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Page 46

by Beth Abbott

  “Of course, you’ll have to start off by being mine first.” Kellen leaned in for a slow kiss.

  If someone could have told her that a simple kiss would make her weak at the knees, she would’ve laughed out loud, but the feel of Kellen’s lips playing with hers did exactly that. She just wanted to fall into him.

  The door banging open made her jump back.

  “We need to go, now!” Drago’s face was as dark as thunder. “A plane will be waiting at the airfield for us in thirty minutes.”

  Micky looked confused.

  “Where are we going?” She frowned. “And why so quick?”

  “We’re stopping in Paris to collect your father, then we’re flying on to Moscow.” Drago explained. “There were developments after we left the ship, and Sergei has already been taken into custody.”

  Micky couldn’t have been more shocked.

  “What? How?” She gasped.

  “Apparently Moscow wasn’t totally convinced that we could pull it off.” Drago growled. “They always planned to storm the ship after we escaped.”

  “What about the plan? We could have all been killed!” Micky stared at Drago in disbelief.

  “You’ve got five minutes to say your goodbyes.” He instructed her. “I’ll be waiting outside.”

  She stood watching him storm out through the door as though someone had punched her in the stomach.

  “I… I’ve got to go.” She whispered.

  “Hey… baby, look at me.” Kellen pulled her attention away from the door. “I told you, we’ll be talking every day, and I’ll be waiting for you when you come back. This isn’t the end, Micky. It’s just the beginning.”

  Micky looked up into Kellen’s beautiful face and her heart literally hurt.

  “Is it crazy that I’m already missing you?” She whispered.

  “Nope.” Kellen smiled. “Who wouldn’t miss all this hotness?”

  Micky couldn’t help but smile at his teasing boyish arrogance.

  “Walk me to the car?” She asked, knowing their time was running out.

  “Of course.” He opened the door and held out a hand.

  She followed him through the corridors and stood silently next to him in the elevator.

  When they reached the front door, she could see Drago already pacing impatiently next to a car.

  “Wait. Don’t go outside.” She tugged on Kellen’s hand. “Say goodbye and kiss me now, before Drago sees us. He’s hurting, and I don’t want to make it worse for him, seeing us together.”

  Kellen didn’t argue, he simply leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

  When he lifted his head there were tears pouring down her cheeks.

  “However long it takes, I’ll be waiting.” He smiled.

  Micky nodded.

  “I’ll see you soon.” She whispered.

  “See you soon.” Kellen echoed.

  Micky walked out into the bright sunshine, her heart in pieces. One look at Drago’s face told her he was suffering the same pain. Somehow, they had to work together to make sure Sergei paid for Abram’s death, and she wouldn’t be able to think of anything else until that was done.

  Micky climbed into the back of the car and glanced back to see Kellen standing just outside the hospital entrance.

  She had no idea when or even if she’d be back in the UK, but if she finally had any say in the rest of her life, she knew exactly who she wanted to spend it with.

  Epilogue – Three months later

  Kellen sat on the floor in Hollywood’s living room, looking at the parcel Roman held out with considerable suspicion.

  If he’d had to guess, he would’ve said that Roman packed the gift himself, although, it was wrapped so badly it could easily have been Hollywood’s handiwork.

  “Oh, go on and open it.” Niko laughed. “There’s nothing in there that will bite you. Roman picked it out for you himself.”

  Kellen glanced back at Roman who was nodding solemnly.

  “But it’s not Christmas until morning.” He protested. “Isn’t there a law against opening presents before Santa Claus visits?”

  “It’s Ok.” Roman pushed the gift at him. “That one’s from me, not Santa.”

  Niko grinned at him as she snuggled in closer to Hollywood. She was looking so much fitter and healthier now she positively glowed.

  “Just open it already!” Hollywood griped at him. “We’ve got to go up to Luke and Ellen’s in an hour for the party. We haven’t got all night!”

