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Jaxon - Bad Boys of New York Book #1

Page 24

by Mackenzy Fox

  I pass her the glass.

  “Of course I have a bath; I’m not a total caveman.” I shake my head, trying to lighten the mood a little bit.

  She smiles gently and sips the water.

  “Just a shower for now, please, though I only have the clothes in my carry-on and they need washing.”

  “I’ll have Marcy bring some things over later, and Jezzy from the sitter.”

  She reaches for my arm. “Thank you, Jax,” she says suddenly.

  I nod. “Make yourself at home, I’ll have to switch the hot water back on since I’ve been gone a few weeks, everything got shut off while I was away, won’t take long to heat up.”

  I’m glad my cleaning lady has been in, not that I’m a slob, but it’s nice to have fresh sheets and clean towels and no crap lying around.

  I’ve been gone a few weeks yet it feels like longer. Everything is where I left it yet it feels different. Maybe because I’m different.

  While I wait for the boiler to heat up, I fill the kettle and switch it on thinking she might like a cup of coffee or something, I don’t know how to handle these situations where women are delicate. I don’t know if I like Morgan being really quiet, it doesn’t suit her.

  She looks exhausted.

  “Do you want to have a nap before we go back to the hospital?” I ask, nodding up to my bed.

  Her mouth opens then closes again. “I’m fine,” she replies.

  Wrong thing to say but I’m honestly not trying to get into her pants, I’m not a total douche, she needs to rest.

  I make myself a coffee from the only thing I know how to use aside from the toaster; my Keurig machine, and I make one for Morgan, though I’ve got no milk so we both take it black.

  “I’ll start the shower,” I say, placing my cup down on the coffee table.

  She reaches for my arm and I look down at her. “Thank you, Jax, for bringing me here, I don’t think I could have handled facing the paparazzi on top of everything else.”

  I brush the hair back off her face and reach down and kiss the top of her head.

  “It’s no problem, nobody knows about my place so it’ll be more private until things get settled.”

  I leave out the fact that none of it is certain. The doctors said it was touch and go for John, they think Leon will make a recovery, thank fuck. I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath. Now more than ever, I have to be here for her.

  She stares at me with tears in her eyes. I know she’s afraid John’s going to die, and hell, he might.

  I nod and go to turn the shower on for her, retrieving a fresh fluffy towel from the cupboard. When I turn, she’s behind me still holding her coffee, she places it on the marble countertop, brushing past me softly.

  She strips out of her clothes in front of me like I’m not even there and then she steps into my shower and under the warm spray of water. There’s nothing sexual about it but there’s something familiar, like she’s comfortable with my presence, comfortable with me seeing her like this.

  I swallow hard and make my exit, busying myself out in the kitchen until Marcy texts me that she’s got Jezzy and some of Morgan’s things. She, unlike so many others, can be trusted not to divulge our location, Morgan needs this time and I’ll be encouraging her to take some time off work until John recovers. Fuck, I hope he recovers. Marcy, like a godsend, has also picked up a couple of bags of groceries and it’s clear to me that she cares about Morgan’s welfare and isn’t just a driver and someone who runs errands. She’s a good woman.

  “You’re amazing,” I tell her as I drop the bags on the countertop. I let Jezzy out of her carrier and she sprints off into the abyss of my apartment.

  “That’s what my two ex-husbands used to say,” she says, giving me a wink. “Anything else you need just give me a call. I mean it, anytime at all.”

  “Appreciate it.” I smile. “I’ll keep in contact, doubt she’ll be going to work this week but you know what she’s like, shock does things to people.”

  Marcy nods. “I hope Mr. James pulls through, it’ll be hard on her if he doesn’t, Leon is one brave son of a gun.”

  I don’t want to think about the repercussions of any of that.

  “All we can do is wait and hope for the best, they have the best doctors on hand,” I agree. “Marcy, I can’t thank you enough, I really appreciate all of this,” I add as she leaves.

  “Take care, Jax, call me if and when you need to, I’m only a phone call away.”

