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Bad Boy's Touch

Page 19

by Jessa James

  Her body thrummed as he swept a key card over the electronic panel on the door to a room, until she realized that they hadn’t booked a room here and weren’t planning on staying over tonight.

  As if he could read her thoughts, he smirked over his shoulder and gestured her into the suite ahead of him. “I had a feeling we may need a little privacy at some point tonight so that I could give my bride what she needs.”

  The spot between her legs throbbed at his words, and her breasts suddenly felt heavier in her dress.

  “Come here, baby,” he said as he sat on the edge on the bed, spreading his knees slightly so she could stand between them. His eyes traveled from hers, down her body, pausing at where the neckline of her dress dipped to her cleavage and then traveled further south. His hands reached under her dress, where they started stroking her thighs, working up painstakingly slowly to her lacy panties. His eyes were dark with desire when his gaze met hers again, and the heat in his eyes seemed to shoot straight to her core.

  Her lips parted in a gasp as she drank in his expression, her body wound tight with need already. He kept his eyes on her reactions as he continued his ministrations under her dress, cupping her ass, lazily stroking her thighs but deliberately staying away from where she needed him to touch her most.

  “Walker,” she moaned when his hand skimmed across her panties, her clit so sensitive that she almost came undone from only that one fleeting touch and the anticipation he was building in her.

  “I know, baby. Let me take care of you, okay?” His hazel eyes, seemingly a dark green with his own need, burned into her as he finally slid a finger under her panties and over her lips. She whimpered and rocked her hips but let him take control. He always seemed to know exactly what she needed, and exactly when to give it to her.

  Her body screamed in protest when his hands slid from under her dress, but she relaxed when he felt them graze her sides and meet behind her back to loosen the clip at the top of her zipper. The dress fell from her body to a heap at her feet, leaving her in only her lacy panties, her suspenders, sheer stockings and heels.

  He groaned as his eyes roamed her body. “Jesus, baby. Are you trying to kill me? Or did you just not want to go back downstairs?”

  He grasped her ass and flipped her over on her back so fast that she doubted her heart had even finished its beat before she felt the cool material of the comforter against her. He caged her in, propping his body up over hers on his elbows and cocked an eyebrow at her.

  She rocked her hips against his, but he pulled away, denying her while waiting for his answer.

  “I…” she breathed, desperately trying to get at least some of her blood to her brain so she could answer his question and beg him to touch her. “Wanted to look sexy for you, I don’t know how long it’ll be before I’m all swollen and-“

  He cut her off by claiming her mouth with his, stroking her tongue urgently and driving all the thoughts she had been trying to form from her mind. He groaned as he broke their kiss and rocked his hips against her, finally allowing her the friction she craved.

  “You will always look sexy to me,” he breathed against her lips, punctuating each word with a thrust of his hips against hers. “And you’re going to become even sexier as your body changes to allow for my baby to grow inside you.”

  He pressed his lips to hers again, this time taken by a seemingly primal need as he reached to thumb her nipple, dipping the hand down and making quick work of tearing off her panties. He slid a finger inside her and moaned as she clenched it. He stroked faster as his lips started making their way down, licking and sucking at her nipples before moving even further. Her pulse quickened and her breathing became heavier when he licked an outline of where her panties used to be as he slid another finger into her.

  “So fucking wet for me, baby. I can’t wait to taste you,” he growled. And he didn’t, sucking her clit into his mouth as his fingers rubbed inside her. Almost immediately she felt the pressure starting to knot in her, winding her so tight that seconds later she cried out as she came undone under his mouth.

  He licked her as she rode the wave and didn’t stop when it did. Instead, he slowed his fingers and started nuzzling against her thighs, licking along the folds of her groin and slowly turned his attention back to her dripping slit.

  “Walker, please honey. I need you inside me,” she begged as she felt the pressure start to build again.

