The Book of Magick Power

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The Book of Magick Power Page 13

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  Many fraudulent, fake psychics use the techniques I am about to give you in order to fool their clients into believing they are receiving paranormal information when they are simply using their normal senses and trickery. These techniques are sometimes referred to as “cold reading,” by mentalists and other fakers. However, you, as a real psychic, should still avail yourself of these techniques, as they will greatly assist you in avoiding mistakes and being able to tell when you are “missing.” So many psychics, even professional ones, go off on wild tangents that are really just their own fantasies. By using the following techniques you will be able to observe what is real and what is not. At first, these may seem to impair your psychic channels, but they will soon place you in much deeper rapport with the person you are reading and you will find yourself producing amazing information.

  Be observant, notice who you are talking to. If you are talking to a multi-millionaire, most likely they are not worried about money. If they have on a wedding ring, they are probably not looking for a new love in their life. By observing exactly who you are talking to you can keep yourself from going too far astray with your psychic impressions.

  Look at the little details of the person you are sitting with. Does the person look sad, tense, dubious, curious or scared? Are their fingernails manicured, bitten, or dirty? What about their hands? Are they clean, rough, or dirty? Is their jewelry expensive, cheap, or tacky? What is their hairstyle like? How are their clothes and shoes? Uptight? Frumpy? Tailored? How are their vocabulary skills and the tone of their voice? All of these factors can help you in assessing who and what the person you are about to read is all about, and can be invaluable to keep you from simple blunders.

  Also, listen carefully to what they say. They may give you vital information as they are talking to you casually that will help you to guide your own psychic senses toward the correct sorts of information for them. Put two and two together. Don’t be afraid to use normal reasoning in your psychic reading. This can be extra sensory perception too.

  Exercise 38 – Calibrating Positive and Negative Body Language

  Time Required: 2 to 5 minutes

  When you are reading another person who is in front of you, there are only two possibilities with any information that you receive. It is either correct or incorrect. So, if you say something that is wrong, by saying something different you will often be right. You could use this to easily give fake psychic readings, and many very famous people do just this. They use binary information, like hot or cold, man or woman, short or tall, and if they miss they just switch choices and it seems like magic. They might say something like, “I’m seeing a man, and he’s walking toward you on a sunny day, and he’s someone that you know, and he’s a nice man,” and so on. With all of the statements in that sentence, if any one of them are wrong, you could easily make it right by simply saying the opposite. “Oh wait, actually I think he’s not a nice man, yes he’s definitely not so nice...” By observing subtle and sometimes not so subtle body language cues about whether you are on track or not, it is very easy to fake a reading in just this way. But you will use this same skill for a positive purpose instead.

  Frequently the subconscious mind of the person you are reading will give you signals about whether you are right or wrong about any information you receive in the form of unconscious movements or other changes in their body. Often a client's subconscious thinks differently than their conscious, and if you learn to read the signals, the client may verbally say that what you are saying is inaccurate, while their subconscious cues you that you are really on the right track. This non-congruent behavior is very common, and learning to detect it will help you in a multitude of ways. The method of learning this unconscious communication is simple to describe, but requires some practice to put into effect.

  1. Ask some non-offensive, simple yes and no questions, such as verifying where they are from, their name. “So you’re from Wisconsin? Oh, Minnesota? Was that a nice place to grow up? And your middle name is MacKenzie? Is that Irish? Oh, Scottish? Do you have relatives in Scotland?” etc. etc. etc.

  2. Observe differences in their body language, looking for consistent 'yes' and 'no' cues.

  3. Watch for the person’s head movements, body movements, skin tone changes, changes in breathing patterns, characteristic gestures. Very often, people will simply unconsciously nod or shake their heads in response to things that you say. It is often very easy to pick up the cues. However, some people require much more careful observation.

  4. Once you have done this, you will know their subconscious cues for whether you are on target or not, and can proceed with your reading.

  5. When you are giving them your psychic information, try to watch for this subtle feedback and it will help you to give the most accurate reading that you can.


  One very simple way to get psychic information from a person that is in front of you is by reading their aura. You have had some experience with this in an earlier chapter, but now that you are really developing your psychic senses you will be able to get much more detailed impressions of the auras of people around you. As I mentioned before, auras, in the way that we experience them, may in fact be largely imaginary. But your subconscious can communicate a lot of valuable information to you about people quickly and easily through the practice of aura reading. To do this, you need simply use the aura reading exercise from earlier, but now you will try to get a bit more in depth.

