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Page 2

by Trixie Brewster

  “Molly, why would she hate you?” Molly shakes her head at me again. I get mad at this unknown friend that has my sister tied up in knots about this. If she hurts my sister, I have plans for the woman. I don’t hit women, but it doesn’t mean I can’t make her life a living hell if she hurts my baby sister.

  I pull Molly in for a hug. “Molls, it will be fine, I promise. Get her to meet you at Angel’s tomorrow, and I will be there.” She nods her head and pulls out her phone and places a phone call. I wander into the kitchen and pull two beers out, ignoring her phone call.

  “All set Hale. Thank you so much.” She kisses my cheek as she sits down and takes the beer from me. “So, Hale, my brother, what have you been up to these past few years?”

  “Nothing much. Started working at the dispensary.”

  “Anything new, like a girlfriend or any nieces or nephews I need to know about?”

  I laugh at her; she knows I don’t want kids and how I feel about settling down. After watching my parents fight each other and finally kill each other. I don’t want any part of that. I already don’t treat women with the best respect after we fuck. I fuck ‘em and kick ‘em out. Simple as that, I do make my desires clear before we begin, though, so there is that.

  “Nothing of the sort, sister dearest.” She pats my knee as she gets up. “Alright, I’m going home now, to my woman. See you tomorrow night at five. Try not to ogle my friend, okay. She is too good for you, anyways.” She winks at me as I scoff at her. Like I would be interested in any woman she is friends with.

  The next day goes off without a hitch. I had the day off, so I spent it with Blaze and Snake at the body shop. “You're telling me your sister is in town?” Snake asks. I glare at him. “She is already taken, and she wouldn’t even bat an eye at you.” Snake grabs his chest like I struck him.

  “Gee, that hurts Tank.” He is still rubbing his chest. The man seriously needs to get his shit tested. I never knew a man that screwed anything that walked with a vagina. But Snake didn’t care what the woman looked like. Similar to Butch, but Butch mainly talked all women up and got their self-esteem up. Snake just fucked ‘em and dropped ‘em. Nearly every night, he had a new piece hanging off him.

  “Well, she wouldn’t,” I say flatly. It is not my story to tell. If my sister wants them to know, she will disclose the information.

  “Nothing to worry about, man. I got the hots for the teacher. But Korey won’t let me pick up Sean anymore. So not fair, man.” Snake whines about his loss of love life with Sean’s teacher. I have never met the woman, but I know that Sean loves his teacher, he goes on and on about how amazing the woman is.

  “Well, Snake, you did try and grab her ass in the schoolhouse. You, dumb fuck, you can’t get a girl like that.” Blaze teases Snake.

  “I know, Ms. Veets wants a piece of this.” Snake grabbed his crotch and grinned like a mad man.

  “Please, that woman would probably kill you in your sleep.” Blaze shot back.

  “That small little woman. Please.”

  My phone went off, pulling it out I saw Brick’s name.

  Brick: Take a cage and get my kids from school.

  Tank: Got it, prez.

  Brick: We should be back by four this evening.

  Tank: Got it

  When the president of the club asked you to get his kids from school, you did it. It was early release due to it being the last day of school. When they buzzed me in, I had to give the lady at the desk my license. She eyes me before sending me on my way to get Sean and Sadie. I got Sadie first from the older lady that also gave me a look of distrust.

  Getting those looks regularly didn’t hurt my feelings in the least. “You ready for school to be over?” I asked Sadie as we made our way to Sean’s room. “Yes.” She clapped her hands together as she pointed to the place that said, ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ the door had little monkeys hanging from bananas with kids' names on them. I laughed at the welcome sign. Knocking on the door like I did the last room, I waited for what seemed like forever before the door opened, and a small red-headed woman looked up at me and smiled. She nearly knocked me on my ass with that smile. She was so damn beautiful it hurt to look at her. She was fucking short as hell too, with curves for days. She made me feel like a giant, and my dick agreed.

  Damn, where the hell had this woman been hiding all my life.

  “That’s my uncle Tank. Tank, look at what I do’ed today.” I knew his speech was getting better daily, but this was awesome hearing him almost get every word correct.

