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Page 26

by Beth Abbott

  She didn’t doubt for a second that Kellen would be a fearsome opponent for someone tonight, but that was an entirely different thing.

  With her, he’d been something of a gentle giant, and a giant that made her laugh.

  That made him stand out head and shoulders from all the other men she knew.

  Micky unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it from her shoulders, leaving her standing in her bra and panties.

  She stepped closer to the mirror and wiped the steam away, glancing down to where the three little marks sat on her left breast.

  Now, if she could only figure out how he knew about her freckles…!

  Chapter 36 – Drago

  Drago picked up his phone and called up his contact list.

  He’d spent most of the afternoon with his team, but with less than half an hour until they were supposed to go downstairs, he’d slipped back to his own cabin to get changed into his designer suit ready for the evening.

  When he was with the others it was easy to slip into being part of the team, but Drago had to keep reminding himself that when he got downstairs, he had to act like he was in charge of his own criminal organisation.

  Throwing down orders was easy, as was dishing out threats, but getting men to obey him, and having the balls to back himself against all-comers was another thing altogether.

  That required another skill entirely. Acting.

  He guessed that more than half of his life was spent pretending to be something he wasn’t. A murdering, dangerous thug.

  Ok, maybe he could be dangerous, but he’d never killed in cold-blood, and only engaged in violence when absolutely necessary.

  He smiled to himself. If Ilya had only realised that more than half of the men Drago had supposedly ‘killed with his bare hands’ had only actually been rendered unconscious, Drago’s reputation wouldn’t have been nearly so frightening.

  Luckily, they’d rarely stuck around long enough for the men to wake up, and nobody ever stopped to take a pulse when a guy lay on the ground after you’d supposedly strangled him or snapped his neck.

  He scrolled down the list until he found the name he was looking for, and hit dial, glancing at his watch. With the time difference it would be five-thirty in London, so hopefully he wouldn’t be interrupting anything important.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Jeez, couldn’t anyone just start a conversation with ‘hello’?

  “Does anything have to be wrong?” He rolled his eyes. “Can’t I just be calling to ask how you guys are?”

  He heard Hollywood’s chuckle, and smiled.

  “You could.” Hollywood agreed. “But these days I’m getting so used to everything turning to shit, I just automatically assume the worst.”

  “I’m really just calling to check in and find out how Niko is doing.” Drago explained. “I thought you’d be at the hospital with her.”

  “I am at the hospital.” Hollywood confirmed. “Ellen just arrived with Roman, and I’m down in the cafeteria getting him something to eat. He’s been in the Alpha Company creche for the day, and as always, he’s ‘starving’!”

  “Don’t they feed him?” Drago couldn’t believe the Alpha Company creche wouldn’t provide food for the kids in their care.

  “Are you kidding me? Shit, you wanna see what that kid packs away!” Hollywood snorted. “If Roman goes into the creche for a full day he has breakfast, so maybe toast, boiled egg and some cereal. Then they have a glass of milk and some fruit around mid-morning. For lunch they have a cooked meal with meat and vegetables or a pasta dish, plus a yoghurt for dessert. Then, if they’re still peckish in the afternoon they can either have more fruit or another sugar-free snack.”

  “Seriously?” Drago laughed. “Do they have an age limit on the creche? I quite like the idea of going there every day to get fed.”

  “You’re not the only one.” Hollywood chuckled. “But after all that, if you can believe it, Roman comes home and tells me he’s ‘starving’, like he hasn’t eaten all day.”

  “Maybe he’s got hollow legs.” Drago suggested. “Or he’s going through a growing spurt? I know Niko would never have let Roman go short of food, but maybe he’s just enjoying the variety he’s getting now?”

  “It could be any of those.” Hollywood agreed. “But it’s making Niko so happy that he’s eating well and flourishing, that when he’s not in the creche, I’m making him extra food just to make up for it.”

  “He’ll be the size of a barn soon, if you’re not careful.” Drago smiled.

