The Book of Magick Power

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The Book of Magick Power Page 14

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  6. Slowly circle the room in a clockwise manner, tracing a glowing line of energy on the floor in your path.

  7. When you get back to the East, finish the circle completely, then move to its center, the center of the room. If you have an altar set up, it should be right in the center, so move behind the altar facing east.

  8. Continue to allow the light to flow into you, imagine that it is beginning to accumulate in your heart. Visualize it as a bright ball. Let it continue growing and expanding until it is expanding past your body.

  9. Send this light turning in a counter-clockwise direction, as it continues to grow, imagining that the turning light is sweeping away all outside energies.

  10. Continue this growing and sweeping light until the globe of light fills the whole circumference of your circle, going above your head, and below the earth to completely surround you with a globe of light.

  11. All energies other than your private connection with your subconscious and superconscious have now been swept out of your working area.

  You could also simply go through this procedure sitting in meditation, imagining the whole circle and sphere into existence from a seated position.

  For most work, this simple exercise is sufficient preparation, but for some operations I recommend that you perform some sort of full temple opening. The following is a modification of the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram based on the New Hermetics Grounding and Centering tool. You could also do the traditional Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, or else some other temple opening of your choosing.

  Exercise 43 - Pentagram Ritual

  Time Required: 5 to 15 minutes

  As in aura gazing and crystal gazing, you will want to use your third eye in this exercise to visualize the various elements while keeping your eyes open, although you can close them at appropriate moments. You may begin by imagining an inner temple forming in the space of your workroom, which is four-square, each of the walls facing one of the four directions. As you trace the pentagrams and say the words of power, you will visualize the walls disintegrating, revealing the elemental worlds behind them. At first, this exercise may seem dauntingly complex, but once you get the hang of it, you will find it to be a powerful and moving experience.

  I have abandoned the Hebrew words that usually go along with this ceremony in preference of English words that clearly evoke the powerful principles of practical magick that you will be working with. However, if you are familiar with and would prefer to use the traditional Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or one of its derivatives, you can still use the visualizations that follow to assist you in making your intent more powerful.

  1. Stand facing east. Take a few breaths to relax yourself.

  2. Use your anchor to put yourself into the Alpha state if you have not already done so.

  3. Begin breathing into your crown chakra, opening the Sahasrara, visualizing the ball of white Light, burning like a star, directly above your head. This is your connection to your super-consciousness. Raise your right hand above your head, and draw a shaft of light down into your head from the globe of white light above you, just like in the Alpha state exercise, only this time imagine it with as much intensity as possible, as if you are drawing the power of the whole universe into yourself. You can also visualize that a shaft of white light is rising vertically from the globe of light above your head to the infinite consciousness of the universe itself, and that you are drawing on this infinite source of power. Touch your forehead, saying the words, “As above.”

  4. Inhale deeply, feeling the light above your head burning with intensity as it sends its rays down into your head, then as you exhale slowly, continue drawing the shaft of light down with your hand to your the groin area, saying the words, “So below.” Visualize the vertical shaft of white light descending all the way to another globe of light beneath your feet, and onward, through the center of the Earth, to infinity once again.

  5. Touch your right shoulder, saying “To accomplish.” Breathe into your shoulder, like you were breathing into one of your chakras, opening a channel of energy there, and visualizing another globe shining where you are touching your shoulder. See a shaft of white light, extending horizontally to your right, and on to infinity.

  6. Touch your left shoulder, saying, “The miracle.” Now breathe into your left shoulder, as if breathing into one of your chakras, opening a channel of energy there, and visualizing another globe shining where you are touching your shoulder. See a shaft of white light, extending horizontally to your left, and on to infinity.

  7. Bring both your hands to your heart, Begin breathing energy from all four points (Above head, feet, left and right shoulder) into your heart, forming a sphere of brilliant light and energy. This should feel quite ecstatic. Say, “Of the one thing.”

  8. Interlace your fingers, standing at the center of a blazing Cross of white Light, which extends to the ends of the Universe, as you vibrate the sacred word “AUM,” flowing light to the whole universe from your heart.

  9. Go to the Eastern edge of your circle. Send energy from the glowing orb at your heart up through your arm as you exhale, and trace a large Banishing Earth Pentagram.

