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Boss's Pet: Billionaire Office Romance Series

Page 26

by Jamie Knight

  I sat back down at my computer chair and brought up the client database on my screen. I walked them through the tutorial I was preparing, to show the clients how to use the simple software I’d coded, combined with the project management tools I’d put together for them.

  “This is really awesome,” Eileen said. “You did all of this already, and you just started here?”

  “It wasn’t very hard,” I insisted. “But I’m still working out a few bugs and I’m catching them now as we go through this, so thank you for the opportunity to practice. And please let me know if something doesn’t make sense. Sometimes I’m not great at getting my thoughts out in a format that other people can understand.”

  I mentally kicked myself for deriding myself to other people, a bad habit my mother always told me to fix. But it was true that I appreciated being able to run my work past others before presenting it for real.

  “I understand it all perfectly,” Reese said. “Although I’m glad I’m not the one who had to set it all up, because it looks very hard. This is really impressive.”

  “Thank you,” I said, trying not to blush. “I’m so grateful for this job opportunity. I was out of work for quite a while, caring for my mother, and I really missed working.”

  And the money. I need the money.

  “Is your mother okay?” Eileen asked me, seeming genuinely worried.

  I shrugged. There wasn’t really a surefire way to answer that question, since no one really knew for sure.

  “She is for now,” I told her, which was the simplest way to explain it. “But with cancer, there’s no telling what tomorrow will bring.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” Mandy said. “It is so nice of you to take care of her. And you have to go home right after work to do that?”

  “Well, if I have to work late, I can,” I told them, wanting to make it clear that I was a team player and that I wasn’t opposed to hard work. “But she’s just been a bit emotional lately so I’m trying to make it a priority today. I want to tell her how my presentation goes, and have dinner with her. And it takes over an hour to get home, so I want to try to get there before dark, so we can grill out on the shared patio space, with some of our neighbors.”

  “That sounds delicious,” Reese said. “Where do you live that it takes so long to commute?”

  “The Bronx,” I told her.

  “My grandmother lives in the Bronx,” Mandy said.

  We then discussed the neighborhood and found that she lived just a couple streets down from me. Mandy knew my apartment complex and everything.

  “Well, if I ever want good barbeque grilled fresh, I know where I’m popping into,” she joked.

  “We’re number 127,” I told her, chuckling. “My lucky number. And you’re always welcome any time. We have a small place but enjoy entertaining guests.”

  “Did you say, ‘your lucky number’?” Reese asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, with a shrug. I guessed I had. It was just a habit for me.

  “That’s so cool,” she said. “These girls and everyone else in the world seem to make fun of me for it, but I very much believe in luck.”

  “That’s awesome,” I told her, but my smile faded a little bit.

  I tried not to get too sad, thinking about how I needed luck that would likely fail me now. I decided to focus on the good things that had happened to me in my life and count my blessings, as my mother would say, so as to not get too down about things.

  “Not only is it the number of the apartment we’ve lived in my whole life, but also, it was my mom’s hospital room number when she went in for the treatment that so far has saved her,” I divulged.

  “Oh, my God!” Reese said, grasping at her dainty throat. “That’s amazing. I told you ladies”- she turned to face the other two as she said that- “that there is such a thing as luck.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Eileen said, teasing Reese. But she looked serious when she turned to me. “I’m always telling Reese she’s full of it with all her talk of luck. But in your case, it really does seem like you have a lucky number.”

  “Whatever,” Reese grumbled.

  “Well, if you’re sure you can’t come to lunch today, maybe we’ll try sometime next week?” Mandy suggested. “I’d love to hear more about your mom, and your work project.”

  “Sure,” I said, unable to stop a big smile from spreading across my face. “I’d love that. I really appreciate you all being so nice to me.”

  “I take it by that that not everyone has been?” Reese asked.

  I grimace, not wanting to rat anyone out or sound ungrateful.

  “We get it,” Eileen said. “This is a competitive place. Some people are rather cold and distant.”

  I nodded. I thought about telling them about Douchey Boss but thought better of it.

  “The only other woman here I’ve really had the chance to talk to, Sloane, I think her name was… she was tall… seemed, well, nearly suspicious of me,” I confessed.

  “Oh, that’s Sloane for you, alright,” Reese said, stifling a giggle. “She and I had a rocky start, and maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime, over lunch. But I promise, she’s got a good heart under her hard exterior. She just likes to protect it more than most.”

  I nodded, feeling regretful for saying something rather negative about someone who was clearly her friend. At the same time, though, I was glad to know this information. I had been wondering about Sloane’s demeanor, as it had seemed to come from a place of self-protection rather than cruelty.

  “I see,” I told her. “I’m glad to know that.”

  “Well, I’m dying to try the St. Patrick’s Day special down at Patty’s Pub,” Mandy said.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” she laughed. “It’s a surprise. All I know is that it’s some authentic Irish dish. But I think they’re running a different one every day through St. Patrick’s Day, so if you come with us next week, you can try the surprise of the day then.”

