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Wolf in Hero Clothing

Page 15

by Serena Spacey

  Oh, his tongue. On me. It felt so amazing, and so familiar. “The restaurant.” Yes, our passion was so intense. That tongue was just as hot as it was now. I remembered. I couldn’t forget that sensation, not with it happening again.

  His hot breath left my breast only a second as he stared back at me. “You remember something?”

  “Yes.” I could barely say the words. I didn’t want to concentrate on it though, I wanted to concentrate on this. The here and now. He seemed to understand as he pulled me back towards him. “Hero.”

  “Was I gentle with you the first time?” he asked softly. “Did I hurt you?”

  Oh no. “We had a heated passion that we couldn’t stop.” I said the sentence between my kisses on him. “We still can’t stop.”

  “Are you okay?”

  Where did that come from? “Hero, please. I’m ready, I swear.”

  “You are okay?” His passion seemed to be dying down. “You’re not in heat.”

  I grabbed him tightly against me. All I wanted was for him to be inside me, but I knew what he meant. Did I remember briefly because I was in heat. He was afraid we would be back at square one when this was over. “My dress you bought me. It was so gorgeous on our date. Our real date where we danced. Where we shared our growling purrs.”

  I could see the relief pass in his eyes as he kissed me again. “Roxie, I know you wanted more dates. I know you wanted more time, but I didn’t. I don’t. I never even needed the first date, I was just too stubborn to believe. Ever since I saw you on that bridge, you belonged to me.”

  “And you, me.” I felt something new steaming up from behind me. “No one else, ever.” Whoah. Whoah. What was that?

  He growled toward me, but not out of anger. I understood why he had become so enraged over Bladon. “You are my one and only mate, and I am yours. The day you die, I will still never take another. If I had never met you, I never would have taken another anyway. You and only you.”

  “You and only you.” I seized his lips with mine. The instinct I had been fighting, I let it free. I was Roxie, but I was wolf. I needed my mate as much as he needed me. In any form. I felt him finally begin to push on me. The pain was so minimal it was nonexistent. Even the first time, the passion of the wolf had overridden it. I had been with my mate before, and my body was ready for more. I just wished that he remembered too. “Do you think you’ll ever remember?” There was no reply at first as he rocked inside of me faster. I wanted to enjoy the moment, to let go, but I wanted the answer. “Will you remember?”

  “I . . .” Hero stopped thrusting, seized my lips and then bit his own. Hard. “I do.”

  He did? “When?”

  He tried to look away from me. “It came and went.”

  “When?” For how long?

  “It came and went. Afterwards.” He didn’t get much more specific. “I didn’t have any choice more than you when you didn’t remember, so it just annoyed me.”

  He knew? “You should have told me.”

  “We were primal. Unwilling to stop. I was supposed to tell you that? You were scared enough of me.” He kissed me on the cheek. “We were nuts. We were feral for each other, nothing could contain us.”

  “As we are now,” I added. “And that’s okay, Hero. It’s a part of us.” I closed my eyes and felt his hot breath against my skin. “Whether I’m in heat or not, I want to be with you.”

  “And you will.”

  I gasped sharply as I felt him push all the way in. He turned and flipped my body onto the wall as he drove his point home even more. Now was the time for passion and need. We could do the dates later. The romance later. We had our whole lives to do everything, get to know everything about each other. Right now though, all we needed was passion. Growling mingled with purring as he continued to plunder me.

  “When I finish, it will be a moment before I can move. Even in this form.”

  “To help ensure a pack.” I understood that.

  “It’s not something I wanted though. Imagine if I’d impregnated you when you didn’t remember?”

  I wouldn’t lose him to that way of thinking. “Then I’d still be here, one day, with you. I can’t deny being with you. No one else.” A growl. I growled at him, angry that he was taking his mind away from the job at hand. “You better give us a pack this time, Hero.”

  Those words, a sudden primal look shot my way. A challenge was sent loud and clear and he accepted it. He grabbed my hand and held it against the wall with his own as he lifted by butt off the ground to bring us even closer together. Our mouths melded against each other and so did our bodies as our rhythm picked up even faster.

  “Our pack. I don’t care how busy I get, I promise I will help you,” He managed to say through our kissing. Stopping and kissing, just a few words at a time, but never fully stopping. “Roxie the White Wolf.”

  “I’m not a white wolf,” I said through my own ragged breaths.

  “My last name,” he reminded me. “No one ever says it anymore, but that’s what it is. You must add it to your own.”

  Marriage. Yes, I would be Mrs. Hero the White Wolf. The mother of his children. Cubs. Whether what came out of me looked like babies or small wolf cubs, I would love them either way. Just like I loved my wolf.

  I felt the release of him inside of me, and was thankful that he couldn’t let go. I wanted to keep the feeling alive as long as possible. He tenderly kissed me as he continued to hold me, waiting patiently before he had to leave.

  When he did, a part of me felt sad. I wanted him longer, but I also heard a familiar beep coming from where he had transformed and lost his clothes. He strolled over and grabbed it. This would be my life. Sharing my wolf with the world. I had no choice being the future wife of an Adventurer. “You have to go already?”

