The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3)

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The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3) Page 10

by Marie Higgins

  “A penny for your thoughts.”

  Brad’s deep, sexy voice startled her out of her daydreams. She jumped and turned toward him. Her breath caught in her throat. It had only been a few days since she’d seen him last, but he still knew how to make her heart beat fast. He wasn’t wearing the eighteenth century clothes as she’d just pictured in her mind, but he was still very elegant in his gray suit jacket and pants, and a very light maroon shirt. Not many men could pull off wearing that color, but he definitely could. Shoot, he could wear anything and look amazing.

  “Brad,” she sighed.

  “I’m glad you came.”

  “Did you receive my message?”

  He nodded. “I actually didn’t believe it at first, but I’m very relieved you are here.”

  Smiling, his gaze ran slowly over her dress. The expression on his face was exactly how he looked when she had modeled the dress for him at the store. His smoldering green eyes were making her weak in the knees. Again.

  “You’re absolutely breathtaking.”

  Her cheeks heated with his compliment. “Actually, I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  His grin widened as he stepped closer to her. “If I’m not mistaken, I think you were daydreaming a minute ago as you studied the paintings on the wall.”

  She nodded. “I must confess, I was doing a little dreaming.”

  He leaned in closer and wagged his eyebrows. “Were you thinking about me?”

  Her face flamed hotter. How did he know?


  “Of course I wasn’t thinking of you,” she lied and turned back toward the paintings. “If you must know, this house and the paintings, reminds me of the Victorian era, and I was just imagining what it might have been like to live back during that time.”

  Brad moved beside her as his attention shifted to the paintings. “Believe it or not, I would have loved to live back in those days.”

  She stared directly at him. “Really? Why?”

  “Because people didn’t look down their noses at the sons of rich men. Back then, people didn’t mind if the son of a rich guy didn’t do anything during the day. In fact, having a laborious job was frowned upon by high society gents and ladies.” He folded his arms across his wide chest. “Sons of rich men were the kind of guys the old bats wanted to marry their ugly daughters to.”

  Breanna understood the point he was trying to make, but she still couldn’t help but laugh. “And you, I presume, would be the dashing young man who would be a hard catch. You’d tell the old hags—”

  “Old bats,” he corrected.

  “Oh, sorry. But you’d tell the old bats that you weren’t ready to settle down and take responsibility of a wife and family because there was so much world out there for you to explore, and so many women for you to charm.”

  Brad’s gaze swung to her. Dramatically, he gasped and clutched his chest as he stepped back. “Oh, Breanna—”

  She arched an eyebrow. “That’s Countess Loveland to you, sir.”

  He chuckled, bowed slightly and then straightened. “Pardon me. But Countess, my love, you wound me deeply. For all the other maids I’d turn away if I could only have your sweet presence for a mere day. And forever would I be in Heaven if I could feel your delicate touch, and taste the sweet nectar of your lips. Then, and only then, my love, would I die a happy man.”

  Even though Breanna knew they were just playacting, her heart soared. Now, more than ever, she was drawn to him. She wanted to admit defeat and to be in his arms for all eternity. The ice block she’d tried to build around her heart so he wouldn’t break it, was slowly thawing. The feelings she’d denied for him were stronger than ever before, and yet it didn’t frighten her. Just the opposite, in fact.

  Brad took her hand and brought it up to his mouth, lightly brushing his lips across her skin. “Would you, my sweet Countess, make me a happy man? Or will you take my sword and drive it through my heart? For if you turn me away, I would surely die.”

  Breanna’s throat turned dry. They were playing, weren’t they? Then why did Brad look so serious? Why could she detect the plea in his eyes and in his voice?

  The sound of someone clapping snapped her alert. She swung around to see who was making that noise. There stood her boss and his wife, both grinning like fools. Yet, Breanna was the one who felt foolish.

  Todd looked as regal as she’d ever seen him, wearing a black suit, white shirt, and blue tie. In this lighting, she couldn’t see the wrinkles that were always around his mouth and eyes. He didn’t even look as pudgy as he did at the office. Instead, he looked lean in his suit. His wife looked just as grand. The petite woman wore a sparkling red, long gown with matching pumps. Her short, dark brown hair curled all over her head. Not one gray hair was visible, unlike Todd’s full head of dark hair that looked more salt and pepper than anything.

  “Dad,” Brad said in a rush as though he’d been caught doing something wrong. “I... didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Which I’m glad, because my dear son, I’ve seen a part of you I didn’t know existed. But it makes me proud to know there’s a poetic side to you.”

  Todd’s wife nodded as she toyed with a diamond-drop earring hanging from her lobe. “You’re a real romantic, Brad. Don’t you think so Breanna?”

  The words flowed out of Breanna’s mouth before she had a chance to stop them. “Yes. That was the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.” It surprised her that she felt this way. Tom would have never said that or even thought to say something so eloquent.

  Brad smiled softly at Breanna and her heart flipped again. This time, she enjoyed the feeling and anticipated when it would happen again.

