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Gypsy Rising (All The Pretty Monsters Book 5)

Page 31

by Kristy Cunning

  And he’s apparently happy about being underneath me, if the thing poking me in the stomach is any indication toward his current mood.

  Damn vampire.

  My body is all sorts of confused, because some really inappropriate thoughts enter my mind.

  I’m incensed. Or…at least I should be. Right?

  Weak is feeling more like my theme song with each passing—

  A hand clamps down on my ass, and the vampire smiles, even as his eyes stay closed.

  “Care to use my body for your pleasure this morning, love?” he asks, even though the clock is telling me it’s actually mid-afternoon.

  Have I really slept all day?

  He gives my ass a squeeze, and suddenly a few images pop into my mind—images not made by the slutty, shameless subconscious I have. Instead, it’s images made by the slutty, shameless sexual deviant I feel kissing my inner wrist.

  Even with my eyes wide open, all I can see is Arion under me, and Damien behind me, as the two of them release their monsters in a way that has my toes trying to prematurely curl and my heart racing out of my chest.

  Lips capture mine, both in the fantasy and for real, because there’s no denying a true kiss with Arion. It’s too consuming to be faked, and my body heats in response.

  I’m not sure what’s real and what’s imaginary, as I shove my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer, my hips rocking against him in a way that has him hurrying to shove my shorts down.

  A scream has the illusion snapping and shattering, as a cold wash of reality slashes through me with the same jarring sensation.

  I pause, forgetting everything else, when I realize Vance’s lips are stilled on my shoulder, his eyes holding mine, even as my shirt is in his hands.

  I’m half undressed, and the four of them are all touching me in some way that suggests this was going to get real dirty real fast.

  It’s so quiet in the room that you can hear each breath the five of us take, as they all wait to see what reaction I’m going to have to this…scene.

  I swallow thickly, because I’m not sure why we’ve stopped. Even though I’m supposed to be mad at them, I definitely still want to try—

  Another scream seems to remind us all what brought this unexpected morning to a crashing halt. Emit is off the stretcher and racing out in the next instant, and Vance is right behind him.

  Damien curses, muttering something about killing someone if this isn’t an emergency, as he quickly follows them. Arion keeps me pressed to him, his hand inching my shorts farther down my legs until he shoves them off completely.

  He pauses, listening to something, and a small, daring grin crosses his lips.

  “You can still be mad at me and fuck me, sweet monster. I can assure you I’ll enjoy it as much as you, and I’ll still work very hard to get back in your good graces,” he murmurs against my throat.

  My entire body trembles with the desire to take him up on that.

  I should still be sore, but I’m not. In fact, I’m healed so much that I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do. But—

  Another scream has me trying to lift off him, but he holds me in place.

  “Whatever it is, three alphas is more than plenty enough to deal with it,” he assures me.

  I’m flipped so suddenly that I don’t gauge the motion until my back slaps the mattress and he comes down on top of me.

  His eyes meet and hold mine, and he smirks down at me. “I’m at your mercy, Violet. What will you do with—”

  His breath hisses between his lips when I shove him hard, catching him off guard, and disappointment crosses his eyes as I lift up.

  He drops to his back and puts an arm over his eyes, jaw tensing like he’s annoyed his plans didn’t work out.

  I smile to myself, as I settle myself between his legs, and another breath hisses between his lips, this time sounding surprised, as his eyes come down and meet mine in genuine shock.

  My hand curls around his very erect—

  “What are you doing?” he asks as my mouth closes around the tip, only making the vampire whimper in more surprise as he goes rigid. “Violet, fuck’s sake, what are you doing?”

  I pause, confused by how nearly panicked he sounds, his body wound so tight it feels almost as though he’ll break.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” I ask him, my brow furrowing.

  He starts to speak, but my mouth is already on him again, and another breath hisses out of him, as he bites down on his hand. His hips jerk, but I manage to keep from taking too much too fast.

