Familiar Beginnings

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Familiar Beginnings Page 7

by Alice Winters

  “Miles… I’m really sorry,” he says.

  “Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault he’s back.”

  “No, not that. I’m sorry you got hurt and I wasn’t protecting you. You shouldn’t have gotten hurt with me there.”

  I reach up and cup his face. “Why do you always think it’s your fault when things like this happen? You had no way of knowing Geoff would appear at that moment! Havoc, you don’t know everything, and you couldn’t possibly know everything.”

  “Yes, but I’m useless if I can’t protect you. That is my job. That’s what I’m here for.”

  “You… you think you’re here just to protect me? Havoc, you’re here because I love and care about you. If you lost all ability to protect me, I would still have you by my side.”

  “You wouldn’t have a single need for someone so useless.”

  I sigh as I set my head against his shoulder. “I love you, even with that thick skull and bad hearing.”

  “I can hear you. I just don’t always believe you.”

  I lean back so I can look into his eyes. “Try believing me a little more, then.”

  He’s got his stubborn face on but he gives me the teeniest, tiniest nod ever.

  I give him a smile and lead him to the car that is thankfully in the parking lot. Etienne must have moved it, seeing as I doubt the cat could. When we reach it, Etienne is gone but Menace is curled up in the back seat. He opens an eye and hops onto my lap, giving me the feeling that he was actually worried about me.

  “Were you concerned?” I ask.

  He immediately snubs me and hisses.

  I smile as I draw a finger over the top of his head. “I’m alright. We didn’t even have time for the numbing to wear off before Havoc dragged me away.”

  “I don’t want you outside your barrier. You’re never leaving your house again,” Havoc decides.


  “Never ever.”

  He starts to drive, and I lean back into the seat as thoughts rush through my mind. I feel so many emotions and they’re driving me crazy. I knew Geoff was back, but seeing him is a whole different game. I want to say something to Havoc, but he’s already on edge, so I keep it to myself. Worrying will get me nowhere.

  Once home, we head upstairs to get cleaned up and get into bed. I have a few messages from Sam, telling me that they managed to secure the location and arrest seven people who were involved that weren’t killed. Two of the living are in the hospital, but the rest sustained minor injuries. Not sure I have the energy to call him, I text him that I’m home and promise that I’ll call in the morning.

  When I get into bed, Menace jumps onto it before walking over and lying down on my pillow as Havoc gets in.

  “I’m sorry Geoff’s back. I can’t imagine what this means to you,” Havoc says as he reaches out to me.

  “Me? He kept you tied up for years. Shackled, tortured, beaten—”

  “And he didn’t beat you? Just tonight he showed again the power he holds over you.”

  I catch his hand and squeeze it tightly. “I thought… I thought the spell had been broken. But I couldn’t do anything, Havoc. I could only lie there as he did as he wanted. I couldn’t protect you, or help you, or do anything! We got lucky he left early this time, but next time, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do anything to stop him.”

  He draws me in and holds me tightly, careful of my stomach. I don’t care about my stomach; I want him to squeeze me to him hard enough that I feel some level of comfort. “I want to tell you it’ll be alright. I want to tell you everything will be fine, but I know I would be lying to you. Where we are right now, at this moment, we won’t stop him. If he can control you, we’ve lost our biggest chance against him. So we need to change that.”

  “I don’t know how, Havoc. I spent years of my life before and after he died trying to remove the spell, and I just don’t know how to do it.”

  “You’re stronger now, though. Maybe you just didn’t have the strength before.”

  “Maybe,” I say, but I’m not sure he’s right. Yet I also know that I can’t doubt him. I need to trust him and hope that we can figure something out because currently, I’m useless against Geoff.

  Havoc gently runs his fingers over my back. “Let’s do something with just the two of us after this. No werewolves, no vampires, no demon cats.”

  Menace hisses and slams a paw down right on Havoc’s face, claws threatening to sink into his flesh.

  “I guess you, me, and the cat,” he says, and I start laughing as Menace retracts his paw, satisfied with this answer. “Why do you like that evil thing?”

  “You were very evil when I met you.”

  He points at the cat who hisses. “Not that evil.”

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “Slightly more evil?”

  “A whole lot more evil. The cat hasn’t tried murdering me yet.”

  “I haven’t either… more than like ten times. But that was before I knew you!”

