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Page 34

by Angel Payne

  “You’re my more, Reece Andrew Richards, because of the way you love me…and because of the way you complete me.”

  I’m finally able to haul in a huge breath. I gulp it down with emotion that turns my throat into a vise and my eyes into stinging heat. “As you complete me, Emmalina Paisley Richards. Forever and always…and beyond.” I drop my head until our foreheads meet. “Don’t ever stop loving me. Don’t ever stop being my more, as well.”

  Our lips find each other once again. We mesh and claim and adore each other with the phenomenal force that only our kisses can convey…only our passion can fully express. I clutch her closer, fusing my energy to hers…pledging my spirit to always cherish, honor, serve, and fulfill hers.

  “You see?” she finally whispers, staring deep into my eyes. Her brilliant smile flips every neuron in my system. “Here’s the more, baby. Right here. You and me. We don’t need swords and pistols and duels and jousts.”

  I kiss her again, tasting the seam of her lips with the tip of my tongue before husking, “But how about a little lightning?”

  An impish smile spreads across her gorgeous lips. It widens as she swings our joined hands upward until they’re clasped in the space between our chests…

  A mesh of my glaring neon-blue digits and her golden glowing ones.

  “Only if a few solar flares are okay too?”

  A long, loving laugh rumbles out of me—before I kiss her soundly, thoroughly, and passionately again. And again. And again. I race my hands up and down her body, making sure she’s very aware of the way we’re going to end this brilliant, jubilant day. Her answering moans affirm she’s already on board with my plan—already connected to my every hot, full desire.

  As she always will be.

  The completion of my passion.

  The connection of my soul.

  The partner of my life.

  The bolt of my world.

  At last, I find the strength to speak again—but I’m sure the volume’s possible only because of the lightning roaring through my senses, the fire surging my blood…and the love illuminating every fiber of my heart.

  The love that’s moved me.

  The light that’s powered me.

  The woman who’s challenged me, changed me, pushed me, startled me, ignited me, inspired me, moved me, rocked me, reduced me, rebuilt me, and raised me to heights of fulfillment and happiness I never knew could exist. The human who’s shown me all the glory and power in my own humanity. The miracle who’s proved to me that miracles do exist.

  My wife. My sun. My goddess. My life.

  My superhero.

  “Lead the way, baby,” I whisper as I hold her close with all the strength in my body, the love in my heart, the lightning in my soul. “I’m ready for the adventure.”

  Also by Angel Payne

  The Bolt Saga:







  * * *

  Secrets of Stone Series:

  (with Victoria Blue)

  No Prince Charming

  No More Masquerade

  No Perfect Princess

  No Magic Moment

  No Lucky Number

  No Simple Sacrifice

  No Broken Bond

  No White Knight

  No Longer Lost

  * * *

  Shark’s Edge Series:

  (with Victoria Blue)

  Sharks Edge

  Sharks Pride

  Sharks Rise

  * * *

  Misadventures Series:

  Misadventures with a Time Traveler

  * * *

  Honor Bound:











  * * *

  Cimarron Series:

  Into His Dark

  Into His Command

  Into Her Fantasies

  * * *

  Temptation Court:

  Naughty Little Gift

  Pretty Perfect Toy

  Bold Beautiful Love

  * * *

  Suited for Sin:




  * * *

  Lords of Sin:

  Trade Winds

  Promised Touch


  A Fire in Heaven

  Surrender to the Dawn

  * * *

  For a full list of Angel’s other titles,

  visit her at


  Dear Readers and all Team Bolters,

  I absolutely can’t believe I’m writing this letter—and wrapping up the very final piece of Reece and Emma’s adventures. As you can well imagine, the act comes with an immense combination of so many crazy emotions, culminating from a year of pouring every shred of my heart and soul into this project. Those of you who know me well, or have followed the journey of the Bolt Saga, know that this was a passion project like no other for me, born from a deep love and appreciation of all things superhero blended with a craving to lend the genre something cool and new.

  The idea of doing so was—and has been—daunting. A story of this scope was bigger and bolder than anything I’d tried before, especially because I was determined to honor everything cool about superhero fiction and passionate romance. I hope that most of the time you think we got it right!

  I use the term “we” because there is no way these stories would have become everything they are without a seriously amazing Dream Team, helping me to finesse the words, the tone, the voices, and the vision into the six books you’ve enjoyed. It is my pleasure, honor, joy, and privilege to thank all of them now.

  Actually, “thanks” seems a horrifically pathetic word for expressing my unending gratitude—and unfathomable amazement—for the patience, fortitude, strength, and guidance of my outstandingly talented editing team. Scott Saunders and Jeanne De Vita, the two of you were the very original Team Bolt, and without you, these stories simply wouldn’t be here. Thank you for the handholding through the tears, the listening ears through tricky plot points, the strokes of genius that helped make some of the books’ best moments, and the cheerleading when I needed it most. But most importantly, thank you both for caring enough to give me your complete honesty and unflagging passion about this project. This thing was so much more than a paying gig for both of you, and I knew that without a doubt, every step of the way. I have no idea how I’ll ever show you the scope of my gratitude.