  “Bloody hell, woman. I don’t think you should do that. It’s extremely disrespectful for me to allow you to lower yourself to—”

  His words end on yet another hissed breath, as I take him deeper, sucking with just enough pressure to apparently do good things.

  I pause again, my lips coming off him with a pop.

  I study him, as he keeps his eyes screwed shut, and he even has an arm over his face. I’ve never seen Arion look so out of sorts. An impossible thought occurs to me.

  “Idun never—”

  “Of course not,” he says quickly, almost too quickly, as though this is actually something uncomfortable for him to speak about. “Do you think that woman would ever lower herself to such an indignity?”

  I fight really hard not to smile, because I definitely don’t want to embarrass a vampire who usually has zero shame.

  I was just going to toy with him a little—the way he toys with me so often. But now?

  Damn vampire.

  My mouth descends on him again, but this time, I feel really powerful, because he has zero experiences to compare it to. I’m not a pro, but I’m definitely experienced enough to seem impressive to a very ancient vampire who hasn’t ever had a taste of the good stuff.

  His hands fist in the bedding next to me, as I start enjoying every second of it more than I’ve ever enjoyed giving pleasure before. But I hiss out my own surprised breath when I feel two large hands clamp on my hips.

  My eyes dart up to the mirror behind the bed, spotting Emit’s wolfish smirk in place, as a very large and blunt tip starts pressing between my thighs.

  In my excitement to be Arion’s first BJ, I didn’t realize how worked up my body had gotten. At least not until Emit slides in almost effortlessly, filling me so completely that I make way too much noise in appreciation.

  Arion’s hand goes to my hair, clearly unbothered by Emit’s presence, as the wolf starts fucking me like he owns me from behind, my body too turned on to focus on both men at once.

  But I manage to remember this is Arion’s first oral experience, and just enjoy all the added sensations Emit’s attention brings, while I make the vampire feel like as much of a king as I can.

  Arion writhes underneath me, as Emit works my body to a fine edge, the two of them doing things to me in such different ways that it’s almost intoxicating.

  Sweat beads on the vampire’s skin, and I get greedier, taking as much of him as I can, with more and more enthusiasm, because the wolf is really good at what he does for a girl’s body.

  Just when I’m so close to the edge that it’s unbearable, Arion makes a startled cry, his hips jerking, and that’s all the warning I get before he’s suddenly climaxing.

  In my mouth.

  I swallow as fast as I can, but…this has never happened in my mouth before. However, I can’t help but give it all the effort I can, because I’ve never seen so much tortured pleasure on one person’s face. It’s the sort of expression that makes a girl happy to do whatever she can to draw it out.

  But the wolf starts getting more aggressive, his claws digging into my sides, as the vampire drags me closer, his lips crushing mine so quickly that I once again miss the fast motions that lead from one second to the next.

  He kisses me like he’s never been more thankful to kiss anyone in all his life, and as though he desperately needs so much more from me. Pleasure swarms me too quickly, and Emit’s growl and perfect
ly executed movements send me over the edge completely.

  I cry out against Arion’s mouth, as my whole body trembles against him. I’m nearly crushed between them, when Emit drops to my back, and his hips still, as he muffles his sound against my throat.

  Still trembling and suffering the aftershocks, my reaction time lags, as the very fast vampire moves. Emit curses as he’s knocked back. The world spins around me, and the vampire suddenly has my back pinned against the mattress once more.

  There’s not any warning before he’s inside me, thrusting in so deep he completely buries himself inside me with that one stroke.

  He shudders against me, his cool breath doing incredible things against my sensitive skin, and my nails dig into his back as he begins fucking me in earnest.

  There’s a sharp sting at my neck, before I feel the ginger suckling there, and my body gets way more turned on by it than should be natural. Or decent.

  My next orgasm hits without warning, and I’ll be embarrassed by the sound I make when I’m not so caught up in how fucking good it feels.