  “Oh, don’t scare the poor new girl with talk of your surprise Irish dishes,” Eileen said, rolling her eyes.

  “It sounds delicious,” I told them. “I can’t wait.”

  They said goodbye and wished me good luck at my client presentation and left my office. I returned to my desk to finish looking through my notes, not bothering to shut the door because I planned to take a walk around the block after this and rehearse what I would say.

  A couple minutes later, I heard someone at my door again and looked up to see that Reese was back. She was holding something in her hands.

  “May I?” she said, nodding towards me.

  “Yes, come in,” I told her, and she walked with confident steps to where I was sitting, all the while holding out a necklace that was dangling from her fingers.

  “I just had to go to my office and get this for you,” she said, placing it in my hand and wrapping my fingers over it. “I want you to have it for your presentation this afternoon. And you can just keep it. Kane got me something different, so I don’t wear this anymore, but it brought me a lot of luck in the past and for some reason I’ve had it sitting in my desk drawer, as if waiting for the perfect person to give it to. I think you’re that person.”

  “Wow,” I said, trying to blink back tears of gratefulness. I looked at the mystic lucky star pendant that hung from the chain, and couldn’t believe she would give me something so special. “Thank you so much.”

  “No problem,” she said, smiling.

  I couldn’t help myself; I stood up and hugged her.

  “I wish you all the good luck in the world at your presentation,” she said. “I just know you’ll do great. And good luck to your mom, too.”

  “Thank you,” I said, choking back tears now.

  As she left, I couldn’t believe how nice she was.

  She had no idea how much this meant to me- and how much I truly hoped that wearing this pendant that I was now slipping on my neck would really bring me good luck.

  Chapter Ten


  A few hours later, I had been ignoring my jittery nerves while going through the presentation with the clients and answering their questions. They seemed genuinely impressed and excited- even more so than my new-found office friends had been when I showed them before lunch. Ashton was there, and he beamed happily at me.

  It really was a dream come true. I clasped the lucky pendant that Reese had given me, as if to thank it. Once I was done with my portion of the presentation, Ashton started talking to them about upgrading to a new plan with a new price.

  I hadn’t known that would be a part of the presentation and I didn’t think it was planned. But when they seemed agreeable to it, Ashton nudged my foot with his under the table.

  It was enough to send sparks flying through my entire body. I wanted him so badly. I could tell it was mutual because he kept looking at me, and not in an entirely professional, “I’m so proud of my new employee who just brought the company more money” kind of way.

  Sure, there was definitely some of that mixed in there, but there was also raw lust and desire in his eyes.

  Once the meeting was over, the clients shook hands with us, thanked me for my work and said that they were looking forward to starting to use the new file management system. Ashton walked out the hallway with them, but not before telling me to report to his office in ten minutes.

  My heart was pounding. It was only three in the afternoon, so I couldn’t imagine that he and I would have sex again right now. I told myself that would be ridiculous, impossible. And I also told myself not to stay late so that I could go home and see my mom.

  But as I walked down the hall to his office, I couldn’t help but hope we could fit in a celebratory drink or something before five o’clock rolled around. Maybe we could sneak in a kiss.

  I went to the bathroom and freshened up, and then obediently reported to his large corner office. I didn’t have to knock, because his door was open.

  “There you are,” he said, sounding as if I was late, although it hadn’t even been ten minutes. “Close my door.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, and did so.

  Then I turned around and started to approach him where he sat at his desk but he held up a finger and said, “Take off your clothes, pet.”

  My pulse raced. I couldn’t believe he was telling me to get naked, here, in his office in broad daylight, where anyone could come knocking on the door. At least there was a locked door, though, I reasoned.

  I couldn’t help but obey his every command. I took off the suit I was wearing, until only my bra and panties remained.

  “I meant all your clothes,” he said, looking annoyed.

  This was hardly the reception I was expecting after delivering such a successful presentation. But I could tell he was holding back, as if he really wanted to come pick me up and twirl me around, but was forcing himself not to.

  I took off my bra and panties. His eyes traveled up and down my body, as I stood there entirely naked.

  Then he got up and walked over to me while he took off his tie.

  “Get on your knees so I can defile my Pet,” he said in a low near-whisper.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I did so, kneeling with my legs closed in front of him.

  “Open your legs like the slutty little Pet I know you want to be for me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I widened the space between my legs while he looked down at my pussy. My ass was sticking slightly up into the air behind me. He fastened my wrists to the door knob, using his tie to keep them there.

  “Don’t move your legs,” he said. “Or else I’ll get more ties.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He still had all his clothes on, except for the tie. I was completely naked, except for the lucky pendant that Reese had given me, which was still around my neck.

  Ashton reached down and twisted my nipples. They were hard and erect between his fingers. He rubbed them, pinched them, played with them. I moaned softly, not wanting anyone who might be walking down the hall on the other side of the door to hear me.

  “That’s my good Pet,” he whispered. “My slutty little Pet.”

