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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 186

by C. D. Gorri

  A sob bubbled from Amber’s chest, and she finally looked at her father. A sad smile curved his lips as he nodded once at her and then at Noah.

  “This emergency meeting of the national congress is adjourned. The Crescent City Wolf Pack is dismissed.” He rapped his gavel on the desk, and the rest of the congresswolves rose and exited the chamber.

  In a daze, Amber let Noah lead her into the hall where her father stood waiting for them. A dozen different emotions swirled through her psyche—relief, elation, love, forgiveness—making her head spin. Noah took her hand, and they turned to face her dad.

  “Welcome to the family, son.” He clapped Noah on the shoulder. “I know I didn’t show it, but I’m glad it all worked out.”

  Noah looked at her with so much love in his eyes, her heart swelled with joy. “So am I.”

  “I’m proud of you, Amber,” her dad said. “And I want to apologize for ever making you feel otherwise. You’ll always be my little girl, but I know you are a strong, capable woman. I promise never to forget that.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I love you.” She hugged him.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” He pulled from her embrace and turned to Nylah. “Because your cover has been blown, the congress is relieving you of your duties. You may return to the pack.”

  Nylah smiled. “Gladly. Turns out, the solitary life is not for me.”

  “Debbie and I would like to have you all over for dinner if you don’t have to rush back.”

  Amber looked at Luke, who nodded.

  “That sounds fantastic,” she said.

  “Shall we?” Her dad led the way out of the congress house, but Amber and Noah lingered.

  “It’s official.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “We’re going to be mates.”

  “Fate sure took a roundabout route to bring us together, didn’t it?” She rested her hands on his chest.

  “It did.” He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “But I’ll never question it again.”


  Check out the rest of the Crescent City Wolf Pack Series.


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  If you enjoyed this book, you may also enjoy...

  Crescent City Wolf Pack Series

  Crescent City Ghost Tours Series

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  The Rest of Forever

  Flipping the Bird

  Sign Steal Deliver

  Soul Catchers

  About Carrie Pulkinen

  Carrie Pulkinen is a paranormal romance author who has always been fascinated with things that go bump in the night. Of course, when you grow up next door to a cemetery, the dead (and the undead) are hard to ignore. Pair that with her passion for writing and her love of a good happily-ever-after, and becoming a paranormal romance author seems like the only logical career choice.

  Before she decided to turn her love of the written word into a career, Carrie spent the first part of her professional life as a high school journalism and yearbook teacher. She loves good chocolate and bad puns, and in her free time, she likes to read, drink wine, and travel with her family.

  Hunter Moon by Erzabet Bishop & Gina Kincade

  Hunter Moon

  Shadow Legacies, Book One

  Erzabet Bishop & Gina Kincade

  Copyright ©2021


  For my husband and furry kids. You are my heart.

  For my puppy angels that earned their wings.

  Watson. I miss your constant presence.

  Bella…your yodel always guided me back to reality. It’s too quiet now.

  For Gina. You help me to soar.

  For Mary Downing Hahn. I adore your ghost stories. Now and forever.

  Hunter Moon

  Dearly departed...

  Zoe is tired of seeing ghosts, but when you connect with the dead, it’s just one long party. When she gets invited to go to a weekend retreat at Mercer Cliff House to help her friend Vie determine if it’s really as haunted as they say, she reluctantly goes, her ghostly tagalong, Randall, along for the ride. But when she encounters a familiar face among the dead, her weekend is about to get more interesting and she may just have more at stake than her heart.

  Lowell has been trapped on the earthy plane since he was murdered over a century ago. Tied to his family’s estate and holdings until the deed is found, he spends his nights making the new so called owners of Mercer Cliff wish they’d never set foot in the place. When an unexpected guest shows up for a weekend event, he realizes time is of the essence and the woman he loves could be in grave danger unless he finds a way to save her first.


  “I can't believe you brought me out here. For this.” Zoe scowled. The ghost tours in this part of the city were famous, but it didn't change the way she felt about it. Tourist traps and shysters, the lot of them. The city had made this row of shops into the starting point of the tour and had cordoned it off with cobblestone streets and spooky sounding shops to rake in the vacationer dollars. The woods and cemetery were reported to be haunted, with ghost lights that appeared out of nowhere. If it was real, Zoe was prepared to eat her left shoe.

  She ought to know. Ghosts following her was sort of her thing. Randall had been around for years and sweet Jesus, he never shut up.

  Decked out in blue jeans, a black sweater, boots, and a head full of dark hair, it wasn’t easy to tell exactly when he’d crossed over. But one false step at her aunt’s funeral and he’d been stuck to her ever since.

  “Oh my God. Is that guy actually wearing a cape?”

  It was nerd city. Wow.

  “Don't be such a bitch. You know I couldn't come out here all by myself. Besides, once I meet up with Thomas, you can go shopping or head home.” Randall batted his ghostly eyelashes and gave Zoe an award-winning smile.