  I don’t add that I can take my own car but I nod anyways. “See you soon.”

  By the time Morgan is out of the shower, I’ve got all the groceries put away.

  She’s wrapped in a towel.

  I point to the overnight bag on the breakfast bar.

  “Marcy dropped those off.”

  She notices the empty carrier and looks around for Jez. “Jezzy?” she calls, brightening for the first time all day. Of course, like a typical cat, Jezzy does not come running.

  “Don’t worry, she’s off making herself comfortable, speaking of which, you should do the same, I’ve put the heating on. If it gets too hot, let me know.”

  I want to make sure she’s as comfortable as possible.

  And she needs to put some clothes on pronto. Her wrapped in my towel with wet hair is doing things to me and we need to get back to the hospital so I can’t be thinking like that right now.

  She grabs the bag and goes back into the bathroom to change.

  I go hunt for Jezzy; I find her curled up on my bed, smart kitty. The sun is streaming in through the window and she’s found the sunniest spot.

  “She’s up here,” I call when I hear Morgan come into the living room. I hear her come up the winding flight of stairs and she appears on the small landing dressed in jeans and a casual sweat top, her hair is wet and she has no makeup on. She looks so beautiful.

  I’m perched on the end of my bed giving Jezzy a head rub.

  Morgan looks around my room, assessing my domain with interested eyes. My bed is huge, custom made, the comfiest bed in the universe. When I’m here, I sleep like a baby, not like in the apartment I’ve been living in temporarily.

  It’s nice up here, like a cave, dark, with a huge grey fluffy rug that expands the length of the room.

  I watch her as she comes closer.

  “I like your bedroom,” she says, her eyes on her cat as she strokes her head. Our fingers touch and it’s like a bolt of electricity runs through us, her eyes flick to mine and I know she feels it too.

  The need to take her in my bed pulses through my veins, there is no way I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.

  “I picked the bed,” I say with a smirk.

  “Surprise, surprise.”

  “A man has got to have his vices.”

  You, namely.

  “You have a lot of art,” she remarks, perching on the other side of Jez as she looks around. There are paintings on most of the walls.

  “It’s just for decoration.” I shrug. “Makes it feel a little more homely.”

  “I thought you were going to say a talking point for a moment,” she muses, still stroking Jezzy’s head. She purrs under her touch.

  “I don’t do much talking in here, sweetheart,” I say slyly with a wink.

  Her eyes drop to my throat and I know I shouldn’t encourage her. She’s like a frightened lamb, not the tiger she was in the sack last night, the dynamics have changed.

  Before I give her time to answer, I say, “We should get back to the hospital, then we can grab some dinner.”

  She looks down at her cat, unable to meet my eye. “You don’t have to do this,” she says quietly.

  “Do what?” I frown. “It’s the least I can do to keep you safe and keep unwanted reporters snooping around.”

  “I didn’t mean that,” she replies softly. “I mean treat me like I’m made of glass; I’m not going to break.”

  Not now, but if John dies, I don’t know how true that statement will be.r />
  For the first time since we got here, I question whether I should have brought her here. I mean, I want her all over again and I want her in my domain, in my bed, I want to fucking worship her and I shouldn’t be thinking that at this crucial time. I should just be here on a professional level where we’re not sitting here awkwardly unable to act like nothing happened between us. But it did happen. And I liked it.

  Morgan James is a sore spot for me, and now I’ve had her, I don’t know if I want to give her back.

  “Let’s go,” I say, and I stand up and go towards the closet, I disappear inside and pull off my t-shirt, I’ll shower when I get back. I pull on a long-sleeved Henley and a hoodie. When I return, Morgan is making her way downstairs. Good. The less time she spends up here, the better.

  We take the elevator down to the basement and I get the excuse to use my car which I haven’t started in the same amount of weeks that I’ve been gone.

  It’s a quiet ride to the hospital and nothing in John’s condition has changed, we spend a couple of hours there and I go and buy really bad coffee from the cafeteria, there’s no way I’m eating the food here. We pick up some Chinese on the way back to my apartment. The whole time Morgan barely utters a word.

