Book Read Free

The Engagement Embargo

Page 1

by Samantha Chase


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Which meet me at the altar girl is going to find her happily ever after next?

  Also by Samantha Chase

  About Samantha Chase




  Copyright 2021 Samantha Chase

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  All Rights Reserved.

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  No part of this book, with the exception of brief quotations for book reviews or critical articles, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Cover Design: Kari March/Kari March Designs

  Editing: Jillian Rivera Editing

  Praise for Samantha Chase

  “If you can’t get enough of stories that get inside your heart and soul and stay there long after you’ve read the last page, then Samantha Chase is for you!”

  -NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Melanie Shawn

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  “A fun, flirty, sweet romance filled with romance and character growth and a perfect happily ever after.”

  -NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Carly Phillips

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  “Samantha Chase writes my kind of happily ever after!”

  -NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Erin Nicholas

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  “The openness between the lovers is refreshing, and their interactions are a balanced blend of sweet and spice. The planets may not have aligned, but the elements of this winning romance are definitely in sync.”

  - Publishers Weekly, STARRED review

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  “A true romantic delight, A Sky Full of Stars is one of the top gems of romance this year.”

  - Night Owl Reviews, TOP PICK

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  “Great writing, a winsome ensemble, and the perfect blend of heart and sass.”

  - Publishers Weekly

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  “Recommend Chase to fans of Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Well-written and uniquely appealing.”

  - Booklist

  Chapter 1

  Love is like a hole; once you fall in, it’s hard to get out.


  “We have wilting sunflowers over here!” Skylar Jennings called out. “Wilting sunflowers, people!” She looked around frantically. “Can someone please replace these with cheery, non-wilting ones?” With a huff, she continued to scan the large banquet room and felt a sense of pride. The theme for the wedding was country chic–lots of mason jars and sunflowers. It was very rustic and charming. The colors made it feel like you were walking in the mountains during the fall foliage–very trendy. It was the only thing the bride had contributed to the plans.

  Wedding planning was her life–even though she had gone to college and graduated with a psychology degree–but it didn’t take long for her to realize it wasn’t her passion. Luckily, she had a plan B to fall back on. After starting up the business three years ago with her two best friends, Josie and Leanna, Meet Me at the Altar Wedding Services had finally started to become a success. Skye loved helping couples plan their big day, and it was always so rewarding to see the look on their faces when they saw how she brought their vision to life and made their day exactly what they wanted.

  Today was the first time she found zero joy in it.

  “Why are there wilted sunflowers?” a voice called out, and when she turned, she saw one of her partners, Josie, walking toward her.

  “I’m already working on it,” Skye assured her. “We have plenty of extras in the cooler so we’ll just swap them out. No big deal.” Then she looked at Josie and started to smirk. “Nice outfit.”

  Looking down at herself, Josie frowned. She was in a pair of purple sweatpants, an oversized white buttoned shirt, gray slipper booties, and there were several large rollers in her hair. “We’re in the middle of getting ready and I was too fidgety to stand still so I figured I’d come out and see how things were going.”

  “You’re a bridesmaid today,” Skye gently reminded her. “And not one of the wedding planners. We’ve been over this a million times. I’ve got it all under control.”

  Another frown from Josie. “This isn’t right.”

  Skye looked around frantically. “What? What isn’t right? This looks exactly like the picture Tracy printed out for us from her Pinterest board!”

  “That’s not what I mean. This wedding as a whole. It’s just…it’s wrong.” She sighed and looked at Skye sadly. “My brother is making a huge mistake.”

  Actually, her brother was on his fourth mistake, but who was counting?

  This wasn’t a topic Skye particularly wanted to discuss, so she simply nodded and let her friend talk.

  “Think about it,” Josie went on. “We’ve dealt with dozens of brides in the last few years, and when did one ever hand us a picture off the internet and say, ‘Do this’ and then have no interest in anything else, huh? It was weird and it’s wrong and…I just can’t believe he doesn’t see it!”

  “I get why you’re concerned, and yes, it was a little strange, but…not every bride is all about the details. Plus, Elliott was more than happy to fill in the gaps and he had enough enthusiasm for both of them.”

  “Elliott is an idiot.”

  Skye fought a smirk. “That’s your brother you’re talking about, and you know he’s not an idiot. He’s a borderline genius.” She shrugged. “He just happens to be in love with being in love. You can’t fault him for it. Isn’t that something we all want? To be in love and have someone love us back?”

