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Lincoln's Choice (A Ravens MC Novel Book 2)

Page 15

by J. L. Leslie

  I can hear the clicking of a computer keyboard. “I apologize, we do not have an Alexandria McGuire in our system.”

  “I’m not an agent. Let me explain. I was in the training program in Virginia, but I didn’t complete it. I was approached by an agent before I left the facility and he offered to work with me and help me get back into the program if I completed an undercover assignment. His handler name is Katy. That’s what I call him.”

  “Do you have his real name, Ms. McGuire?” she inquires and I sigh.

  “Agent Reynolds, but I’m not sure where his home location is or what his first name is. I have a picture of him. I also remember who my instructor was. His name was Agent Fisher. You should be able to find me in the Virginia system under him.”

  “I’ll have to contact the Virginia location and get back with you.” She replies and provides me with an email address to send Mack’s photo to so they can ID him from his agent profile.

  I hang up and finish getting ready for work, the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach still there. I push it down and drive my bike to Leon’s garage. When I get there, he’s already working on a Ford Ranger. The radio is on the same oldies station it’s always on and it’s playing a Bob Seger song. I can hear Leon humming along while he works under the hood. Everything that happened last night, three Rykers being killed, seems like a distant memory.

  “Let me try it!” Leon calls out and that’s when I notice feet sticking out from beneath the truck. “Mornin’, sugar.”

  “Morning.” I reply and grab a pair of coveralls from the shelf. I have no idea who is under the truck or if Leon has decided to bring on another mechanic. He certainly has enough work for three mechanics.

  He tries the ignition, but it doesn’t turn over. I zip the coveralls as I walk over to them. I look over the engine and reach in to check the carburetor.

  “Did you replace the spark plugs already?” I ask and Leon nods.

  “I think I got it!” the voice from beneath the Ford says. “Try it again.”

  Leon motions for me to go try it, so I do as I’m told. The engine rumbles to life, but barely. I climb out of the truck and watch as Luka rolls out from under the truck and stands to his feet. The anger he has displayed towards me in the past simmers beneath his cool exterior.

  “I won’t stand for any of that petty arguing bullshit like last time.” Leon warns. “You’re my employee and you’re my son. Squash the beef.”

  “There’s no beef.” Luka states to my surprise. “I’m over it.”

  “Same here.”

  We continue to work together the rest of the afternoon. We work together in silence, but we work together nonetheless. I make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. He and Leon chat and joke with each other and I simply observe, letting them have their time together and try to intrude as little as possible.

  “It’s quitting time for me. You two youngsters have worn me out.” Leon laughs and tosses his dishrag onto the seat of a Yamaha Stryker we wheeled in today to start working on.

  “We’ll finish this one up and lock up for you.” Luka assures him.

  “See you tomorrow, Leon.” I continue to change the oil while Luka charges the battery.

  “What do you think about your new president?” he asks, speaking to me for the first time about Ryker business.

  “He’s the president.” I deadpan.

  “That’s not your opinion.” He muses.

  “I hate him.” I admit and Luka chuckles.

  “I hear he’s not exactly a great leader. Not sure how he has San Diego under his command so well.”

  “Fear.” I tell him.

  “Is that why you lost three members last night?”

  I glance up at him, curious as to how he would know that. Their deaths weren’t made public knowledge. There was no funeral. No announcement in the paper. Their families received notification and a nice compensation package to keep their mouths shut.

  “The Ravens like to keep up with that sort of shit. I’m sure the Rykers are the same way.” He explains as if reading my mind.

  Of course, he’s right about that. The Rykers like to know when any member of the Ravens or Drycos is killed or arrested. It helps us to know when our numbers are higher. Or lower.

  “I don’t know the details of what happened last night. Club business isn’t discussed with club whores or old ladies.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that isn’t true when it comes to you.” Luka quips. “I’m pretty certain my brother would tell you anything you asked of him.”

