Book Read Free


Page 41

by Beth Abbott

  She stepped inside the entertainment area with some trepidation, but thankfully there were just a few of the fighters in the ring having a sparring session. The one guy was the fighter that Kris would be going up against tonight, and Micky hoped that his team were wearing him out to make it easier for Kris to beat him.

  She checked in with the kitchen staff to make sure that everything would be perfect for the meal tonight.

  The head chef looked at her with some sympathy but made no mention of the damage to her face. She guessed word must have already gotten around about what Sergei had done.

  She was just heading back into the entertainment area when the far door opened up, and Sergei walked in with two of his guests.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Mickey looked around, trying to find a way out, but the only other way she could turn was towards the ring, and one of Sergei’s guests was already heading that way to speak to his fighters.

  She’d spun on her heel to go back into the kitchen when she heard her name being called by the other guest.

  Now she was truly fucked! She could ignore him and undoubtedly earn Sergei’s displeasure, or go and find out what he wanted, and seriously earn Sergei’s displeasure.

  Talk about a rock and a hard place.

  She took a deep breath before turning to face the two men.

  As she moved closer, she could see Sergei’s eyes narrow, until they were barely open, a sure sign that he didn’t like what he saw.

  The guest moved forwards and took her hand.

  “Oh, my dear Micky, whatever happened to you?” He exclaimed. “I saw you just last night and you looked fine.”

  Sergei tried to jump in, but Micky wasn’t going to let him get away with it.

  “She f…”

  “I failed to meet Sergei’s exacting standards, I’m afraid.” She sighed as though she had disappointed herself. “Obviously, he felt the need to put me straight on a few things.”

  Micky’s smile was slightly lopsided due to the swelling of her cheek, but the fact that she was smiling at all left the guest completely flummoxed.

  He turned to Sergei with a questioning look.

  “You know me…” Sergei joked with a smile. “Always have to knock my team into shape.”

  The man seriously had no idea what to believe, especially not with the way the two of them were still smiling, but Sergei led him away before he could ask any further questions.

  The warning glare he gave Micky as he walked past her was enough to let her know that she was seriously on Sergei’s shit-list, and had better watch herself, if she knew what was good for her.

  As she started towards the door, she saw Kellen reappear, and gave him a quick shake of the head to let him know that this wasn’t the time for them to be seen together.

  He immediately stepped back out of sight, and Micky took the long way around the room until she reached the exit.

  Kellen was waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase.

  “Is everything Ok?” He murmured, taking her hand and pulling her back outside into the darkness.

  They moved to stand out of sight of the doorway, in a spot where there was still just a little light coming from the stairwell.

  “It’s fine.” She said quietly, turning to face him. “Sergei’s pissed at me because not only did I not wear any make-up to hide the bruises, I just told one of his guests straight out how I got my injuries.”

  Kellen grinned.

  “How did that go over?” He asked.

  “I think the guy was shocked.” Micky guessed. “These men may be into any kind of illegal shit, and corrupt on virtually every level, but they’re not known for beating on women. They live in such a testosterone driven culture, men are expected to take on other men, not women who’re seen as soft targets. I’m guessing Sergei’s standing within the community will take a big hit once this gets out.”

  “It’s a lot less than he deserves.” Kellen pointed out. “And you’re forgetting that in a few hours, it won’t make the slightest bit of difference. You’ll be off this ship and he’ll never be able to get close to you again.”

  Micky closed her eyes and let the thought wash over her.

  Being away from Sergei was almost unimaginable, she had been around him for so long. But what a relief it would be!

  Kellen took hold of her hands and pulled her forward.

  “If I kiss you will it cause you too much pain?” He whispered, as he stared down into her face.

  “Only of you kiss my eyes or cheeks.” She smiled. “Stay with the lips and we should both be fine.”

  Kellen chuckled as he leaned down, and with the softest touch, he took her lips.

  As though he didn’t trust himself not to hurt her, his hands slid up into her hair, holding her head still so he couldn’t touch any of her wounds.

  Micky loved the softness of his lips, and the taste of toothpaste on his breath.

  She desperately wanted to deepen the kiss, and have him hold her a little tighter, but she was already getting sparks of pain from where her lip was a little swollen.

  As if realising he was hurting her, Kellen lifted his head up.

  “Not nearly as enjoyable as it should’ve been. For you at least.” He murmured. “I promise to make it up to you on the other side when you’re all healed.”

  “I’ll take you up on that.” She grinned. “But we do have a few things to do before that happens.”

  Kellen nodded in agreement.

  “What’s next on your list?” He asked.

  Micky glanced at her watch.

  “It’s getting on for seven o’clock now.” She frowned. “If the fight starts at eight, then Sergei is going to be dressed and back downstairs waiting for his guests at least half an hour early, so they can have a drink and place some bets.”

  “Will you need to be downstairs by then?” Kellen frowned.

  “Yes.” Micky nodded. “I always have to be available, right from the minute the guests arrive, just in case they want to move some money.”

  “What else do you need to do first?” Kellen was already scowling at the idea of her being available to Lebedev.

