The Engagement Embargo

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The Engagement Embargo Page 8

by Samantha Chase

  “No time like the present,” he said with a grin.

  “Fine. But I’m just going to keep eating.” And to prove her point, she took another bite of her dinner.

  “Should I, like…stand up or something?”

  “Why? Are you planning on doing this like a book report?”

  Elliott knew she was teasing, but he had no idea how he was supposed to do this. “No, but…I don’t know! If I were at a therapist's office, I’d be lying down on a couch or something, right? So since we’re in the kitchen, I just thought…”

  “Elliott?” she interrupted patiently. “Just…talk.”

  With a curt nod, he did.

  “Okay, so proposing to my high school girlfriend at seventeen had seemed wildly romantic,” he began. “We were young and we thought we were in love. We always talked about going to college together, adopting a handful of rescue dogs, and finding the perfect little home with the white picket fence…you know, goofy stuff like that.”

  Grabbing a second slice of pizza, she nodded.

  “But the wild-eyed look on Wendy’s face at graduation when I got down on one knee? I don’t know why I didn’t just shut up and stop before I made such a grand–and public–declaration.”

  Nodding, she gave him a small smile. “That’s not terrible, Elliott. You were young. It happens.”

  He agreed. “That’s why I didn’t even think about proposing to my college girlfriend until our junior year.”

  “Three years later is a completely decent amount of time to wait between these things.”

  “Exactly. And I really believed she was the one. I went a different route this time and proposed on Valentine’s Day.”

  “A little clichéd, but romantic. So what happened there?”

  “I was completely oblivious. Again,” he grumbled. “On paper, we were completely compatible. We both loved sushi, reading, board games, and binge-watching rom-coms. We would stay up all night talking about all the ways the world could use a little more love and compassion.”


  “But it turned out she had given her love, compassion–and my chocolates–to someone else. Actually, multiple someones.”

  Skye groaned and refused to look at him.

  Rather than stop, Elliott plowed onward. “Proposal number three was really the case of a rebound relationship, and I should have known better. But we were in Vegas and a little drunk and…you know, I threw it out there and she said yes.”

  “Does this she have a name?”

  “Kate,” he replied and toyed with a piece of pizza crust. “Anyway, there was this Elvis impersonator who seemed just a wee bit too flirty, but hey, it was Vegas, right? Next thing I know, I’m filling out paperwork and Kate is making out with Mr. Blue Suede Shoes!”

  A small snort of laughter was out before Skye seemed to realize it, and she gave him a smirk. “I guess that means you spent the night at the Heartbreak Hotel?”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny. Needless to say, I was more than happy to let what happened in Vegas, stay in Vegas.”

  Beside him, she seemed to get her laughter under control before murmuring an apology.

  “And then there was Tracy and…you know the deal there.”

  Taking her third slice of pizza, Skye put it on her plate and let out a long breath. “I’m going to say some things now,” she began slowly. “And you may not like them but…you definitely need to hear them.”

  All he could do was nod.

  “I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong.”

  Elliott stared at her for a solid minute in disbelief.

  Nodding, Skye explained. “First proposal? You were a kid and too young to really be held accountable. Proposal number two? That stung, but…still a little too young to really be at fault. The third? That was just stupidity. And Tracy? For what it’s worth, that was all on her, not you. So if you’re going to beat yourself up, it’s pointless.”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “I’m not saying that this embargo thing should be lifted or anything because it seems like you’re doing fine with it. I think you’re being overly cautious and overreacting by saying you’ll never get involved with anyone again, but…” She stopped and shrugged.

  “You think that’s a mistake?”

  She nodded again. “Definitely.”


  Maybe it was time to turn the tables…

  “What is so wrong with not wanting to fall in love and get married? Especially after everything I’ve been through?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with it,” she said fiercely, leaning forward in her seat. “It’s actually understandable. But I also believe this is a knee-jerk reaction. I’ve known you for a long time and I can’t believe you’re just completely okay with giving up everything you said you wanted. It seems crazy to me to say you’re never going to fall in love again.”

  “But how do any of us really know we’re in love?” he countered. “I mean, think about it. People confuse love and lust all the time. Obviously, I have, and it sucks being wrong.”

  “Elliott, no one is saying it’s wrong. You can fall hard and fast and believe in love at first sight. Those are great things. The issue is how you immediately began planning a future with these women before you truly knew them–or yourself. What would be the harm in being in a longer-lasting relationship before putting a ring on someone’s finger? You can still be happy and in love, can’t you?”

  “Trust me, I speak from experience and it’s not that simple.” Shaking his head, he reached for another slice of pizza and tossed it on his plate. “I’d just rather not go there again. Not now. Not a year from now or whenever the hell this embargo thing ends, just…not interested. End of story.”

  The look on her face told him he was trying her patience, but he didn’t care. She had no idea how fed up he was with the whole situation. He could finally breathe freely because he took the pressure off himself to try to emulate what his parents and grandparents had.