  “So, you are the famous Uncle Tank.” She said with a smile.

  I nodded my head. “That’s me.”

  “Good to meet you. I’m Angela Veets.” She stuck her hand out at me, to say I was stunned that his little ass woman was the only one that wasn’t scared of me, well it scared me. I gently shook her hand. She laughed “I’m not breakable just so you know. Sean, sweetie, you ready?” Sean pouted as he walked towards us. She knelt down at his level. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” She pushed his shaggy hair out of his eyes, and what I saw broke my heart.

  “Sean, baby, don’t cry.”

  “But Ms. Veets. I don’t want to have a nu teacher, n-next y-year.” He cried. She pulled in for a hug.

  “You sweet thing. I promised to visit you over the summer.” Sean smiled and hugged her back and tangled his little hands in her hair.

  I heard a little sniffle and looked at Sadie. She was tearing up, watching the two of them. Obviously, I was missing something here. “Sean loves his teacher. And I have to go to intermediate school, and I don’t want to leave him behind.” She stated flatly. Angela looked up at Sadie. “Sweetheart, I will be here next year. Don’t worry, he will down the hall from me.” She smiled at Sadie, and Sadie nodded her head at her.

  “Sean, Uncle Tank is waiting for you.” Sean nodded his little head and took my much bigger hand in his. I felt terrible that I was picking Sean up early, taking him from his teacher. Feeling like I needed to say something. “Thank you for taking care of him,” I told her.

  “Trust me, it was my pleasure.” She waved us off. I had a failure for words as we went to the clubhouse to wait for Brick and Korey.

  Chapter 2


  This was the hardest day I have ever had. This was my first-year teaching, and saying goodbye to the kids was hard. For the school year, they were mine, and now they aren’t anymore. I wiped my eyes after the last child left my currently empty classroom.

  “Pull it together. The kids’ were hoodlums this year.” The teacher across the hall from me scolded at me. Mrs. Bailey and I didn’t see eye to eye. Hell, me and all the teachers didn’t get along. I was hoping it was going to get better next year. It had to be because I was the new teacher.

  Putting away the stray crayons and pencils, I heard a knock at the door. I glanced up and saw Mrs. Henderson standing there. Korey and the new school counselor were my only friends in this town. Mrs. Henderson was Sadie’s teacher. “Mrs. Henderson, how did your day go today?” I asked her, she didn’t like me either, I felt like I had more enemies than my daddy at the moment.

  “Did you see that man that picked up the Baker kids.” She decided right away that she didn’t like Sadie. I wish I knew why, but I kept an eye out for the little girl. When I noticed she was getting bullied earlier this year, I said something to Mrs. Henderson, and that was when the shit hit the fan. No longer did I have help around me, but enemies that wouldn’t help with lesson planning or decorating like I helped them.

  “Yes, I did. Sean was so happy to see his Uncle Tank.” I smiled big, thinking of how happy he was to see him. He has been telling me stories all year long about his favorite uncle. The crap they got into was unreal. And how his other Uncle Blaze was his mama’s brother, but he liked Uncle Tank the best. Funny how sometimes the best family is the one we chose, not the ones we are born into.

  “Did you really get a look at him. God Angie, he was huge and looked like he could kill a man

  “Betty, what are you saying?” I wanted to roll my eyes at her. I already knew what she was thinking. Because he was covered in tattoos and had his lip pierced, he was a bad man. I was taught early on that you don’t judge a book by its cover.

  “That those kids are in danger.”

  “I highly doubt it. Tank seemed nice and cared about Sadie and Sean.” I rolled my eyes this time. He was on the pickup list. If Korey trusted the men with her kids, then so did I. I had seen first hand how sweet they could be. Brick was totally in love with my friend. The looks he gave her made me want a man to look at me like that. Even if it was only for one night.

  “You haven’t been in this field long enough to know what to look for.” She replied haughtily. I was beginning to see that I didn’t like Mrs. Henderson one bit at all, either.

  “That might be the truth, Mrs. Henderson. But if a parent trusts their kids with a person. Why are we questioning them? And obviously, the kids love him.” I replied to her in the same haughty tone she gave me. I have always been a firm believer in you get respect by giving it.

