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Wolf in Hero Clothing

Page 3

by Serena Spacey

  “Why did you have to be so close?” he growled at me, as if it were all my fault. “When I was fighting, if you weren’t there, I’d be right in the head.” He thrusted toward me from the back. “Not an animal, I’m not just an animal.” He tried to push me away, but he brought me back towards him. I didn’t rebel. My body couldn’t, it wanted him.

  Everything screamed inside for him. My hands clasped against his.

  “Don’t, don’t, don’t,” he warned in my ear, still unable to keep himself from thrusting against me. “We aren’t animals, we run on more than instinct.” The words couldn’t reach my ears though as I rubbed against him more. “Roxie Malone, I don’t know you. You don’t know me,” he tried again. He grunted. “We’ve got to keep it under control.”

  “No control,” I purred. I didn’t even know I could purr. Then again, maybe I did. Maybe I had always known I was a bit different. I never knew how, but feeling Hero thrust against me, the whole world made sense. I needed to be completed by him.

  “Can’t, can’t, can’t,” Hero repeated. “Won’t do it, I will not let these animal feelings control me. We are better than this.” He managed to stop thrusting against me. “You need to get out of here. Don’t even get close to me again. Leave me. Please.”

  “No,” I pleaded. “I can’t do that, I can’t leave now.”

  “You have to, or I am going to take you like an animal beneath this table!” he yelled at me.

  “Oh, yes!” I yelled back toward him, his anger causing more arousal within me. “Please, Hero! I hurt so much, take this ache away from me.”

  “No, no, no, no, no.” Hero moved his whole body away from me. “Get out of here, don’t come near me again, Roxie.”

  I wouldn’t have it though. My mind couldn’t think of anything but the act of sex with him. I moved back toward him, kissing him against his will. It only took a few seconds for him to respond back.

  “Go, get out of here,” he warned me one more time as he seized my lips into another kiss. “What the hell are you, how am I doing this with you? Why. Can’t. I. Stop?”

  I pressed my hand back to where the strap was down on my dress. This was my reason for being. To please him. To please my wolf. This time, I heard half a curse as the side was lowered.

  My breast felt the cool night air beneath the table. I felt his hand cup it, but it wasn’t enough. I needed him inside of me.

  “Mine, you are my tigress.”

  I groaned almost in pain. What a tigress was, I didn’t know, but I wanted it to be me, and I wanted to be his. I rubbed harder along him like a cat around catnip. I needed more, so much more.

  “I can’t, I know I can’t,” Hero urged me, but his body couldn’t agree with his mouth. His ridiculous mouth, he needed to stop resisting. His body knew what it needed, just like I did. His fingers massaged my nipples, causing another groan from both of us. “There’s something about Z’s, I was too young to remember, but I...there’s just...”

  I grabbed his mouth with mine, shutting him up for good. I knew what I needed, and it was this. Finally getting him to shut up, Hero moved me slightly and tried a taste of my nipple with his tongue. Oh, the sensation was outrageous. “More,” I begged. I rose my dress as high as I could, and brought my panties down halfway to my thighs. I felt Hero come behind me, growling into my ear.

  “Hero, what is going on?” Bose’s voice came from beside the table.

  Neither of us answered as Hero began to thrust. At first, it hurt and I made little yelps, but I soon adjusted. Having sex beneath a table wasn’t easy though, and Hero’s head kept hitting the top of it, making a hard thump and shaking the table.

  “Clear this area!” Bose yelled at someone. Who cared who? All the two of us wanted was to enjoy the sensations of each other. “Hero, get out here!” he commanded.

  No one would make either of us give this moment up. The two of us, lost in primal sex. Groaning and moaning. Then, feeling the sensation quicken, Hero began to pump harder. The table thumped on his head madly while I reached for my chair for support.

  Having Hero’s cock thrusted into me, it was the best feeling ever. No one in the world had ever felt this. He had saved many, but no one had been saved like this. I was complete, as long as I could be here. With him. I gave one final yell of ecstasy as I felt him come inside of me. He held onto me deeper as my body drank him like a car needing gasoline, and he stayed on top of me, holding my neck in his mouth gently.