  “Hey, that reminds me… did you know that Sacha’s mom and dad have flown over with them for Christmas?” Kellen grinned. “Mama Francesca wanted to be able to thank everyone personally for looking after Zach and Sacha for the month they were in Aberdeen, and then while Zach was recuperating in London, so she insisted on coming with them. She’s going to be doing some of the cooking for the family Christmas dinner.”

  “That’s great.” Hollywood nodded. “Zach has always said what an awesome cook she is. Now will you quit stalling and open the freakin’ package?”

  Kellen finally decided he wasn’t going to get out of opening the gift, so he took it from Roman with a grin and started tugging at the lopsided bow.

  “Help me pull at this paper.” He held it out to Roman who was now hopping up and down like he was gonna pee his pants.

  Roman quickly ripped at the paper until it gave way altogether, and an item of clothing fell into Kellen’s lap.

  He unfolded the t-shirt and looked at the print on the front.

  It was a picture of the Grinch with Kellen’s face superimposed over the top of it, and the words ‘Mr Grinch’ printed below.

  He looked up to see Roman half smiling, not sure if he should already be running and hiding.

  “You saw this and thought of me, huh?” He grinned.

  Roman nodded his head.

  “Mom said you have to wear it tonight to Aunt Ellen’s party.” He grinned.

  “Oh, I do, do I?” Kellen chuckled.

  Of course, he did, if Roman said so. Roman had him twisted around his little finger, so Kellen knew he had no choice.

  He pulled his t-shirt off and replaced it with the new one.

  “What do you think?” He grinned at Roman.

  “Awesome!” Roman giggled and clapped his hands excitedly.

  “Ok, little man.” Hollywood moved Niko off him and deposited her in his place on the sofa. “You need a shower and change of clothes for the party.”

  Kellen went to stand up.

  “Oh, sorry.” He slumped back down. “I thought you were talking to me.”

  “Har-har!” Hollywood laughed as he hoisted Roman over his shoulder and headed down the hallway.

  “You know, you really need to get better at accepting gifts.” Niko pointed out. “People get enjoyment out of giving you something you’ll appreciate. Try practicing your ‘thank you’ grin, or you might upset them.”

  Kellen frowned.

  “Why would I need a thank you grin?” He scowled. “Please tell me Ellen hasn’t arranged a secret Santa thing I don’t know about. I haven’t bought anything, and it’s a bit late to get something now.”

  He glanced at his watch and noticed it was gone six o’clock.

  “Shoot! Micky was supposed to be calling at six. Did you hear my phone ring?” Kellen reached for his jacket and pulled his phone out.

  “Have you got a signal in here?” Niko asked. “Sometimes the reception isn’t so great.”

  Kellen checked the screen, but there were no missed calls. He didn’t know whether to be pleased he hadn’t missed her, or disappointed she hadn’t called.

  “I’m sure she’ll call soon.” Niko smiled. “She always does.”

  Kellen grinned.

  “I warned her she’d miss all this hotness.” He shrugged. “She just can’t help herself.”

  Niko climbed to her feet slowly, just as the doorbell rang.

  “Can you get that?” She asked, heading for her bedroom. “I need t
o get changed and we’re running short of time.”

  “But what if Micky rings?” Kellen protested.

  “Take your phone with you.” Niko laughed. “It’s only going to be someone from the family anyway. Nobody else has access. Maybe it’s Santa? Don’t forget your ‘thank-you’ grin.”

  “Yeah, like Santa rings doorbells now!” Kellen grumbled.

  “It’s probably Ellen, needing to borrow something for tonight.” Niko called from the hallway.

  “Yeah, right.” Kellen griped. “The most organised woman in the world needs to borrow a cup of sugar. That’s so believable!”

  He pulled open the door ready to dispense one of his signature smiles, but the hallway was empty.

  He looked around the shared space that housed the elevator, along with the three apartment doorways, but there was no sign of anyone.

  Kellen was just about to step back inside when he spotted the piece of paper on the doormat with his name on it.

  He turned it over to find two words printed on the back.