  “You just think because he runs a ghost walk, that he can see you.”

  “Well, it’s certainly worth a try.” Randall gave her a wink. “I haven’t had a decent date in at least a decade. And your socialization consists of e-books, paperbacks, and Netflix, so I don’t think you get to give me dating advice, honey.”

  “Why did you need me to drive you anyway? You’re a ghost. It’s not like you need me to get around.”

  “But it’s much more fun that way.”

  “Whatever.” Zoe eyed the motley bunch waiting for the ghost walk to start and had to resist the urge to bolt. A group of teenage boys were laughing loudly and giving hell to a church group that had driven in on some kind of mega bus.

  Sighing, Zoe ran her hand through her hair, wishing she’d tried harder to pretend to be asleep when Randall floated into her room to beg her to take him.

  “I know you’re awake.”

  The book in her hand flopped and she tried to suppress the surprised gasp at his sudden presence. She seriously hated when he decided to drift through walls. Or doors.

  “Randall. You know the rules. The bedroom is off limits when the door is shut.”

  He frowned with a huff. “But it’s always shut.”

  “There you go.”

  “Oh, come on. I saw this amazing special about the ghost tour downtown and I just know Thomas will be the one to take me away from all this.”

  He made a disparaging gesture with his hand toward her overflowing laundry basket and the books piled willy nilly all over her dresser.

  “Well, if you don’t like it…” Zoe raised her eyebrows. “Better yet…please. Go on the ghost tour. You won’t hurt my feelings one bit.”

  “But…” Ra
ndall twisted his lips into a hopeful smile.

  “But what?”

  “I was hoping you’d take me.”

  “Oh my God.”

  Three rounds of him singing that hamster nunchuck song and she weakened. If she wanted any peace in the near future, Randall would get his way.

  And here they were, still waiting.

  It was going to be a very long night. The illustrious Thomas, tour guide of the Ghost Light Tours, was still missing in action and Zoe was already watching for her first opportunity to do the same. The sky was darkening and there was a storm brewing in the distance.

  “Oh! Look. Here he comes!” Randall trilled.

  Sure enough, the svelte Thomas approached. Wearing a frothy black peasant shirt and painted on leather pants, he made his way up the walk, thigh high boots thudding dramatically with every step. Zoe rolled her eyes, knowing that Randall would be focused on trying to get Thomas’s attention the rest of the night. Relieved, she looked down the gas lit streets and hoped there was someplace she could grab some sweet tea and something to eat.


  And she had a nice new paperback in her purse that would be a great match for a chicken salad sandwich.

  “Randall, I'll see you tomorrow.”

  “Um. Yeah. Whatever.”

  Waving distractedly, he followed the ghost tour as the group walked down the street further into the “haunted” side of town. She had no desire to follow the tour and chance any more tag along buddies. She had enough ghosts in her life, thank you very much. Even if it were actually haunted, she wasn’t about to go advertising herself where every dead so and so could latch on to her for their various unfinished business.

  Just the thought of it gave her a migraine.

  Sighing, Zoe trudged down the cobblestone street and headed back, in search of some place to relax. Twilight had long passed and many of the touristy shops and cafes had already pulled up their sidewalks.

  Her summery dress felt perfect for the weather. A light breeze fluttered down her back, but she could feel the beginnings of a chill in the air. Her stomach rumbled and she looked longingly at the row of closed shops.

  Everything was dark. She would have to grab something from the drive thru burger place on the way home. Zoe patted her stomach, trying to squelch the growling and sheer irritation at Randall for dragging her to the middle of a veritable food desert.

  Sure, she could have just ignored him, but it was hard to do when said annoyance never slept, ate, or did anything except hang around at all hours.

  Her sandals thumped across the old-fashioned wooden boardwalk paths and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of light. A moment ago, everything had been dark.


  The Mercer Tearoom.


  Everyone had to capitalize on the tour, she supposed. Mercer Cliff House was only a few miles away and her best friend Vie had been after her to go to some kind of Halloween party there. The family had owned most of the town in their day, so she supposed this was just another hanger on.

  Her stomach gave another pathetic growl and that settled it. She would just pop in and see if they were open. If not, it was back to plan A. Taco Loco with a raging super-size Mountain Dew.

  The windows in the front of the old building were foggy, but she could make out a lit pastry case. She went to the door and pulled it open. A bell tinkled, announcing her presence.

  “Hello?” She stepped inside and closed the door. “Are you open?”

  And all at once, she felt like she’d stepped back in time. The tearoom looked aged, like most of the shops in the area. Light instrumental music played in the background, giving the place a calming feel. Baking scones sent trails of cinnamon bliss through Zoe's nose and her stomach gave another growl in protest.

  Wooden tables with doilies pressed under glass were placed strategically around the room. China tea sets and pots of ivy and ornamental trees gave the tearoom a homey charm. The pastry case against the wall was the crowning glory. Just looking at it from near the door, she could see confections piled high with tempting mountains of whipped cream and chocolate wonderment.