  The first thing you may notice is the general shape of the aura. If it is large and bright, this generally will mean that the person is healthy and probably relaxed. If the aura seems small and dim, something is wrong. The person may be upset, ill or tense. If the Aura seems overlarge and seems invasive, this may be the sign of a very needy or egotistical person. If the shape of the aura is very clear and sharp, the person is most likely very goal-oriented, focused and completely conscious in the present moment, and perhaps somewhat aggressive and domineering. If the aura is fuzzy or looks like an irregular blob, the person is most likely out of focus, unclear or not paying attention to what’s going on around them. They may be flaky and irresponsible, or perhaps just momentarily drifting. An extremely irregularly shaped aura or one that is full of holes may be the sign of serious illness, either mental or physical. A very bright aura might be the sign of an advanced consciousness, or may be the sign of a manic personality, especially if it is very bright but also misshapen. If the aura seems dingy or grayish, the person is most likely feeling sad. Even these simple generalizations may not be true for you. Trust your own instincts. You may also notice any number of other things as you begin to examine the world around you in this way.

  Once you’ve noticed the shape, you may begin to notice colors in the aura. These colors may be generally pervading throughout the aura, or else in various patterns or patches within the aura. As far as what different colors might mean, I would suggest going by your feelings more than any list. What does the color seem like? Is it bright? Dark? Dull? Shiny? These will be the most indicative things. But here is a general sort of list:

  Black and White are very culturally biased and charged colors. In our culture white means purity but in other, particularly Eastern, cultures white sometimes means death. Black is not necessarily bad, it may just suggest earthiness or some other thing entirely. So, don’t be too sure that these particular colors mean what they might seem at first glance. Check in with your gut.

  Red- vitality, force, vigor, energy, warmth, sometimes anger

  Orange- courage, will, success, communication

  Yellow- openness, happiness, creativity, self-confidence

  Green- life and growth, balance

  Blue- sensitivity, caring, peace, maturity, calmness

  Violet- spirituality, deep thought

  But again, these are only meant to be suggestive. Use your own growing instincts, and you won’t go astray.


  Psychic and Magick Influence
br />   “When the Imagination creates an image- and the Will directs and uses that image, marvelous magical effects can be obtained.”

  -V. H. Frater Resurgam[1]

  In this chapter, you will be taught a number of methods for using the power of the mind to influence the world around you. I must highly caution you to be sober and deliberate in the use of these techniques, and not to use them to harm other people. There is a very gray area when it comes to magical influence, and you will have to use your own conscience and connection with the deeper aspects of yourself to decide what is an appropriate use for these powers.

  Exercise 39 - Consulting Your Subconscious

  Time Required: 2 to 5 minutes

  Before engaging in any active magical process, whether it is one from this chapter or any other, you must consult your subconscious every time to determine if it approves of what you intend to do. If your subconscious does not approve of what you are undertaking, it will not succeed, because your subconscious provides the energy for everything. Your subconscious will also decline the operation if it goes against the will of your superconscious, because the will of your superconscious is your true will. What goes against your true will is impossible. You must allow your subconscious to communicate honestly. Do not attempt to manipulate the pendulum toward your desired answer, because this will just make everything useless, and could damage your further relations with your subconscious.

  1. Before you begin anything from psychic influence to magical spell work, take your pendulum in your hand and ask your subconscious, “Are you comfortable with us doing this operation?” If yes, proceed to step 6. If no, go to step 2.

  2. If no, you may ask why, and wait for some sort of answer. This may be a thought that pops in, an image, or a feeling somewhere in the body. If it seems unclear, keep asking until you understand why your subconscious is uncomfortable.

  3. Once you understand the problem, ask your subconscious, through the pendulum, “Can we find a way of making you comfortable about this, so that we can proceed?” If no, abandon the operation. It is useless to proceed. You can resort to more yes and no questions to get greater clarity if you need to.

  4. If your subconscious is willing to go ahead if you make some adjustments, then try to come up with some ways that your subconscious could be more comfortable. Your subconscious is just trying to protect you from causing harm to yourself. You might try perhaps adjusting a few details, changing the scope or scale of the operation, or else coming up with a different way in which your subconscious can continue protecting you while still allowing you to go forward with the work.

  5. Ask your subconscious, through the pendulum, “Do these changes make you comfortable about doing this?” If the answer is no, you must either come up with other alternatives or abandon the operation.

  6. If yes, ask your subconscious if your superconscious is really comfortable with the operation. If no, abandon the project. If yes, you are now ready to proceed.