  “You’re angry and you’re hurting right now. I get it and I’m sorry you feel that way. Just promise me that you’ll also try to be a little more open-minded about your future.”

  “I am being open-minded, Skye. There’s a world of possibilities out there waiting for me. Just because marriage isn’t one of them anymore doesn’t make my life any less fulfilling. Plenty of people go through their entire lives without committing to another person.”

  She frowned. “You’re right. They do. But that doesn’t mean they’re all okay with that decision. We’re all individuals, Elliott. Why does it all have to be black or white?”

  Raking a hand through his hair, he sighed. “I…I don’t know. It just feels better to take that pressure off of myself.”

  Apparently she must have felt like the conversation was over because she quickly changed it. “The wedding we’re doing this weekend has a guest list of three hundred! Can you believe it? And the reception is being held at this massive historical home in Winston-Salem. It’s going to be a nightmare.”

  Message received and Elliott was kind of relieved himself. It did help to say everything out loud, but she wasn’t going to change his mind. The old saying of “Once bitten, twice shy” certainly came to mind along with the old “Fool me once” one.

  And he was definitely done being a fool.

  It was only eight-thirty when Skye slowly got to her feet. “I think our weekly therapy sessions are done.”


  “Because you’re fine, Elliott,” she said with a hint of annoyance. “There’s nothing else for us to talk about and really, from this point forward, I think Tyler and your other friends would be of more help than I would.”

  He didn’t fully agree, but it was clear nothing was going to get settled tonight. Standing up, he slid his hands into his pockets and offered her a small smile. “Thanks, Skye. For what it’s worth, I’ve enjoyed our time together.”

  She didn’t respond, and as they walked to the front doo
r together, Elliott felt mildly disappointed that she was leaving already.

  “You don’t have to rush out, you know,” he said casually. “I realize we don’t have to talk about me and my situation, but that doesn’t mean you have to jump up and leave.”

  Skye looked extremely perplexed by his statement.

  Stepping in front of her, Elliott stopped her from going any farther. “Okay, there is something on my mind and if I don’t ask, it’s going to drive me crazy.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Um…o-kay…”

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  Now she frowned. “When?”

  “I don’t know…tonight? Ever?”

  “Elliott, what are you talking about?”

  “I want to know why you’re rushing out of here,” he quickly stated. “We’ve known each other for years and I thought we were having fun hanging out together these past few weeks, but now you can’t wait to get out of here! So…what’s the deal?”

  Maybe he just didn’t want to be alone and was taking it out on her, but he didn’t think that was it. Whatever was going on, it had to do more with Skylar than it did with him. He truly couldn’t imagine what he possibly could have done to offend her. They always got along and they never had any issues before, so he was truly stumped.

  “I’m not rushing,” she murmured, but she also wouldn’t look him directly in the eye.

  Feeling bold, Elliott gently grasped her by the shoulders and she flinched. “Skye, come on. Is it because we’re sneaking around behind Josie’s back?”

  Her eyes went almost comically large. “What?! I mean…we’re not sneaking around, Elliott! God, you make it sound like we’re having an illicit affair or something!”

  “Okay, so poor choice of words,” he admitted. “But you know what I’m saying. Is that what’s bothering you?”

  “If I say yes, can I go?” It was followed by a nervous laugh and he knew he couldn’t let her leave until he got a straight answer from her.

  “Skye, come on. I’m already dealing with all kinds of rejection issues, so can you please just spare me the chase and tell me what I did so we can move on?”

  Her shoulders sagged and she let out a long breath. “Fine. It’s not you; it’s me. You and I never hang out alone and knowing what your family said to you about the whole dating embargo thing just makes me feel guilty. I mean, I know we’re not dating or anything, but…”

  “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about that,” he said with a small laugh, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck. “Because…well…that’s crazy. No one would think twice about you and I hanging out together.” He let out another laugh and quickly noticed that she wasn’t laughing with him. If anything, she looked hurt.

  And then she looked pissed.

  “What? I just meant that we’ve been friends for so long and you’re practically family, so…”

  Holding up a hand to stop him, Skye quickly stepped around him. “No, you’re right. I guess I’m just overthinking things.”

  Her words made sense, but her tone told him she was definitely not happy. “Skye…”

  “No. It’s fine. Really. Not a big deal.”

  It wasn’t until her hand was on the doorknob that Elliott decided enough was enough. “Obviously it’s not fine!” he snapped. His patience was shot and his loud tone was enough to shock them both into silence. “Look, maybe I’m overreacting here, but I’m telling you, the way you’re acting just seems off. And for you to be worried about anyone thinking we’re dating is just…”

  “It’s what?” she asked tightly.


  “It’s weird because I’m Josie’s friend? Or unthinkable because everyone thinks we’re like family?” Her tone was sharp and her expression fierce, and clearly he had touched a nerve. “Or…or…maybe I’m so unattractive compared to all the other women you’ve dated that it just wouldn’t be believable for you to want to date someone like me?”

  Say what now?