  Arion gets rougher, drinking as much as he wants, while fucking me as mercilessly as he dares, and I’m not sure why I love it so much.

  He groans against my neck, and his hands tighten on my hips so much that it almost feels bruising in the best possible way. He stills against me, and I turn my head more, giving him as much blood as he needs, because it feels so good to have him so close.

  I hate him for doing this to me, but he already knows I love him. So I don’t actually hate him at all, because…

  My head is entirely too fucked up, and I need to stop thinking.

  “Arion, we’re gonna need the alpha vampire for this problem, if you’re quite finished being a selfish son of a bitch with our girlfriend,” Damien calls out, apparently forgetting we’re still broken up.

  I really do need better boundaries.

  Also, I need a stronger resolve or something.

  Arion’s lips kiss along my throat, and they slide over mine, just barely brushing, as his gaze stays devoted to me. There’s a breathless moment where he conveys so much with that lost, yet content, look.

  It’s the same look he gave me the first time we had sex.

  As though he’s found something he didn’t know existed and doesn’t know how to treasure it properly.

  Or…I’m a romantic idiot, who is reading way too much into it.

  “I’ll make you my bride, Violet Carmine. And when I do, you’ll love every fucking second of it. You have a month to adjust to that warning before I make it a reality. Find a way to make peace with that,” he says before he practically vanishes, leaving my mind rushing after the really crazy shit he just said like it wasn’t a big deal.

  Emit is beside me and pulling me against him, running his lips up my neck, and cradling me to him. He nuzzles me, affectionately snuggling against me, as I continue to reel from Arion’s parting words.

  “He ruins all the fun when he says crazy shit,” Emit says on a sigh. “But you do continuously reward bad behavior,” he points out.

  I blink up at him, still too stunned for words. Arion was so serious that I believe he really did threaten to force me to be his bride, and to ultimately get over it if I have any objections.

  I have no idea how I feel about this, since it sounded far more endearing the last time he mentioned it. Before he gave me a deadline and made it such a reality.

  “How do you feel about being my mate?” Emit asks too abruptly.

  These guys…

  I swear…

  “Honestly, I haven’t had a chance to process how I feel about it yet,” I tell him honestly, sighing as I relax and get comfortable on his chest.

  I love how surrounded and protected I feel when I’m in Emit’s arms. I also love how dainty I feel, since he’s a beast of a man.

  He grins down at me, his eyebrows bouncing up, as he drags my leg over his hip.

  “How do you feel about it?” I ask, shifting uncomfortably against him, and finding myself avoiding his eyes like a coward.

  His hand comes around the back of my head, and my eyes meet his when he forces me closer, dragging our faces so close together that our lips bump.

  He smirks when I shiver against him, my body sated twice and still hungry for more, since I’m apparently insatiable this morning.

  “I was rejected by the last woman I tried to take as a mate. Since then, I’ve never even attempted loving a woman,” he says, his smirk falling away.

  He glances down to my lips, and his gaze bounces back up to meet mine, as his arm comes around my waist.

  “There’s no way to describe the pain of having your mark rejected after claiming someone. However, if you don’t want my mark—”

  “I do,” I blurt, not really thinking that through.

  It just sort of pops out without any sort of forethought.

  His lips curve up very slowly.

  “I wanted you like I’ve never wanted a woman before. You got under my skin, even though I fought with all I had to keep my distance. Arion claims to fall the hardest, but it’s not true. He just gives so much of himself so completely that he considers that proof enough. I’m who falls the hardest. I fell so hard that I couldn’t get back up until my wolf found me a new mate.”

  She broke him.

  She literally broke him.

  First, she made him sacrifice his most important love—his family’s wolves. Then she treated his wolf’s claim like a defilement of her body.

  She rejected him, even after he threw away so much to be with her. She didn’t respect any sacrifice he made, and only made him continuously sacrifice more.