  I know I wouldn’t mind that…

  “Skye, this is his fourth engagement…”

  “But only the first to get to the wedding day, so…”

  They were silent for several minutes as they watched their staff scurry around putting finishing touches on the room–including replacing the wilting flowers. “I just don’t like seeing him get hurt.”

  “He’s not going to get hurt,” Skye softly replied. “This is what he’s always wanted. If anything, he’s floating on a cloud of happiness right now. This is his day and you need to be happy for him.”


  “No maybes about it. Now go and change out of that outfit, put on your gown, and let’s do this.”

  And with a small groan, Josie agreed and made her way out of the room and back to the bridal suite.

  “Okay, another crisis averted.” And she prayed it was the last.

  So far, it had been a fairly uneventful day. It seemed like everyone was on their best behavior today since Elliott was family. Everyone knew and loved him and were excited to be a part of his big day.

  Except Skye.

  Right now, she’d give anything to be anywhere else in the world.

  It was a good thing she was the one in charge today and could easily distract herself from having to stand there and watch the man she’d been in lo
ve with since she was twelve years old marry someone else.

  Yeah, today was definitely going to suck.

  When Josie had suggested them bringing in someone else to handle overseeing everything so Skye could be a guest, she shut it down fast. There was no way she could sit in a chair and watch Elliott and Tracy say their vows to promise to love each other and all that other crap without either standing up and speaking her piece or sitting there and losing her mind.

  Neither were great options, so playing the part of the too-busy-to-be-a-guest wedding planner was her role for the day.

  And she planned on spending a lot of time in the kitchen.

  Or crying in the coat closet.

  Forcing herself to focus on the wedding as an event and not the people getting married, she made her way to the kitchen to check on everything there.

  As expected, it was controlled chaos. The catering staff was amazing and their head chef Patricia was famous for her signature dishes. Skye knew she never had to worry about the menu when Patricia was in charge. With a smile and wave, she continued to walk around and check on progress, and back in the far corner of the kitchen was her other partner, Leanna, who was also their on-staff baker.

  “If you’re coming over to steal some frosting, I’ve already set a bowl aside for you over there,” Leanna said without looking up from the cake she was decorating. Honestly, the woman worked magic with cakes of all shapes and sizes, and it never ceased to amaze her.

  “Is it chocolate?”

  This time Leanna stopped and shot her a patient stare. “Would I put anything else aside for you?”

  “You’re right. Sorry.” And because it would be rude not to try it, Skye settled onto a stool in the corner with her bowl and let out a small sigh.

  “You doing okay?” Leanna asked as she went back to work on placing delicate sugar flowers on the cake.

  “Of course. Why?”

  “The sigh, for starters.” She placed another flower on the cake–an edible sunflower this time–before she straightened and turned around to face Skye. “And the fact that this is Elliott’s wedding.” Leanna was the only person in the world who knew how Skye really felt and it was good to have someone to talk to about it.

  “I’m not loving it,” she admitted. “I thought I was okay with the whole thing. I mean, it’s not like he’s ever shown any interest in me at all, ever, so…” She sighed again and it was longer and louder. “But now that the day is here? I just don’t know what I’m going to do when I see him. Them. All of it.”

  Leanna walked over and gave her a hug. “I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling.” When she pulled away, she grabbed one of the other stools and sat down beside her. “I think once the ceremony starts, you should go. I can handle things. I’ve got a change of clothes with me and I can walk around and make sure everything’s under control. My assistants can handle setting up the cake and desserts.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. I’m a grown woman and I’ve accepted the fact that Elliott is getting married.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you should have to stay and watch it happen. Seriously, Skye, don’t torture yourself. If it were me, I would have called in sick or taken advantage of hiring someone else to oversee this event like Josie suggested.”

  “Maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment and figured by being here and seeing it all happen that I’d force myself to get over him.”

  They sat in silence for several minutes before Leanna stood. “I have to finish getting the flowers on this cake. Eat your frosting.”

  With a small laugh, Skye looked down at the bowl and smiled. “Is it buttercream or whipped?”

  “I find it insulting that you even ask,” Leanna murmured as she focused on another edible sunflower.

  Taking a small spoonful of the decadent frosting, Skye licked it and hummed with appreciation. “Any chance you have a bucket of this to send home with me? I have a feeling I’m going to need it.”

  “There’s definitely some extra, but not a bucketful. And if anything, I’d rather send it home with you than with me. Lord knows if it’s sitting around, I’ll eat it and then where will I be?”

