The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3)

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The Irresistible Billionaire: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 3) Page 11

by Marie Higgins

  “He came over after work and saw me for the first time since the change.” She choked on a sob, trying to control it.

  “What happened? Did he... hit you?”

  “No.” She swallowed hard. “But he yelled at me, and he called me some unforgivable names. Oh, Brad,” her voice broke, “you were right. He had been controlling me this whole time. He didn’t like the way I looked because he didn’t want other men to look at me.”

  “Did you tell him about me?”


  He was silent as he gazed into her eyes. She wished she knew his thoughts. But his tender expression told her he wasn’t upset. He genuinely cared about her. That was a first, since Tom had never done that.

  “Tell me something, Breanna.”

  “Brad,” she quickly cut him off. “Why are you calling me Breanna?”

  He gave her a half smile. “Sorry. I just didn’t know if you wanted my form of endearment since you want to be only friends.”

  “I do enjoy the way you say my name.”

  He winked. “So Tyger, tell me something.”


  “Do you love Tom?”

  Breanna clenched her teeth. That was a hard question, and she really didn’t know how to answer. She and Tom had been together for a few years. During those years, they argued a lot. Of course, she always gave in because she was frightened of his temper. She’d told everyone she loved him. She even told herself that. But did her heart truly love him? Or had she only loved the idea of having a boyfriend?

  “I... I don’t know, Brad. That’s not something I can answer right away. Please forgive me.”

  He touched his finger to her lips. “There’s nothing to forgive. I should’ve realized you’d still hold some kind of feeling for him.”

  She nodded.

  “But, are you two still together or did you break up?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t say the words. All I did was order him to get out of my apartment.”

  His eyes widened. “That’s a good start. I’m proud of you.”

  She chuckled. “Thanks. That makes two of us. I really didn’t think I had the courage to throw him out.”

  His focus dropped to her mouth. Was he going to kiss her this time? Would she let him? That was a stupid question. Of course she’d let him. Brad always knew how to calm her mind, even if it meant making her heart rate accelerate.

  He dropped his hands and stood. Once more, disappointment swept through her. But then again, he was probably wise not to kiss her in this vulnerable state.

  “Things are getting too serious,” he said. “So let me finish the tour.”

  “We’re not finished?”

  “Nope. There’s one more place I want to show you, and I know you’ll love it!”

  “Where?” She rose to her feet as excitement pumped through her.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  Inwardly, she grumbled. She really didn’t like waiting...


  Brad couldn’t wait to get out of the bedroom. Several times he’d wanted to kiss her passionately. But she’d broken his heart already, and he didn’t want to continue feeling that pain. Strange to think they’d only known each other a few days, and that he had allowed himself to be struck by Cupid’s arrow. That had never happened to him before.

  If they had remained on his bed, he would have succumbed to temptation and kissed her, and never stopped. Yet, he knew she was only here because she and Tom had argued. She confessed that she still didn’t know her feelings, and Brad couldn’t push the issue. He needed to allow her to think this matter through clearly. All he could do was pray that she’d consider him over Tom.

  When they reached outside, he stopped them. She looked at him with wide, questioning eyes. He grinned and pointed out toward the yard. The outdoor lights were lit brightly, making it easy for her to see the surprise.

  Her gaze drifted that way, and seconds later, she gasped. “A shrubbery maze? Are you kidding me?”

  “I’m not joking. When I was ten years old, my mother thought it would be fun to have one. Of course, I think she mainly wanted one so she could send her children into it. That was a great way to stop quarreling because we had to work together to get out of the maze.”

  “Smart woman.” She nodded.

  “So, do you want to go through?”

  She hesitated as a different expression crossed her pretty face. Why did she look worried? Was she wondering if he’d try to kiss her? Yeah, she did have something to worry about if that’s what she was thinking.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I’m a little claustrophobic, and I worry that if I’m in the enclosed maze...”

  “I’ll be your hero and protect you.” He stroked her hand. “Besides, it’s not enclosed. All you need to do is look up and see the stars. Not only that, but the place is lit up like a birthday cake.”

  “True.” She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Then let’s go.”

  He kept his fingers linked with hers as he led them toward the maze. When he’d started dating many years ago, he always thought this would be a great place to bring a girl, for privacy, of course. Funny, how he’d never brought a girl out here. So why was he taking Tyger? And if they shared a wonderful moment, would she still end up breaking his heart?

  As they started into the maze, he could see the excitement on her face. The manicured shrubbery was a head taller than Brad, giving them the enclosed feeling. She did remarkably well for being claustrophobic. Her eyes danced as she took in everything around them. He’d do anything to make her look this way all the time.

  “You do know your way out, right?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Well, I used to, but I haven’t been inside for a few years, so I might have forgotten.”

  She cocked her head and pierced him with a teasing glare. “You’d better not forget.”

  “We’ll see.” He pulled her further into the maze. From what he could remember, it took about twenty minutes to wander in and come out... provided that nobody got lost. He’d definitely get lost, or at least pretend to. Teasing her was just too much enjoyment. And of course, he didn’t want this night to end. Not until she fell in love with him.