  “Oh, well, you don’t know him very well at all then.” I laugh. “He’s very closed off. Those walls are hard to penetrate and damn too high to climb.”

  Now Luka laughs. “Just open the door.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “Diesel is off your back for now, but he’s still holding you to your word that the Drycos will be brought down.” Luka says. “We have to move fast.”

  “Moving too fast will put a fucking target on my back. Shit, man, three of our members are fucking dead and two warehouses have been raided, putting four of our members in jail. Everyone is looking for a rat.”

  “Well, they do have one.” Luka jokes. “He’s blonde, with nipple rings and a dragon tattoo.”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Fine.” He laughs. “But it doesn’t help if we slow down. We need to take everyone out quickly, before anyone has a chance to get suspicious of you.”

  I understand what he’s saying. The faster we move and take everyone down, the faster I’ll be out of it all. If we’re constantly piling shit on top of shit, they won’t ever know what’s coming. They won’t have time to think straight.

  “The Raven inmates are handling the Rykers in lockup. They won’t be a problem. What’s next on the Rykers’ schedule?”

  I glance around the clubhouse. Rykers are milling about, discussing what should be done now that our three-month supply is gone. No one knows about the auction deal other than Thad, Sully and I, and now apparently this Mack guy.

  “There’s an auction Thad’s planning, but if you do anything there, he’ll know I said something. I’m one of the only few members who knows about it. We’ll have to come up with something else.”

  “I can talk to Dax and see what he suggests. Apparently, he and Thad have a long history together. Something about Raiden’s mom. He doesn’t talk about it. I just know he can’t stand the fucker.”

  “Thad will be gone to the auction, leaving the clubhouse and The Lion’s Den vulnerable. We can use that to our advantage. I’ll let you know when the auction is. It might take some time to set it up. We should focus on the Drycos. I have some intel on where they’re holding their supplies. It’s a warehouse on Douglas.”

  “I’ll check into it. If taking out that warehouse will be as devastating to them as the raid was on you guys, we need to hit it.”

  “I agree. I suppose in the meantime, it’s open season on all Rykers and Drycos.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Luka replies. “It’s good to have my brother back.”

  I hang up and join the other Rykers that are talking at the pool table. I know they’re tossing around ideas, but they’re also talking about how the warehouses could have possibly been raided.

  “Hayes.” I throw his name out there. “I never trusted that fucker. He was with the Ravens and then suddenly he was with us?”

  “Sort of like your brother.” Jason deadpans.

  “And you see how he betrayed us.” I counter.

  “I suppose that makes sense. He never took anything seriously. He would have rolled on anyone if it meant getting himself off.” Parker agrees. “Now we need to figure out how to make some money. Stock is low.”

  “I’ll talk to Sabrina about drumming up some more business at The Lion’s Den. Maybe we can do some sort of special to get some new customers.” I tell them.

  “I think we all know how talented she is.” Jason grins.

/>   “Collect on loans too. Anyone who has outstanding loans, make them pay. We don’t want the dealer not getting his payment.” I add and everyone nods. “Where did Thad and Mack run off too?”

  “Thad’s in his office. Said he had to take care of some business. Mack said he was running an errand.” Jason answers.

  “Let’s go ahead and work on collections today. Be mindful that the Drycos might be out for blood. They lost three members just like we did.” I remind them.

  I saunter down the hall and tap on Thad’s office door. I wait until he tells me to come in.

  “I sent some members out to do collections. Figured it won’t hurt to get some money coming in rather than have them sitting here on their asses gossiping.”

  Thad nods. “That’s good. Did you speak with Sabrina?”

  “Not yet, but I’m going to suggest that we run a one-night special to drum up some new business.”

  “That should work. I spoke with Governor Chaise and he’s holding a dinner party Friday night. We can bring the girls then.”

  “That quick?” I reply, surprised.

  “Fuck, Linc, it’s a good thing.” Thad laughs.