  Make sure that you are tracing it clearly and consciously, not just flailing your arms around. As you trace, visualize a blue-white flaming glow forming the pentagram in the air before you. As you trace the pentagram, be aware that you are setting in motion forces that will prevent any hostile influences from entering your circle. Inhale deeply, drawing energy down from the star above your head into your heart. You may visualize the letters “KNOWLEDGE” glowing brightly in white light coming down into your body with the energy. As you exhale, send the energy up and through you as you throw your arms outward toward the pentagram, saying “Knowledge!” while you visualize the energy bursting through and past the pentagram blasting away all negative energy as it fills a quarter of the entire universe. See a vast golden yellow plain of gently waving grass materializing beyond the pentagram. The sun is rising. Visualize billowing clouds of yellowish air playing over this scene before you, an airy atmosphere, and as you see this become aware of the power of your mind, the process of thinking. Draw your right hand to your lips, inhaling, and continuing to visualize the scene in the east behind the pentagram.

  10. Pierce the center of the Pentagram. Send some of your energy out of your body as you exhale, tracing a line of blue-white light around the circle as you move to the South, (to the point where the center of the next Pentagram will be).

  11. Inhale deeply, drawing energy from the globe of light above your head into your heart. Send energy from your heart up through your arm as you exhale, and trace a Banishing Earth Pentagram. As you trace, visualize a blue-white flame forming the pentagram in the air before you. As you trace the pentagram, be aware that you are setting in motion forces that will prevent any hostile influences to enter your circle. Inhale deeply, drawing energy down from the globe of light above your head into your heart. You may visualize the letters “WILL” coming down into your body with the energy. As you exhale, send the energy up and through you as you throw your arms outward toward the pentagram, saying “Will!” Visualize the energy bursting through and past the pentagram blasting away all negative energy as it fills a quarter of the entire universe. See a vast, blazing hot, red desert materializing beyond the pentagram. It is noon. Visualize burning red flames before you, playing over this scene before you, a fiery atmosphere, and as you see this become aware of your will, your passions and desires. Draw your right hand to your lips, inhaling, and continuing to visualize the scene in the south behind the pentagram.

  12. Pierce the center of the Pentagram. Send some of your energy out of your body as you exhale, tracing a line of blue-white light around the circle as you move to the West, (to the point where the center of the next Pentagram will be).

  13. Inhale deeply, drawing energy from the globe of light above your head into your heart. Send energy from your heart up through your arm as you exh
ale, and trace a Banishing Earth Pentagram. As you trace, visualize a blue-white flame forming the pentagram in the air before you. As you trace the pentagram, be aware that you are setting in motion forces that will prevent any hostile influences to enter your circle. Inhale deeply, drawing energy down from the globe of light above your head into your heart. You may visualize the letters “DARING” coming down into your body with the energy. As you exhale, send the energy up and through you as you throw your arms outward toward the pentagram, saying “Daring!” Visualize the energy bursting through and past the pentagram blasting away all negative energy as it fills a quarter of the entire universe. See a vast ocean beach with glorious blue waters beyond the pentagram. The sun is setting on the water. Visualize undulating waves of watery energy before you, playing over this scene before you, a watery atmosphere, and as you see this become aware of your emotions and feelings. Draw your right hand to your lips, inhaling, and continuing to visualize the scene in the west behind the pentagram.

  14. Pierce the center of the Pentagram. Send some of your energy out of your body as you exhale, tracing a line of blue-white light around the circle as you move to the North, (to the point where the center of the next Pentagram will be).

  15. Inhale deeply, drawing energy from the globe of light above your head into your heart. Send energy from your heart up through your arm as you exhale, and trace a Banishing Earth Pentagram. As you trace, visualize a blue-white flame forming the pentagram in the air before you. As you trace the pentagram, be aware that you are setting in motion forces that will prevent any hostile influences to enter your circle. Inhale deeply, drawing energy down from the globe of light above your head into your heart. You may visualize the letters “SILENCE” coming down into your body with the energy. As you exhale, send the energy up and through you as you throw your arms outward toward the pentagram, saying mentally, but not uttering a sound, “Silence!” Visualize the energy bursting through and past the pentagram blasting away all negative energy as it fills a quarter of the entire universe. See a vast land of green mountains and rich dark earth beyond the pentagram. It is midnight. Visualize rocky structural energies forming before you, playing over this scene before you, an earthy atmosphere, and as you see this become aware of your plans, goals and your physical life. Draw your right hand to your lips, inhaling, and continuing to visualize the scene in the north behind the pentagram.

  16. Pierce the center of the Pentagram. Send some of your energy out of your body as you exhale, tracing a line of blue-white light as you move to the East. Complete the Circle by finishing the line in the center of the first Pentagram (where you began).

  17. Now spread your arms at your sides at shoulder level, facing toward the east again, and say, “Before me, Intelligence.” Visualize a giant golden yellow angelic being forming in the billows of cloud in the east. This is your guardian of the element of Air.

  18. Say, “Behind me, Understanding.” Visualize a giant pulsing blue angelic being forming in the flowing watery energy behind you in the west. This is your guardian of the element of Water.