  I opened my eyes and blinked, looking around myself. I was in the comfiest comforter known to man. It was like a heavy silk. The pillow behind my head was so comfortable I almost didn’t want to get up. As I moved away, I looked at my clothes. The same as last night.

  Last night. I looked out a nearby window and could see it had now become daytime. Hero paid for one night, what had I been doing there? Only a date, this was impossible.

  “Miss Malone.” I heard a voice and a knock at the door. “We’ve got some clothes for you to wear for your meeting with Adventurer Hero.”

  A meeting? “I don’t have a meeting,” I said through the door. “I was supposed to be home last night.”

  “Pardon, ma’am. I am sorry for skipping that part. Your parents know that you are here. You may call them on the phone next to your bedside if you wish.”

  There was no way my parents would let me stay the night. I took him up on that offer and picked up the phone. I dialed and waited a moment.


  “Mom?” I asked her. “You and dad didn’t give permission for me to be in some hotel, did you?” I expected a scoff or a shout. Something. “Mom?”

  “You need to talk to Hero. I will be here for you when you finish. I love you, Roxie.”

  She hung up. She hung up on me? Dad didn’t even talk on the phone. I hung up the phone. This was bad, I knew this was bad. I let the person at the door in and took the outfit.

  A brand new package of panties to wear, some silky socks, and some shoes. No, not just shoes. Those were the new designer shoes that weren’t coming to stores for another month. The dress was impossible too. I picked one up once in a fancy store with my friends for a lark. It felt like velvet, but it had been so light to wear. We joked that we’d take it up to find out the cost. The joke was on us though, they said they weren’t made in my size. Apparently they were, the proof had been right in front of me.

  I dressed myself, but I couldn’t enjoy the luxuries I had been wearing. I wanted to know what would make my mother let me stay in a hotel for a meeting without them there. When I was done, I opened the door. Three people stood in front, stoic. “Uh, hi.”

  “Ma’am.” He bent down and looked at me expectedly. It took a minute to figure out he wanted my hand. He kissed it gently. “Adventurer Hero is expecting you. Afterward, you should be aware that Marquis has been available for your personal counseling.”

  Counseling? My nerves were even higher than before. A counselor? “Marquis?”

  “Yes, he has been gracious enough to postpone his show for this week so that he could be at your disposal.”

  Show. Oh. My.

  Marquis the famous psychologist on the radio? I had him at my disposal for a week?

  Yes. Nerves. Extremely high. Higher than ever now. Why in the world had I been given this treatment? One of the men stayed behind, I suppose to take care of my room or clothes. The other two came with me. One guided me while the other stood behind me. After being guided to the elevator, the button number one had been pushed, and I waited. Waited for the meeting. The meeting ten minutes ago I did not even know about, and the one that I feared would change my life.

  When I walked in, the other two left and the doors were closed to the lobby. I sat down in one of the chairs. It seemed like one of the banquet halls that were often reserved for hotels weeks in advance. Apparently, Hero had booked it for the meeting.

  A noise had been heard at the side doors to the banquet hall. Hero walked in. This time, his outfit from the night before h
ad been gone. Barely recognizable now, he wore nothing but a black leather jacket. No shirt. Just simple black jeans. He strolled over towards me with a paper. He nodded at me once.

  His attitude was different than last night. While last night, his eyes seemed to be dangerous, this time they felt different. Shame. Sadness? Not quite. Maybe . . . pity? I gestured to the paper. “What’s that?”

  “A second.” He moved to the other side of the table and sat down. “Roxie Malone. We have some business to discuss before you head home.” He tried to be casual, but I could tell it would be a big one. “Were you informed of your personal counseling with Marquis?”


  “Good.” He tapped his fingers on the table. “Tell me about yourself.”

  That was supposed to be for a date, not a strange meeting booked in a room that held five hundred people. “What is going on?” I didn’t want to play let’s break the ice; I wanted to know what was wrong.

