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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 163

by C. D. Gorri

  “Okay, I can see…”

  “That you’re being a big baby?” Not giving Alex time to respond, the Black Fairy railed on. “Forget it. I’m not buying it. As soon as you finish this job, we’re out.”

  “Yeah, you said that.”

  “And it bears repeating because you’re not getting the picture. After today, we can go naked bungee jumping from the Empire State Building and there’s not a damn thing anyone - even the Morrígan - can do about it.”

  “Except throw us – me – in jail for breaking about fifteen laws.”

  “Human laws,” the Fairy corrected. “And you’re quicker than any regular cop. A snap of your fingers and you’re on the other side of the world. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah, after this, you will be released from all bonds, promises, and duties owed. You can become a friggin’ nun if you want to. Although, if I get a vote, I’m not going that route.”

  “If I don’t give you a vote, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “And speaking of me snapping my fingers and magically keeping us out of jail. You know I can’t use Magic without good reason. There is…”

  “A cost,” Verity scoffed. “See? You’re a friggin’ goody-two-shoes. Why wouldn’t that sexy Paladin want you as a Mate? I know as sure as the feathers on my wings are so black they shine, that the Universe made him just for you. Why not finish this crap and hightail it back to Valentine and make with the kissy face?”

  “Maybe because this effin’ rifle won’t shoot and I don’t feel like running out in broad daylight on a busy city street to knife some guy in the heart.”

  “What about your compound bow?”

  “Do you see any hunters amongst the ladies and gentlemen in business suits and expensive cars?”

  “No, but I sense a lot of BS coming from the vicinity of your brain.”

  “And I sense…

  Refusing to continue the pointless conversation with her alter-ego and with their window to complete the assignment closing, Alex shook the rifle at the end of her outstretched arm at her sister, reiterating, “Go ahead, Hot Shot. Try it. Take a shot. Make the gun work so we can get out of here.”

  Throwing her hands in the air, Amy fell backward until her butt landed on the heels of her well-worn boots. “No way. I can’t even touch that thing. First of all, you are still the Sìthiche Dubh, so, I have not ascended yet. Secondly, and most importantly, your orders were clear.”

  Thrusting the electronic tablet with enough magical encryption to launch a nuclear bomb without being detected or traced anywhere in the known galaxies into Alex’s face, her younger sister jabbed the screen with her finger. “This order is for Alessandra MacAskill, the Goddess of Death’s Sìthiche Dubh - this millennium’s Black Fairy.” Continuing to read, each word coming faster than the one before she harshly whispered, “No Magic can be used. No Supernatural interference can be inferred or directly attributed to the death of Creed Mathers. If any of the above, or methods other than those favored by humankind are detected, this kill will be voided and action will be taken against the Sìthiche Dubh, Alessandra MacAskill by the Morrígan herself or her Agent of Death, The Crow. Furthermore, if anyone other than Alessandra MacAskill is responsible for the death of Creed Mathers in a manner other than accidental, action will be taken by the Morrígan or her Agent of Death, The Crow.”

  Duck-walking forward, careful not to touch the rifle, she switched to speaking telepathically, “Dude, the Celtic Goddess of War is nothing if not through. Could she have said your name any more times?”

  “Yeah, could and has.”

  “Well, whatever you say. All I know is, you better get with the bang-bang-bang before The Crow is sent to hunt you down, kill you where you stand and deny you the right of living out eternity in the arms of our Ancestors.”

  “Gotcha, Sis. I’m tryin’ to make with the bang-bang-bang,” Alex snapped, fiddling with the trigger mechanism on her favorite rifle to avoid meeting her sister’s eyes. “I know the rules. Hell, I was born with them tattooed on my ass, wasn’t I? You think I don’t want to finish this job just as much as you want me to finish this job? I told you I think I met my Mate, right?”