  “I need to go and check on the women. They have to look like they’re going along with the plan to take them down into the entertainment area for the men to pick from.” Micky scowled. “Sergei will almost certainly check on them before he goes downstairs, so they have to be dressed already, or at least in the middle of getting ready.”

  “You go first and check on them and make sure they’re on task.” Kellen nodded. “I need to speak to the guys and confirm that everything is going to plan. I’ll see you in the entertainment area at about seven-thirty.”

  “Ok.” Micky reluctantly stepped out of his hold. “And Kellen?”

  “Mmm?” He smiled at her.

  “No heroics tonight.” She stared him straight in the eye. “We do what we need to and no more. I’d rather we got everyone off the ship without a bullet being fired, even if it seems that for the moment Sergei walks away unpunished. He’ll get what’s coming to him soon enough.”

  Kellen nodded in agreement but said nothing.

  Micky had a feeling her words might have fallen on deaf ears, but when the time came, she knew she could rely on Kellen to do his job like a professional.

  At least he wasn’t a crazed psychopath in his free time like Sergei Lebedev!

  Chapter 55 – Hannah

  Hannah felt a tap on her shoulder and turned away from the screen to find Abbey standing behind her holding out a plate of sandwiches and a glass of milk.

  “Danny’s orders, you have to sit your ass down for five minutes to eat and drink something.” Abbey smiled. “Don’t make me go back and tell him I failed in my mission. He made me promise I’d force feed you if you didn’t eat them of your own free will.”

  Hannah grabbed one of the sandwiches off the plate and shoved a corner in her mouth and bit down.

  “There.” She smiled with her mout
h full, returning the rest of the sandwich to the plate. “You can go back and tell him you were completely successful.”

  “You have to eat the whole damn sandwich, Hannah.” Danny growled from the doorway. “Now take the plate and eat the food, or I will force feed you myself!”

  Hannah scowled at him, but took the plate and sat down, returning her attention to the screens.

  She continued to munch her way through the sandwich as she stared at the pictures being transmitted from the cameras the men had set up, the food settling like rocks in the pit of her stomach.

  She knew that Danny was doing the only thing he could at times like these. He was taking care of her the best way he knew how.

  She didn’t have the heart to tell him that if she got any more nervous, his sandwich would be coming back up faster than it went down on one of her frequent trips to the bathroom.

  No, that would definitely be too much information.

  “Look!” She mumbled, tapping the screen. “They’re all down there now.”

  Luckily, she’d anticipated having quite a large audience for tonight’s main event and had cast the picture to the big screen TV so that they didn’t all have to squash together, staring at the same monitor. The picture wasn’t so clear, but it was easier to watch.

  “Drago and Kellen were the first to arrive about twenty minutes ago.” She pointed to the two men standing a few feet from Micky. “Zach and Abram have just come downstairs with Kris.”

  “I just had a text message from Zach.” Sacha smiled sleepily from the sofa where she was lounging in pj’s and a bathrobe. “He says everything is on track, and the women are all ready to go.”

  “Once the fight starts, Kellen and Zach are going to slip away to get them out.” Hannah nodded. “Can I suggest that Candy and a few of you men concentrate on the fight? Let the rest of us know if anything is happening that might bring it to a premature conclusion? Kris knows he has to take it to the sixth round, but he might not have the last say.”

  “Don’t worry about Kris.” Yuri stared at the screen intently. “He’s good enough to direct the fight pretty much any way he wants it to go.”

  They watched the two fighters climb into the ring, and after a bit of posturing, the referee called them together and there was the now obligatory check of the gloves.

  At least they weren’t likely to have a repeat of Friday night!

  Hannah kept watching the main screen, and noticed Kellen staying very close to Micky. Even at a distance she could see the woman’s bruises, and she almost winced at how much pain Micky must have been in as that asshole Lebedev unleashed his fists on her.

  She growled under her breath as she imagined the satisfaction she and Micky would have later when they relieved him of all his money!

  “Who or what are you growling about now?” Danny picked her up out of the seat and slid underneath her.

  “I was just thinking how satisfying it’ll be for Micky when she knows we’ve left that asshole penniless, and at the mercy of his business associates without a pot to piss in.” Hannah scowled. “Not quite as satisfying as taking a baseball bat to his head in retaliation for what he did to her, I’ll grant you that, but it’s pretty damn close.”

  Danny chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into him.

  “I love it when you’re in fierce baby tiger mode.” He leaned down and kissed her neck.

  “They’re starting the fight.” Tuck commented from somewhere behind her.

  A minute or so into the fight, she noticed Zach and Kellen casually walk around the ring, as though they were going to get something from the bar.

  Hannah noticed them stop very briefly next to Micky, and as she watched very closely, she saw Micky and Kellen shake hands.

  “That was a strange encounter.” Danny observed.

  “I think she was handing off the room keys to Kellen, so they can go and get the women out.” Hannah noted. “It looks like the next part of the plan is going to begin.”

  She turned and looked for Ellen.

  “Could you put a call in to the Russians for me?” She asked. “I promised we’d let General Koslov know as soon as things started to get going. His number is on the pad on my desk.”