  “Well, I never. Angie, you need to watch the way you talk to me.” The little older woman scowled at me. I groaned inwardly. I really have tried to be kind to this woman since my first day last year. But she makes it so damn hard. No matter what I say, she always comes down on me. I wonder if there is anything else I can use my teaching degree for. But I know I wouldn’t be happy doing something else. I loved what I was doing, loved teaching these children, and watching them learn throughout the year. That look ‘I got it.’ That was something special to see and know that you helped that child understand the subject. My heart had never felt fuller than when I had a classroom full of children and using fun to teach.

  “Mrs. Henderson today has been a rough day for me. I didn’t mean any disrespect. I am tired, and I want to go home.” I tell her as I am packing my things up. I do want to go home, but I have a date with a certain girl-friend tonight.

  Crossing her arms, Mrs. Henderson glares at me. “Well, you had better get you stuff together before the new school year begins. I would hate to see you struggling again.” She leaves the room, and I blow out a breath. I put my bag over my shoulder and groaned at the weight it had. This was the only drawback to teaching, all of the things that needed to be carried around. I was thinking of investing in a rolling cart, hell maybe even a little red wagon could help.

  Making it out to the car, I loaded everything in it and turned the radio up. My car was an older model, I got the AUX cable for the updated stereo. Scrolling through the music app, I decided on an Aerosmith. Blaring the speakers, I made my way to the destination that Molly agreed on meeting up at.

  The day got better and better. I was now standing in a strip club gawking at the scene in front of me. A very busty woman was twirling herself around a pole and shoving her breasts in a man's face. I gave a slow blink to get my bearings straight. What in the hell was Molly thinking, bringing me here? I found the bar and made my way there. At least there is a bar, I can always drink myself silly.

  “Hey, there Hot stuff, what you need tonight?” A very handsome but obviously gay man asked me. I smiled at him; he was going to be my best friend for the next however long it took Molly to get here. “I need something strong, How about Jameson on the rocks,” I tell him. It is my daddy’s go-to drink when shit gets rough. And today shit has gotten rough.

  “Dayum Girly, you had a bad day?” He asks as he gets my drink.

  “You have no idea.” I take the sip and relish as the burn goes down my throat.

  “No face, no cough. Damn, girl, you did have a bad day.” He smiles at me and pours more in the glass as he leans close to me, “On the house.” And gives me a wink. I can’t help myself. I laugh long and loud.

  “So do tell Gus, what is it that has you here in Angel’s drinking whiskey straight on the rocks?” I chuckle at him as I finish the glass off. Gus pours me another drink. I know I should stop after this one. I can feel the buzz starting and myself getting giddy. Drunk me was an emotional me, I laughed and cried at the same time. Not a very pretty sight to behold.

  “Well, Gus, let's see where do I start. Today was the last day of school, so I cried my eyes out. Then I found out that…” I don’t get to finish my sentence before I feel a hand on my arm.

  “Gawd, Angie, you have a bad day, baby doll?” Molly has always called me baby doll. It never bothered me, not even when I found out she was gay. She was my friend first, plus she was a wonderful person.

  I quit laughing as the tears started. Fuck, I hated drinking. First I laughed, then I cried then I drank more, and then I passed out. “Molly, where do I start.” I took another swallow of the burning liquid.

  “Oh, baby doll, what happened?” Gus moved down the bar to give us some girl time. The beat of the music was loud around us.

  “Well, Molly, it was the last day of school.” She nodded her head slowly like I was acting like a child. Well, I knew I was, but hell, this was gone over when I signed up to be a teacher. “Well, it was emotional. You know, like I got to know these little angels for a year, and now they are leaving me.” I choked out as Molly patted my back and started to laugh at me. “Woman, it is not funny. I am crying my eyes out over other people's children, here.”

  “Angie dry your damned eyes and woman up.” She tried to have a serious face, and it fails her. I try not to laugh, but I can't help it. The look she has is to damn funny.

  “Damn it, Molly. I was trying to be sad.” Trying to pout but feeling the pull of my smile doesn’t help any.