  He took something out of his pants pocket. I assumed it was a condom. But then I saw glistening silver and realized they were nipple clamps.

  What the fuck?

  It wasn’t that I had ever had them used on me before. I hadn’t even seen any in real life. But there was no denying that was what they were.

  He reached down and clamped them onto me. They felt cold and hard against my skin. They hurt, and I let out a little gasp.

  “Hush your pretty little mouth, my Pet,” he said. “You’re to let me do what I want with you, and not let anyone hear it.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” I whispered.

  He shook his head at me as he finished attaching the clamps to my nipples. Searing pain shot through them but I didn’t make any more noise. Nevertheless, he reached down and picked up my panties off the floor.

  “Here,” he said. “This’ll help make sure you don’t do it again.”

  He shoved the panties into my mouth, holding my lips closed.

  “I’ll have something to replace those with in a minute.”

  I nodded and he took down his pants. His huge, erect cock was in my face. Pleasure waves shot through my nipples despite the pain from the clamps. It was an amazingly erotic feeling.

  He held his cock in one of his hands and started stroking it. At the same time, he reached down with his other hand and started pulling on my clit.

  “You did such a great job at the presentation,” he said. “I want to thank you for that. I need to reward my Pet for a job well done.”

  He twisted and pulled at my clit, and I already started to feel an orgasm bubbling up from within. He stuck two fingers inside me while he rubbed my clit with his thumb. Meanwhile, he slapped his cock on my face and rubbed it all over my cheeks.

  “That’s right,” he said. “Keep your mouth closed on your panties while I make your wet little pussy come.”

  I was dripping all over his hand. He easily put yet another finger into me and pounded my pussy hole with his hand. He applied more pressure to my clit, kneading it with his thumb until I was shivering and quaking.

  I wanted to tell him I was coming but he had told me not to make any noise. He looked down at my nipples in the clamp and my quivering pussy while he stroked his cock harder.

  I ended my orgasm with a tiny whimper that I was unable to hold in.

  “That’s it,” he said, slapping my pussy with his hand. “I told you not to make a sound. Obviously you need stricter measures.”

  He took the panties out of my mouth and shoved his cock into it. It was so huge it filled up my entire mouth. I looked up at him, feeling helpless to whatever he wanted to do with me, and strangely loving that feeling.

  He pushed his cock further down my throat, holding onto my hair and pulling some so that I held my head back further and opened my mouth wider for him. My lips grabbed onto his cock as I deep throated him. Then he pulled himself slightly out and I sucked on the head of his cock while he jerked off into my mouth.

  Meanwhile, his hand went back into his pocket and came out with something in it. I couldn’t see what, since my head was back and his cock was down my throat. He found my clit again and I heard a small vibrating sound.

  The head of a vibrator went into my pussy and a piece below it started tickling my asshole. I clenched my pussy and ass in surprise.

  “You like when it plays with your tight little asshole, don’t you?” he asked me, as his cock was still buried in my mouth.

  I nodded my head but didn’t make a sound.

  “That’s a good pet.”

  He pushed the vibrator in and out of me. It ravaged my pussy while also going in and out of my ass hole. He looked down at it while it was sticking half out of my pussy and ass hole, and half in.

  “I love to watch your juices drip out of
you for me,” he said.

  It was true. I was so wet I was literally dripping onto the vibrator for him to see. I wanted his cock in my so bad, but the vibrator was a good second place substitute.

  Waves of ecstasy passed through me and I shook on the vibrator. I couldn’t help but let out some moans as I came, but I tried my best not to shout out his name.

  It wasn’t good enough. He pushed the vibrator roughly inside me, hurting my ass, although it still felt good.

  “I told you to be quiet,” he said.

  He left the vibrator inside me while the nipple clamps were still on me. He shoved my panties back into my mouth and then put his cock back in there, too.

  I thought I would choke as he attacked my throat with his cock. With his hand wrapped around himself, he took turns slapping my cheeks with it and then shoving it back down my throat, all while my panties were lodged in the front side of my mouth.

  “Mmmm,” he groaned, and from the pulsing and throbbing of his cock, I knew he was going to come.

  I was slightly disappointed that he wasn’t going to fuck me. But I knew he liked keeping me guessing. He was doing a good job of it; the anticipation was nearly killing me.

  He came into my mouth while his cock was still lodged deep within it and I did my best to swallow it without letting my gag reflex kick in. Then he pulled it out and I sucked on its head some before he rubbed it all over my mouth.

  Finally, he took the panties out of my mouth and used them to clean up the remnants from my face and his cock. Then he stuck them back in my mouth.

  “There,” he said, as he pulled up his pants. “That’s what happens to my Pet when she’s too loud. Keep my cum-crusted panties in your mouth.”

  He walked back over to his desk, sat down in his chair, and started to type on his computer. Meanwhile I remained on my knees with my legs spread apart and the vibrator half hanging out of my pussy and ass hole, although he had turned it off, as well as the clamps still on my nipples and my panties with his cum on them still filling my mouth, and with my hands still tied up to his door knob.


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