  “Fine, skip it.” Hero took a deep breath. “I have a paper that you must sign before you leave today. There is a second one, but that one may or may not be signed.” He handed the paper over to me. “Sign.”

  I looked at it. The terms were in small print, and I felt like I should have a lawyer present. “I don’t know if I should.”

  “Your lawyer is already here outside the doors. Call to him if you wish.”

  My family’s lawyer? I looked back at the paper. As I read it, I didn’t know if I needed one or not. Not knowing for sure, I called to my family’s lawyer. He came in and explained each part.

  “So, basically . . . Hero has something he needs to tell me, but if I tell anyone else, I would be sued for everything I own?” That is what it sounded like.

  “Almost. More than what you own, your family would be in poverty forever, and their generations would be paying for the damages until it was final.” My lawyer patted my shoulder. “This is a serious contract. I can’t believe that I am even talking to you.” He tried not to go fanboy, but you could see the excited look in his eyes when he looked at Hero.

  Of course. Everyone had been a fan of Hero, but after hearing what he had to say, would I be? I knew the consequences, but I needed to know. I couldn’t wonder endlessly what made my family let me go overnight. I wanted to know why I’d been given an outfit. I wanted to know what happened last night. Nothing was clear, and it was obvious that the situation was beyond vaguely important.

  I signed it. My lawyer left immediately, and he locked the door behind him.

  Hero sat for several minutes, looking over me, like he was judging me. I couldn’t feel offended, I had sort of been doing the same thing. “Roxie Malone, I know you were adopted.”

  “Yes, my parents adopted me when I was three.” That shouldn’t have been a big deal.

  “I want to know everything you know about projects.”

  That didn’t take long. No one knew that much about them. They were ravenous criminals that could transform into wolves. The only good one in society had been Hero. When I had finished, he simply nodded, like he didn’t expect anything else.

  “What if I were to tell you . . . “ He cleared his throat. “That you were a project.”

  I froze. What kind of question had that been? “I’m not a wolf. I can’t transform.” My leg started to tremble against its will. Hero killed projects, it was one of his main jobs. “I could never be a project. I’m just a normal girl, I go to my advanced schooling, and I have friends and a family.”

  “You were adopted into a human life.” I heard his feet shift below the table. “You are a project wolf though. You can’t transform, I know that. It’s the dead giveaway to where you fall.” He held up his fingers. “A-Z, after the alphabet. Each one getting more feral the closer in the alphabet it falls. We were experiments. The farther in the alphabet, the less feral they had become.” He traced the letter Y on the table. “I am considered a project Y. I transform, but I have the greatest fighting skill of all wolves. There were fewer of my kind, which is why it didn’t survive. Not but me.”

  Oh. Um. I had been trying to wrap my head around the fact he thought I was a project, it was hard to feel empathetic yet. “I’m sorry,” I tried. “Must be hard.”

  “When you should be an alpha, but you have no pack, it is incredibly hard.” He moved his fingers along the table again, in a slow zig-zag pattern. “The feral were the earlier projects which should have been eliminated. The doctor instead held them in cages.” His eyes wandered away from mine as he traced the zig-zag pattern again. “The Y’s were Danube’s grand project come true.”

  Danube? The scientist that had created them. I marveled at the new information. That was supposed to have been lost, but Hero knew the name. He was simply referred to as the mad doctor, no name given.

  “The Y’s were too distant from the others. We weren’t primitive enough to be interested in associating with other projects. Not even X, the gap was too large.” I saw it. Right there. He gulped. “He created project Z wolves. They were female, they didn’t transform, and they had only one purpose.”

  I held my breath. I knew what he was going to say. I didn’t want to hear it.

  “Danube didn’t want to create a single mate for each wolf, but he wanted to keep his options open. So he created project Z.” He glanced at me. “That’s you, Roxie.”

  Okay. I wiggled in the chair lightly. Fine. I was Z, he was Y. It didn’t mean he was simply going to say that and get me as some prize. “Okay.”