  “Give me one more baby, then I'll happily be inside you,” he told her, firmly rooted between her legs. She noticed his hips twitch against the edge of the bed and knowing that he needed to be inside her as badly as she needed him there sent her unexpectedly flying off the edge she had been climbing toward as he thrust another finger inside her.

  “Fuck, baby. You are the sexiest woman on the planet,” he breathed as he ripped off his suit and positioned his cock -- as hard as the wooden bed frame she was hanging onto -- over her entrance.

  His face was tight with restraint as he pushed his way inside her slick wetness, groaning when he found her still clenching him. “Keep doing that, and this is going to be over way too soon.”

  She was half delirious with pleasure, but somehow still insane in her need for him, for his touch. She tried to answer him, but her words became a loud moan as he started moving, thrusting into her with wild abandon.

  She felt his muscles tighten under her hands as he drove deeper into her, driving her closer each time his pelvis rocked against her clit and his hard cock slid over that sensitive spot inside her.

  “Come for me baby, please. Come with me,” he moaned in her just as she felt him twitch deep within her. That small movement was all it took for her to explode around him once more, her orgasm tearing through her like lightning, lights dancing behind her eyelids as he followed her release with his own.

  “Fuck me,” he breathed when they finally came up for air.

  “I think I just did.” She giggled as the blood returned to her brain.

  He flashed her a heartstopping smile as he rolled off of her and pulled her to his side. He kissed the top of her head and chuckled softly. “Yeah you did. I love pregnancy hormones. Once this baby arrives, let’s make another one ASAP.”

  “Let’s talk again once he or she is here, keeping us up all night and I become a glorified jersey cow,” she quipped, watching his eyes widen in disbelief or terror, she wasn’t sure which.

  “Don’t talk about feeding my baby that way,” he growled, then smirked and tweaked a nipple. “Besides, we have enough family members to babysit so that I can get some visitation with these whenever I want.”

  Even in her orgasm-induced daze, she was grateful about the fact that he was right, that she did have a big family now and that it was only growing.

  The thought reminded her of the fact that they had yet to tell anyone about their little blessing, the newest addition to the family Roman. “So, when do you want to tell them? Seeing as you want them to babysit so often, we should probably tell them sooner, rather than later.”

  “You know that’s months away, right?” He grinned as he stroked her hair.

  “Yeah, but they’re busy people.” She shrugged. “Fair warning and all. Especially with Colt and Rose’s on the way, too.”

  “Ours will be cuter,” he assured her, planting a quick kiss on her temple. “You want to go back downstairs to your party?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. I could just as easily take a nap though.” She yawned.

  “It’s your choice, but you’re going to be disappointed if you don’t at least watch the awards and say goodbye.”

  “You’re right. I know you are. Can we tell everyone before we leave? We can gather them in the private room before we go?”

  He beamed down at her, his eyes shining with pure unadulterated joy at her suggestion. It had been his idea to keep her pregnancy quiet until they could see her OB/ GYN who had been on vacation until a few days ago.

  Her heart fluttered as she remembered the incredulity on
his face when they had heard their baby’s heartbeat and seen the little peanut for the first time. He had wanted to tell the family immediately, but she had begged him to keep it quiet for just a little while longer until all the initial tests were done.

  They had gotten the results this afternoon, and baby Roman was healthy as a horse. Then they had planned on telling everyone in the morning, wanting to get the fundraiser done with first. Now though, she felt as if her heart was bursting from her chest to tell the family immediately.

  He gave her a last, lingering kiss, the press of his lips almost reverent against hers and then moved toward the edge of the bed to help her back into her dress.

  Her legs still felt a bit like jelly as they descended the stairs and he swept her back into the ballroom, but the elation at seeing her family’s response to their news kept her from swaying or falling flat on her face. Nevertheless, Walker’s arm was wrapped tightly around her waist and she knew he would support her even if her legs gave out.

  They spotted the Romans and Shelby at the far end of the room, talking quietly amongst themselves mercifully close to the private room.

