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The Book of Magick Power

Page 18

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  4. The receiver should allow themselves to receive any impressions that come, and say the first thing that pops into their head from their subconscious.

  5. At first, the sender should allow the receiver to try a few times until they get it right. Eventually, this can be eliminated.

  6. Try it several times, then switch roles and try it the other way.

  7. Record the experience in your journal.

  Exercise 64 – Psychic Wall Drawing

  This is essentially the same as the last exercise, except instead of projecting into the mind of the receiver, the sender will “draw” the image on a wall using the “astral light.” Again, you will need a partner for this exercise. You will also need a blank wall, on which to project the image.

  1. The sender must choose an image to project onto a wall, and keep it to themselves. At first it should be from a preselected limited set. Once you are experienced and successful it can be random.

  2. The sender and the receiver should get into the Alpha state and establish telepathic rapport.

  3. The sender will then begin to “draw” the image on a specific spot on the wall that both participants have agreed upon, using their imagination to powerfully visualize the selected image projected in front of them. Every effort should be made to picture it so powerfully that it is actually visible to the eye. The sender can draw and redraw it over and over again if this helps maintain the image.

  4. The receiver should look at the wall, focusing with their third eye, and receiving any impressions that come. The first thing that they see will most likely be the correct one.

  5. At first, the sender should allow the receiver to try a few times until they get it right. Eventually, this can be eliminated.

  6. Try it several times, then switch roles and try it the other way.

  7. Record the experience in your journal.

  Exercise 65 - Distance Telepathy

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  This technique can be used with a partner, in which case the receiver should go to some remote location, and attempt to receive the message of the sender. However, this technique is really most useful for those occasions that you really just want to get a message across to someone who is not around. In either case, it will work best if you have had some success between the two people using earlier techniques in this chapter.

  You will also be surprised how often this technique works with a person who you’ve never had a telepathic experience with, as long as you have an emotional connection. Telepathy really works best with people that you know. You can try sending a telepathic message to Britney Spears, but keep in mind that you are not alone in doing so, and may have some real trouble getting her attention.

  The receiver may or may not realize that a message is being sent, very often thinking the idea has just “popped into their head.” It is best to have a recent photo of the person you will be sending a message to, so that you can really build up a vivid image of them.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum, if possible.

  2. Get into the alpha state.

  3. Picture the person you wish to send a message to as vividly as possible. Imagine that they are right in front of you, either sitting or standing. Picture this until you get the sense, a sort of odd internal feeling that you are actually connecting with the person. This may just be an inner knowing that you have made contact.

  4. Powerfully send the message to them, using the full energy of your consciousness. If you know the preferred sensory modality of the person you are sending the message to, send thoughts in that way. If they are a visual person, send pictures. If they are auditory, send words. If they are kinesthetic, send your message as much as possible through emotions or feelings. Imagine that your message is entering their mind and body until the imagined figure nods their head in recognition or otherwise seems to have received your message.

  5. Return to normal consciousness and record your experience in your journal.

  You can also adapt this same technique or the one that follows for healing, or reverse the process to receive a sense of what the other person is currently experiencing.

  Exercise 66 – Distance Telepathy Cord

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  This is just a variation on the previous exercise using a slightly different technique. You can use either. Try them both, and see which one works better for you. You may want to use different techniques for different people, different types of messages or different circumstances.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum, if possible.

  2. Get into the alpha state.

  3. Imagine a cord or tube of energy beginning to protrude from your belly area. Picture and feel it vividly as an extension of your energy. Send this cord traveling out into the universe to the place where the person is, looking for them psychically. Imagine the psychic cord attaching to the person you’re trying to reach. Picture this until you get the sense, a sort of odd internal feeling that you are actually connecting with the person. This may just be an inner knowing that you have made contact.

  4. Powerfully send the message to them. If you know the preferred sensory modality of the person you are sending the message to, send thoughts in that way. If they are a visual person, send pictures. If they are auditory, send words. If they are kinesthetic, you’re your message as much as possible through emotions or feelings. Imagine that your message is entering their mind and body until the imagined figure nods their head in recognition or otherwise seems to have received your message.

  5. Return to normal consciousness and record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 67 - Sending Telepathic Messages to Long Lost Friends

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  For this exercise, you can use either of the preceding techniques, but you must spend a little time in preparation to reestablish that psychic link. If you have lost contact with someone and really wish to find them again, this technique may help to open the door. You may find yourself asking a mutual friend if they know where the person is, and discover that they’ve just “coincidentally” gotten their number. Or you may get a phone call from them, and discover that they’ve done the same for you.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum, if possible.