  “Oh, stop. I can’t believe you don’t eat more of this stuff. I know I would if it was around me all day.”

  “Yeah, but you have a great metabolism and could probably eat a bucketful of icing and not gain a pound. I’m gaining weight as we speak just talking about the icing.”

  Skye shook her head and took another spoonful of frosting. “That’s ridiculous and you know it. You’re beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with you.”

  “Tell that to my pants that are feeling mighty squeezy right now.”

  It was an argument she would never win. Leanna struggled with her weight for years and it didn’t seem to matter what anyone said to her or how beautiful they all told her she was—she never believed it.

  “Whatever icing is left, I’ll take it,” she said around yet another spoonful of chocolate. “And between this, some wine, and the yoga pants and hoodie I plan on putting on when I get home, my pathetic look should be complete.”

  “You’re not pathetic, Skye. You’re just sad and there’s nothing wrong with that.” She put her tools down and faced her. “You should crash at my place tonight. We can be sad together.”

  Her eyes went wide. “What are you sad about? I thought things were going well.”

  She shrugged. “My sister’s baby shower is in two weeks. You know what that’s going to be like, right?”

  Sadly, she did.

  “Your family is awesome and everyone loves you and if they want to give you any grief about being single, simply pop a cupcake in their mouth and tell them to go…”

  “I get what you’re saying,” Leanne quickly interrupted. “No need to break out the potty mouth.”

  Unable to help herself, she laughed. Leanne was incredibly sweet and sometimes it was fun to just mess with her by threatening a swear word. “Okay, then. No feeling sorry for yourself.”


  “And hey, there’s still a couple of weeks so maybe you’ll meet a great guy and you’ll tell everyone about him and how happy you are!”

  “Right,” she replied dryly. “Because things like that happen to me all the time. You’d think on one of these jobs–a wedding, an engagement party, any of them–that I’d meet a cute, eligible single guy. But do I? No.”

  “Right there with you.”

  “Elliott’s got some cute friends. Maybe…”

  “Don’t you dare even say it! There is no way I’d even consider hooking up with one of his friends! Cute, eligible, or otherwise!” Groaning, she put the near-empty bowl of frosting down. “Maybe I should go. If I’m this much of a mess before the ceremony, I can’t even imagine what I’ll be like after it.”

  “Good plan. I’ve got this covered.”

  “Thanks, Lea. I appreciate it.” Standing, she looked around. “I’m just going to do one last walk-through of the room, but I’ll let you know when I’m definitely on my way out.” They hugged before Leanna went back to putting flowers on the cake.

  Resigning herself to being a coward, Skye walked back out to the banquet room and did a final check on everything. She spotted two servers lingering near the hall of the groom’s suite and her curiosity was piqued. When she got closer, she whispered, “What’s going on?” They both jumped and she could tell they were afraid of getting in trouble, so she put their minds at ease. “Everything okay back there?”

  Dot, who had been with Meet Me at the Altar since the beginning, gave her a nervous smile. “It sounds like the groom and best man are arguing, and we sort of got sucked in while trying to hear what they’re saying.”

  Elliott and Tyler were arguing? That didn’t seem like a thing.

  And now she had to stop and try to listen too.

  “Um…if you need us to go and finish straightening chairs…”

  Raised voices hit Skye and all she could
do was shush Dot and step a little farther into the hallway and pray no one else caught what they were doing.

  Within minutes, the girls were gone and Skye was holding her breath outside the door of the groom’s suite.

  “Look, all I’m saying, El, is that I want you to be sure.”

  Straightening his tie and staring at his reflection in the mirror in the tiny groom’s suite, Elliott gave his best friend Tyler an easy smile. “We’ve been over this before. I’m sure.”

  “You were sure three other times…”

  “Those were nothing like this.”

  “Okay, fine. This is the first time you’re walking down the aisle. It’s just that…”

  “Is this really the conversation we should be having right now? The wedding is about to start,” he said with a huff. Running a hand through his hair, he cursed the fact that no matter how hard he tried, it never looked completely neat.

  Maybe I should have gotten it cut yesterday instead of last week…

  Stepping in front of him and blocking his reflection, Tyler’s smile was more than a little forced. “How long have we known each other?”

  “I don’t know. Pre-school or something,” Elliott replied as he took a step back to try to put some space between them. He loved Tyler like a brother, but close-talking was definitely not something he enjoyed.

  “Exactly. Since forever. I know you and I know what you’re doing.”

  “Um…trying not to be late for my own wedding? Yeah.” But when he went to move, Tyler stopped him.


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