  The air was still this evening. He would have liked a light wind, or even a chilly temperature—anything to get her to cuddle closer to him. Although, in the back of his mind, he worried that he’d fall deeper in love with her and she’d crush his heart all over again. He hated these mixed emotions. But for some reason, he knew this particular woman was worth it. He needed to show her what a great guy he was, and then just maybe, she’d fall in love with him, too.

  “It’s a lovely night,” she said softly. “Look at how full the moon is, and how bright the stars are against the velvety sky.”

  “The moon and stars do not compare to your beauty, my love.”

  She turned her head and met his gaze. Her smile melted his heart.

  “Sometimes I don’t know when to take you seriously, Brad.”

  He stopped them, knowing they were near the center of the maze. “I’m very serious when it comes to you, Tyger. It’s like I told you in my room, I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but I’m mesmerized. I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop wanting to be with you. I can’t stop—”

  “Brad, please don’t.” Her voice cracked. “Give me time to figure out my own heart first. All right?”

  “I will,” he promised.

  When they reached the center of the maze, a wishing well stood in the middle of the square – another item his mother just had to get. He reached in his pocket and withdrew a penny. “What do you say? Do you want to make a wish?”

  “Sure.” She snatched the coin. She pulled away from him to step to the wishing well. Closing her eyes, she was silent for a few moments. She sighed, turned her back to the well, and threw the coin over her shoulder.

  He didn’t watch the coin sail into the well. Instead, he kept hi
s eyes on her. Just like a little girl, she spun around and leaned over the brick wall to look inside.

  “I think your wish will come true now,” he said.

  “I sure hope so.”

  “What did you wish? Was it something about me?” He wagged his eyebrows as he leaned toward her.

  “Brad, I can’t tell you.”

  “Oh, so you’re superstitious.”

  “Maybe a little.” She motioned her hand to him. “Are you going to make a wish?”

  He shrugged. “No. My wishes have never come true.”

  “When was the last time you made a wish at a wishing well?”

  “I don’t know.” He scratched his trimmed goatee. “Maybe when I was eighteen.”

  She laughed and sat on the edge of the well, tapping her shoe against the stone. “Oh, come on. Do it anyway. It’ll be fun.”

  He loved how relaxed she looked tonight. It surprised him that she was so at ease, even though they were alone. Of course, he’d always felt comfortable around her. Hopefully, she’d return that feeling, because that meant her heart was softening toward him.

  Brad dug through his pocket and found another coin. Staring at the penny, he tried to think of a wish – a practical wish, but the only thing going through his head was yearning for her to fall in love with him.

  He might as well throw the coin inside the well now, because if he tried to think of something else, he’d be here all night. Holding his breath, he tossed the coin inside. The light splash of it hitting the water inside echoed through the well.

  “See,” she said. “That wasn’t so hard.”

  “Not at all.”

  “Brad,” she shifted on the edge, facing him more, “tell me more about your life. I don’t really know that much about you.”

  He sat beside her. “What do you want to know?”

  “Where you a big flirt when you were younger?”

  Tilting back his head, he laughed heartily. Memories of when he was younger swarmed in his head. “Actually, my brother won the title in school for the biggest flirt.”

  “How old is your brother?”

  “Two years older.”

  “Dang, I can’t wait to meet him. If the women at work consider you the sexiest man alive, I wonder what your brother looks like.”

  Her tone was teasing, but forgotten feeling resurfaced from his youth. His brother had taken a few of Brad’s high school girlfriends. There was no way he wanted Tyger meeting Corey, not until she was completely in love with him.

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll meet him. But I can promise you, he’s not the sexiest man alive. Just imagine someone who looks like me, but has short and lighter brown hair, and a smooth shaven face.”

  Her eyebrows drew together. She leaned toward him and placed her hand over his. “Brad Montgomery? You aren’t jealous of your brother, are you?”

  He snorted. “Why would you think that?”

  “I don’t know. It was just the way you said it, I guess.”

  He shrugged and stood. The subject made him uncomfortable. “I was jealous of my brother when we were younger, but not now. However, I still don’t think you should meet him anytime soon. I don’t want you drooling over him.”

  Slowly, she shook her head. “You surprise me, Brad. I’ve never seen this side to you.”

  “Yeah, well, it doesn’t come out very often, unless a girl I like is eager to meet my older brother.”

  “Oh, Brad.” She stood and reached her hand out to touch his arm. “You have no reason to think that way. Not when—”

  Suddenly, the lights went out. Darkness surrounded them. What the crap?

  Tyger shrieked and flew into his arms. All thoughts of jealousy toward his brother vanished. Now his head quickly filled with thoughts of her as desire warmed his heart. He wrapped her in his arms, pulling her body closer.

  “What happened to the lights?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “I’m not sure.” But he’d bet money that it was his match-making father. Brad had noticed how his father had watched Tyger during dinner. Brad could tell his father was impressed with his date. Finally.

