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The Book of Magick Power

Page 8

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  4. After doing this a few times, you may begin to hold the breath in and hold the perineum contracted. Then exhale completely, and hold the breath out while pushing down on the muscle for a few seconds. When you are doing this correctly you will find yourself becoming experiencing a mild sexual arousal.

  5. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 16 - Sex Energy Breathing

  This next exercise builds directly on the last one.

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you won’t be disturbed.

  2. Take three or four deep complete breaths, as in the previous exercises.

  3. Begin to add the perineum contractions to your breathing, imagining that your breath is actually coming into your body through your perineum or Muladhara chakra. As you breathe out, imagine that the breath is flowing out your perineum. You will feel a definite sensation of energy in your pelvis and groin when you are doing this correctly, a tingling sexual feeling flowing up into your torso.

  4. Continue to breathe in and out through your perineum region for several minutes, exploring the sensations that come up as you awaken this flow.

  5. Record your experience in your journal.


  Now that you have begun to awaken your direct awareness of some of the energy that is flowing through you we can discuss the seven main chakras, or energy centers of the body. You are more than likely aware of these energy centers, but I will briefly describe and discuss them for the benefit of anyone who is unfamiliar with them. I will also share with you a few brief but important insights on them that will hopefully allow you to quickly and powerfully access their power.

  The seven chakras are an integral part of Yoga philosophy and they have been drawn up into New Age literature and magick in the last several decades. They are often described as globes or whirling energy vortexes, and you may find these ideas useful in visualizing them, but that is not the only way that the seers in India originally envisioned them. They also saw them as lotus flowers. This lotus flower metaphor is useful, because it gives you the idea of something that opens, spreads and becomes beautiful in the light of the sun. The chakra lotuses also have different numbers of petals corresponding with letters and seed mantras in Sanskrit and pathways of energy through the body and into the universe. We don't need to concern ourselves much with these latter concepts in terms of practical work, but I just think it should be mentioned that our western ideas about the chakras are much more simplistic than the complex and beautiful descriptions of the tantric yogis. Sometimes the locations of these chakras are moved around slightly by various authors, and this is also the case amongst different schools of ancient yoga philosophy. But I will attempt to give you their locations according to the most common tradition.

  But what are these chakras anyway? For our practical concerns they are energetic fields within our bodies that can block or enhance the flow of vitality through us. They are the containers and purveyers of our emotional energy, the paths through which our power and life forces flow. They are metaphors, but they are also very real. They issue forth from our spines, and you can actually somewhat see where they are located if you look at an anatomical drawing of our nervous system. Some like to compare them with glandular systems in our bodies, but I think it's much more appropriate to compare them with nerve plexuses.[1] They are centered in the spine, but it is usually easiest to find them as they radiate to the front of your body.

  We feel all of our emotions in these chakras, our joys, our sorrows, our angers and our fears. In a moment, we will conduct a brief exercise that will show you what I mean, but first let me briefly describe these energetic areas.


  The first chakra we have already worked with, and somewhat opened. It is called the root chakra, or Mulhadhara chakra which means “root support.” This Chakra is located in the area of the perineum, between the genitals and the anus at the base of the spinal column. It is also called the Adhar-Padma, or fundamental lotus, and has four petals according to the ancient Indian seers.

  It is said that there is a beautiful triangular yoni at the center of this chakra, where the goddess Kundalini dwells. Her tail is wrapped three and a half coils around, blocking the entrance of the Sushumna nadi or central channel of energy, which is basically our spinal cord. This can be considered for our purposes a metaphor for the evolutionary quasi-sexual power that can be released into the rest of your body from this chakra. This chakra is also linked with the element of earth. It is our connection with the physical world when we are seated in meditation, and it provides the firm base on which we rest. This chakra can be grounding and empowering to our lives in the physical world. According to yogic tradition, constant contemplation of the Muladhara chakra can also cause levitation, freedom from disease, cleverness and omniscience, and freedom from all sins. Feel right now in this area for a moment, until you discover some internal experience in your perineum. Contract it a little if you wish, until you feel that now familiar sensation.


  This Chakra is located at the base of your sexual organ, and is often referred to as the Sex Chakra. The name Svadisthana means, “her special abode.” According to yoga philosophy, this lotus has six petals, and that daily contemplation of this chakra will make you beloved by all the beautiful goddesses, and makes it possible to travel on the astral plane, and have the highest psychic powers. It is associated with the element of water. This chakra can help us to turn our sex energy into a powerful spiritual force, as we raise that energy up into our higher chakras. Feel this area right now, experiencing the sensations at the base of your sex organ. This is just a few inches above your perineum, on the other side of your genitals. Contract your pelvic muscles to discover this point. By contracting these muscles you may feel a watery, liquid sexual sensation in your groin and pelvis.