  2. Think about the old times. If possible, gather together some pictures, or souvenirs, anything that was a memory of good times spent together. Really try to deeply reconnect with the person you wish to reach. Spend a while really recalling the friend and time spent together.

  3. Place whatever memorabilia you’ve managed to find around you in your working area.

  4. Get into the alpha state.

  5. Use whichever technique from above you’d prefer to send your message, but be sure to load it with as much nostalgic good feeling as possible. Spend a good deal of time really powerfully sending the message.

  6. Return to normal consciousness and record your experience in your journal.

  7. You may wish to repeat this several times, for a week or so.

  Exercise 68 - Telepathic Advertising

  I have personally found this technique to be very useful, because it essentially opens up communication directly between your subconscious mind and the subconscious of others. It does this by establishing the communication at a time when both parties are most open, in the middle of the night when we are sleeping. The superconscious mind is also directly involved because it is through the superconscious that we discover the best time for the communication. This technique can be used either to send a message to someone, to powerfully influence someone’s subconscious, or used as a sort of psychic advertising to attract love, business, to locate lost friend, or anything else you can imagine. It works surprisingly effectively, though the person will almost never realize that you’ve sent a message. At most, they will feel that they’ve dreamed about you, but this probably won’t happen either. Please do not try to use this technique to do
anything malicious or negatively manipulative to another person. It may work in the short term or not, but it will wreak long term havoc in your life. It is acceptable to use this technique to help someone, such as improving someone’s mood, increasing motivation, study habits, focus or something like that. But even this borders on overly manipulative behavior.

  1. Choose a message that you would like to send, either to an individual or a larger group of people (for instance if you are advertising a product or service, or seeking a new mate). Always choose a positively rather than a negatively worded message. Avoid using words like “not” or “don’t” in whatever you are communicating.

  2. Use your pendulum to make sure your subconscious is willing to work on this, and to discover if your subconscious and superconscious feel it is an appropriate project.

  3. As you are going to bed, use your anchor to go into the Alpha state. Tell your subconscious mind to awaken you in the night when the person or people you are sending the message to are most open to psychic communication in their nightly dreaming.

  4. Go to sleep.

  5. In the middle of the night when you awaken, you will know that this is the perfect time to send a psychic message. Stay in the alpha state, and repeat your message several times, feeling that you are communicating directly to whomever you are trying to reach. Know that this message is directly entering their subconscious.

  6. Allow yourself to drift back to sleep, repeating the message over and over again. Remember, this message is going to affect your subconscious as well, so don’t use this technique for any kind of negativity, or you will bring it to yourself as well.

  7. In the morning, record your experience in your journal.

  You may repeat this nightly for a week or so, but don’t do it indefinitely, or it could start to backfire. Your message will get across. Be prepared for amazement.

  You can use on this technique on large groups of people, telling your subconscious to awaken you when the largest number of people are most open for psychic communication. You can advertise your business, product or send out a meme or new cultural idea in this way. This simple technique can be surprisingly powerful.


  Moving Beyond the Body

  “The essence of the technique of Magick is the development of this Body of Light, which must be extended to include all members of the organism, and indeed of the Cosmos.”

  -Aleister Crowley[1]

  Many names have been attached to the phenomenon: astral projection, the out-of-body experience (OOBE or OBE), spirit vision, traveling in the body of light, skrying in the æther, mental wandering, traveling in the spiritual body among others. In essence, all of these names describe the same thing. There are a few differences in the level of expectation and the kinds of things that are traditionally done when conducting the practices associated with these various epithets, but they are really the same in the end. It is just a matter of how deeply involved in the experience we get. If you have ever vividly daydreamed, then you have experienced a certain kind of astral projection. This is really all there is to it. The only difference is that we become so involved in our vision that we lose track of our body, and associate most or all of our consciousness into our imagined body or body of light.

  Many scientists are starting to acknowledge Astral Projection as a valid form of perception and that it is something different from mere fantasy or nocturnal dreaming. Scientists have even determined the section of the brain where Astral Projection and other mystical phenomena such as Unity with God and Near Death Experiences seem to take place. It is in the right hemisphere’s temporal lobe in an area of the Sylvan Fissure above the ear. By directly stimulating this area, as in the case of brain surgery, these consciousness phenomena occur. However, it is not necessary to open up your skull and poke your brain to experience the subtle planes.