  “Not likely.” Hollywood scoffed. “Have you seen how much energy Roman burns up in a day? He never walks anywhere. He either runs or he skips, and if he has to stay still, like when we get in the elevator, he hops up and down on the spot like he’s gotta pee.”

  Drago smiled, imagining the little guy running his momma ragged. Well, running Hollywood ragged at the moment, anyway.

  “So, how’s Niko doing?” He asked. “Are the antibiotics working yet?”

  He listened patiently as he heard Hollywood speak to someone, and a woman’s voice could be heard serving him in the background.

  “Sorry, I just had to pay for my stuff. Hang on…” Hollywood mumbled, and Drago could hear the sounds of him moving through a crowd of people.

  Eventually he heard a door click shut and the background noise cut off.

  “Drago? Sorry man. Just had to get out of the cafeteria.” Hollywood explained. “It’s like a madhouse in there, with hundreds of people trying to get food before they go up to the wards for visiting hours.”

  “No problem.” Drago smiled. “I was just asking for an update on Niko. How’s she doing?”

  “She’s actually been awake a lot more today, which I’m taking as a sign that she’s starting to turn the corner.” Drago could almost hear the smile in Hollywood’s voice. “She was much livelier when Roman arrived today. For the past few days she’s barely been able to raise a smile. But today she wanted hugs and kisses, and she listened to Roman chatter about what he did in the creche. You could see how quickly it tired her out, but it’s way better than she was yesterday.”

  “Aww, I’m so relieved to hear that.” Drago could feel himself getting quite emotional. “She’s been through so much for so long, I was really hoping this was her fresh new start. It’s so unfair.”

  “She didn’t deserve this any more than she deserved all the shit Ilya put her through.” Hollywood agreed. “But this is just going to be temporary. Another month or so and she’ll be back to her normal self. I can’t wait for her to start working with Hannah and the team. If ever there was a woman to inspire you back to good health and vitality, Hannah’s it.”

  “That’s probably as true a statement as I’ve ever heard.” Drago smiled.

  “Anyway, now that you know our business, tell me what’s going on with you guys.” Hollywood changed subject easily. “Is everyone ready to fight?”

  “They’re all ready, physically and mentally.” Drago confirmed. “I left them getting dressed as we’re gonna be called down in the next half an hour. I’ll be going down with Lebedev’s guests, and then they’ll bring the teams in.”

  “Have you seen any of them?” Hollywood asked.

  “Not yet, although we’ve heard that there are some huge guys among them. I know from my contact, Orlov, that one of the teams is Polish, ex-military. I’m not sure about the others yet.” Drago admitted. “Not that it makes much difference where they’re from, and it’s not as though we were expecting them to be untrained, but still... Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to have worried our guys in the least, but I confess, knowing they’re mostly ex-military gives me palpitations. I feel like it’s my fault they’re all here, and if anything happens to them it’s on me.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Hollywood snorted. “This is the kind of shit we all live for. I’d be there like a shot if I didn’t have Niko and Roman to worry about.”

  “Yeah, I know that.” Drago frowned. “But we still don’
t know what we’re up against, or how skilled they are. My mind keeps racing with a million ‘what if’s’.”

  “You can’t think that way.” Hollywood insisted. “All you can focus on right now is being confident and taking things one step at a time. One fight at a time. You have a team of four well trained, physically fit and able men, in whom you should have every confidence. If you start doubting them they’ll start doubting themselves. That can’t happen.”

  “What is this? The Hollywood pep talk?” Drago snorted. “Don’t worry that I’ll do or say anything to jeopardise the mission. I’m well used to keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself.”

  “I know you are.” Hollywood assured him. “I doubt if you’d have lived as long as you did in Ilya’s company if you didn’t have the ultimate poker face. The man wasn’t known for his patience, or for allowing people to second guess him.”

  “Don’t you worry about me or the team.” Drago said confidently. “We’re in it to win, so that we can get out of here on Sunday with the ultimate prizes. Nothing less is acceptable.”