  “Sure thing.” Ellen nodded. “It’s a relief to have something to do.”

  Hannah knew exactly how she felt.

  Sitting, watching and waiting were not exactly her favourite things to do, but at least this time around, she had the comfort of knowing that Danny was right there with her, and not a couple of thousand miles away, up to his neck in danger.

  She turned to glance at Sacha who was lounging on the sofa, her head on Vicky’s shoulder, fast asleep.

  Her shopping trip with Vicky must have really worn her out. With any luck she would sleep through the whole mission and wake up when it was over.

  Chapter 56 – Zach

  Zach smiled at Kellen as they walked out of the entertainment area and headed up the stairs.

  They were finally going into the final phase of the plan, and if everything went as scripted, they’d be off the ship within the hour.

  When they stepped out into the corridor, they were surprised to see the two guards missing.

  “Did they get called down to the entertainment area?” Kellen glanced at him, not wanting to take a chance if they were anywhere close by.

  “I didn’t see them, but most of the security guys were having their meal early. They might have been in the dining room.” Zach shrugged. “Are we going for it?”

  Kellen looked around.

  “We could wait and lose our chance.” He shrugged, passing a couple of key cards to Zach.

  “Let’s get them out.” Zach nodded, and they moved to the first two cabins.

  As they opened the doors, the women were waiting for them, t-shirts hiding the dresses they’d been given to wear tonight. Each of them was clutching a pair of shoes or trainers.

  Zach smiled at them and placed a finger on his lips, surprised when they all nodded in response.

  He beckoned them to the doorway where he had them wait while he went to the next room.

  Micky must have given her contact clear instructions, as the second room was filled with more women ready and waiting to follow his non-verbal directions.

  When he saw that Kellen had the women from the other rooms ready to go, he stepped forward, motioning for the women to follow behind him. As he got to the head of the stairs, Micky’s contact stepped forward to speak to him.

  “Everyone knows what to do.” She smiled nervously. “Just point to where you want us to go.”

  “Follow me.” Zack whispered. “Kellen will stay at the back.”

  He moved into the stairwell and made his way quickly down the stairs, the women following almost silently behind him.

  This was the one place they didn’t want to get caught, because there was no way he could get everyone back up the stairs and hidden away before being spotted, should anyone decide to come up the stairs right at that moment.

  When he reached the bottom, he glanced around the corner to see that everyone in the entertainment room had their eyes on the fight which seemed to be in full swing.

  He beckoned Olga over.

  “You lead the way.” He whispered. “When you get to the top, stop and wait for me. Crouch down so you can’t be seen. You should be safe up there.”

  Olga nodded and darted away, and soon there was a convoy of women scurrying around the corner and skipping almost silently up the outer staircase.

  When Kellen reached him, Zach gave him a tight smile and the two men quickly followed behind the women.

  Zach was incredibly relieved to get them to the deck, and he knew that they’d bought themselves a little time.

  If Sergei did send someone to get the women from the cabins, they’d have a few minutes at least before anyone realised they were missing and figured out where to go looking for them.

  He glanced up to see a light blazing ab
ove their heads, and quickly reached up to remove the bulb, plunging them into semi-darkness.

  Kellen pointed towards the lifeboat.

  “There’s a ladder for them to climb up.” He pointed towards the wall. “I’ll go up first and disable the warning light on top, while you help the women climb in.”

  Zach nodded, and Kellen darted to the lifeboat, climbing up on top in a couple of seconds. By the time Zach had followed him and set up the ladder, the warning light had been dismantled and Kellen was already climbing back over the side.

  The women wasted no time scrambling into the boat, and arranged themselves so that everyone could squeeze in.

  Olga was the last to climb in, and Zach could see her relief.

  “You could be in here for maybe thirty or forty minutes.” He explained. “Make sure everyone stays completely still and makes absolutely no noise. Do you understand?”

  “Everyone understands.” Olga nodded.

  Zach returned the ladder to the hooks on the wall, and Kellen pulled the covers back over, careful to fasten them to look like they’d never been tampered with.

  They moved back to the steps and quietly made their way down until they were half a flight from the bottom.

  Kellen took the last few steps like he was on his tiptoes, which Zach found impressive seeing as he was wearing military style combat boots.

  Zach stepped up behind him, and when Kellen gave a quick nod, the two men walked into the entertainment area like they’d just stepped outside for a smoke.

  Kris was standing in the corner of the ring with Abram fanning him down with a towel, and Drago was hovering just outside the ropes shouting some instructions at him.

  “How’s he doing?” Zach murmured as he stepped up to Drago.

  “That was the end of the third round, and Kris has been doing Ok.” Drago nodded. “The other guy favours mat work and keeps trying to knock Kris flat on his ass.”

  “Has he succeeded much?” Zach looked up at Abram, giving him a nod to let him know things were on track.

  “Not since the end of the first round.” Drago smiled. “Kris got wise to what he was doing and did a double-fake. When the guy kicked out at him, Kris took him down, and if it hadn’t been for the bell, the guy would’ve tapped out, five rounds too soon.”


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