  “You’re going to be fine.” He stroked her hair softly as he nuzzled his cheek against hers. Her breathing became uneven, and he worried that because she was claustrophobic, that she was beginning to panic. “I won’t let anything happen to you, my love.”

  “Funny, but without the lights, it makes this place seem very spooky,” she said.

  He chuckled. “That’s true. My brother and sisters used to decorate this maze during Halloween and we’d invite our friends over.”

  Her chest shook with a silent laugh. “I bet your house was the hit of the neighborhood.”

  “It was.”

  He pulled back just enough to look into her face. He couldn’t see much through the shadows. “Are you all right?”

  “I... think so.”

  “Just look up at the stars, and breathe slowly and deeply.”

  She did as he requested. He dropped his gaze to her delicate neck. He’d love nothing more than to kiss her smooth skin right now.

  After a few silent minutes of her breathing deeply, and him fighting the tempting thoughts in his head, she lowered her gaze to look at him. A smile stretched across her face.

  “I feel better now. I guess you really are my hero.”

  His heart softened. “My sweet Tyger. Don’t you know I’d leap over tall buildings in a single bound and fight off villains for you? There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, my love.”

  “Oh, Brad.” Her fingers breezed across his cheek. “I love how protected I feel when I’m with you. I love how you make me feel so special. And I love...”

  Just then, the lights came on. Silently, he cussed. If only his father had waited a few more seconds, she would have realized she loved him. He was sure of it.

  “The lights are on.” Sighing, she pulled out of his arms.

  He wanted to bring her back against him and hear her heartbeat, and feel her warm breath against his face. But now she fidgeted as she slowly moved away from him. Apparently, his wish hadn’t come true at all.


  Breanna hadn’t been able to catch her breath since last night with Brad. She’d almost told Brad she loved him. Why would she do that? She really needed more time to figure out her feelings for Brad. If she wanted him just because Tom was being a jerk, that wouldn’t be fair to Brad. She definitely didn’t want to hurt him.

  She sat at her desk at work, staring at the computer screen. Once again, she couldn’t concentrate. Brad had filled her thoughts so often since she met him, and she couldn’t decipher her own feelings.

  Or could she?

  She’d lain awake most of the night thinking about Brad and thinking about the wonderful things he’d done for her. He had made her feel like a woman. Tom had never accomplished that. Brad had made her laugh, and she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind with him. Not Tom. She was afraid of his temper. And Brad had made her feel beautiful. Never in her life had anyone made her feel pretty. Especially not Tom.

  Brad was a wonderful man no matter how her mind tried to argue. Sure, the billionaire didn’t have a regular job unless it was modeling and partying, but he was a kind and loving man. Perhaps he just needed a reason to settle down and become responsible. If only she knew more about how he made his money. And, of course, Brad did say he had feelings for her.

  She didn’t dare hope for things that were impossible, but she couldn’t deny that Brad just might change.

  “Hey, Breanna?”

  Amanda’s voice brought Breanna out of her thoughts, and she turned to look over her shoulder at her friend. “Yes?”

  “Are you coming to Rita’s bridal shower tonight?”

  Oh good grief! How could she have forgotten that? “Of course I am. I’ll be working late at the office, but I’ll be there for the party.” Once she buys a present after work, anyway.

  “Do you know where it is?” Amanda studied the e
nds of her long, red hair, through her fingers, probably looking for split ends.

  “Isn’t it at Eve’s house?”


  “I know where she lives.”

  “Great. I’ll see you later.” Amanda sashayed back to her desk.

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, Breanna rubbed her forehead. She’d been so forgetful lately. It was surprising that she could get through the day and remember to dress herself.

  Her phone buzzed, making her jump. The caller ID displayed the receptionist’s extension. Breanna lifted the receiver up to her ear. “Yes, Donna?”

  “A delivery just came for you.”

  Delivery? “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. So hurry and come get it out of the lobby. It’s distracting.”

  “Uh, okay. I’ll be right out.”

  What could have possibly been delivered to her? She hurried out of the double-glass door. When she noticed the red roses sitting on Donna’s desk in a large glass vase, her heart dropped. The last time she and Tom had gotten in an argument, he’d sent her flowers, but complained afterwards how much they’d cost him. She’d hated it then, and now... Had he done it again?

  Her body shook as she made her way to the receptionist’s desk. Since Donna was on the phone, Breanna couldn’t ask her who brought them. With an unsteady hand, she reached for the card protruding from in between a few of the flowers. Slowly, she opened it and read.

  To a beautiful and fun woman I can’t seem to get off my mind. Thanks for making memories with me at the wishing well last night. I hope both of our dreams come true. Yours always, Brad.

  Relief poured through her and she nearly collapsed to the ground. She held the card to her chest as she tried to find the strength to move. Brad had been the thoughtful man. Not Tom. And she never wanted to have Tom send her flowers ever again.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  At the sound of Brad’s voice, she spun around. Walking slowly down the stairs was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. Instead of wearing his jeans and T-shirt, today he wore a three-piece gray business suit, gray shoes, white shirt and a maroon tie.


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