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Boding Evil

Page 8

by Linda L Barton

  “Dad, where’s the cow?” Jeff pointed toward the small pasture area where she spent her days, grazing and lazing in the sun. “I put her out after I was done milking her.”

  Gene was about to turn to look when he heard blood-curdling screams coming from the direction of the house. “Crap…”

  It seemed to take an eternity to get to the house. Gene knew he was running, but it felt as though his feet were stuck in thick mud. His heart quickened as he reached the back door, wondering what he would find inside.

  Jeff had heard the screaming and wondered what was happening. When he watched his father dash off toward the house, he had dropped the hammer and nails, praying they would not find something like they had just found in the barn.

  “Velma… Lori,” Gene cried out as he rushed through the back door, nearly ripping it from its hinges.

  Screams and dark, billowing smoke, filled the kitchen. Gene struggled to see through the choking smoke, and what he finally saw caused his heart to skip a beat.

  Lori was unconscious on the floor, apparently overcome by the thick smoke. Gene rushed toward her and checked her pulse.

  “She’s still alive,” he shouted with relief.

  Dreadful screams erupted again, filling the room. “Help me! Please, help me!”

  “Velma! Where are you?” Gene struggled to see through the thickening smoke.

  “I’m here. Flames shot out of the picture. We tried to put it out, but something pulled me in here. They say I can’t leave. They say none of us can leave!”


  Gene turned toward the door to the basement. Realizing it was Velma banging on the other side of the door, Gene stood and grabbed the doorknob.

  “Damn, it’s jammed! Jeff, get your sister out of here! Stand back!”

  Gene had no idea where the burst of strength came from, but with one mighty shove, he was able to open the door.

  “Velma!” Gene cried out as Velma, bloodied with scratches all over her body collapsed into his arms.

  “They want us dead,” were the only words she said before surrendering to unconsciousness.

  Scooping her up into his embrace, Gene turned toward the door; however, before he could get outside and loud voice filled the room. “Run, go away and never come back! They will destroy you just like they did my family!”

  Chapter 8

  “Would you like a warm up?” Charise held the pot of coffee over Jeff’s half empty cup.

  “Huh…what?” Brought out of his thoughts, Jeff looked up at the waitress, “Sure, thanks.”

  “Have you decided if you want something to eat?” Charise smiled while filling his cup. “You sure did look lost in your thoughts. I almost hated to interrupt you.”

  Jeff took a sip of the coffee then set the cup down on the counter. “Yeah, something happened this evening that reminded me of a time I had struggled to forget.”

  Charise wanted to ask him what had him so upset, but she decided it would be best not to take the chance of upsetting him more. “Well, I know the perfect thing to take your mind off of your worries. How about some of our famous Biscuits and Gravy?”

  Jeff had always found it amusing how every little hole-in-the-wall truck stop always seemed to have something on the menu that was world famous. “Sure, that sounds great.”

  “I promise that you won’t be disappointed,” Charise giggled, then turned and walked toward the kitchen.

  Jeff had to chuckle as he watched this woman, who had tried her best to make him feel better. He had driven over-the-road for several years, and the majority of the ladies working in the truck stops were just like her.

  The welcoming glow of the sunrise flowed through the large picture window and across the counter top in front of Jeff. He had to admit that he was glad the darkness of the night was over. He knew it was foolish, but after his experience a few hours ago, he wanted to be as far away from Greer Springs before nightfall. Glancing down at his watch, he realized he was going to be late for his delivery. “Shit, dispatch is going to be pissed.”

  Jeff knew they wanted the load there in a couple of hours, but there was no way he would make it in time. Deciding there was no sense in putting it off, Jeff picked up the phone on the counter as a courtesy for truckers and dialed.

  “Dispatch,” the young man said when he answered the phone.

  “Yeah, this is truck 6409. I’m not going to make my appointment. I’m still about four hours out.” Jeff waited for the ass-chewing he figured would come.

  “Hey, Jeff, I’m glad you called. The shipment receiver just called and wanted you to deliver this afternoon at 3 o’clock. They had a problem and won’t be able to unload you until then.”

  “Oh, that’s perfect. Okay, I’ll be there for the 3 o’clock appointment. Thanks,” Jeff exhaled with a sigh of relief. He had never been one to not make his appointments, so this had worked out perfectly for him. He could relax, enjoy his meal, and then take a short nap before heading out.

  As he was hanging up the telephone, Charise walked up holding a large plate piled high with fresh baked buttermilk biscuits and smothered in sausage gravy.

  With a bright and cheery smile on her face, Charise set the plate down in front of Jeff. “Enjoy, and if you need anything else, just let me know.”

  Jeff leaned down over the plate and inhaled deeply. “This should do for a while, thank you.”

  Once Charise had left, Jeff picked up his fork, “Damn, I was hungrier than I thought.”

  As the flavor and aroma of the biscuits and gravy filled his senses, Jeff’s mind began to wander…


  The bright rays of the setting sun streaming through the windshield made it difficult to see the road. Squinting his eyes, Gene reached up and dropped the sun visor. They were all exhausted, but Gene had refused to stop until there was at least five hundred miles between them and Greer Springs.

