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The Book of Magick Power

Page 20

by Jason Augustus Newcomb


  Love Relationships - Whether you are in one or not, you should set goals for what you'd like your ideal love relationship to be like, and what role you see this relationship playing in your life into the future. What would your ideal partner be like? Are you with this partner now?

  Friend Relationships - Do you have enough friends? We could all stand to improve our relationships with our fellow human beings. How do you see your friendships manifesting and improving over your life?

  Work/Career - What do you want to do for money? Are you currently working toward your ideal career, or involved in it? Are you satisfied with your job? In what ways could you improve this very important part of your life?

  Spirituality - Are you involved in some sort of spiritual community or practice? Are there ways in which you could improve your relationship with your spiritual source?

  Lifestyle - Where would you like to be living? Do you like where you are now, or would you like to be somewhere different or better? What is your ideal kind of house? What is you’re your ideal neighborhood, community, city, state?

  Creativity - We are creative, whether we are actively involved in the arts or not. We all have ideas, thoughts and dreams. It is part of being human. Are there things you want to make? Innovations? Work projects? Are you allowing your own creativity to be fully expressed?

  Education - Are there new things you'd like to learn? Continuing to learn throughout our lives is essential to really getting the most out of life.

  Travel - Are there places you’d like to see, go and experience?

  Internal/Feelings - Are there ways in which you think, feel or behave that you'd like to change?

  Before you begin to set goals, please keep the following things in mind:

   Set only positive goals. Don’t set goals about things you want to get rid of, or stop doing. Instead, imagine where you would like to go and set goals that inspire your imagination forward, using words such as “I will,” or “I’m going to” rather than “I won’t,” or “I’ll stop” or “I’ll quit.” Setting goals in the present tense (“I am…”) may also be useful.

   Make sure your goals are things that have to do with you. Don’t set goals that require other people to change before they can be accomplished. Focus your goals on yourself, on how you can change and improve your life.

   State your goals in detailed, sensory-based terms. Imagine what it will be like when you have your goals and describe the specific, positive sensations that you will experience. State specifically what you desire. How much do you want? What environment will it take place in? What is the time-frame until you get it? Establish it exactly. Whether or not this is the way your manifestation comes about, knowing what you want to happen will help steer you specifically toward your actual desire.

   Make your goals in small increments or chunks that you can really accept and believe are possible. Make your goals in stages rather than just, “I will have a beautiful body.” Instead, create a plan within your goals to get there by taking it one step at a time. “I will eat more healthfully, exercise three times a week and actively visualize my ideal body. I will work toward my goal slowly and diligently until I reach my ideal body, which will look like etc.”

   Be specific about what these goals will be like when you have them, so that you can congratulate yourself when you succeed. If you want more money, how much will you have before you know that you’ve succeeded? By setting up your rules for success in advance, you will be able to fully enjoy your success. Try to make these rules easy, so you’ll find it easy to feel good.

  1. Now please take a little time as soon as possible and create some goals for yourself in your journal. Just write out whatever comes to mind from the above categories. You can always change your goals, so don’t be afraid to get really creative. What do you really want in your life? If you could have any kind of life that you could imagine, what would it be like?

  2. After you’ve set some goals, use your pendulum to check in with yourself. What does your subconscious think of your goals?

  3. If they are not approved by your subconscious, discover why, and make any necessary changes in your personal outlook or your goals so that you can really create the life you want!


  These are the three biggest things that people want to generally get out of practical magick. We have already extensively covered the topic of healing elsewhere, but here are some general observations to help manifest wealth and love in your life.

  Prosperity Consciousness

  The key to having abundance flowing into your life is to think abundantly. Wish success upon yourself and everybody around you. Don't be jealous of other people's success. There's plenty to go around. Rejoice in the success of others. This will show your subconscious that you are positive about wealth and it will be possible for you to manifest it. Misers have nothing, even if they end up with a lot of cash.

  Make friends with money. If you see money as something that is negative or evil, you will never have any. Your subconscious will keep you away from money if it thinks money will cause you harm. Know that poverty is not a virtue.

  Think really big. All that you need is available to you. Even if you don't have a dime in your pocket, think of money like the ebb and flow of the sea. Right now it may be low tide, but it will assuredly flow back to you with time and patience. Don't fear spending money. This will lock you into poverty. Know confidently that you will always be supplied with what you need.