  Colt shot them his trademark smirk as they crossed the room toward where their family was gathered.

  “May we have a minute in private with you all?” Walker asked as soon as they were near enough.

  “Done already, bro? Where’s your anniversary spirit?” Colt joked, but led Rose toward the room that Walker had motioned toward anyway.

  Sawyer sighed, but grinned at Walker as he and Remy followed the path Colt was winding through the crowd.

  “You too, please, Shel,” Ashleigh said as Shelby hovered in place, seemingly unsure if the invitation extended to her as well.

  She grinned and skipped after the others, winking at a handsome guy who appeared to be struggling to keep his eyes off her as she moved.

  Walker shrugged when Ashleigh raised an eyebrow, asking wordlessly if he knew the guy.

  “So,” Sawyer asked as he turned toward them, having settled himself and Remy in a plush loveseat in the small room. “Is this like the adult version of a girly bathroom gossip session?”

  Colt hooted with laughter and he snuggled into Rose’s back and drew her against his front and leaned against the wall.

  “You really should let the pregnant lady sit, Sawyer,” he teased.

  Remy's eyes widened, and she immediately tried to scoot off their perch. Sawyer pulled her closer and nodded toward the other end of the room, where Colt and Rose were standing right next to an identical seat. He winked at his brother and grinned as he replied. “So should you, brother.”

  Colt let out an exasperated sigh, but pulled Rose onto his lap on the seat.

  “So, newest Romans, you gathered us all here today on the anniversary of your wedding to, what?” Shelby asked from the seat she had taken at the coffee corner.

  Ashleigh felt suddenly shy and hid her face in Walker’s chest as he squared his shoulders and wrapped her hand around her stomach as he spoke.

  “Rose isn’t the only pregnant lady who should be sitting,” he told them, a proud grin spreading across his face.

  Rose leaped to her feet first, her belly bouncing from the force of it.

  “I knew it,” she exclaimed, grabbing onto her own stomach to steady it before launching herself at Ashleigh. “Earlier, you went all pink when Annie was asking about my pregnancy and stuff! I knew it!”

  Colt and Sawyer blinked and stared at Walker for a beat before rushing to envelop their brother in an uncharacteristic group hug.

  Shelby and Remy joined Rose as she hugged Ashleigh and soon they were crying and laughing and joking at how Shiloh would now have so many younger Romans to protect, he was going to need an army.

  Sawyer disappeared and reappeared a moment later carrying two buckets containing a bottle of champagne each.

  “I think a toast is in order,” he proclaimed. Colt helped him fill the glasses that a waitress had carried in behind Sawyer and he took care to pour champagne of the non-alcoholic variety for Rose and Ashleigh before passing the remainder of the flutes around.

  “Here’s to a new generation of Romans,” Sawyer said, his eyes flitting over to Remy. “May they be as lucky, happy and blessed as we are. And may they convince my wife that we need at least one more.”

  Remy shot him a look but joined in the laughter as they clinked their glasses and Walker came over to whisper in Ashleigh’s ear. “And may my wife consider getting to work on the next one as soon as this one arrives.”

  He smirked as he looked down at her and tucked her into his side, not letting her go until they were tucked in their bed much later in the evening.


  Eight more weeks passed before their little peanut decided to give up her gender just days after Colt and Rose’s son was born.

  Even the doctor was getting frustrated by peanut’s shy antics when they arrived for their check-up that morning, and he encouraged Ashleigh to take a sip or two of juice before they got started with the ultrasound.

  “Let’s maybe just wake the little guy or gal up some and hope to see something today,” he said, leading Ashleigh and Walker into his rooms.

  Walker shut the door as he stepped into the room and immediately started firing all the questions he’d gleaned from the baby books he had been devouring at the doctor.

  Dr. Haversham, who’d come highly recommended by both Remy and Rose, smiled indulgently and answered all of Walker’s questions as he prepared Ashleigh for the ultrasound.