  Located below the navel, though some authorities place it as high as the top of your solar plexus, Manipura means “City of the shining jewel.” According to tradition, this chakra has ten petals, and meditating on this chakra destroys sorrows and disease, makes the lord of desires, cheats death, gives you the ability to enter another’s body, to make gold, to see the hidden adepts and see hidden treasures. It is associated with the element of fire, particularly the fire of the digestive processes. This chakra is the location of our “abdominal brain,” the complex network of nerve channels that run our physiological functions. It is the natural home of our subconscious minds, and as we raise energy into it, we empower ourselves tremendously. It is our will, our center of balance, and our alchemical cauldron of transformation. Feel right now in this area for a moment, until you discover some internal experience in your belly. You can contract your stomach muscles for a few seconds to awaken some sensation in your abdomen.


  Anahata means, “Not struck,” which implies the musical sounds and vibrations of the universal mind, which are “not struck” on an instrument, but rather issue forth mystically from the eternal silence. These are the sounds you can hear if you close your ears with your fingers. The Anahata is your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest. This chakra legendarily has twelve petals, gives you the powers of knowing past, present and future, clairvoyance and clairaudience, as well as the ability to walk on the air, and makes you desired by the daughters of the gods. This chakra is associated with the element of air. This is where we feel love and compassion, and when we raise our energy to this chakra from the lower centers, we naturally feel more loving and kind. Feel right now in this area for a moment, until you discover some internal experience in your heart. If you think about someone that you love very deeply it may help you to become easily aware of this chakra. You may also spread your arms wide to direct your awareness into your open chest.


  Vishuddha means, “Purified.” This center is often simply called the Throat chakra. It is found directly below the larynx, by the
thyroid gland. It has sixteen petals, and is associated with the element of spirit, or ether, or Akasha. It can be a gateway to the astral plane, as well as into dreaming and fantasizing. According to tradition, this lotus gives you wisdom, knowledge of sacred texts and their mysteries, strength, and the ability to live for a thousand years or more. This is the center where we create words and communication, literally where we vibrate words into existence. Feel right now in this area for a moment, until you discover some internal experience in your throat. If you intone the sound, “Eeeeeeee,” you can cause a vibration in this chakra.


  Ajna means, “Command.” This center is located between your two eyebrows, and is often called the Third Eye chakra. It is said that if you always secretly contemplate this chakra you will destroy the karma of your past life, and obtain the highest success. It is the location of your mind, and particularly the connection of your mind with your subconscious and superconscious. This is where you focus your attention during clairvoyance, or any time you are trying to see something psychically such as auras or spirits. Feel right now in this area for a moment, until you discover some internal experience in your third eye. If you intone the sound, “Mmmmmm,” or “AUMmmmm,” you can cause a vibration in this chakra.


  The word Sahasrara means, “Thousand-petaled,” but this does not mean that there are exactly one thousand petals on the lotus. Rather, there are infinite petals. One thousand is just a convenient, descriptive and evocative word implying a multitude of petals. This is the seat of superconsciousness, the connection point for cosmic power and awareness. Feel right now in this area for a moment, until you discover some internal experience at the crown of your head. If you intone the sound, “AUM,” deep in your throat you can cause a vibration in this chakra.

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  When these areas are blocked up by negative thoughts, painful emotions or suppressed feelings it prevents the flow of energy through us fully, and limits our awareness and joy in life. Interstingly, the avante-garde psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich rediscovered these exact same regions, and called them the segmental arrangement of character armor. There are even seven segments in his model.[1] By working to remove these blockages, and learning to access and flow energy through these regions we will awaken our powers, and improve our lives tremendously.

  Exercise 17 - Personifying Emotion

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  Let us take a look at where we experience specific emotions, and how they effect our energy bodies. The purpose of this exercise is to discover for yourself which parts of the body are crucial in expressing, feeling and holding specific emotions.

  1. Stand up, and act out the following emotions. Don't verbalize; just physically and emotionally get into these states. Feel free to move and contort as dramatically as you need to in getting into these emotions.

  2. Try this with: Jealousy, Anger, Love, Passion, Ecstasy, Irritation, Fear, Judgment, Pity, Hate, Inspiration, Joy

  3. Observe the postures that your body assumes to get into these states. Where do you feel them? Where do you tense up? What does the energy feel like? How do you release the emotion when you are finished? Are there places where it gets stuck?

  4. Record your experiences in your journal.

  In terms of working through blocks and getting energy to move through our bodies I must recommend taking up a regular practice of yoga or the martial arts. These wonderful practices will awaken and charge you with energy in a totally positive and empowering way while they get you into great physical shape at the same time. I would love to see you find a class today! But, from our limited relationship in this book, you can use the following exercise to engage each of your chakras in turn, and start the process of clearing and engaging them more fully.

