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The Book of Magick Power

Page 27

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  Exercise 92 – Evocation to Physical Manifestation

  Time Required: 40 to 60 minutes

  This technique is a variation on the above, except that you will not use a mirror at all, instead visualizing the entity evoked appearing visibly in the triangle outside your circle. This image will most likely be with your third eye, but if you have a knack for it, the being may take on a somewhat visible appearance within the triangle. An outside observer might see this as a sort of visible mist or blur of shadow, or the shape of the being within the triangle. Some people seem to be better at this than others. Some people also seem to be naturally better at “seeing” these things than others. As a teenager, when I was just beginning to experiment with magick and had yet to develop much skill or technique, I performed an evocation like this, with little result at all to me. But I had a friend in the circle with me who saw the being so clearly that it scared the pants off of him and we had to quickly end the experiment.

  You will burn copious amounts of appropriate incense for this technique. The being will be able to use the fine matter of the incense to help in its manifestation. As I mentioned before, here are some incenses that might be appropriate:

  Saturn: Myrrh

  Jupiter: Cedar

  Mars: Tobacco (or Dragon's Blood, Red Pepper or other hot scents)

  Sun: Frankincense

  Venus: Benzoin

  Mercury: Sandalwood

  Moon: Camphor

  Fire: Cinnamon

  Water: Cedar

  Air: Sandalwood

  Earth: Myrrh

  These are just suggestions. You can also obtain pre-mixed blends either in stick, cone or raw form from many occult and new age shops.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Be sure to light your incense.

  4. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  5. Make a statement of your intent, naming the entity you intend to contact out loud, clearly and with conviction.

  6. Potently draw the light of your superconscious into you, until you feel deeply connected with the true source of your power, a deep sense of cosmic strength.

  7. Begin to invoke the appropriate magical energies, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique, but do not bring this energy into the circle. Instead, visualize it circling as a column within the confines of your magick triangle.

  8. Accumulate the energy into an amorphous shape in the triangle and begin evoking the being. You should have a pillow or small chair in your workspace that you can sit in to allow as full relaxation and visualization as possible. Begin to focus on your third eye to develop your visualization. You can use your Alpha state anchor again at this point, taking a moment to deepen and focus your state.

  9. You may use a spell to initially evoke the being if you wish, or you can simply “vibrate” the name of the being. In either case, you will need to “vibrate the name of the entity three times, either at the end of the spell, or in lieu of the spell. To do this you will imagine the name of the entity in shimmering white letters in your heart from the white light above you as you inhale, and as you exhale, you say the name slowly and melodiously causing a vibration as you imagine the white light letters going out with your breath. Send this breath energy into the triangle, and see your telesmatic image developing in the amorphous energy before you. Three times is of course the ideal, but you can do it more times if you need to in developing your vision. See the being coming together visibly in the incense smoke.

  10. Begin your communication. If the being begins to invade your circle in any way, end the experience by dismissing and doing appropriate banishings and closing your circle. If everything seems okay, you may proceed.

  11. The being will be there, even if it seems shaky or unclear, and it may quickly start looking quite different from your telesmatic image. Ask this being if it will communicate with you. When it agrees, ask the being to tell you how you can get along with it most beneficially, if it has any advice for you, if it will help you to accomplish your goals, work with you in the transformation of your life, or whatever you would like to know. The answers may come in any number of ways, as described above.

  12. If the being seems hostile, aggressive, or unwilling to communicate, ask how you can relate more positively with it. Please be sure to consider any advice you receive, however strange it might appear, and thank the figure.

  13. When you feel that the conversation is over, dismiss the being, thanking it for its participation, and asking that it will return to communicate more in the future if need be. See the figure dissolving away.

  14. Close your ritual space, performing appropriate banishing rituals for the energy of the being, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. Do not under any circumstances omit the banishing for any reason. Make sure that all of the energy you’ve evoked has dissipated.

  15. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 93 – Pendulum Communion

  Time Required: 20 to 40 minutes

  In this exercise, you will connect with higher intelligences using the pendulum, to allow them to communicate directly with you, without the usual filters of your own desires and expectations getting in the way. This is a very useful technique, particularly if you have the tendency to influence your visions toward your own desires, and want to get some accurate information. Of course this technique is far from infallible, and you can still end up influencing things toward your preconceived notions, but it at least adds another layer of filtering.