  “You know you can’t be sad around your bestie.”

  “I know, but I can try.”

  “Okay, confession time.” Molly's face goes pale, and she is the one that suggested it.

  “Okay,” I say slowly.

  “I am gay. Now your turn, what else is wrong?” I blink a few times before I throw my head back and laugh out loud. When I look back at Molly, she has a small smile on her lips.

  “Really, I throw that out there, and you laugh at me?” She crosses her arms, and her six-foot-tall frame gets taller.

  “Well, sorry to burst your bubble. But I already knew.” Her mouth opens and closes, and I don’t wait for her to say anything. “So apparently, if I don’t act accordingly next year, then I will have another shit year from my fellow teachers.” I shrug my shoulders and throw back the rest of my drink. Gus makes his appearance, “want another one pretty teacher?” He coos in his high male voice. “No, babe. I am good for the night.”

  “Too bad, I bet you are a spitfire when you are drunk.” The smile tugging at his lips makes me laugh.

  I lean into the bar to tell him. “Nah, I get all emotional when I drink too much.”

  “Well, we don’t need that, then do we.” I look at Molly, and she laughs. “Gus, you have seen nothing. One time in college, she drank so much she cried, sang old love songs while stuffing her face at the same time.” Gus bust out laughing as I yelled, “Molly, how could you!”

  “Bitch, that was for figuring out I was a lesbian and not telling me.” The big smile on her face made me smile. I missed my best friend, so damn much.

  “Alright, alright, I should have told you. But I figured when you were ready, you would tell me.” I hold my hands out wide at her. She shakes her head but keeps the smile on her face. I lean to her and look, really look at my friend. She is blissful. “Holy Hell, Molly, you got a girlfriend?” She blushes. “Oh my god, you do. When I can meet her, please. I want to meet the woman that makes my best friend so happy.”

  “She isn’t ready to come out yet. But when she is, you will be the first to know.” I jump out of my stool and give her a big hug. Seeing her, this happy makes me happy. If anyone deserves a happy ever after, it is Molly.

  “So, Molly, this is your friend, huh?” I hear a deep familiar voice that gives me chills.

  Chapter 3


  Sitting in the booth close to the bar
, I watched the redheaded teacher from today talk with Gus. Her body had all the right curves in all the right places. My dick hardened as I watched her throat swallow down the contents of her glass. I was a little puzzled about why a teacher would even get close to a strip club. Who was I to judge?

  Molly made her appearance and went straight for the redhead. Well, shit, I would have to play nice now. This must be Molly’s friend from college she was talking about last night. Watching their interaction like a damned hawk, I noticed two things. One- the redhead was an emotional mess, something I didn’t need in my life, and two- my sister loved the little woman. But watching the woman laugh and her generous breast move with the simple act of laughing had my interest.

  Deciding to make my entrance, I slinked from my booth to where they were. I towered over the redhead. Why did she have to be so damn short, if she were just a few inches taller, I would be able to walk away. But she has my interest now, and I have to get me a taste.

  “So, this is your friend, huh?” I asked and watched the goosebumps ripple across Miss Veets' skin. Good, I affected her in the right way.

  Molly looked over at me and smiled. “Tank, this is my best friend, Angie. Angie, this is my brother, Tank.” Angie, the name suited her small stature and red as hell hair. There is no doubt in my mind that she would be a spitfire in the bed. When she turned around, and her green eyes met mine, the slight flush of her skin didn’t go unnoticed by me.

  “Good to see you again,” Angie tells me.

  “Yeah, didn’t think I would see you in a place like this.” I didn’t miss the fire in her eyes as my words came out of my mouth. Good, I liked a feisty woman.

  “Huh, well, when Molly told me to meet at a strip club, I had my hopes that the view would be different.” She raised her eyebrow, challenging me to ask what view she wanted to see. Challenge accepted.

  “And what view were you hoping for?” She didn’t disappoint either. Hand on her hip and her head cocked to the side. Damn, that looks as sexy as hell on her. I gave her a smirk and noticed that the flush was back. Damn, I was going to have remember that. She looked fuckable with that flush.


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