  “Yeah, you did, and I’m happy for…”

  “Well, it’s not like this is my first rodeo, Amy. Get a…”

  “No, it’s your last rodeo, Alex,” Amy huffed. “You’re very last after an incredibly long and illustrious career as the Goddess’ Assassin. You are her Chosen – the Black Fairy who always gets her mark. You’ve never failed. You’ve never declined a job. You’ve done anything and everything asked of you. The Justice of the Morrígan has been given at the end of your blade. That’s why you’ve got to get it right. Then you can go back to Valentine…”

  “Yes, I know. I was there.”

  “I know you were there,” Any shot right back. “Just think Mated to the one the Universe made for you, living happily ever after and making babies in a house with a white picket fence.”

  “Oh yeah, I can’t wait to have kids.”

  “At least a couple,” Amy snickered. “I mean, it is what makes the world go round, right? Maybe not the having the kids, but the practicing. Heck, if mom and dad hadn’t – well, it’s gross to think about but it’s the truth. We…”

  “…wouldn’t be here.”


  “So, you think I should light a candle, sprinkle it with saffron and pray to the Goddess Aíne that the Dragon Paladin Warrior I met last night just accepts what I’ve been doing for the last nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine years?” Alex growled. Not even taking a breath for fear her sister would chime back in with yet another reason why she needed to run back down south and make with the seduction of a Dragon, Alex abruptly changed the subject.

  Eyes rolling up, she glared at Amy as her fingers kept fiddling with the firing mechanism on her weapon. “There’s nothing wrong with this rifle. I have no clue what happened. It felt like…”

  Completely ignoring her, something that was happening more and more as of late, Amy ordered, “Then get that stupid black SUV back in your sights, put a silver bullet between this guy’s eyes the minute he steps out the door and into the light of day, then let’s head back to spend more time with the Sampsons.”

  Not commenting for fear she would scream like a Banshee in the middle of a battlefield, Alex snapped both legs of the bipod out with a single flick of her fingers. Setting the cushion-covered, shock-resistant feet on the cement blocks she’d placed there upon arriving before the sunrise, the Black Fairy positioned the middle of the barrel exactly four centimeters above the grout line between the forty-fifth and forth-sixth brick.

  Finger barely hovering over the trigger, she inhaled deeply. Opening her senses as wide as her Fae Magic would allow, the Sìthiche Dubh exhaled slowly, tuning into the conversation taking place in the SUV she had in her sights.

  “I’m not quite sure what the Secretary of Defense and the Council wants to speak to me about. I’ve been out of the military longer than most of them have been alive. Any clue what I’m here for? I get why you two, but me?” His deep, full voice resonated within Alex’s soul, made her temperature rise, and Verity whistle, “Hey, baby, break me off a piece of that. You’re here for me.”

  Ignoring her alter-ego, trying with all her might, Magic, and strength Alex catalogued the voices of all three Supernatural beings in the vehicle.

  “Not a one,” another male responded, his accent thick and from somewhere deep in South America. “My presence, mi amigo, like yours, was requested without the option of declining.”

  “Me too,” came the third male’s voice, so full of Magic and power it damn near knocked the breath from Alex’s lungs. “And at exactly the wrong time. My Pearl…”

  “Your lovely Mate,” the Latin chuckled. “Do you purposely speak of her just to make me wish my own would at least take my calls?”

  “Who? Me?” The third man laughed out loud. “I would never do that. I was just…”

  “While I
love the friendly banter and the little catch-up,” the first man - the one who made both Alex and Verity hot and bothered and thinking about forever – chuckled. “What are we waitin’ for? I’ve got a Force to run, people waiting for me to answer their calls, about a million things I would rather be doing than talking to some four-star general and a Council of Others about only the Great Goddess knows what?”

  “Not to mention, nurse a monster hangover and chase down your Mate,” the one with all the Magic teased.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” the sexy voice sarcastically chuckled. “Everybody gets to have a lapse in judgement every couple of hundred years.”

  “Indeed,” the one with the accent snickered.

  “Okay, since we all agree,” sexy voice laughed out loud. “Can we at least get the hell outta this SUV and get inside the building? It’s hot as hell in this sun.”

  “Not yet, Creed, we need…”

  “Creed,” Alex confirmed with Verity. “You got that confirmation, too, right?”