  Spend money if you wish receive it. Support the economy, particularly those parts that you feel are worthy of your support such as the arts and humanitarian causes. Seek new opportunities to give as well as receive. Remember, it is not really money that you want or need. It is abundance that you desire. Seek more than money. You may already have emotional, spiritual and mental wealth. Be forever grateful for what you already have. Seek peace, joy, and happiness above all monetary concerns.

  Seek wealth in what you love to do. As long as you are happy with what you are doing, you are abundant, and more abundance will come to you. Teach yourself to know that the world is infinitely abundant. Picture yourself regularly with all that you want. You will have it, if you really desire it and need it. Work with Jupiterean, Solar and Earth energies regularly to really begin to feel and be abundant.

  Love Consciousness

  There is someone out there for everyone. Don't be desperate for a relationship if you’re not in one, because this may cause you to make poor choices, and it will block your subconscious from allowing the manifestation of what you really want. Instead, concentrate on loving yourself, and try to get closer to your own superconscious and “the All” or whatever you’d like to call the ultimate animating principle of the universe.

  Be loving to everyone in your life, and love will manifest all around you. Like attracts like, so whatever you are putting out into the universe will be what comes to you. Try to be your best in whatever you do, because success is the most powerful aphrodisiac.

  Make a list of the qualities you want in a mate, and be as specific as you'd like. Try to come up with exactly what you need in a mate to fulfill all your needs. Check in with your subconscious to establish your real desires and needs. Often what we think we want is not what will really make us happy.

  When you begin to work actively to attract love with magick, don't do love spells on a specific person. Even if you think you’ve found the person who fulfills all of your needs, it is still inappropriate to try to force them into anything. Instead, you could use the techniques in the chapter on influence to be as charming and magnetic as possible. Love spells on specific people do not tend to work well, and are not a loving behavior. Work with Water, Fire, Venusian, and even Lunar energies to really begin to manifest the energies of love in your life.

  Instead, use love magick to put out a general call to the universe, attracting appropriate mates to you at the discretion of the universe. This wi
ll prevent you from making poor choices as well. Don't seek lust fulfillment through love magick. If you want to dally with one night stands, create some personal magnetism and go get it.

  Exercise 73 - Manifesting Synchronicity

  Time Required: 20 to 40 minutes

  This is a simple but extremely powerful creative visualization exercise that can help you to create any manifestation in your life that you can come up with. It is very similar to a New Hermetics tool, but I have attempted to further streamline and improve it to give you an incredibly simple but powerful technique for manifesting whatever you desire. This is an extremely flexible tool that you can use for almost anything.

  However, in order for this tool to work correctly, you must believe it will work, and make sure that your subconscious and superconscious really approve of the things that you desire. If you have any doubt about this technique, it will not work, because your subconscious will take up that doubt and undo your work. Also, if you try to manifest things that are not in your best interest, or things that your subconscious believes might be too much for you, this technique will not work well. So, you may wish to begin with a few smaller manifestations before you jump into the really big and important things.

  1. Before you begin, choose something that you would like to manifest in your life. Take a look at your goals. We all have things that we want and need. This does not have to be something huge at first, but it must be something that you really want.

  2. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum. Check in to make sure this is something that all parts of you really want to experience in your life. Make any necessary adjustments to your desire.

  3. Sit down and go into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  4. You may purify, consecrate, and cast a circle if you wish. If you do so, you may sit or stand for the rest of this procedure.

  5. Open your chakras, and do some Kundalini arousing breaths to increase your personal dynamic power.

  6. In your mind, begin to make a detailed movie or series of images of your desire in the region of your third eye, as if on a movie screen, watching yourself from the outside, experiencing your desire exactly the way that you'd like it to manifest. You can bring into your mind past times when you have experienced the desired manifestation, or some part of it, or think of someone who has experienced what you want. By doing this, you will be actively involving your subconscious, and you can further arouse your inner energies to accomplish your desire. Make this as exciting and dramatic as you like, seeing the images, feeling the feelings and hearing the sounds.

  7. Play through these images a few times until you really have a coherent story of what you would like to have happen.

  8. Now, step into your movie, experiencing it in your body, as if you were really there, seeing, feeling and hearing all of the content that you would like to occur. If you are standing in your circle, you can actually step forward into your movie physically, trying it on in as much detail as you can imagine.

  9. Step out of the movie, keeping it frozen at the most exciting part, and direct your attention up to the light of your superconscious above you. See and feel yourself filling with this light again, feeling love and power passing between you and your superconscious.

  10. Tell your subconscious and your superconscious, both of which you are now intimately connected with, that you would like this desire to manifest, or something even better.