  Astral Projection is a natural experience that is safe, educational and life transforming. Astral Projection is possible when you become aware of your own consciousness, and realize to your delight that your consciousness has nothing to do with your body. Your body is merely the end result of your process of consciousness. You could close your eyes right now and place your consciousness in the top of your head, in your toes, in your television set, into the middle of a village in China, right into the lap of God or the Buddha, or onto the planet Mars. Of course these are just subjective experiences, but the idea that your consciousness resides in your physical body is just a habitual subjective experience too. Your consciousness can go anywhere and be anything.

  There will also be times, perhaps most, when you will retain a certain awareness of your body while you are conducting astral projection exercises. This is not a sign of failure. It is just something that happens. As I told you earlier, I have had numerous fairly subjective seeming astral projection experiences in which I have perceived things at least somewhat accurately in consensus reality. There is actually an advantage to maintaining some of your awareness in your body while you are having an astral experience. This will allow you to tell people around you what you are seeing, and it can be recorded as you are experiencing it. This is particularly useful if you want to communicate with some sort of non-human intelligence on a higher plane, because you can report what it is saying to a partner or assistant, and it can be recorded exactly as it is happening. I have conducted many dozens of such workings and frequently obtained quite amazing results.

  There will also be times when you seem absolutely disconnected from your body. These should not necessarily be regarded as in any way superior to the others. They will give you a powerful spiritual charge and a sense of accomplishment, but they are not necessarily in any way more advanced or better than your experiences that seem at first glance to be more subjective. Experiences that seem very subjective at first can easily be transformed into the fully projected state, simply by fully involving all your senses into your astral experience. If you involve yourself fully in your visions, you will swiftly find that as you are returning to your body it is indeed far away. The best thing to do is to ignore your body once you have begun your vision, because by doing so your consciousness shifts completely into the place where you are focusing it. So, as you are conducting your exercises, don’t worry about whether or not you can “still feel” your body. If you keep checking in on whether you are experiencing body sensations, you will keep moving your consciousness back to your body. If you just forget about your body, soon you won’t feel it any longer.

  There is only one real danger in Astral Projection, and that is getting too enthusiastic about it and not paying enough attention to your life in the physical world. Astral Projection is very pleasurable and seductive and you can easily retreat into your inner world to avoid real life issues. The best way to avoid this is to make sure that your inner world work is an extension of and a healing for your outer world. There is no danger of dying or becoming injured during any astral projection work. The worst thing that could possibly happen is that you will lose consciousness, in which case you will naturally be back in your body when you awaken.

  There is a lot of speculation about whether or not lucid dreaming is a form of astral projection, and a lot of people have written extensive lists of the differences between these experiences, trying to assert that they are not one and the same. It is my feeling that these people have for the most part had little practical experience with either, because from within the experience there is absolutely no discernable difference. Both astral projection and lucid dreaming are out of body consciousness experiences. When you are astrally projecting, you may see things which correspond to consensus reality, or you may see things which exist in various spiritual planes and alternate realities, or you may experience things that are entirely imaginary. The same holds exactly true for lucid dreaming and I must beg you not to waste your time trying to discern a difference between them. Instead, try to experience both, and enjoy the new knowledge and possibilities that await you. Consider your luc
id dreaming and your astral projection work to be equally important components in your psychic development. They are both opportunities for power and transformation.

  In order to do Astral Projection, it is best to be in a deeply altered state of consciousness. Ideally you should be at least bordering on the Theta state, but you must hold onto as much of your awareness as possible, so a very deep Alpha may be more appropriate. You will want to keep your focus, so that the experience stays in your control. As you get deeper and deeper, you will notice changes in your body and consciousness. You will know that you are ready to project when the following things start to occur:

   Your body feels very heavy as your relaxation deepens. It may feel immobilized, paralyzed.

   You will feel a sense of slipping, falling, floating, tingles or vibrations in your body, and you may blackout for a moment or two.

   You will see at least a few hypnagogic images, or mini-dreams.

  When you experience these things, you will know that you could move your consciousness away from your body if you wanted.

  Many different techniques have been expounded for doing astral projection over the years, but there are three essential methods for achieving Astral Projection upon which all specific methods are just variations. These are:


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