  “No.” He brought the beeper over and pointed at it. “If it is a 3 or above, it’s potentially life taking. Anything else and I don’t care. If I’m with my mate . . . then she comes first.”

  I looked at his strange beeper. A two. I watched him change back into a wolf and approached me, rubbing against my hand.

  “Are you ready for round two?” he asked as he licked my arm. “We only have four weeks after all.”

  Uh huh. I remembered the feeling, the sensation of being closer to nature and found myself back into my wolf form. I knew what was next, and this time, I was not afraid.

  Chapter 15: Gloat Wedding


  Gloat. I wanted to gloat so hard knowing that Roxie had been pregnant. There was no way she couldn’t have been, we had practically been closer to rabbits than wolves in the last four weeks. Finding each other, understanding one another, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. I just grinned at Bose as the results came in. “I wonder how many we’ll have.”

  “I’m sure they’ll have the best care.” Bose didn’t say anything right away. “I know you lied to save her, Hero. Gloat all you want, but I know at the time it was a lie.” He gestured to the room Roxie was waiting in, waiting to hear the news she probably already new. “We don’t know anything about the pure wolf aliens.”

  “I know enough to know she is not dangerous,” I tried to convince him.

  “Can she open up a portal? Can she close the one she came from? Do you think there are other wolves out there in her world?”

  “I don’t know. However, she doesn’t want to go back there.” I looked toward her in that glass room, looking bored as the doctor talked to her. “This is her home.”

  “I know it’s hard, but a leash in public at first.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Still, humanity will learn. I think the first step was already achieved with your lie. They view Roxie as a victim of our world, who found her happily ever after with you. The world’s Adventurer has had a pack with her. It was the best way to introduce the idea.” He scratched his head. “I really hate to be wrong, but I suppose, a part of me is glad that you lied.” He almost chuckled. “Seriously though, using the
pity move against the press?”

  “Shut up, not another word.”

  “Done in the name of love.”

  “I will kill you,” I threatened him.

  “Still so sweet.”


  “What?” He sighed. “I haven’t heard anything about anything. Water under the bridge, people will forget your weakness as you continue to save the world. Better?”

  It’d work for now. I watched as Roxie came in and shrugged with a smirk.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Not a big surprise, but the fact it was official gave us relief.


  “Do we really need all these people around?” This was unusual for Hero. When we were dating, he had limits on who could attend or get close. Now? The whole world was invited. Anyone who could pay the admission fee could watch us take our vows.

  A lot of the world decided to take up the offer too. It was like I was a princess getting married to a prince. “Is this safe? What if people still really think I’m a danger?”

  “An attempt at a life in the spotlight can be for anything.” He gestured outside. “You can barely see it unless you glint above you just right. It is supposed to be almost undetectable so that a camera can still take pictures.”

  I stared out, trying to see what I was supposed to see.

  “It was custom made to go from this entrance all the way to the alter outside. The only way in or out is through this area which is heavily guarded.” Hero took my hand. “I would never put your life in that kind of danger.” He gestured to my neck. “If I could, for our wedding day, I would remove that.”

  I touched the collar around my neck. It wore like a beauty choke collar, made to look like it fashionably went with my light blue wedding dress. The same light blue, with some added sequins and a few turquoise pendants. Still, it was a collar and Hero held the other part to it. He held the chain. “Collared on my wedding day.” I looked outside again. “I didn’t see it coming.”

  “Temporary, I know it will be temporary,” he tried to assure me. “People love you, Roxie, I am sure soon it will be lifted when they feel better.”

  I wasn’t so sure, and as I watched his nervous tick with the chain, I didn’t know if he did too. I was alien. Mankind was distributed around the stars far and wide, but I was from a place they knew nothing of. I was different. Celebrity now, maybe, but still too different to accept. “If this is the price to stay in this world with you, I’ll pay it.” It was that simple.

  Hero straightened his own suit out. Uncomfortable as usual, he adjusted the wolf cuffs on him. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out my wolf brooch. “Your saving grace from day one.”

  Which I had never used for myself, but someone always did. Someone always warned Hero I needed him. Today, I needed him more than ever. I hit the target on my brooch.

  He looked at me strangely. “I’m already here, Roxie.”

  “Just making sure you stay,” I said as I smiled at him. “The world is put on hold today.”

  “Unless it’s a three, I can’t let anyone die if I can help.”

  I sighed.

  “Roxie,” he said firmly. “I would have to leave for a three. We’ve discussed this.”

  “Oh, fine,” I finally muttered. “I guess I can’t let someone die on my wedding day just to have it.”

  “I’d be back as soon as it’s done.” He gave me a playful kiss. “Right now, I am yours.”

  “Right now.” I touched the collar on my neck one more time. I started to walk forward, hand in hand, with Hero out the door. I heard cameras flash and, still, the press trying to get a statement before someone demanded they shut up and save it for after the ceremony. Hero kept the chain in his hand loose, but tightened enough that it went mid waist in its swing. My wedding gown was big and puffy. I wish I had a lovely veil, but apparently it blocked the view of the security of my collar. Still, sacrifices. It would be something I would have to deal with my entire life.