  ‘Look Right!’

  Look Right? What the fuck?

  Kellen stood up and stared at the paper. Obviously, someone was giving him an order.

  Kellen slowly turned his head to see a vision standing outside the doorway to Drago’s apartment.

  “Hi.” Micky grinned at him. “Happy Christmas!”

  Kellen’s legs had turned to liquid, but he managed to stagger the few paces needed to meet her in the middle of the hallway.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be here?” He demanded. “I would’ve met you at the airport.”

  “I didn’t know whether it was going to be possible, and I didn’t want to spoil Christmas for us both if it didn’t come off.” Micky smiled.

  “Umm, am I keeping your bags in here, or do you want them in Kellen’s place?” Drago’s voice made him jump.

  Kellen spun around to see the big Russian standing in his doorway holding two large bags.

  “My place.” He said instantly, not wanting to give her a choice.

  He turned back to close Hollywood’s door, only to find Niko standing in the doorway grinning at him.

  “See you guys later.” She stepped back into the apartment and closed the door.

  Kellen reached into his pocket and pulled out his apartment key which he tossed to Micky.

  “Open up.” He ordered, striding over to Drago to retrieve her belongings.

  “See you guys later.” Drago grinned, backing into his apartment.

  Kellen followed Micky down the hallway, kicking the door closed behind him.

  “This is nice.” Micky walked straight into the living room before turning around.

  Kellen dropped her bags in the hallway before walking into the big room.

  “Ok, can I just put it out there that, against my better judgment, I’m going to ask you to talk to me before we do anything else.” Kellen smiled.

  “Ok.” She smirked. “But what is your better judgment saying?”

  “It’s telling me to get you naked in my bed within thirty seconds.” He shrugged. “I’ll go with either, so it’s up to you, but I just wanted to put it out there that I was trying to be a gentleman.”

  “Duly noted.” Micky nodded. “But you were right the first time. We do need to talk about things, just so we’re both on the same page. It’s probably important to get that out of the way before we get to the other stuff.”

  Kellen stepped forward and took her hand, pulling her toward the big sofa.

  “Ok, so I’ll go first.” Kellen smirked. “I love you, and I want you to come and live with me, whenever you’re free to move here. There. That’s it. That’s all I wanted to say.”

  Micky sat back, stunned.

  Kellen knew he’d never used the L word before, and he’d probably stunned her by throwing it out there, straight off the bat.

  “Ok.” She nodded. “Well, I think my stuff may take a little longer, so you might as well get comfortable.”

  “Are you allowed to tell me about Sergei now?” Kellen couldn’t wait. “Has he gone on trial yet?”

  Micky smiled at his impatience.

  “His trial finished at the end of November, and he was found guilty of at least a hundred crimes, including murder, kidnap, trafficking, drugs and arms dealing, and so on. The Russians aren’t exactly known for their plea-bargaining, so he received a sentence of about four hundred years altogether.” She grinned. “Which would have been great, except it was cut short by three hundred and ninety-nine years and fifty-one weeks when he got shanked by one of the other lifers less than a week after being incarcerated.”

  “What?” Kellen gasped. “He just served one week? That’s so not justice!”

  “Have you ever heard the expression, ‘he was gutted’?” Micky smiled at him. “Well, that would have been quite an accurate description of what the inmate actually did to him. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but apparently, half of him, mostly the internal stuff, was carried out in buckets.”

  Kellen couldn’t help but laugh out loud. That was the best fucking news he’d had all month.

  “Do they know who was behind it?” He asked.

  “Does it matter?” Micky shrugged. “It could be any of the people he owed money to. After Hannah emptied all his accounts, there would have been at least a dozen people looking to take revenge.”

  Kellen sat back on the sofa, his mind whirring.

  “So, if you’ve given all your reports, and the court case is now history, what else is there left for you to do?” He asked. “Does your father have any other missions you have to go on before they’ll let you out?”

  “Nope, no missions.” Micky grinned. “I’m all missioned out.”