  “I did,” the Black Fairy confirmed. “We have a go.”

  “Hey,” Amy yelped, butting into Alex’s mind. “I thought I was your spotter.”

  “You were supposed to be,” Alex whispered, moving not even a muscle. “But you’re too busy thinking about…”

  And that was a far as she got.

  The door to the SUV opened.

  One booted foot hit the concrete.

  And all hell broke loose right before eyes.

  Black-clad men literally dropped out of the sky from every direction. Repelling down the sides of buildings, jumping off terraces and flying without wings, more men than Alex cared to count landed on and around the SUV.

  Pulled from the vehicle faster than even her enhanced vision could follow, a man with white-blond hair – one she swore she’d seen before - pulled a jeweled sword from the air. Snatched and thrown across the street, the one with wavy dark hair that touched the well-starched collar of his dress shirt shifted into a huge Black Panther in the blink of an eye.

  Eyes on the huge Cat, Alex nearly dropped to her knees when the smoky scent of smoldering cherry wood and the sharp aroma of an arctic gust hit her square in the chest. Head snapping back to the left, she dropped her rifle and was on her feet before her actions so much as registered in her mind.

  Vaulting over three one mega-ton air conditioning units – one right after another - atop the building she had positioned herself upon, the Black Fairy raced towards the black, wrought-iron fire escape. White knuckling the rounded handrails, she straightened her back, hooked the insides of her boots on the outside of the rails and slid down as far as the iron went.

  Letting go, she kicked her feet backward, spun in the air and hit the ground with a bone-jarring thud. Racing towards the sounds of the fight, she rounded the corner as a blast of nasty green light hit Creed Mathers in the throat.

  Watching the Dragon fall to the ground, Alex poured on the speed as his crystal blue eyes locked onto hers and Verity gasped, “Son of a bitch, that’s…”

  “What the hell is happening? What going on? Where are you?” Amy screamed into her mind. “You can’t do this close-up, Alex. Abort! Abort! Abort! I’m filming the whole thing. I’ve opened the Eye of Dadga. The transmission will reach the Morrígan in five… four… three…”

  “Shut it down!” Alex yelled. “Shut it down now. Delete everything and head to the house.”

  “No,” Amy exploded. “I will not leave…”

  “Yes. You. Will.” Knowing her younger sister wouldn’t listen, would put herself in harm’s way without the proper and effective motivation, Alex hit the black onyx stone atop her cuff bracelet, poured all the Magic she could spare into her command and ordered, “Amaryllis MacAskill as the Morrigan’s Sìthiche Dubh, I order you to abandon the mission and return home.”

  Knowing Amy, or any kin of the Black Fairy for that matter, could not disobey a direct order when invoked by the Sìthiche Dubh, empowered by the Stone of the Morrígan, and imbued with the Magic of the MacAskill Frolick, Alex closed off the connection she shared with her sister. Less than a city block from the Black Panther, the Dragon she’d been sent to kill, and a Demi-God who could be no other than Kayne, the son of the Celtic God of the Sun, Lugh, she scolded her alter-ego. “Did you make this happen? Is this your doing? Are you just trying to get me sent to the Lower World, to Dubnos? Do you think you’ll be able to get your kicks down there?”

  “Oh, sure,” Verity snapped right back, her anger like a slap to the inside of Alex’s mind. “I’m the all-powerful Black Fairy. I can manipulate time and space, see into the future, and fuck up the life of the woman with whom I share a soul in the blink of an eye because I want to live out eternity in constant torment and anguish by her side. Hear me roar.”

  “Alright smartass…” Pausing to cough as a thick, viscous cloud smelling of sulfur and brimstone attacked her senses, Alex refused to stop running as she wheezed, “…then riddle me this. How the hell are the Fomorians here? Why are they attacking the man that I was supposed to kill? How did my last mark end up being my Mate? And how the hell were we both in Valentine last night and here in Dallas this morning?”

  Chapter Seven

  “Creed is down!” Max’s voice shot through his mind. “I repeat, Creed is down.”