  “Where are we,” Velma shifted in the seat after waking from a nap.

  “We’re a few miles from Amarillo. We’ll go ahead and stop there for the night.”

  “Good, we all need to get out and walk around some.” Velma rubbed the back of her neck, trying to get relief from the nagging pain radiating through her shoulders.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” Gene glanced over at Velma and smirked. “Why don’t you relax some more and I’ll wake you up once we’re there.”


  The sound of the engine turning off was greatly welcomed. Gene pulled the keys from the ignition then opened the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  Jeff stretched, trying to get the kinks out of his back and legs. “Mom, where are we?”

  “We’re in Amarillo, Texas. Your dad said we’ll be staying the night here.”

  “Good. I’m ready to get Lori off of me,” Jeff pushed against Lori.

  “Hey, stop it,” Lori protested.

  “Lori, get off your brother. None of us have been comfortable. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear this truck has gotten smaller,” Velma glared at Lori, letting her know she had heard enough. She knew her statement was foolish, but with the children getting bigger, the bench seat in the old pickup truck was no longer able to have all four of them sit in comfort.

  Jeff was in no mood to hear the bickering between Lori and his mother. He knew everyone’s nerves were on edge, and what had happened was still fresh in their minds. However, he also knew they were lucky to have escaped with their lives. Jeff closed his eyes, trying to block out their bickering. All he wanted to do was purge his mind of what had transpired while they lived in Greer Springs.

  Jeff wanted to erase the images still haunting his memories, but most of all, he swore he would never return. He knew there was an evil force there that wanted to kill his family. Jeff knew he would never forget how his family fled for their lives, and how things are not always as they appear. You see, Jeff learned a valuable lesson…evil does exist and it wi
ll never forget who you are.


  I would like to thank you for reading Boding Evil. This was my first Paranormal Horror and it was a difficult book for me to write. You see, it’s because many of the horrifying events in this book were told to me by those who claim to have experienced them. I hope you enjoyed reading Boding Evil and always remember…they are out there, and they are watching us.

  Sacrificing Souls

  Down through the ages, we have all heard stories of haunted houses. Homes that were once full of love and life, but through a tragic event, a spirit becomes hopelessly trapped to wander the halls for all eternity. This, my friend, is not one of those stories.


  “Hurry up; I want to sleep in our bed tonight,” Keri pointed down the hall to the master bedroom. “Be careful, that headboard and frame have been in my family for over 100 years.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, we’ll take extra care not to damage it,” the burly man snorted. The two men from the moving company looked at each other and rolled their eyes. They had heard claims such as that all the time from customers. Every piece of furniture was either a priceless antique or had belonged to a dead relative and was irreplaceable, regardless of what it was.


  Mike and Keri Beale were both nervous and excited about their decision to move to Louisiana. It had been a difficult decision to leave their lives behind in New York City. However, when Mike was given the opportunity to join a prestigious Law Firm in New Orleans, they decided to jump at the chance.

  At first, Keri was not sure if she wanted to move, but Mike had promised they would find a beautiful Southern mansion and she could make it a grand showplace. At hearing this, Keri, of course, had immediately contacted a realtor in the area and had found the home of their dreams. It was not exactly the most beautiful house at the time, but with hard work and lots of love, Keri knew one day it would be the perfect showplace for a successful attorney.

  “Set the bed up other there.” Keri pointed to the wall opposite the large walk-in closet. “And please be careful not to damage the wood molding.”

  The two men looked at the old, yellowing wallpaper and faded wood molding. “Yes, Ma’am, we’ll be careful.”

  Once the moving company personnel had left, Keri walked into the kitchen and looked at all of the stacked boxes.

  “There is no way I can cook anything tonight.” She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed, “I’d like to order a pizza for delivery.”


  Mike was surprised at the relaxed atmosphere at the new firm. When he had first passed the bar and joined the large firm in New York, he realized it was going to consume a large part of his life. Therefore, when the opportunity to join the law firm in New Orleans arose, he had jumped at it. While he loved all the hustle and bustle of the city, he also longed for the time to begin a family with Keri.

  “Dinner’s here,” Mike called out from the large foyer. “Where are we going to eat this delicious smelling pizza?”

  “In the dining room, of course,” Keri said playfully as she walked to the dining room and waited for Mike to join her.

  “I don’t know why, but the delivery guy seemed relieved that he didn’t have to come up to the door,” Mike chuckled, placing the pizza box on the dining room table. “Heck, he practically threw the pizza at me before he sped off.”

  “Really, I don’t understand why. I love it here,” Keri opened the box and inhaled deeply. “This smells delicious.”

  Mike sat next to her and grabbed a slice of the pizza. “It tastes great, too.”

  “I wish I could have cooked our dinner tonight, but everything is still packed.”

  “Hey, I understand. I just wish I could be more help. I’ll be able to do more this coming weekend.” Mike put the last bite of pizza in his mouth then grabbed another piece.

  “Maybe I should have ordered two pizzas? You seem exceptionally hungry tonight,” Keri chuckled when she saw the surprised look on his face.