  It’s been one hell of a long day.

  Morgan speaks to Jolie briefly; they are all back from San Fran now and are fully aware of what’s going on.

  “You should take a few days off,” I tell her as I drive. It’s not a request, she needs to do this.

  “Work will keep me distracted,” she tries to argue.

  I roll my eyes. “Call off Monday at least, that way you can be close to the hospital.”

  She knows I’m right. She glances at me in the dark. “Thank you for being here, Jax,” she says. “I know you’re being paid and all, but…”

  That statement kind of angers me a little.

  “But what?” I demand, not even bothering to hide the harshness in my tone.

  “But you don’t have to babysit me.”

  “Is that what you think I’m doing?” I say, cocking a brow at her.

  “No,” she replies in a small voice.

  I sigh. “I’m here because I want to be, not because your father is paying me, Morgan, haven’t I made that clear, what about last night?”

  “What about it?” she challenges, her eyes are back on the road.

  I run a hand through my hair, this woman is impossible.

  “Don’t tell me that it was just sex,” I bark harshly. “Because we both know it wasn’t.”

  She folds her arms over her chest; here we go, shutting me out again.

  “No, it was great sex,” she corrects.

  Her words cut me off momentarily and I pause. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “What do you mean, Jaxon?”

  I sigh again, the blood boiling in my veins. Why does she have to be so cold and so fucking obtuse all the time? Just when I think we’re getting somewhere, we take giant leaps backwards.

  “We have something, Morgan, it isn’t just great sex, I know you feel it too, you don’t have to shut me out.”

  “Don’t I?” she fires back. “Last night you were adamant it was wrong, you’re hired to protect me, bla, bla, bla, now you’re making is personal, so excuse me if I’m not getting a little bit confused.”

  I glare at her momentarily. “It is personal, MJ, the minute you put your hot little hands on me, which by the way, was all your doing, you made it so much more than personal.”

  She bites her lip and I know she’s thinking about it.

  I pull into the garage and put the car into park and kill the engine. I reach back and grab the food off the back seat. I’m not arguing down here in the basement in my car. In fact, I’m tired of arguing altogether.

  We ride the elevator in silence. When we get inside, I’m no longer hungry. I tell Morgan to help herself while I go shower. I need to think.

  She’s right. I should be distancing myself, but unlike her, I’m not some goddamn tap you can just turn off and on when the fancy takes you. I don’t work like that, I’m either in or I’m out.

  I strip and turn the shower on so it’s scalding hot. The water feels nice, it’s been a hell of a long night and an even longer day, I rub my hands over my face and reach for the shower gel. I turn and the bathroom door opens as Morgan steps in. She watches me through the sheer glass and I stare back at her.

  I continue lathering my hands together and I wash under my armpits then move my hands down my pecs and across my torso. Her eyes follow me and I lead one hand down to my dick, it’s at half-mast because it’s arousing that she’s watching me.

  I rub my hand down my shaft a couple of times and she bites her lip as she watches. I move my hands back up my body and repeat again, this time, I sheath my dick more times than needed and I crook my finger at her to come hither.

  To my amazement, she unbuttons the top of her jeans, steps out of them and her panties, and pulls the t-shirt and crop top off in one fell swoop. She steps in the shower and I immediately reach for her, my cock bobs against us as my lips crush to hers and my tongue is in her mouth as she reciprocates just as hungrily.

  “I’m sorry, Jax,” she breathes. “I’m no good at this as you can tell.”

  “Can you be quiet for five seconds?” I whisper back.

  My hands cup her face as she grips my biceps, she breaks away from the kiss though and I watch as she drops to her knees.

  Oh, lord.

  She takes my length in her hand and I look down as she looks up and she takes the end of my cock into her mouth. I close my eyes in sweet surrender. She takes a little more, her tongue working me over but she’s a greedy girl, taking more and more of me as she sucks hard and sheaths me at the same time with one hand. She’s a magical sight before me and I can’t help but move my hips as I begin to fuck her mouth. She’s got a dirty little mouth too, all the times she answered back and smart-mouthed me, I let her have it.