  “You don’t believe. Fine, I get it. That’s not the point though. I’m not here to sweep you off your feet.” He covered his nose and sniffed. “Damn.” He moved farther away from me. “Z’s were used for breeding, but Y’s were closer to human. They didn’t want just to mount anyone, so he added a strange element. Pheromones. They created a lust for each other that was intense and unavoidable to guarantee breeding.”

  The scent. Just like that one kid said, it was completely the scent. These words too, they sounded familiar. Hadn’t we discussed it last night?

  “But because he wanted the option of using females for more than one, he made that same smell drive the memory away when the deed was done.” Hero stopped. “I’ll be blunt. Y’s and Z’s have sex and forget about it.”



  “And . . .” I didn’t want to ask, but I had to. “Did we?”

  He didn’t answer, but I could tell. My first time. I didn’t even remember my first time! I was some animal programmed to have sex and then forget it? It was sickening, and it was wrong! “I can’t remember!”

  “I know. However, the scientist did have a backup. He liked to test everything, including potential mates that stayed together for multiple births. After several times with the same wolf, the memories would be released.” He looked away. “If he continued to mingle them, then no one would remember.”

  I covered my mouth feeling sick to my stomach. I was a slut for wolves.

  “There’s more.”

  “More?!” I yelled at him. I didn’t care who he had been at that moment, I couldn’t take anymore. “No more, I can’t hear anymore.”

  “Roxie Malone. I have no memory either, and I don’t want any memory. I am not here to lay some claim to you.” He adjusted himself in his chair. “I already marked you, and that’s weird enough.”

  “I’m not an animal!” I got up from the chair and wanted to leave. I headed for the doors and pulled them, but they were still locked. Caged in like a beast.

  “Roxie Malone, I don’t want to deal with this any more than you do!” Hero shouted right back at me. “The space in the banquet hall, and all of the way between us prevent something from happening. If anything did happen, I have people at that door that are instructed to bust it down if they expect anything. In fact.” He gestured to a dark corner. His right-hand man Bose came out. “I even had someone in here. Lastly.” He crawled up on the table and knocked in mi
dair. The sound of glass had been heard. “I had it put in last night to stop the pheromones. I am trapped in a box right now, the only way out through the side door. So sit back down, and we can finish this.”

  I let go of the door, but I didn’t want to sit back down. It was good to know there were people around if anything happened, but that didn’t change anything else. I was some project, used for breeding. I lost my first time to my memories. I slowly headed back toward the table, but now knowing, I didn’t approach closely.

  “Z’s were made for Y. You have a natural strong scent, and it will only become stronger during maturation.” Hero tapped the table. “That means that other wolves will be coming to you soon. More than one. Their purpose, I think you know.”

  Oh. I lowered my head. It wasn’t over. “They want to take me.”

  “Most likely, they will kill your family and bring you to a den of projects. As long as you are not with the same one multiple times, you will go into heat and forget for the rest of your life.” He bit his lip. “If you have cubs, they will be feral, and I will kill them. I am sorry.”

  I took a step back, and I felt like I was losing my balance. For the rest of my life, I wouldn’t remember anything between but what? Crying? Being alone? Giving birth? It was worse than death!

  “There are options, Roxie Malone. Just not options you will like.”

  I looked back at him, my eyes now tear filled. I didn’t want to become a plaything for wolves. “Okay.”

  “Option one.” He raised his hand. “I could kill you quickly and with as little pain possible. I prefer not to kill you. Even though you are a project, you are like me.” His eyes softened. “Your alone and you are harmless. If that’s what you want though, I’ll do it.”

  A plaything for wolves or killed by Hero. I wanted a better option. “Another one?”

  “I have spoke to your parents at length,” Hero admitted. “They swear they can take you somewhere you will never be found. You’ll never see a single person again.”

  “Banishment?” Her parents would banish her?

  “I don’t recommend it because they seemed skittish, like a project about to take off down a corner when they hear a loud noise,” Hero said. “I don’t know where they want to take you, and I didn’t pry. I’m not going to be a second resort if it goes bad.”


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