  For this technique, you do not need to use telesmatic imaging, so if your visualization skills are somewhat weak, this technique might be ideal for you. You can use this technique to communicate with specific entities, or merely connect with the “Solar Angels,” or the “Venusian Spirits” in a more freeform way, although the instructions will call for you to commune with a particular being.

  This is the technique I used for my mother when I produced the numbers that won her several thousand dollars in the lottery. I succeeded a second time with her, and she won a smaller amount of money, but in trying to use this technique for my own selfish ends, it did not work at all. I don’t know if it’s even such a good idea to abuse the Angels to obtain lottery numbers and such, but you will have to judge that for yourself. If you do decide to use this for such a purpose, don’t necessarily expect to win the very first day that you play the number. Continue playing it for a few weeks before you give up on it. It took my mother a week or two each time before she won.

  Only use this technique with Angels or other higher beings. It is inadvisable for inexperienced magicians to bring demons or elementals directly into the body consciousness like this.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  4. Make a statement of your intent, naming the entity you intend to contact out loud, clearly and with conviction.

  5. Potently draw the light of your superconscious into you, until you feel deeply connected with the true source of your power, a deep sense of cosmic strength.

  6. Begin to invoke the appropriate magical energies, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique, filling your circle with the energy.

  7. You should have a pillow or small chair in your workspace that you can sit in to allow as full relaxation and visualization as possible. Begin to focus on your third eye to develop your visualization. You can use your Alpha state anchor again at this point, taking a momen
t to deepen and focus your state.

  8. Take the pendulum in your hand.

  9. Imagine that you are giving up control of your arm, moving your astral sense of your arm out of the physical arm, and rest it at your side. This is simple to do, just imagine it. Don't make it harder by thinking overmuch and testing. Of course you can still move your arm, even after you've moved your “astral” arm. That's not the point. The point is to release some of your conscious and subconscious control of your arm, to make room for an outside intelligence to use it.

  10. You can now begin invoking the being. You may use a spell to initially evoke the being if you wish, or you can simply “vibrate” the name of the being. In either case, you will need to “vibrate the name of the entity three times, either at the end of the spell, or in lieu of the spell. To do this you will imagine the name of the entity in shimmering white letters in your heart from the white light above you as you inhale, and as you exhale, you say the name slowly and melodiously causing a vibration as you imagine the white light letters going out with your breath.

  11. Imagine that the energy of the being is filling your arm, by seeing the appropriate color moving in and feeling the possession.

  12. Communicate with the being via the pendulum. You may wish to test it in some way, but for the most part this is relatively unnecessary.

  13. When you feel that the conversation is over, dismiss the being, thanking it for its participation, and asking that it will return to communicate more in the future if need be. Feel the being leaving your body completely, and dissipating away.

  14. Close your ritual space, performing appropriate banishing rituals for the energy of the being, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. Do not under any circumstances omit the banishing for any reason. Make sure that all of the energy you’ve invoked has dissipated.

  15. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 94 - Automatic Writing

  Time Required: 20 to 40 minutes

  This is a variation of the above, where you will use a pen to allow the being to write with your possessed hand rather than manipulate the pendulum. This is a slightly more advanced technique and you may wish to experiment with pendulum technique before attempting this one.

  As you begin to communicate with the entity, the pen may not move of its own accord right away. Instead, you may just sense words coming into your mind. If you experience this, let your hand record what you are experiencing. Soon the being will begin to take up the task itself. Just keep recording what you are experiencing, and it will flow more and more naturally. You should use a smooth flowing pen in this practice, so that it can glide easily over the surface of the paper where you are recording your communication. You will also want to bring several sheets of paper into your circle as the communication may be copious or in large characters and pictures. You could also simply use your journal, if this is convenient. You can experiment with using your non-dominant hand for this, but it’s not strictly necessary.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. You can write the details of your operation at the top of the first sheet of paper if you wish.

  3. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  4. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  5. Make a statement of your intent, naming the entity you intend to contact out loud, clearly and with conviction.

  6. Potently draw the light of your superconscious into you, until you feel deeply connected with the true source of your power, a deep sense of cosmic strength.