  “Of course, it is.” I agree. “Just have to go get my tux.” I grin. “I’ll let Sully know.”

  “She won’t be attending. In fact, I don’t want her involved at all with this auction. We don’t need a fucking woman handling our club business. I don’t know why Cal ever involved her to begin with. When I go back to San Diego, I expect you to cut her out of club business completely. She’s good for one thing and one thing only. We both know she’s fucking fantastic at that.”

  I clench my jaw, pissed that Thad has been inside what belongs to me. “I understand.”

  “Until then, let’s kill some fucking Drycos.”


  “I told you I could do it in five minutes.” I grin and wipe my mouth, climbing up from the bed and resting my head onto his chest. “Be glad you didn’t put any money on that bet.”

  Lincoln’s laughter is a deep rumble in his chest and it makes me want to hear more. He stuffs his softening cock into his jeans and I move so that he can sit up.

  “I think it was closer to six minutes.” He argues. “I had you in five.”

  “I don’t think so. I looked at the clock when I started. It was definitely five.”

  He rises from the bed and I hear him zip his jeans. “This bed is lumpy. Your mattress at the apartment is much more comfortable.”

  “Sabrina never complained.” He quips and I pick up a pillow and heave it at him.

  He laughs again and tosses the pillow back to me. “I have to get out front. Thad is supposed to go over his plan for an attack on the Drycos. You see my shirt?”

  I glance around and spot the gray tee on the floor in front of the bathroom. I point to it and he grabs it, then gets his cut from the door knob. He leans down and brushes his lips over mine.

  “I’ll have you coming in three minutes flat later.” He promises and closes the door behind him.

  I take a quick shower and dress back in my leather skirt and silver tanktop. When I walk into the main room, I realize the meeting is already over. I watch the Rykers, Lincoln included, as they strap on weapons. I go and stand beside Sabrina and Daphne.

  “I hope they kill every one of those fuckers.” Sabrina mumbles, but Daphne stays quiet.

  I don’t share Sabrina’s sentiment and it seems that Daphne feels the way I do. It’s not that I have a soft spot for the Drycos. I know they’re capable of committing unspeakable destruction. I’m more concerned with the blonde that’s standing with his Ryker cut on. The emblazoned red “R” on black leather that fits his body perfectly. He has two Berettas tucked into the back of his jeans and I see him strap a large knife to his boot.

  I want him to come back and I want him to come back alive. I don’t want to take a compensation package to Leon and Luka. I don’t want to explain that Lincoln died and not be able to tell them how or why.

  “Does everyone understand their role?” Thad asks, his voice asserting authority. “Lincoln, Trent and Mack will be going to the warehouse. Everyone else is running interference. Distract them, kill them, fuck them. I don’t give a shit. Keep them off Douglas.”

  “It won’t be a problem.” Mack states, confidence clear in his tone.

  As I watch him, I try to reassure myself that he is who claims to be. He is an FBI agent. He is my handler. He’s going to save me from this life. Lincoln and I both.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here! I’m ready for vengeance!” Trent yells and I hear Daphne sigh.

  “Oh God, Daphne, he’s going to be fine!” Sabrina huffs. “Those fuckers deserve what’s coming to them.”

  Daphne turns to face Sabrina. “You wouldn’t understand since you’re just a club whore. That’s all you’ll ever be. I’m an old lady. Trent and I are planning to start a family one day, a real one. Outside of this fucking club. I need him to come back home. To me. Not just to the Rykers.”

  Daphne walks off, not even telling Trent goodbye. Sabrina’s bright red lips are pressed close in a tight line. She crosses her arms over her chest and breathes heavily, causing her large breasts to nearly spill over her lowcut top.

  “She’s just upset.” I tell her.

  “Fuck her.” Sabrina mutters. “I am an old lady. I’m the fucking president’s old lady.”