  As we reached the altar though, it felt much better. We would get married and move up as humans, but our hearts were wolves. Transforming we both shot out of our clothes. The dress, the sequins, jewels, lace, earrings, necklace and even the collar fell off. We both leaped up onto the top of the alter to stare at the priest.

  I glanced at Hero. No suit was needed. No human form was needed for me anymore. Whether wolf or human, I loved him. My white wolf, standing proudly by my side.

  He gave me a similar look. “My tiger wolf. Are you ready?”

  I nodded and stared at the priest. We listened to his words, and swore our love to each other. There was no need for a ring trinket when half the time we were not human. Instead, Hero rubbed his nose against mine and put his front left paw on mine as we held our tails with each other. I held part of my tail up in a curve, and he joined me, making the shape of an awkward heart between us.

  As the ceremony ended, I grabbed the collar in my mouth and trotted with Hero. I would need it before I could leave the area, until I was safely back home. Once we moved to the entrance, extra clothes were waiting for us. Quickly getting dressed, I snapped my chain back on.

  It was over. The threat on my life was over, and it was only because of my Hero. The one who saved me physically. The one who saved me emotionally. The one who ran with me. The one who accepted me. The one who lied to the world for me. The one who put his pride aside for me. The one who, sometimes, even put me ahead of the world.

  Now, I understood why he never needed or wanted anything else stuck to his given name. It was enough to simply be Hero.

  My hero, Hero.

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  Quick Dictionary (across all series and single stories)

  Adventurer: The most commonly used addressal for heroes.

  Adventurer Council: Voted on, top leaders that rule over all Adventurer activities in their area. Their word is law.

  Adventurer Sidekick: Full name for sidekicks, best sign of respect. Those with little respect just call them sidey. (When called Champion in front, it’s like bestowing an honor on them. Most used if they save an Adventurer’s life.)

  Adventurer Exception: When bad things happen, Adventurers can get a certain pass on it. It’s sort of like insurance for them. It doesn’t work for everything though.

  Adventurer or Paladin Credits: Easy way to pay anywhere like a card, but there is no card. Just the name is needed for the charge. Perfect when having to conduct business while chasing enemies.

  Age of Independence: 24. The age where a person can do things without adult consent. This includes sex, marriage, experimentation, having children, a career, etc. Going against this is bad.

  Age of Social Independence: 16. Restricted freedoms with authorization. This can sometimes include jobs, driving in some places and use of non-emergency medications.

  Age of Record: A time before the Age of Independence or Age of Social Independence was used.

  Champion: Standard respectful name in front, like a greeting of Mr. or Mrs. Some planets or colonies care about it, while others rarely use it.

  Champion Adventurer: Your standard official hero name. Some planets or colonies use it more than others. Some will simply just call them Adventurers.

  Champion Book: The early guide of being a Champion.

  Champion Paladins: They have amazing power, but they aren’t quite the heroes that save the world with their fists. Calling someone just a Paladin though is disrespectful.

  Courtezan: Adventurer’s purchased girlfriend. Similar to a courtesan, but they must swear loyalty to an Adventurer. An Adventurer doesn’t swear the same loyalty. Courtezans can be free individuals or bought for a price.

  Guardians or guardians: Those watching over a given area whether it i
s a sector, colony or planet. Adventurers use the capital G, while parents and such use the little g.

  Rewot: Adventurer’s home. It’s an airship that can be camouflaged or hover. Not every hero uses them.

  Tower: Champion Paladins home. A high tower that makes it easy to see over the area they are taking care of.

  Type of Champion Adventurers

  Earth Elemental: Standard powers of flying and super-strength. Can control earthquakes and chemicals.

  Fire Elemental: Standard powers of flying and super-strength. Sometimes hidden powers. Has highest control of fire powers.

  God Elemental: Adventurer with almost all powers. Rare.

  Mixed Elemental: Most adventurers fall in this group. They have a mix of strong and weak powers.

  Skill Elemental: Nothing elemental, simply good skill at fighting. Includes shifters, DNA manipulations or cyborg body manipulations.

  Winter Elemental: Standard powers of flying and super-strength. A winter elemental has the strongest power of water and ice. Can manipulate weather.

  Dictionary across Project Wolves series

  Charred: Slang for a Project Failure.

  Danube: The man who captured and took over the world of peaceful wereanimals, turning them into projects.

  Original/Pure: Pure werewolves. There was no experimentation on them.

  Projects: Projects are a combination of wolf, human and alien DNA. They escaped from a compound of a mad scientist named Danube.

  Project A-G are almost like fighting real wolves. Some of them can barely even transform for long. H-W are good at transforming, but still act too feral and will always attack for any reason.

  Project Failure: A Project Wolf that does not fit their stereotyping norms. Usually occurs due to mother and father incompatibility.

  Project X: Telepathy and the ability to control scent. They are next to the most humane, but are still territorial. Project X is close enough to humans that they can blend in with them.


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