  Of course, a project that busts boundaries is nothing without a team who feels it can truly soar—and for that belief, I am eternally, euphorically grateful to every member of the Waterhouse Press publishing team. Meredith Wild: from the very first day you read this thing in its original form, you have been Bolt’s biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to stretch for this unreal dream of mine. You took my insane little lightning bolt and turned it into an astounding star storm. I have no words for how to thank you for that unflagging belief and love. Additionally, thank you to Jon McInerney, Robyn Lee, and Haley Byrd for the phenomenal support on marketing efforts—and to Yvonne Ellis, Amber Maxwell, and Kurt Vachon for making everything look so gorgeous. Additionally, so much thanks to both Jesse Kench and Jennifer Becker for handling the nitty-gritty details and making my life so easy. I appreciate you all more than words can say!

  I cannot begin to say how grateful I am for the artistic genius of the amazing Regina Wamba, who turned twelve hours on a snowy Minnesota day into photographic gorgeousness for the Bolt Saga graphics. I continue to be indebted to Anthony Kemper and Hannah Lundquist, who put their all into becoming Reece and Emma! Thanks to Peter Phungus on hair and makeup, as well as beautiful Yuli Xenexai for your shoot styling skills.

  Bringing up a book baby truly takes a
village—and in mine, there have been some friends that have gone “above and beyond” during the year it took to birth this thing! Victoria Blue, I appreciate your understanding, flexibility, and constant support. Thank you! I couldn’t have done this without all of our Maniacs sprints with Meredith Wild! Cyber high-fives! Gooo Maniacs! Carey Sabala: you have become so much more than a fellow fangirl. I am eternally, endlessly thankful for all the long chats and understanding—and even for your three-hour drive to help me out at my comic-con signing! You are amazing! Tracy Roelle, thank you for being there and for all the cyberhugs when I needed them. Love you so hard, lady! Shayla Black: if you had a dollar for every time I’ve asked you to drop everything and talk…well, just know I would gladly pay that and more. Your wisdom, insights, and compassion have been gold. Thank you, lady, from the bottom of my heart. I’m also grateful for my fellow superhero fangirl goddess writers, Anissa Garcia and Joany Kane, who were always there with the awesome Marvel memes when I needed them most. You two rock my world so hard!

  I cannot begin to encompass how much I thank the Creator, on a daily basis, for Martha Frantz. Lady, you really do need a cape and a big “S” on your chest! You are my Superwoman, through and through—but more than anything, you are such a beautiful and trusted friend. I am so thankful for you, and I’ll likely die trying to show you that.

  The crazy-insane hours of writing, reaching deep, and stretching far for this story would have been excruciating torture without the unfaltering support of some diehard, core Team Bolt Bunnies. Please forgive me if I missed anyone, but I really want to acknowledge the girls who have literally been there since the beginning on this and have never hesitated to jump in with support and love for our beloved super mutants: Linda Dunn, Bethany Bachman, Corinne Akers, Amy Bourne, Kika Medina, Shel Abshire, Kelly Wolford, Belle Torres, Sharon Wingo, Shelley Peake, Jessica Adams, Nicole Posey, Karen Aguilera, Lorraine Gibson, Angela Tyler, Phuong Richardson, Ceej Chargualaf, Toni Paul, Trenna Harris, Amanda McCalip, Dawn Massie, Ramona Stacey, Carol Ann, and Dorothy Sobota.

  And as I’m on the subject of fangirling: a shout of thanks heavenward to the late, great Stan Lee, who showed the world that being a great hero means being a great human first. Excelsior, sir. You are missed.

  Last—but absolutely not least—thank you to every single fellow geek girl and guy who has reached out to encourage me about taking on something like Bolt. Thank you for understanding that at the heart of heroism, there is love—and that true love, when experienced in its fullness, can guide us and lift us to being the finest versions of ourselves. Thank you for opening your hearts to me and for sharing your stories and your souls. You have made it abundantly clear that I’m not alone in this thinking. Please don’t ever stop celebrating all the good that is in you too—and reaching for the compassion, caring, kindness, and love that we can all access within ourselves.

  Love your lightning. It’s what will make you a hero.

  Team Bolt Forever.

  With Love and Light,

  * * *


  About Angel Payne

  USA Today bestselling romance author Angel Payne loves to focus on high-heat romance starring memorable alpha men and the women who love them. She has numerous book series to her credit, including the action-packed Bolt Saga and Honor Bound series, Secrets of Stone series (with Victoria Blue), the intertwined Cimarron and Temptation Court series, the Suited for Sin series, and the Lords of Sin historicals, as well as several standalone titles.

  Angel is a native Southern Californian, leading to her love of being in the outdoors, where she often reads and writes. She still lives in Southern California with her soul-mate husband and beautiful daughter, to whom she is a proud cosplay/culture con mom. Her passions also include whisky tasting, shoe shopping, and travel.

  For more information, please follow Angel Payne at:




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