  19. Say, “To my right hand Creation.” Visualize a giant fiery red angelic being forming in the flames of the south. This is your guardian of the element of fire.

  20. Say, “and to my left hand Manifestation.” Visualize a giant earthy black angelic being forming amongst the structures in the north. This is your guardian of the element of Earth.

  21. Observe the energy in and about you, saying, “about me flame the Pentagrams, and in the column shines the Six-Rayed Star.”

  22. Repeat steps 3-8.

  23. You may now begin your work, or return to normal awareness whenever you are ready.

  Again, all of this can simply be imagined into existence from a seated position.[1]


  The first and most important form of magical influence that you should learn is the capacity to have great personal magnetism. Having charm and charisma will get you far in life, opening doors, creating opportunities, friendships and far-reaching influence. It is really a simple matter. Mostly it comes down to simply being yourself. However, this must be your best self. Really love yourself, and others will love you. Attempt at all times to empower yourself, emphasizing your best qualities in your own mind whenever possible. Take a few moments, and think of those things that you like most about yourself. Liking yourself and feeling confident are really the keys to personal magnetism, but the following may also be helpful.

  Dress the part. Try to look your best at all times, defining a personal style that will enhance your comfort and confidence. Further, you must really desire magnetism. Think constantly to yourself, “I will be popular, famous, sought after.”

  You may think that you want to be popular and well loved, but your subconscious may not agree with your conscious desires. Check in with your subconscious using the pendulum. If your subconscious does not find the idea of popularity and personal magnetism agreeable, figure out why, and come up with ways of making your subconscious comfortable with this prospect.

  You must have good and positive reasons for wanting to create personal magnetism. If you are merely seeking to manipulate others for petty reasons, your subconscious and superconscious minds will rebel. Be generous, altruistic in your thinking, interested in being helpful and useful to the world. Selfish motivation will eventually hinder your magnetism, even if you seem quite charming at first.

  Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is contagious. If you are high on life, others will want to be around you. Intense emotion in general will help draw people to you, as long as this emotion is positive. Regular work with your chakras will greatly help to open up your intense, positive emotions.

  Exercise 44 - Personal Magnetism, Charisma, and Irresistible Charm

  Time Required: 5 to 10 minutes

  When you are about to be in a situation in which you wish to be highly charismatic, you will find the following simple procedure helpful.

  1. Go into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  2. Fix in your mind that you are going to be fascinating, visualizing and feeling this desire building within you as a palpable energy coming up from your gut.

  3. Feel even more enchanting energy flowing down into you from the light above your head.

  4. Feel the power from above and below mingling in your heart, combining this with images of yourself being very charming and well loved. Build up this energy in yourself as a palpable glow of captivation that swirls around you.

  5. Send it emanating out of you into your aura, imagining yourself glowing with a charismatic glamour.

  6. Record your experience in your journal when you get home.

  Exercise 45 - Fascination or Enchantment

  Time Required: 2 to 10 minutes

  This is a variation on the preceding in which you are interested in influencing a particular person. Some may say that this technique borders on negative magick, but as long as you don’t abuse this it can be useful in certain situations. You will have to use your own moral compass to decide what the right sort of situation might be. Remember that it will not work well if it goes against your own best interests.

  1. If possible, consult with your pendulum before you begin.

  2. Use the personal magnetism technique to fill your aura with charismatic power.

  3. Keep this aura clearly in mind as you encounter the person you wish to influence

  4. Think of what you want. Project your thoughts silently out toward the person on a wave of your magnetic energy, such as, “You like me!” or “You want to know me!” If you are interested in communicating something you might say, “You will listen to me!” For overpowering someone you might want to say something like, “I am more powerful than you!” You will imagine your personal magnetic energy undulating into the person you wish to influence carrying the thoughts like an irresistible wave of force. Visualize, feel and hear the words emanating as a wave of power directly into the person.

  5. You may repeat th
is as often as is necessary to get your psychic message to work. However, be subtle in these actions, because the forces you use are subtle, and the person will easily be able to resist them if he or she thinks you are creepy. This will quickly negate your work, so try not to stare fixedly at anyone, or to wave your hands dramatically or gesticulate with your head. Just seem natural, and project your will confidently.

  6. Record your experience in your journal when you get home.

  If the person that you would like to influence is not in front of you, you may either visualize the person as sitting before you, or else imagine a cord of energy extending out to where they are along which you can send your magnetism. Both seem to work fairly well some of the time, but there are more subtle ways to influence over a distance. There will be more on this in the section on telepathy.

  Exercise 46 -Instant Rapport

  Even if you get people’s attention with either of the preceding techniques, in order to maintain it, you will need to establish a lasting rapport. The following suggestions are not strictly metaphysical, but they will have an almost magical effect if used correctly.


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