  11. Again arouse Kundalini, imagining that the movie screen is floating upwards on a wave of energy into the light of your superconscious, knowing that your superconscious is going to handle the details of this manifestation. You can travel up with the movie experiencing an ecstatic “gnosis” experience at this point if you wish.

  12. Now, travel in your mind to the near future, and imagine what it will be like to have this manifestation in your life. Really feel like you are already there, and feel totally excited and happy about it.

  13. Return to normal consciousness.

  14. Record your experience in your journal.

  15. Take some real outward actions toward getting what you have just projected, knowing that you are going to succeed. Don’t omit this last step.

  For many things, this simple technique will be sufficient. However, you may wish to use the energies of the higher spiritual planes and other techniques to enhance you powers further, effecting change on a higher level.


  The vast majority of magical work involving specific subtle energies and non-human intelligences generally falls under the categories of elemental magick and planetary magick. I have written about these topics extensively in my previous works, and most of us are at least vaguely familiar with these ideas. But here is a brief recap, nonetheless.

  The Four Elements

  The ancient Greeks conceived of the world as consisting of four basic root elements- Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, and these ideas have stayed in the magical tradition for thousands of years. Nearly everything can be classified by its relationship to the four elements. Today, we no longer conceive of the world as being literally constructed by these four elements, but we can still see these four elements as parts of our psyches and character makeup. The element of earth is the animal needs of the human mind, the element of water the emotions, the element of air the intellect and the element of fire the will. The four elements also continue to exist in a spiritual sense as the building blocks of reality. Sunlight and fire still warm us and fuel our machines. Water still cleanses us and nourishes the land and our bodies. We still breathe the air, and our voices are carried through it as a medium of communication. We still tread upon the earth, and return to it as dust and decay when we die. The four elements are still a constant part of our lives. The basic qualities that define the four elements are the following:

  FIRE: warmness and dryness, and the quality of expansion

  WATER: coldness and wetness, and the quality of contraction or shrinking

  AIR: warmness and moistness, and the quality of lightness

  EARTH: coldness and dryness, and the quality of heaviness

  The lesser pentagram ritual that you have worked on has given you the beginnings of working with the elements, but you can also use these subtle forces to create changes in yourself and the world around you. You can use the element of fire to energize you or someone else, to raise tempers or to cause creativity. The element of water can bring you tranquility, sensuality and dreams. The element of air can bring you joy, inspiration and eloquence. The element of earth can bring prosperity, organization, and love of work. You can also literally warm yourself up by invoking fire, cool down with water, lighten your spirits with air, and ground yourself with earth. The elements are also necessary for the creation of weather magick.

  Here are a few of the practical ways in which the four elements can be used in your magick:

  FIRE: inspiring success, creating passion, obtaining and improving sex, creating sexual love, enhancing creativity, developing strength, strengthening will

  WATER: creating friendship, attracting and understanding love, increasing tranquility, assisting with emotional and spiritual healing, calming or changing emotions, getting needed rest, improving understanding

  AIR: increasing education, improving memory, enhancing intellect, learning and teaching, improving communication, encouraging travel, inspiring writing, developing new theories, organizing your things

  EARTH: attracting money, obtaining jobs, getting promotions, improving investments, building your physical health, increasing business, building and enhancing your physical body, material construction of buildings and plans, improving physical appearance, understanding and making peace with materialism

  The four elements also have four sets of elemental beings associated with them which we will discuss more later:

  Salamanders are fiery.

  Undines are watery.

  Sylphs are airy.

  Gnomes are earthy.

nbsp; The Seven Ancient Planets

  The magicians of the past conceived of the heavens above us as consisting of ever expanding onion skin-like spheres of energy or spiritual substance, each occupied by the forces of the seven ancient planets, expanding outward until you eventually entered the highest heavens where the ultimate god exists. All of these interpenetrating spheres contained myriads of beings: angels, gods and demons who controlled various aspects of nature. Again, we obviously no longer believe this to literally be true in physical reality, but there is still a spiritual and energetic validity to the concept. All of these energies make up our conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds. The separations based on the formulae of the planets are of course synthetic, but they are a convenient way of classifying things so that we may meaningfully deal with them. There are also now known to be more than the seven ancient planets in our solar system, but we will just concern ourselves in this work with the seven. These are some general attributions for the ancient planets, as in The New Hermetics:

  Moon: Imagination, Instinct, Subconscious, Emotion

  Mercury: Reason, Communication, Logic, Knowledge


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