  7. Begin to invoke the appropriate magical energies, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique, filling your circle with the energy.

  8. You should have a pillow or small chair in your workspace that you can sit in to allow as full relaxation and visualization as possible. Begin to focus on your third eye to develop your visualization. You can use your Alpha state anchor again at this point, taking a moment to deepen and focus your state.

  9. Take a pen in your hand, and place the point at the top of your paper

  10. Imagine that you are giving up control of your arm that holds the pen, moving your astral sense of your arm out of the physical arm, and rest it at your side. Again, this is simple to do, just imagine it. Don't make it harder by thinking overmuch and testing. Of course you can still move your arm, even after you've moved your “astral” arm. That's not the point. The point is to release some of your conscious and subconscious control of your arm, to make room for an outside intelligence to use it.

  11. You can now begin invoking the being. You may use a spell to initially evoke the being if you wish, or you can simply “vibrate” the name of the being. In either case, you will need to “vibrate the name of the entity three times, either at the end of the spell, or in lieu of the spell. To do this you will imagine the name of the entity in shimmering white letters in your heart from the white light above you as you inhale, and as you exhale, you say the name slowly and melodiously causing a vibration as you imagine the white light letters going out with your breath.

  12. Imagine that the energy of the being is filling your arm, by seeing the appropriate color moving in and feeling the possession.

  13. Communicate with the being, asking it what you will. The pen may move of its own accord, or you may feel like you are hearing sounds or seeing pictures. Allow the pen to record these. As you progress, the movement of the pen will become more and more automatic.

  14. When you feel that the conversation is over, dismiss the being, thanking it for its participation, and asking that it will return to communicate more in the future if need be. Feel the being leaving your body completely, and dissipating away.

  15. Close your ritual space, performing appropriate banishing rituals for the energy of the being, and the lesser pentagram ritual a second time, and withdrawing all of the energy of your protective circle back into yourself. Do not under any circumstances omit the banishing for any reason. Make sure that all of the energy you’ve invoked has dissipated.

  16. Record your experience in your journal.

  A note of caution: once you begin working in this way, you may find yourself caught up in constant urges to write from the spiritual source. If you are not clear about dismissing the communicating being you could find yourself being kept up at night, constantly filled with the need to write words from the spirit. Do a banishing and a grounding and centering.

  Exercise 95 - Channeling

  Time Required: 40 to 60 minutes

  Channeling is allowing direct communication to your mind from an outside spiritual intelligence. It can actually be one of the most dangerous things you can do. This danger actually only presents itself when you do channeling in a sloppy way.

  Channeling is really just a particular form of invocation. Most instructions for channeling are very vague, and invite you to accept communication from whatever comes along. I recommend that you avoid this messy kind of work because you will attract very low sorts of psychic intelligences. These astral phantoms will be more than happy to tell you that they are the prophet Ezekiel, or some other such noble personage, and give you all sorts of happy news from the great beyond, but it will mostly just be a lot of nonsense. Meanwhile they will be siphoning off your energy, and constantly demanding more and more of your time. This may seem innocuous, particularly at first, but this can easily lead to a dangerous obsession. Many professional channelers suffer from this very problem, and most of their information is this same sort of nonsense. If you are really interested in channeling, I suggest that you basically follow the instructions for invocation preceding, perhaps with the following modifications to allow the being to communicate with you very directly.

  1. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum

  2. Get into the Alpha state using your anchor.

  3. Do opening preparations, including any combination of purification, consecration, chakra opening, Kundalini arousing breaths, circle casting and the pentagram ritual.

  4. Make a statement of your intent, naming the entity you intend to contact out loud, clearly and with conviction.

  5. Potently draw the light of your superconscious into you, until you feel deeply connected with the true source of your power, a deep sense of cosmic strength.

  6. Begin to invoke the appropriate magical energies, using the Creating Magical Atmospheres technique, or using the pentagram or hexagram technique.

  7. Direct the magical energy you’ve accumulated in a spiraling clockwise whirl. Powerfully visualize this energy being charged and directed by your will to experience communion with the entity you’ve chosen. Begin to accumulate the energy into an amorphous shape in front of you, in an appropriate direction in your temple (either in an elemental direction, in the east, or in a section that corresponds to where the planet is currently in the sky).


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