  “All right, you two.” Todd laughed and linked his fingers across his belly. “Let’s go eat. I’m starved.”

  “Uh, Dad.” Brad tapped his father on the shoulder. “Shouldn’t we wait for the other guests?”

  “Oh, uh, yes. I suppose we should.”

  His wife rolled her eyes. “They’ll be here shortly, dear. I don’t think you’ll have to wait long.” She looked back at Breanna. “Should we go into the sitting room? I would love to get to know you a little better.” Her gaze moved over Breanna’s dress. “What a lovely gown you have.”

  Breanna’s cheeks warmed again. “Thank you. Believe it or not, your son helped me pick it out.”

  Mrs. Montgomery nodded. “I believe it.”

  Brad stepped up to Breanna, took her hand, and hooked it around his arm. Her heart melted a little more. It was obvious, his mind was still back in the eighteenth century where men were gentlemen and they respected women.

  It didn’t take long before the few other guests arrived, and Brad escorted Breanna into the dining room. Once again, she felt as if this room could have been back in the Victorian era. A large chandelier hung over the old-fashioned table with claw-feet and matching high-backed chairs. Several servants hustled around the room, bringing out the finest dishes of exotic foods.

  Breanna didn’t talk much, but when she was in a room full of strangers, her shyness took over. Brad was entertaining as always. And even though he talked a lot, he still returned his attention back to her and gazed at her with his dreamy green eyes.

  The conversation in the room quieted, so she concentrated on taking small bites of her duck cacciatore. They must have a French chef or something, because she’d never tasted food this good. Or... She glanced at Brad. Was it the company that made this night so special?

  Brad took his linen napkin and wiped his mouth. “So Father, what’s new with the magazine?”

  Breanna choked on her food, but thankfully, didn’t make a scene as she quickly sipped her ice water. She couldn’t believe Brad was actually interested in the magazine at all. He certainly hadn’t acted like it up until now.

  Todd smiled at his son. “I’m glad you asked.”

  As Todd told the group about the new additions coming to the magazine – those that Breanna already knew about – it gave her the
opportunity to study Brad. He kept his focus on his father, and he genuinely looked engrossed in the conversation. This was the first time since she’d met Brad that he’d shown an interest in something other than women and partying.

  Her heart thawed even more toward this gorgeous man. Yet, she wondered if he was serious, or did he act this way to try to impress her?

  What shocked her more was when Todd asked Brad for his opinion...and he gave a sincere answer. This was definitely not the man she’d gotten to know lately. Brad actually had views on politics, and the events happening around the world. Amazing!

  When dinner was finally over, Brad escorted her out into the grand hallway instead of following the others into the sitting room to further their conversation and drink sherry. His warm gaze moved over every inch of Breanna’s face. No longer did this make her uncomfortable. Instead, it lightened her heart.

  “Would you like me to give you a tour of the place?” he asked.

  Excitement shot through her. She’d never been in such a grand mansion, and although it was probably none of her business, she really did want to see every room. “Yes. That would be wonderful.”

  He stroked her cheek. “No, you are wonderful, my love.”

  Her heart flipped. He’d called her my love again. This was the third time. And why was his expression serious when he said it? She couldn’t read too much into it. After all, Brad was an accomplished flirt.

  Entwining his fingers with hers, he led them to the other rooms on the bottom floor. There was a music room, a weight room, an indoor pool, and of course, the family’s entertainment room with a large screen TV on the wall, and what looked to be several different game systems.

  He took her to the second floor and explained that the top floor was the servants’ quarters. Apparently, only two of the servants lived on the premises. The others lived nearby.

  “These rooms here on the second floor belong to me and my siblings. My parents’ bedroom has is its own wing just off from the dining room.” He opened the door to one of the rooms.

  It surprised her that he had siblings since he’d never mentioned it before. “You have brothers and sisters?”

  He nodded. “I have an older brother and two younger sisters.”

  Hesitantly, she stepped into the room, but still kept her eyes on him. “Do they live here, too?”

  “No, but their rooms are still here if they visit. My brother owns a computer company, and my sister is married to a lawyer and is pregnant with their first child.”

  Breanna noticed his expression changed as sadness encased his face. “What about the other sister?”

  “She died two years ago.” His voice choked as he moved his gaze to the floor, leaning against the doorframe.

  Her chest tightened, feeling his agony. She didn’t remember much about her parents’ deaths, but she did recall suffering greatly from their loss. “I’m sorry.” She stroked his arm.

  He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Yeah, well... I try not to think about it. She was so young and so pretty. She had a whole life ahead of her. She had been shy as a child, and when she reached her teen years, there were a group of girls who bullied her endlessly. I always thought my sister was pretty, but I didn’t tell her enough. Nobody told her enough. Nobody wanted to look past her outward appearance and look inside her heart.”

  Brad didn’t come out and say that his sister had committed suicide, but he hinted toward it. “That’s just awful. People can be so cruel. I know that story well.”