  “Skye, that’s not…no one ever said you weren’t attractive,” he quickly corrected. “You’re beautiful–probably one of the most beautiful women I know.”

  “Oh, really?” And yeah, the sarcastic tone was strong.

  “Yeah, really.”

  She snorted with disbelief.

  Elliott moved a little closer and gently grasped her shoulders. “Skye, I don’t know where any of this is coming from and I want you to know that I think the world of you. You’re a good friend and you’ve been very gracious to me during this whole wedding drama and I hate that you have some sort of issue with me–like you’re mad at me for something that I don’t know anything about.”

  He felt her relax a bit under his hands and he almost let out a sigh of relief.

  Instead, he stepped in closer and hugged her. She stiffened, but just for a moment, and then she relaxed against him.

  Hell, she even put her arms around him and hugged him back.

  And it felt good.

  Really good.

  She smelled like sunshine and the beach, he realized as he inhaled a little deeper. Maybe it was creepy, but he turned his head slightly and sniffed her hair and sensed a hint of coconut. He’d never cared much for that scent, but right now it was almost intoxicating.

  Had he ever noticed a woman’s scent like this before?

  And the answer was a big no. He had no idea what Tracy’s favorite shampoo was or what scents she preferred, but he had a feeling this was a favorite of Skye’s. He took another deep breath before he forced himself to put some distance between them because…well…this was highly inappropriate–especially after the conversation they just had.

  Only…Skye didn’t release him and Elliott’s arms were still loosely around her.

  This is new…

  Skye licked her lips and he found himself fascinated by that small action. When his gaze met hers, it was like he was seeing her for the first time. It wasn’t his sister’s best friend standing there, but a very desirable woman.

  Or maybe it’s been a few months since I’ve been near a woman and I’m romanticizing it–which is what I’m trying to learn to stop doing!

  Okay, there was that, but…it didn’t feel like he was romanticizing it.

  It felt real.


  And before he could question it, Elliott closed the distance between them once again and carefully pressed his lips to hers. She was probably going to slap him or, at the very least, push him away, but…she didn’t. In an instant, Skylar melted against him and let out the sexiest little sound.

  His kiss was tentative, but that one little sound from her was all the encouragement he needed to take it a little deeper.

  But Skye beat him to it.

  Her tongue teased at his bottom lip and his gasp of surprise was all it took for them to take the kiss to the next level. It wasn’t wild or frantic, but more of a lazy and languid exploration and it was sexy as hell.

  Skye was sexy as hell.

  Why had he never noticed it before?

  Next, he felt her hands rake up into his hair. Her nails gently scratched along his scalp as she pressed closer to him. She was all soft curves and warm skin, and damn if he didn’t want more.

  For several minutes he simply enjoyed the gentle tangle of tongues, hearing her soft sighs, and the feel of her body against his. When he broke the kiss to catch his breath, he whispered her name and went to kiss her neck when she gasped loudly and took a step back.

  “Ohmygod!” she panted before a look of sheer panic crossed her face.

  And before Elliott could process what was happening, she was moving around him and out the door.

  Chapter 6

  The saddest thing about falling in love is that sooner or later something will go wrong.


  “I didn’t think this was ever going to end,” Josie said wearily as she sat down at one of the now-empty reception tables.

  “Me either,” Skye agreed as she kicked off her s
hoes. It was two in the morning and one of the longest days of her life.

  “Here,” Leanna said as she sat and joined them. “I think we all deserve some cake.”

  “I know I do,” Josie told them as she reached for her plate.

  Skye took a bite of the decadent chocolate cake with Boston cream filling. It was exactly what she needed after the wedding from hell was finally over. After a second forkful, she put the plate down and sighed happily. “I think we are going to have to come up with a way to cut some of these difficult clients loose. We all knew Brittnee with two Es was going to be a nightmare after our initial consultation. We’re doing much better now and the business is stronger than it’s ever been that I think we can afford to turn down some of them.”

  “I fully agree,” Josie said around a mouthful of cake. “I honestly thought she’d relax a bit today and ease up on some of her complaining but…geez, she never did.”

  “Good luck to her new husband,” Leanna chimed in. “You know that guy’s going to have his hands full for a long time.” Then she shook her head. “He must really love her.”

  “Or he’s a glutton for punishment.” Putting her plate down, Josie leaned back in her chair and sighed. “Personally, I think a relationship like that can’t be a love-match. It’s got to be like a business deal or…”

  “Or someone lost a bet,” Skye offered with a snicker. “Why would anyone willingly tie themselves to someone who is just so mean?”

  “And why would anyone get married as part of a business deal in this day and age?” Leanna asked. “That just seems a little archaic, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know,” Josie said after a minute. “I think there could be certain perks to it.”

  “Like what?” Skye couldn’t help her incredulous tone because it seemed like such a bizarre thing for her friend to say.

  “You know, like a marriage of convenience. You need or want companionship and you’re helping someone out who needs to get married.”

  “No one needs to get married anymore,” Leanna said with her own hint of disbelief at this conversation. “People should get married because they’re in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. End of story.”


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