  She stomps off, her red hair flashing behind her. I’m certain it won’t be long before Thad dashes that illusion she has. Sabrina should be smart enough to have figured that out already.

  The Rykers file out of the clubhouse. Each of them knowing they have a job to do. The Drycos might have lost three members, but they’re still dangerous. They’ll be looking to retaliate just as we are.

  Lincoln stops in front of me, but he doesn’t hug or kiss me. None of the other Rykers did this to their old ladies or club whores.

  “I’ll see you in a bit.” I tell him and he nods.

  “Don’t wait here. Go home. I don’t trust Thad around you.”

  I smile and touch his hand. “As if I’d sleep on that lumpy mattress.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “I thought you could pick a fucking lock.” Trent complains, pacing back and forth.

  Mack huffs and sits back on his heels. “I can pick a fucking lock. I can’t do it in five seconds flat, motherfucker.”

  “Give him some time.” I tell Trent, calmly. “The cameras are blacked out. We’re fine.”

  I lean against the wall and cross my arms, patiently waiting on Mack to get us in the warehouse. It’s eerily quiet. No sounds of traffic disturbing us in any way. The Drycos picked a perfect warehouse location. If someone tried to sneak up on them, they’d hear them a mile away.

  “I’m in.” Mack says and gets up, pushing the door open. The alarm sounds loudly and I wince at the blaring.

  “Morrell, yeah we got an alarm.” Trent calls our tech guy. “The panel says Security One.” He opens the panel and presses a few buttons. The alarm stops. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll take the right side. Trent, you go left and Mack, you can load from the middle.” I instruct.

  The warehouse is stocked with boxes, much the same as ours was. They’re unlabeled, but there are some open boxes that have small toys inside them. I know if I were to open any of the boxes on the shelves, there would be a layer of small toy boxes then beneath would be the cocaine.

  I carry two at a time to one of our delivery trucks. I know with the amount of boxes stored in this warehouse that it’s going to take a couple of hours to get them all transported. Even with three trucks, we’ll have to make numerous trips.

  Thad rented multiple storage units to hold the boxes until we find a new safe warehouse location. There’s no way in hell we can store the boxes back at the two locations that have been raided and any movement in our other location will be suspicious.

  “This one is full. I’ll make the drop off and
be back.” Trent says.

  “I don’t know the members that well,” Mack begins, “You think they’re going to hold them off our ass long enough for us to get this shit done?”

  I drop the boxes into the second truck and start back towards the warehouse. “The only thing that would stop them is if they’re dead.”

  I know once the Rykers have the Drycos engaging, neither club will stop. I don’t believe the Drycos will be suspicious of us hitting their warehouse. They’ll be too busy worrying about the fight to worry about this.

  “Who’s the blonde I’ve seen you with? Is she a whore or you’re old lady?” Mack questions and I find myself wanting to tell him that I prefer to work in silence.

  “Old lady.” I answer, making it clear Sully is not a club whore that’s up for grabs. “Let’s get this shit finished.”

  We have the second truck loaded and part of the third when Trent gets back. He leaves with the second truck and Mack and I finish loading the third truck. It takes another full load before the warehouse is completely empty.

  “These old buildings always use gas heating tanks.” Trent explains. “Victoria’s Diner was the same way. We were surprised the Ravens didn’t do an upgrade.”

  “They probably didn’t expect that it would be a target. It’s not part of the club.” I comment and watch Trent turn the gas up as high it will go.

  “When it comes to the Ravens, everything is fair game.”

  “Is it the same with the Rykers? Anything goes as long as it brings the Ravens down?” I question and I can see a flicker of realization on his face, but he covers it quickly.

  “We do what’s necessary and what’s best for the Rykers.” He replies. “We all make sacrifices.”

  His statement confirms what I’ve wondered. Whether or not the Rykers were in on Cal’s plan or if he acted alone. Now, I know he didn’t.

  “Let’s burn this fucker down.” Trent smiles, breaking the intense stare down between us.


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