  He met her gaze again, and this time took hold of her hand. “When I first met you, I thought of Carrie. I didn’t want you to... end up like her.”

  His voice tightened again, and so did the pain in her chest. Even her throat constricted.

  “I understand now,” she whispered. “And I appreciate your attention toward me. Too bad some wonderful man couldn’t have swept Carrie away.”

  “You don’t know how many times I think that. If only someone cared about her, she would be alive today, and she would be a successful woman. If only she had waited, her life would have changed. I just know it.”

  She nodded. “I wonder what my life would have been like if my parents had lived.”

  He rubbed her fingers. “But it’s useless to look back. We must move forward.”

  “So true.”

  He closed the space between them and cupped her face with his hands. “Tyger, my love, thanks for being here with me tonight. You don’t know how much it means to me that you came.”

  “You’d mentioned that you’d go crazy by yourself, and I... I didn’t want that to happen to such a sweet man.”

  The corner of his lips turned upward, but he didn’t speak. Anticipation streaked through her, making her body quake. He was going to kiss her, she just knew it. She wanted to share this moment with him so badly, and kissing him would only make it better. But he seemed content to just gaze into her eyes as his thumbs stroked beneath her bottom lip.

  He leaned forward, and her heart quickened with excitement, but then he stepped back without kissing her. He motioned his hand toward his room.

  “And this is where I stay when I’m in town.”

  Disappointment shook through her, but she couldn’t allow him to see it on her face. The other day she’d told him she couldn’t cheat on Tom, so Brad was probably helping her stick to her promise.

  She finally took a moment to study his room... and about died! She sucked in a quick breath as her mouth hung open. “You call this a room?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. What do you call it?”

  “A very expensive apartment that’s much bigger than mine.”

  The room was decorated in all shades of blue and brown colors. His large bed sat next to a large window. One corner of the room was made into office space, with an oak desk and laptop. In another corner of the room sat a few exercise machines and dumbbells. Along one side of the wall was a giant entertainment console that held a stereo system, and at least three game systems. Hanging on the wall next to that was a 65-inch flat-screen television.

  The bathroom adjoined to the bedroom. From what she could see of it since the door was open, there was plenty of space for another gym. Instead, she could see the jetted tub and shower that looked like a waterfall.

  Why would anyone want to leave this room? The only thing it didn’t have was a kitchen. However, their servants handled that. Breanna was certain Brad received room service a time or two.

  “Unbelievable,” she muttered and shook her head.

  “Do you think so?”

  “Oh, yes.” She stepped away from him and toward the bathroom. “Now I can see why you spent the past few days holed up in this room. I wouldn’t want to leave it, either.”

  “What?” His voice rose slightly. “Who told you I was holed up in my room?”

  Inwardly, she cringed. She hadn’t meant to say it, but the words just slipped out. “I heard it from the ladies at work.”

  “Figures.” He shook his head, frowning.

  “Is it true?” She moved toward him slowly. “Were you getting drunk every night here in your room?”

  He shrugged but didn’t say anything.

  “The ladies at work also said that they thought you’d had your heart broken by a woman.”

  His shoulders drooped. He walked to his large bed and sat on the edge. “Yes, it’s true. I haven’t been the fun-loving man everyone was used to.”


  He scrubbed his hands over his face and sighed. “I think you know why.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be possible. No, she couldn’t get all emotional until he said it himself.

  She sat beside him on the bed. “I don’t think I know, Brad. There’s no way I’m going to believe that you would act in such a way just because of my rejection. Besides, what would a man like you see in a plain, ordinary woman like me? And did you act that way because a woman has never turned you down before?”

  His hands dropped
to his lap as he peered into her eyes. “Breanna, you are far from plain and ordinary. I don’t know what it is, but I saw something in you that was far different from all the other women I’ve known. You are one of a kind, and very, very beautiful.” He lifted his fingers and stroked her cheek. “I didn’t act that way because I’ve never been rejected before, because I have. Several times. The reason it hurt so much this time was because I wanted you, but you didn’t want me. You make me feel special, and I like the way I feel when I’m with you.”

  Her chest clenched tighter. His kind words were causing havoc inside of her mind and her heart. “Oh, Brad. Why did this have to happen? Why are things so complicated?”

  “Breanna, tell me why you’re here tonight. Why aren’t you home with Tom?”

  She sucked in a quick breath. Dare she tell him? She didn’t want him thinking she was on the rebound, mainly because she wondered that herself.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips. “I felt I needed to be with a friend tonight.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “You don’t have any girlfriends? What about Amanda?”

  She shook her head. “Okay, I’ll rephrase that. I needed to be with you tonight.”


  “Because I needed to talk to you, to hear your comforting voice telling me I’m not stupid... telling me I did the right thing by changing my appearance.”

  His gaze narrowed on her. “What happened? Did Tom yell at you or something?”

  Tears burned in her eyes, so she quickly blinked them away, but Brad must have seen. He cupped her face again. Tenderness was written all over his expression. Why was he being so sweet? She didn’t deserve it.


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