  “Glad to hear you say it.” Hollywood chuckled. “Now, if you’re all pep-talked out, I have a plate of food going cold in my hand, and you have a team to go and enthuse.”

  “Yeah, the pep-talk has done it’s job and I’m raring to go.” Drago smiled. “Give Niko and Roman my love and tell them I hope to be back in London next week. I’ll stop by to see them.”

  “Will do.” Hollywood agreed. “Now go and tell those teammates of mine to kick some fucking ass. I expect positive reports from Hannah when I call her later.”

  As the line went dead, Drago switched his phone to vibrate and slid it into his pocket.

  He was glad Niko had found someone like Hollywood to take care of her and Roman. The man might be a complete jackass a lot of the time, but his heart was true, and his loyalties were unswerving.

  Chapter 37 – Abram

  The last thirty minutes waiting in the cabin had been some of the longest and most tense of his life, and yet when the knock on the door had finally told them it was time to go, Abram had never felt calmer.

  If the looks on his teammates’ faces were anything to go by, they were all in the same frame of mind as him… calm, focused and determined.

  They’d all warmed up, either shadow-boxing or pretend sparring with each other, but it was impossible to know whether they would be in the ring in the next ten minutes or at all tonight, so nobody wanted to overdo it.

  At the back of the entertainment area near the door to the dining room, he’d noticed some mats and a couple of punchbags, so he guessed that was the warm-up area where they could get ready to fight.

  He led the way out of the cabin, and followed the steward down the stairs, and as expected, they were the last team to arrive.

  The teams were situated on each side of the ring, presumably with their sponsor, and the steward led them straight to where Drago was waiting.

  As he approached his friend, Drago stepped forwards, and reaching out to put an arm around Kris and Drago’s shoulders, urging the other men forward so they could get in a huddle.

  “Make out this is all great fun and you’re all here to have a blast.” Drago whispered. “That’s what the other teams have done, and we might as well take their lead.”

  Abram immediately burst out laughing loudly, slapping Drago on the back as he did.

  The other guys quickly followed suit, and by the time they’d settled themselves behind Drago’s chair, they were acting like they were ready to party.

  “Gentlemen, if I might have your attention please?” Sergei Lebedev stood up to address the small crowd, and everyone fell silent immediately. “My assistant, Micky, has arranged a little something extra for my special guests this evening.”

  Abram turned and watched the dining room door swing open, and Micky entered, followed by a dozen of the casino hostesses they’d seen earlier.

  She walked them round the ring, and one by one, Lebedev’s guests picked one for themselves.

  When she stopped in front of Drago, Abram could see the tight muscles on his friend’s face, cleverly hidden behind a big grin.

  He knew exactly which woman Drago would pick, and sure enough, he went for the redhead in the middle.

  Not that his friend had a thing for redheads, but this one was smaller than the other women on offer by a good six inches, and she looked like a strong gust of wind would blow her overboard.

  Yeah, Drago had a protective streak a mile wide, and he naturally saw the girl as being more vulnerable than the others.

  Abram watched as the girl nervously sat on a cushion by Drago’s feet as his friend leaned down to speak to her.

  Whatever Drago said was obviously reassuring, as she smiled back up at him and nodded.

  Drago sat down in what looked like a big armchair, and the girl immediately leaned her head on his knee. Being one of the hostesses from the casino, she obviously wasn’t an innocent, but even professional women would be nervous of what sort of things they’d be expected to do in a place like this.

  At least this one would have an easy night.

  “All fighters into the ring.” Lebedev announced.

  Abram led the way, and when all sixteen fighters were in the ring, Micky instructed them to stand in a single line.

  “Your team numbers are one, two, three and four, from left to right.” She pointed to each team as she gave them a number. “Within your teams, you are also numbered one, two, three and four. Understood?”

  Abram rolled his eyes and shook his head. It was hardly rocket science!