  I bite my lip as I watch her take me and she takes the lot, I’m marveling at her gag reflex as I ramrod down her throat and there may never be such a sight in all my life as her down there. She looks up at me with those big beautiful eyes and those plump lips and I can’t take it. I curse myself for not making this last but it’s the ultimate fantasy. I pump furiously hard then in one pump; two and I unceremoniously come in record time down her throat as my orgasm explodes. I practically see stars as I come down from my high, and when I open my eyes again, she looks quite proud of herself as I yank her up off the tiles.

  “You’re a naughty little girl, MJ,” I say, my voice husky with want. Fuck I want her, now.

  I turn the taps off. “And you know what naughty little girls get?”

  She shakes her head as I look down at her heaving chest, I’ll never grow tired of those tits. “They get punished.”

  She yelps as I grab her and sling her over my shoulder. I step out of the shower and grab the nearest towel and carry her to the bedroom. She’s giggling and fighting me at the same time. Our little spat in the car long forgotten.

  I carry her up the stairs and I drop her down on my bed as she scrambles backwards. I quickly dry myself off with the towel and fling it on the floor.

  “God, I love you naked,” I say as I crawl over her. She reaches for me. “Open up for me, MJ, let me see you.”

  I sit back on my haunches as she spreads her knees.

  I look down at her and I lick my lips. I’ve been dying to punish her with my mouth since we met.

  I come over her and kiss her mouth roughly, biting down on her lip as she whimpers, one hand tweaks her hard nipple and the other reaches down to her soaked center and I groan as I feel how wet she is for me.

  I move my mouth down to her neck and bite there too, her hands move to my hair but I keep moving my mouth down, I suck on each nipple back and forth, getting her so worked up she bucks off the bed with her hips, trying to rub against me. I keep kissing down her body and I reach my
destination of the apex of her thighs where I nibble the inner thigh close to her center.

  “Wait,” she says, sitting up on her elbows.

  I look up at her but I disregard her protests and I lick through her slick center. She moans as she watches me, momentarily closing her eyes as I do it again.

  “You don’t like oral?” I say, paying her clit some very light attention with my tongue. I know she’ll come in five seconds if I keep this slow torture up.

  “I-I don’t know…” she says, her voice shaky.

  “What do you mean?”

  She closes her eyes and I wait for her to open them before I continue. “My last boyfriend didn’t like doing it.”

  Was the guy insane?

  “That proves it; he was obviously a complete fuck wit,” I say without humor.

  I don’t wait for any more declarations as I open her up with my hands and suck on her sweet spot until she flops back on the bed and begins to grind against me. I don’t relent, I tongue her, suck, lick, and gently bite until she’s screaming my name and I ride out her orgasm with my mouth. I lick her again then insert a finger, moving in and out, I know she’s sensitive after that but I don’t care, I want it all. I insert another finger and then lick her sweet spot again with my tongue.

  “Look at me, Morgan,” I say. I feel the bed move as she comes back to her elbows to look down at me, she’s flushed and fuckable and I can’t wait to take her. “You taste beautiful just like the rest of you, I’m gonna make you beg for it.”

  I pump my fingers harder as she watches me and I lower my mouth and take her clit again as her eyes never leave mine and she rides my face.

  God, it’s hot. I can’t take it anymore, I’m so hard, I practically jerk off against the friction of the sheets but I pull back to grab a condom and roll it on as fast as possible.

  I don’t wait for her this time. In my bed, I’m in charge. I line up to her opening and in one movement, I bury myself deep inside. She gasps in shock as I move side to side to give her two seconds to adjust, but that’s all she gets. I come over the top of her onto my elbows and kiss her roughly as her hands grip my ass and I pump into her, hard, her legs bent and spread wide.

  “You drive me crazy,” I tell her between kisses. “I want you in every position, I want you bouncing on top of me where I can suck your beautiful tits, I want every bit of you, MJ.”


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