  “No shit, Cat-Man-Do,” Kayne snapped. “I’m handling the three with guns and two with knives right now. These mother fuckers are Demons. When did assholes from the Underworld start using human weapons?”

  “They designed them. You didn’t really think anybody Topside was responsible for any part of warfare no matter how primitive, did you?” Max’s sarcasm rang loud and clear. The King was pissed and taking no prisoners.

  “Well, is it bad that I tried not to think about it at all?”

  “Not even a bit. But then I have to ask, did you really think a human Death Squad could get the jump on a Demi-God, the King of the Big Cats and the Leader of the Almighty Paladins?” Max almost chuckled before letting the image of him lengthening his talons and taking out three of their attackers with one mighty swing float through the bond the three formidable Shifters shared.

  “Well, when you put it that way… What? Who is that? Is she one of us or one of them? Where did she come from?” Kayne spat. “You seein’ this shit Creed? Max, you know that woman? Creed? Creed, you there? Creed, where are you?”

  The sound of more punches hitting flesh and the whoosh of Dragon Fire preceded the horrific stench of burning Demon flesh as the Leader of the Paladins struggled to respond to his friends. “I’m here!” He yelled again and again, the words bouncing right back then reverberating around inside his head like the banging of a gong.

  “Max, can you get an answer from Creed?”

  “No, amigo, I’m tried to reach him. However, I have been quite tied up. As soon as I exterminate one of these abominations, two more rear their ugly heads.”

  One of us needs to get over there and see if that woman is one of ours? She’s way too close…” Switching from mindspeak to out loud, Kayne’s roars echoed between the buildings in the city square. “…to Creed! Get the fuck away from him?”

  Surrounded by Demons, his Magic and his Dragon King subdued by black magic, the Paladin Leader still tried with all his might to see what was happening. Who had appeared? Where they friend or foe? What sorcery had these bastards unleashed that a Guardsman of his age and a Winged Warrior as strong as King Alastair were locked up like a princess’ chastity belt?

  Vicious kicks to the head and stomach, more to his lower back and ribs were nothing compared to the copious amounts of evil sorcery being pushed into his body and soul. Letting his eyes slide shut, Creed called upon the Magic of Danu, the Celtic Mother Goddess, to allow him to see. Slapping back at him, the very enchantment that was meant to help only served to hinder as his eyes watered and his throated threatened to close. Not even the Magic of the Dragon Ancients could break the walls the Demons were building around him.

nbsp; Searching his mind and memory for something, anything he could do to defeat his enemies, the sound of chanting cut through the pounding of fists and feet all over his body. Instantly recognizing the Gaelic, as well as the sound of three sisters from the Coven of the Crow, he translated the words in his mind as quickly as they were spoken.

  A man you are and a man you’ll stay. Today you are the sacrifice. Today you are the Dragon slayed.

  “Kayne! Max! Call the…”

  But that was as far as he got. No longer able to breathe, much less speak, Creed was completely immobilized. He’d never felt so helpless in all his many years. Not even as a child in the Moors had anyone been able to best him, not even on his worst day.

  “What are they after?” He instinctually asked his Dragon King, snarling, “Son of a bitch, how have they separated our minds, Alastair?”

  Unable to so much as open his eyes, a weight was placed on his chest, the sting assured him it was made of silver, the acrid stench that it was cursed. Summoning whatever strength and Magic they hadn’t already taken from him, Creed was prepared to die before being taken alive. The Coven of the Crow had been trying to steal Dragon Magic for centuries and had failed every time. They would not win this time. Not on his watch and not with his Magic.

  “What changed? When did they acquired such strength? Never ones to deal with the Devil, there’s no mistaking that they are working with a Demon Strike Team. Why now??”

  Unfortunately, he was only talking to himself. Alastair might as well have been sunning on the shores of the Isle of Skye for that was how very far away he felt to Creed.

  “Focus, dammit,” he chided himself. “You can figure this out.”

  But the longer the Coven of the Crow chanted, the stronger their wicked spell became. If it didn’t stop soon, there would be no reversing it, there would be no…


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