  “Now why have I not been here before?” Zoe whispered, walking over to the front counter where a chalkboard sat with the tea and soup flavors of the day.

  Soup of the day:

  Chicken Tortilla

  Baked Potato with Aged Cheddar Croutons

  Iced Tea:

  Ginger Peach



  The voice came out of nowhere and Zoe started as a handsome dark-haired stranger with tight blue jeans and a warm smile emerged from the kitchen.

  “Hi.” Zoe swallowed, suddenly nervous. “I hope I'm not intruding, but your door was open and the lights were on...”

  “And you were hoping for some dinner?” The hunk grinned and snapped up a menu from the stand next to the chalkboard. “No worries. We’re closed, but I think I can fit you in. You can talk to me while I wrap things up.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to mess up your night.”

  “Of course. I’d welcome the company.” He gave her a warm smile that melted away whatever doubt she had been holding on to.

  She would eat quickly and get out of his hair. And she’d find a decent tip for him for being so sweet.

  He led her to a booth next to the pastry case and Zoe had to fight not to stare at the pies and cakes calling her name.

  Zoe pulled out a chair and laid her purse on the floor as she sat. “Thanks. You didn't have to do that.”

  Mr. Hunky smiled. “My name is Lowell, and yes, I did. Can't send you home starving to death. It is not a nice way to go. Trust me.” A shadow crossed over his features, but he snapped back so fast Zoe thought she must have imagined the melancholy look.

  “I’ll bet. I’m Zoe.”

  “Nice to meet you, Zoe. We still have some of the baked potato soup with the homemade croutons.” Lowell paused, thinking. “I can get you some of the crusty cheese bread that we normally serve with it if you want, too.”

  “That sounds great.” Zoe felt herself relax, content in the warm tearoom and lulled by Lowell's friendly banter.

  “Do you want to try some of the Ginger Peach tea? It’s really good.” Lowell went up to the front door and locked it, flipping over the open sign.

  “Are you sure you don't want me to just take it to go? It was sweet of you to even serve me. I don't want to keep you.” Zoe bit her lip, noticing not for the first time how lithe Lowell's form was as he bent over to snap the blinds on the front windows shut. His jeans molded to his muscular body like a second skin and the tee shirt he wore was tight against his abs, showing every bit of his sculptured torso as he moved.

  Fidgeting in her seat, she was more than a little aware of the heat rising to her cheeks. Dating was never really on her to do list. Most guys didn’t appreciate her extracurricular activities and invisible buddies.

  Usually the feeling was mutual.

  “It’s been slow, so no worries.”

  “Seriously. I can just take something to go and let you close for the night. I don’t want to be a pain.”

  “No. I insist.” Lowell swung around and made his way back to the kitchen, stopping for a moment to look back at Zoe. “You want that iced tea?”

  Zoe swallowed, looking down at the rolled up napkin she had been shredding to bits on the table. “Um. Sure.”

  Lowell narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and entered the kitchen, returning moments later with a tall glass of iced tea and a biodegradable straw.

  “Here you go. If you want to sweeten it up, there is some sugar on the table.”

  “Thanks.” Zoe met Lowell's eyes and she felt her mouth go dry. She couldn't look away.

  “I should go get your soup.”

  “Yes, I suppose.” Zoe was holding her breath, suddenly not hungry. At least not for food. Great Goddess, his lips were really, really kissable.

ve you been here before?”

  “No. At least I don’t think so,” was her strangled response.

  Was it getting hot in here?


  “You picked a good night to come by.” Lowell whispered and stepped closer so his chest was eye level to Zoe.

  “I agree.” Zoe licked her lips as the tantalizing sight was inches away from her mouth.

  “Have we met?”


  She had to look up to meet his eyes.

  “No. You I would have remembered.”

  He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “Ah, well. That’s nice of you. I don’t get a lot of girls who say that these days.”

  “Then they’re crazy.” How could any girl not fall for those chocolate brown eyes, kissable lips, and tousled hair?

  “And you’re sweet.”

  “Not usually.”

  A bark of masculine laughter filled the room.

  “Seriously. I’d call you and I don’t even date.”

  “You don’t?” His brow furrowed, as if trying to comprehend what she’d just blurted out like an absolute dork.

  Blood sugar.

  That was it.


  Low blood sugar.

  With shaking hands, she reached for two little white packets and emptied them into her tea. Jabbing the long teaspoon into the glass, she stirred and took a hasty gulp of the brew.




  Okay…her brain could unfog anytime now.

  His eyes met hers with smoldering contemplation. “I have to confess. I’d call you, too.”

  “Really?” It came out more like a squeak than a reply, and she hurriedly took another gulp of tea.

  “Yes, really.”

  The world had shrunk to the soft music playing in the background and his mesmerizing gaze.

  “You wouldn’t want to dance with me, would you?”



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