  “You’re used to the Roman men and their questions about becoming dads then, huh?” Ashleigh teased lightly as she braced herself for the jelly on her protruding abdomen.

  “The Roman men? They’ve always been a challenge.” He chuckled. “But I by far prefer the dads who come in armed with questions and curiosity than those who try to tell me how to do my job, or worse, those who don’t come at all.” He chuckled, but Walker cringed at the last bit, clearly recalling the fact that Dr. Haversham had delivered Shiloh before any of the Romans -- but The Colonel, of course -- had known of his existence.

  “That brother of yours convince Remy it’s time for number three yet?” the good doctor asked kindly, as if he were party to the conversation turning in their heads communicated only by quick looks.

  “I’d say almost, Doc,” she said, her eyes rooted to the screen that would hopefully soon reveal what theme she would be decorating the nursery in, which names she and Walker had to choose between.

  They had speculated for hours, each trying to suss the other out for which gender they would prefer, but had come to the conclusion that all that mattered was that the baby was healthy.

  Dr. Haversham fiddled with the wand and then practically squeaked when he found what he was looking for.

  Ashleigh scrunched up her eyes, trying to see what he had seen as she waited for him to punch some buttons on his machine. Walker grasped at her hand and his gaze -- light green today -- was fixated on the same spot that hers was.

  “Well, well,” Dr Haversham said, drawing a small line on the display to indicate to them where he was looking. “Looks like the Romans are finally starting to make up their number in girls, Walker.”

  He looked down at Ashleigh, wearing an almost goofy grin before looking back at Dr. Haversham. “I’m gonna have a little baby girl?”

  “You sure are, Walker. Congratulations. I’ll just give you two a minute.” Dr. Haversham was out the door just as Walker pressed his lips to hers.

  She felt him smile as he kissed her, tears of joy streaming down her face.

  “So, mama, you have any ideas for a name?” he asked her quietly.

  “I do, actually. I know we’ve talked about this, but I think I’ve come up with something better. I want her name to be Jax, after Jacqueline.”

  His eyebrows shot up, and a look she had never seen in his eyes before shone as he looked at her as if she were the first woman to ever bear child.

  “After my mot
her?” he whispered.

  “She raised great sons and from what I’ve heard, she was one hell of woman. I can’t think of a better namesake than that.”

  “Jax,” he whispered. “I love it.”

  They kissed, knowing they had a long time together to get used to the name… and their lives together.

  Bad Boy’s Bonus!


  Ashleigh was lying down on the couch in the living room, half-watching an HGTV show about finding the perfect house while Walker finished up dinner in the kitchen. Her swollen feet were propped up on a stack of pillows. At eight months pregnant, she felt about ready to pop. She spent a lot of her day lying down in various positions with various stacks of pillows.

  Walker, already protective of Ashleigh, had become even more so as her pregnancy progressed. He often insisted that she lie down and rest. Earlier in her pregnancy, she’d batted him aside easily. Ashleigh had a lot of energy. She didn’t like to just “sit back and rest,” as Walker suggested.

  These days, however, she didn’t need much convincing. She was tired and swollen, and sometimes just moving from room to room felt like an enormous chore. She half-jokingly complained she’d have to catch her breath just to stand still.

  Still, whatever he was cooking for dinner smelled amazing, and Ashleigh enjoyed watching Walker move around the kitchen. The sight of her tall, muscular husband wearing a too-small apron, with a wooden tasting spoon extending from his massive hands, always made her smile.

  From time to time, she would raise her head to call out a suggestion, or he would come in to give her a taste of something he was cooking.

  It was all shockingly domestic for a couple like them. She was a strip club waitress who’d had a Russian mob contract out on her life when Walker had met her. He was a former navy SEAL who had spent most of his adult life hiding from the demons constant battle had created. They had seen people die together, been hunted and had a torrid love affair.


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