  Micky then showed the audience four balls that looked like they’d been taken from a pool table, each numbered one to four.

  Next, she took a large red velvet bag. To demonstrate that it was empty, she placed it on a table so that everyone could see it was perfectly flat.

  Micky made a big deal of placing the balls inside, pulling the drawstring tight and shaking the bag, making sure the balls moved around.

  “The first team fighting tonight are…” She held the bag out to Lebedev, so he could draw the ball.

  Sergei pulled a ball out with a flourish.

  “Team one.” He showed the ball to his guests.

  Abram didn’t turn around to see who it was because it didn’t really matter. He hadn’t had a chance to check out the other fighters yet, but they’d all seemed to be roughly the same sizes. Some were a touch bigger than the average, one or two a touch smaller.

  “Team one will be fighting…”

  Lebedev pulled another ball.

  “Team four.” He announced.

  “That’s us.” He heard Kris mutter under his breath.

  Mickey replaced the balls in the bag.

  “The fighters from team one will be…”

  Lebedev again rummaged in the bag.

  “Number three.” He showed the ball to the audience as the fighter stepped forward. “And, number two.”

  The second fighter stepped forward and Abram heard the crowd murmur something.

  As team one was at the far end of the line of fighters, Abram couldn’t see them without stepping forward and looking around the guys in teams two and three. He wasn’t about to give them the satisfaction of knowing that he cared.

  “From team four, the fighters will be…” Micky held the bag towards Lebedev.

  “Number one…” Abram didn’t know whether to be happy or pissed at going first. “And, number two.”

  He stepped forward a second before Kellen joined him, and he turned to the big American and grinned.

  “Time to give the team a good start, huh, big guy?” He laughed.

  “Hell, yeah!” Kellen didn’t seem the least bothered to be fighting early.

  “Fighters, you have ten minutes to complete your preparation and warm up.” Micky announced. “We’ll draw the fighters from teams two and three at the conclusion of the first two fights.”

  Abram turned around and noticed that the han
ging boxing bags and mats had been moved and were now in each of the back corners of the room, presumably so the fighters could warm up separately.

  They headed out of the ring and made their way to the closest corner where Drago joined them.

  “I think team one might be the Polish contingent.” Drago glanced over Abram’s shoulder towards the opposition, barely able to contain the nervous energy. “Are you good to go first?”

  “Yeah, no problem.” He grinned.

  “Which are the two we’ll be fighting?” Kellen asked Drago.

  “You see the guy in the red shorts?” Drago didn’t point, but deliberately positioned himself so he could see the far corner. “He’s the guy Abram is fighting. You’ve got the tall one with the skeleton tattoo on his back.”

  Abram deliberately turned making it look like he was about to speak to Zach, so he could get a better look.

  “The guy with the tattoo must be taller than all of us.” He murmured to Kellen who had refrained from turning around. “Skinnier though. He could be fast.”

  “The guy you’re fighting looks big.” Kris grinned at Abram. “But it looks like he’s just packed muscle over the top of fat. Keep him moving for the first five minutes and I bet he’ll run out of steam really quickly.”

  “I don’t know why you’re grinning so much.” “Kellen smiled. “Have you seen the two guys that you and Zach could be fighting tomorrow? They’re both closer to Zach’s size, so you’ll look like a shrimp against either one of them.”

  Kris shrugged good-naturedly, but the grin didn’t disappear.

  “They have no idea how fast I can be.” He chuckled. “Besides, the bigger they are, the harder they’ll fall!”

  “Gentlemen?” Micky’s voice cut into their banter. “I won’t ask if you’re wearing groin protection beneath your shorts, because I’m hoping you all had the sense to bring some. The same goes for a gum-shield. The only other thing you can wear into the ring is hand protection, so you can choose to have your hands taped, wear MMA gloves provided by the house, or both. Anyone taking any sort of weapon into the ring will not only be disqualified, they’ll be swimming home. Is that clear?”


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