  Exercise 18 – Breathing Up Through the Chakras

  Time Required: 5 to 10 minutes

  This exercise will be your first attempt at directing your energy consciously within your body. Hopefully, the previous exercises have given you a taste of what it feels like.

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable place.

  2. Breathe in and out a few times to relax, not concentrating on anything, just relaxing.

  3. Then breathe in slowly, drawing in energy using your perineum. As you are inhaling, move this vibration of energy from you perineum up into your spine, radiating into your sex organs, your Svadisthana chakra then up through each of your other chakras, the Manipura or belly chakra, the Anahata or heart chakra, the Vishuddha or throat chakra, the Ajna between your eyes, and the Sahasrara at the crown of your head. Feel the energy palpably flowing up through each of these chakras, through the whole diameter of your body, as if you are entirely filling up with energy.

  4. Breathe in slowly and deeply so that you can observe the energy as it flows through each chakra. You may discover blocks or unexpected images or feelings may arise in your mind. You will want to take note of what you are experiencing in each chakra over several long slow deep breaths, sending the energy up through your body with each breath. You may find it hard to pass the energy through certain chakras. At this point simply relax and observe the experience.

  5. Each time you reach the crown of your head, or run out of breath, reverse the process. Send the energy down through all of your chakras, and out of your perineum.

  6. Continue this for several minutes, observing the changes in your consciousness over time.

  7. Record your experiences in your journal.

  Exercise 19 - Chakra Breathing

  Time Required: 30 to 40 minutes

  This exercise is for exploring each of the chakras in detail, so that you can begin to more fully awaken your connection with these regions. You will also be able to clear away blocks as you discover them. If you experience difficult feelings, emotions or tightness as you perform this exercise, you can briefly stop, getting up and shaking your body, bending, twisting, stretching to release stress, moving and opening the particular area of your body where you are feeling blocked up. If you feel numbness or find it hard to find certain chakras, you may also wish to do this in order to open yourself up to greater connection with the chakra.

  You may find it useful to imagine each of the chakras as a small sphere (or lotus flower) in an appropriate color. The most popular colors for visualizing the chakras are red for Muladhara, orange for Svadhisthana, yellow for Manipura, Green for Anahata, Blue for Vishudda, Indigo for Ajna, and Violet or White for Sahasrara. You do not need to feel confined to these colors. These are not really even the traditional colors of the chakras. These were added to the system at a late day, most likely through the Theosophical Society. In traditional yoga philosophy, there are several different versions of the colors for the chakras, but none are a rainbow. The Muladhara is often viewed as yellow, the Svadhisthana white, Manipura red, Anahata smoke colored, Vishudda blue, Ajna white, and the Sahasrara is usually seen as being beyond color.[1] If some other color, shape or feeling appears more appropriate to you, explore it.

  1. Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for at least thirty minutes.

  2. Breathe in and out a few times to relax. You may use your Alpha state anchor if you wish.

  3. Use your sex-energy breathing to concentrate energy into your Muladhara chakra, containing the energy right there in the area of your perineum. Imagine a set of imaginary hands, using them to pull open this area. Allow yourself to feel a sensation like you are opening a flower that is intimately a part of yourself. Experience any feelings, images or thoughts that come up as you open this chakra, letting them flow through you. Continue this for several breaths, experiencing the sensations of this region.

  4. Now, move your awareness to the base of your genitals, the Svadhisthana chakra. Imagine that you are now breathing in and out through your Svadhisthana region, just as you were imagining with the Muladhara before. You can contract your genitals a bit as you breathe to help you focus. Use your imaginary hands to pull open
this area, feeling the sensation that you are opening a flower. Breathe with your Svadhisthana for several breaths, experiencing the sensations and images that come up.

  5. Follow this procedure with each of your chakras in this way, opening and experiencing all seven chakras, allowing the sensation of each chakra to flow the whole region of the body where they reside.

  6. Record your experiences in your journal.

  Exercise 20 - Arousing Kundalini

  Time Required: 15 to 45 minutes

  Once you have thoroughly explored the previous exercise, and cleared through a lot of your inner blockages, you will finally be ready to really start drawing a powerful charge of energy in through the following technique. This technique may result in an immediate charge of “kundalini force” surging through your system, or not, but you will certainly begin to awaken this force eventually once you start working with this technique. If you still have a lot of blocks, you may find yourself having some pretty strange energy experiences at night or while you are resting or meditating. A number of people have had very disconcerting out of body experiences and energy overloads as a result of using this technique before they were ready. This is just one method for awakening the kundalini directly. There are many others.


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