  “I am. I was so busy today that I didn’t go to lunch. I wanted to get my office organized and go over a few case files.”


  “What was that?” Keri looked toward the staircase that led to the upstairs rooms.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. This is an old house, so we’ll probably hear things like that all the time. These old houses have their own personalities,” Mike chuckled then shoved more pizza in his mouth.


  Keri looked at Mike, daring him to say that was nothing.

  “Okay, maybe I should go see what it was.” He stood and slowly walked toward the staircase, unsure if he wanted to find out what had made the unnerving sound.

  “What was it?” Keri whispered, as she slowly followed Mike up the stairs.

  “Quiet, I think I hear something.” Mike felt his heart beating with such force that he believed it would explode from his chest. As he topped the stairs, he held his breath and said a silent prayer they would find nothing out of the ordinary.

  He leaned forward and looked to his right and then to his left. Nothing. “I don’t understand, the only thing I see is moving boxes stacked along the wall in the hallway.”

  “Are you sure?” Keri breathed with a sense of relief in her voice.

  “Yeah. Come on, let’s go clean up downstairs. I’d like to take a shower and go to bed.” Mike took Keri by the hand, and they went back downstairs.


  An unnerving silence filled the room as Keri lay next to Mike, who was now soundly asleep. Lying there, her mind began to wander. She tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but for some reason, Keri felt there was something she was supposed to do.

  After several minutes, Keri sat up on the edge of the bed. The room was deathly quiet, and the coolness of the wood floor under her feet caused her body to shiver. She could not explain it, but she felt the overwhelming desire to get up and do something. What is wrong with me?

  Convinced it was just new house jitters, Keri laid back down and rolled over on her side. Then after a few minutes, she finally fell to sleep.


  The door creaked as it slowly opened, allowing entry to its guest. Stepping inside, an eerie glow filled the room, giving it a ghostly appearance.

  “Come, my child,” the voice beckoned to her.

  “Why am I here?” she asked hesitantly.

  “You are here to restore me.”

  “Restore you? I don’t understand what you mean.”

  “Come to me, so we may speak.”

  Not understanding why; she did as commanded. With each step, the floor grew colder against her bare feet as she padded her way to the large framed mirror sitting in the corner of the room by a stained-glass window.

  “Who are you?” her voice quivered as she stood in front of the mirror.

  A swirling mist began to form in the mirror. Then from the mist, the image of a well-dressed older man appeared.

  “I am the man who built this grand house. It is my home, and it will be for all eternity.”

  “How is that possible? This house is over 150 years old. Are you a ghost?” The room suddenly grew bone-chillingly cold, as the man’s eyes began to glow a vibrant red.

  A menacing laughter filled the room. “I am no mere ghost; I am much more, foolish child.”

  “I’m sorry, I meant no offense. Please tell me why you summoned me.”

  “That will come at the proper time. For now, I only wanted to introduce myself. Go rest, for tomorrow you have much to do.” The swirling fog then wrapped around the man as he backed out of view.


  “Keri, wake up. I’ve already started the coffee, and I thought we could spend some time together before I have to leave for work,” Mike laughed then he pulled the blanket off her.

  “Sheez, I’m getting up. I didn’t sleep very well last night,” she groaned, wiping her eyes. />
  “Really, I slept like a log. It must be the fresh country air,” Mike inhaled a deep breath. Suddenly, he pointed toward the foot of the bed. “Dang, what did you do last night, go running through a dirt field?”

  “What?” Keri looked down at where he was pointing and saw dirt smudges on the sheet. “That doesn’t make any sense. My feet were clean when I got into bed. Besides, I don’t remember getting up all night long.”

  “Maybe the reason you’re still tired is that you were sleep-walking,” Mike teased.

  Keri did not find his taunts amusing one bit. Typically, his teasing did not bother her, but for some reason, it did now. “Come on, let’s go have some coffee. Maybe that will wake me up some.”


  Once Mike had left for work, Keri decided to go into town and check out the local hardware store. Mike had told her to hire a painter and other contractors to do the renovation work on the house, but for some reason, she wanted to do it herself.

  The little bell attached to the door rang, alerting the proprietor of a new customer. Keri stepped inside of the small hardware store and was amazed at all the different things lining the shelves. She had never done renovation work before, but for some strange reason, she knew just what she needed.

  “Good morning, Miss. How may I help you today?” the cheerful, elderly man asked.

  “I’m in need of a few items, please. First, I need to know if you have a floor sander to rent. I plan to refinish the wood floors in my house. I’d also like to see some paint color samples.”

  “You must be new to town. I don’t believe we’ve ever met. My name is Bernie, and I own this establishment,” he held out his hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Bernie. My name is Keri. My husband and I recently moved here from New York,” she smiled, taking his offered hand.

  No sooner had the words left her mouth than Bernie pulled his hand away; a look of fear replacing his smile. “Oh, you’re the ones who bought that house.”

  Keri could not understand his sudden change upon learning who she was. “Yes, we were very fortunate to get such a good deal on it, too. It’s a bit run down now, but I plan to have it back to a grand home again.”

  “Did the realtor tell you the story of that house?” a faint voice came from the doorway to the back room.


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