  “So, what’s next?” Kellen wondered. “What have you got lined up?”

  Oh, well… I have a meeting with your friend Hannah, but that’s not until the Monday after New Year.” She shrugged. “I suppose you could call it an interview, although, between you and I, she already offered me a job.”

  “You’re coming to work for the Guardians?” Kellen gasped.

  “Well, umm, yes?” She frowned. “I thought that was what you wanted.”

  “Of course, it is!” He almost shouted. “I just didn’t think it was all going to happen this fast.”

  “Kellen, it’s been almost twelve weeks.” Micky pointed out. “That’s not exactly fast.”

  “I’ve been trying not to keep count. It was too depressing.” Kellen admitted. “But now we’ve stopped counting… does that mean you’re here? I mean for good?”

  Micky shrugged her shoulders.

  “If you want me.” She smiled shyly. “I mean, I don’t want to take anything for granted. Drago said I can always stay at his place if you’ve changed your mind. He’s often working away.”

  “The fuck you will!” Kellen jumped up.

  He ran to the hallway and grabbed her bags, then ran back through the living room to his bedroom where he dumped them on the bed.

  He was back on the sofa inside twenty seconds.

  “See?” He panted. “You’re all moved in.”

  “Why, so I am.” She grinned at him, leaning in to run her hand up his chest and around his neck. “Do I get a ‘Welcome Home’ kiss?”

  Kellen had never known he could get so hard quite so fast.

  Within seconds he had Micky on her back on the sofa, as he gazed down into her beautiful blue eyes.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He whispered, lowering his face to touch his lips to hers.

  The kiss was so soft, that when Kellen groaned in pleasure, Micky’s lips turned up into a smile.

  “Stop it.” He mumbled. “You’re spoiling the kiss.”

  “I can’t help it.” She grinned. “I’m happy, and you’re funny. It’s not my fault you make me giggle like a teenager.”

  Kellen lifted his head and stared at her.

  “Maybe if I gave you a tour of the apartment, you could ge
t over your fit of the giggles.” He suggested. “Maybe we could finish off the tour… I don’t know… in the bedroom, possibly? I still need to check you out for those freckles!”

  “That sounds awesome.” Micky smiled. “Except for one small problem.”

  “Which is…?” Kellen pouted.

  “Ellen’s expecting us both upstairs at seven o’clock for the party.” She smiled.

  Shit! Did the family know everything before he did?

  “Great.” He sighed. “But maybe you’d like to take a shower first? You know… to freshen up. I could scrub your back.”

  “No need.” Micky stood up. “I had a shower on the flight over. Did you know that Tuck’s planes have full bathrooms?”

  Yeah, actually. He did.

  Micky must have seen the forlorn expression on his face, because she reached down and pulled him to his feet.

  “Come on, gorgeous. Let’s go and introduce your friends to the latest happy couple in their midst.” She smiled. “It’s time I met the rest of the family.”

  “Yeah, just be sure to introduce yourself to everyone as Kellen’s woman.” He warned. “There are still a few single guys in the family that haven’t met you yet. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.”

  Micky stepped back from him with a wicked smile.

  “Oh, I can do way better than that.” She reached for the zipper on her hoodie and pulled it down slowly.

  Beneath it was another Grinch t-shirt, with the words Mrs Grinch printed underneath and Micky’s face smiling out at him.

  Kellen couldn’t stop grinning.

  “Hollywood and Niko set us up, hmm?” He guessed.

  “I just think they knew that your crazy matches my crazy.” Micky shrugged.

  “How long do we have to give the family before we can sneak back down here to get crazy together?” He winked at her.

  “I don’t know… maybe three hours?” She suggested.

  At his pout, she revised the estimate downwards.

  “Ok, two hours, tops.” She grinned.

  “Ok, two hours, and then I get to bring you back down here to do with you as I will.” Kellen dragged her towards the door.

  “What did you have in mind?” Micky stared at him suspiciously as they waited for the elevator.


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