them.” His gaze dipped lower. “To see all of you. I’ve imagined you. Quite often.” I shivered as his voice lowered to the barest of whispers. “Let’s see if all my fantasies hold a candle to you in the flesh.”

  He grasped the neck of the dress and tore it straight down, laying both sides out before reaching down and cupping my breasts, his thumbs rubbing slow, deliberate circles around my nipples. “Perfect,” he whispered before leaning down and sucking one into his mouth.

  My lack of freedom seemed to somehow magnify every sensation, though I couldn’t explain why.

  Completely lost in sensation, I kept still, my skin pebbling in the cold air, so at odds with the warm, moist suction on my nipple, his thighs tightening around my hips. Who knew being powerless was such a turn-on?

  But this inability to move… This was doing something ridiculous to my insides.

  Caden slid off me and pulled the dress completely off, tossing it aside as he scrutinized my body, laid bare to him.

  Never had I felt so naked. Never had I felt this much shuddering anticipation, my own gaze dropping to the bulge rounding out the front of his khakis. With another insolent grin, he unbuttoned them, and they dropped to the floor, his erection springing out, a drop of moisture at the tip.

  The first tickle of doubt crept through me.

  Jesus, he was huge.

  My surprise must have shown, because he reminded me sternly, “I told you not to move, Tessa. Keep your hands up high.” When my gaze stayed locked on his face, he must have thought I needed reassurance. “I’ll take things slow, and you can stop this at any time. Do you understand?”

  “I understand.” Where that wispy, breathy voice came from, I didn’t know. All I knew was Caden sucked up all the air in the room, along with all of my hesitation. I mean, I couldn’t pass him up, not now. Not when I was dying to taste him.

  He moved on me, slid a finger beneath my panties, and then ripped them off.

  His mouth grazed a trail up my stomach, then lavished attention on both breasts before he claimed my mouth again. Damn, but he could kiss. And his hands were everywhere, tweaking and petting, his huge body moving against me.

  The air was soaking in his scent, pure pale musk, rich and earthy. I breathed Caden in while he kissed me like he’d never kiss another woman in his entire life, and I couldn’t shake the feeling he was marking me.

  “I dreamed you taste like pomegranate.” He slid back down my body, his tongue circling my belly button. “Let’s see if I was right.” Caden slid his arms beneath my knees, then hoisted my hips until then were draped over his shoulders, my heels resting on his back, my pussy totally exposed to him, and whatever he was planning to do.

  He pushed a finger in, my muscles instantly clamping around it. With a low chuckle, he added another finger.

  My hips began moving of their own accord, pumping against that fullness, then jerked straight into the air when his thumb brushed my clit.

  Fingers and thumb, in and out, my orgasm shimmering just beyond another touch, Caden pressed my legs open wider, and then his mouth fastened on my swollen bud, his tongue flicking and flicking while he feasted on me.


  I drank her down like I was a dying man.

  As it turned out, Tessa tasted more like honeydew, sweet and a little bit wild. I couldn’t stop, not as her hips bucked hard. Not when her moans grew louder and more demanding.

  Not when my name burst from her and my cock hardened painfully.

  Soon, I thought, soon I’ll give you what you’re asking for. But some larger part of me intended to imprint Contessa Cormier on me forever. Or me on her, I wasn’t sure. I wanted to drink her in until I was drunk on her scent. Her taste.

  I’d waited for this night most of my life, and I intended to use every minute of it.

  Tessa still had her hands above her head, but for how long? Her eyes were closed, her body a long, sinuous wave against satin sheets. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing sooner or later, she’d forget and I could tie her up like I wanted.

  But for now, my entire world narrowed down to her glistening folds beaded with delicious moisture.

  Her thrashing grew more insistent, her moans louder when I impaled her with my fingers, finding her tight and slick. Damn, but she was responsive, her body reacting to my every touch. “I want you to come on my hand.” I added another finger, just before I lowered my mouth to her clit and sucked hard. “Now, Tessa, goddam
n it.”

  Her eyes widened as her release hit her, her core pulsing around my fingers, her breath turning ragged. I watched it roll through her, the glow in her eyes kindling brighter, her cheeks flushed pink, her body quivering with tiny aftershocks, the white points of her fangs pressed tight into her bottom lip.

  Damn, but I wanted those fangs sunk into my neck.

  I straddled her hips, surveyed her still-raised hands with satisfaction, and pushed my cock into her, deeper than I’d intended, her channel so damn tight I nearly came right then and there.

  You’ve been patient—don’t rush. Savor this female you’ve waited forever to be with.

  I wanted to wait. I wanted to go slow. But every stroke was a tight velvet glove squeezing my cock. Every thrust of my hips had me falling a little deeper in love with her. I’d waited forever for Tessa, and now that I was inside of her, I knew I’d never want another female again.

  “Feed from me, Tessa,” I murmured, and she opened one sex-hazed eye. I exposed my throat and lowered it to her mouth, feeling incredibly vulnerable. I never let females feed on me; the act was too intimate. But with Tessa… “Feed from me while I fuck you.”

  She forgot and tangled her hands in my hair, held me still while she struck, her fangs sinking in with a quick pinch. Then I was consumed by sensation as my cock pounded into her, both of us connected by this unbearable pleasure. I shouted in surprise when my orgasm hit me from behind, tightening my balls, my cock jerking as I filled her up.

  My release was still shuddering through me when Tessa licked the punctures shut, sliding her hands over my sweaty shoulders before she clasped them across the nape of my neck and pulled me down until I collapsed on top of her, her curves melding with my muscle until it seemed like everywhere I ended, she began.

  Chapter Seven


  The next night, we’d barely made it through half of our dinner when the king’s next “gift” arrived.

  Markus sat on my right, while on my left, Caden had displaced Rafael. He didn’t seem to care, chatting it up with Madison, finally making her laugh after she’d spent the day hidden in her room. Adalia, who was seventeen, looked pale as she watched the two of them, though a small smile creased her pretty face as Rafael launched into a lively reenactment of Viktor’s face when he walked in and overheard me wishing him dead.


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