  “Even as I hated her, I still loved her, and she toyed with me, mocked me, and ruthlessly tore apart the wolves I loved to punish me when I didn’t behave accordingly. You’re like the breath of air I’ve spent my immortal life trying to catch, and I finally caught that breath the moment my mark was on you. My wolf was more broken than I was, Violet. Until now, I didn’t realize how much damage her rejection caused. I feel whole again right now.”

  He runs his fingers along the strands of my hair, his gaze far too adoring, as he drinks me in.

  “To be completely honest, I’d likely track you down to the ends of the earth if you tried to get away from me. It’s just noble and honorable to pretend I’d be okay with letting you go,” he states as though it’s a confession.

  His eyes do that wolfish thing they do when the full moon is near, but there’s no full moon.

  His smirk deepens, as though he’s enjoying the wolf stirring so close to the surface.

  “I’ll give you the world if you ask it. I’ll give you anything you ever desire. That mark is as much my surrender as it is yours,” he goes on, his lips ghosting mine. “I should have known I’d never be able to fight you for long, because I couldn’t stay away, no matter how hard I tried. And I certainly tried.”

  I’d like to say he kisses me, but it’s me who kisses him, because I can’t stop myself.

  My hands go to his shoulders, and I slip back over on him, prepared to go round three, because I desperately need him inside me right now.


  My mate.

  I have a mate.

  I’m essentially married, and it’s to Emit.

  The guy who first made me feel okay about being a monster.

  The guy who gave me peace about something I’d never had peace with before.

  The man who accepted me from the beginning, and who has always been there, even if he was pushing as hard as he was pulling.

  The man who has handed over omegas, land, and anything else I’ve needed along the way, without ever once complaining about it.

  The first person to ever survive around my monster’s emergence without looking at me with any fear. If anything, my monster has only brought us closer together. Little by little.

  And his decided we needed to be together a lot more.

  I kiss him harder, just because I can�
�t help myself, and he drinks me in as though this really is our honeymoon.

  Even though I still don’t really know how I feel about it, I do feel myself smiling uncontrollably against his lips, and kissing him with a hunger I can’t deny.

  I always knew he was holding back.

  I just assumed it was because he didn’t really want to be with me.

  I never considered there might be a much deeper reason.

  It only makes me more desperate to have him inside me again, and he doesn’t waste time obliging.

  For the third time this morning, a monster has his way with me, and I love every wicked second of it.



  “You fucking codgers don’t need sex to live,” Damien gripes. “Now she’s in an orgasm-induced coma, because your wolf earned you special privileges, and the vampire is like a virgin to her.”

  “Finally, my loyalty is paying off,” Arion chides, sounding entirely too pleased with himself. “Your man-whoring ways have finally caught up with you, Morpheous.”

  One blowjob, and suddenly his head can’t fit in a room.

  “Fuck the lot of you. I’m so out of my element that I can’t get the damn girl to stop looking at me like she’s surprised any time I do anything less than perfectly proper,” I hear Vance griping, which has me covering my mouth to muffle a startled laugh.

  I peer around the doorway, watching as the four of them walk down the stairs.

  “How long will it take her to sleep it off?” Damien asks, sounding genuinely irritated.

  Their voices trail off, and I only catch bits and pieces of their conversation from there.

  “The best thing you ever did was break up with them. They sure as hell started missing you real damn fast,” Anna chirps from my side.

  “What’s Idun up to right now?” I ask her quietly, barely whispering the words.

  “According to our male ghost that gives you the creeps—”

  “Who?” I ask, distracted by the sound of Vance’s rare laughter.

  I hate that I’m smiling when I don’t even know what he’s laughing about.

  “The guy who wanted you to keep up his girlfriend but you didn’t seem to like him, so he stopped hanging around,” she states like she’s reminding me. “The triplets introduced you to him after I died and stuff.”


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