  I suggest that you consult your subconscious at the opening of nearly every exercise in the rest of this book, just to remind you that it is a good idea. However, there will be times when you may find it unnecessary. At some point in your work you will also become so connected with your subconscious and superconscious mind that it won’t really be necessary to use the pendulum except on the rarest occasions. Your communication will be easy and automatic between the layers of your consciousness. You will simply know when your subconscious is opposed to what you are proposing to do, and you will be able to easily address the problems directly.


  These next exercises will not be strictly necessary for some of the more simple types of magical influence, but I want to introduce them to you early so you will be familiar with them once you start trying to achieve more dramatic effects.

  Exercise 40 - Purification

  Time Required: 1 to 15 minutes

  For any serious work you will want, at very least, to ritually purify yourself, to help bring your consciousness into focus on the operation you are about to conduct. Water has the magnetic property of absorbing negativity. For most operations, a few simple sprinkles of water should be enough to get the sense of purification, even if it is just somewhat ceremonial. But for larger operations, you may want to take a purifying bath or shower, fully immersing yourself in cool, cleansing water.

  If you are just sprinkling yourself with water, you can do this in your temple or work area, before or just after you’ve started your work. If you are fully bathing, you can do this simple ritual in the bathroom. You can also repeat it ritually in your workspace after your bath to really emphasize the purification.

  1. Use your anchor to go into the Alpha state.

  2. Take a small basin of water in your hand, or immerse yourself in a bath.

  3. Sprinkle a little water on yourself, being sure to let go of all images, thoughts and worries that don’t relate to the work, saying to yourself something along the lines of “I cleanse myself, so that I may purify myself, so that I may accomplish my work,” or something similar. You could also specifically mention the work you are about to do.

  4. Visualize and feel the water drawing away all negative energy and anything that does not relate to your work.

  You can use this simple technique in any circumstance, and the more often you use it, the more psychologically powerful it will become. I will not emphasize it very much in the upcoming chapters, but don’t forget or ignore it. It is a great simple aid to focusing your mind.

  Exercise 41 – Consecration

  Time Required: 1 to 5 minutes

  After you purify yourself, it is traditional and useful to consecrate yourself to the work you are about to do. Purification is ridding yourself of unrelated thoughts, while consecration is actively dedicating yourself to the work at hand. As purification is usually done with water, consecration is performed with fire. We will use incense for consecration in this book, but you could also use holy oil to represent fire, if you have such a thing.[1]

  You can use a special incense, related to the nature of your working, or just a general incense that you find pleasant such as Frankincense or Nag Champa incense.

  1. In the Alpha state, after purifying yourself, take up some burning incense in your hand (In a censer or incense holder. Don’t burn yourself!)

  2. Let the incense smoke flow over your body and your face, smelling it and feeling the energy of your work filling you, saying something such as, “I consecrate myself to this work, and this work alone that it may be accomplished with the power of the great animating consciousness of the universe.”

  3. Feel and visualize the light from your superconscious filling you as you say this.[2]

  In the next few exercises, these two techniques of purification and consecration will not necessarily be required, but for advanced workings you will certainly want to use them. They will help supercharge your consciousness and your powers whenever you do so. You could even use them for particularly important psychic receiving work.

  Exercise 42 - Circle Casting

  Time Required: 3 to 5 minutes.

  For many of the upcoming exercises in this book, you will want to create a limited area of working, to focus and contain your power and energies, and to create a safe space where you will not be bothered by outside forces. The traditional manner in which this has been done for millennia has been by creating a magical circle within which to work. With this exercise you will use your imagination to create a safe, sacred circular space for your work. If you have a circle laid out in your workspace, you will simply trace the perimeter of this circle. If you have trouble visualizing any of these things, you can also simply use the sense of feeling to establish this space, or hear the rushing or buzzing of energy as you go through these steps. Of course, ideally, you will do all three, but simply do your best, and your circle will be impregnable to anything but that which you specifically invite. You may do this before, after, or sometimes instead of pur
ification and consecration.

  1. Go into your Alpha state, using your anchor.

  2. Imagine light entering you again from above, and moving down your arm.

  3. If you have a Magick Wand, you should be holding it in your hand at this point, and directing the light into the wand.

  4. Imagine the light flowing down your head into your shoulders, down your arm into your wand or outstretched fingers, until there is a very strong sense of this light powerfully flowing into your wand from above.

  5. Go to the East of your work area. The East is the traditional place to begin your circle, because light rises from the east, and it is considered the place of beginnings. Point your wand (or hand) down at the ground, imagining the light coursing from above, through your arm, projecting down to the ground.


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