  “We’d known each other years.”

  He gives me the softest, sweetest smile. “Did I ever tell you how much I love you?”

  “Don’t think that’ll make me forget.”

  “No? Well, I love you so much. Like… I’m just coated in love for you. It’s dripping off me. It feels a little gross, but I deal with it just for you.”

  “I’m not sure if you’re trying to annoy me or make me love you more. It’s not working for either.”

  He pets the side of my face. “Shh, listen to my words of love.”

  I smile and press my head against his chest, glad for the distraction. Because if I let it, thoughts of Geoff’s return and his control will consume me. So I focus on the here and now—the man before me and what he means to me—and then I use it to become determined that I will stop Geoff at all costs.

  “What about a memory?” Havoc asks.


  “To make you feel better. Ooh! What about the first time you summoned a higher demon?”

  I can’t help but smile at the memory. “Oh no.”

  “It’s one of my favorites.”

  “Fine,” I say grudgingly, like I don’t want to. Then I press my hand against his eyes and let us fall into the memory as if we’re living it at the moment.

  “Human,” the demon says by way of greeting.

  I stop from where I’m carrying a spell book across the room. “I have a name and I know you know my name.”

  “It’s such a stupid name.”


  “Can I rename you?”

  I raise an eyebrow. “If I can rename you.”

  “Rename me from what? It’s not like you’re calling me by my real name. So you’re going to change it from filthy bastard demon to what? Daisy?”

  “Buttercup, actually. You know what? I like this idea. What about Locke?”

  “Hate it.”


  “Would you like me to murder you in your sleep?”

  “You kind of look like a goat. What about Goaty?”

  “Come into my circle, sweet child, I’ll sing you a lullaby.”

  I grin at him as I walk over until I’m inches from the circle. “You’re so feisty. Quick to anger and love destruction. What about Havoc?”

  “If you call me by that horrendous name, I’m going to show you how goatlike I am as I horn you.”

  “Havoc it is!” I say, feeling proud of myself. “So, Havoc.”

  “I won’t answer.”

  “You already did. Maybe it’s like having a pet. I feed you when you react to the name,” I say as I open my handkerchief. “Havoc.”

  He ignores me, so I pinch off a piece of bread and toss it at his face. It smacks his cheek and hits the ground.

  “Havoc,” I say as I toss another piece.

  His scowl deepens.

  “Havoc.” And another. He snatches this one midair and crushes it in his hand. “Aw! You’ve already learned your name! How cute!

  “What about… Miles because I wish you were five thousand miles away from me. Hopefully, that would put you drowning in the sea somewhere.”

  “I like it! Thank you!”

  He growls his annoyance, but when I slip my hand through the barrier and hold out the food I brought him, he takes it without maiming me. “So what are you here to do, annoying little mage?”

  “You know I’m sixteen now. I’m not little anymore.”

  “Tiny, frail, incompetent.”

  “And wildly attractive,” I add.

  He snorts, which makes me laugh. “So?”

  “Well, Geoff is off doing sinister things and won’t be back for days, so I’m going to try my hand at summoning a higher demon. I want to get good at summoning so I know what I’m doing when I break Geoff’s hold on you and bind you to me.”

  “You are… the most interesting and stupidest creature I’ve ever met and it’s fascinating.”

  “Thank you.”

  “That wasn’t a compliment.”

  “Thank you, Havoc.”

  Grumbling occurs.

  “Would you rather be Geoff’s demon?” I ask.

  He grumbles even more as he inspects his apple. I’m afraid he’s forgotten speech and only knows how to grumble now. “Fine. Do you have a demon in mind?” he asks.

  “I have Geoff’s book of demons and their true names.”

  “Let me see it.”

  “Is that… okay? I mean, should I show you their true names?”

  Havoc raises an eyebrow like it was a horribly stupid question. “What the hell would I do with them? I’m not a mage.”

  I shrug and carry the book over to him. He flips through it.

  “How confident are you that you can summon a high-level demon?”


  He nods as he flips the page. “Good. If they feel fear, they’ll weaken the hold and then eat you alive.”

  “Yep. I’m pretty confident, honestly. When you live with Geoff and are best friends with someone like you, you forget how to fear things.”

  “We… we’re best friends?” Havoc asks as he grabs his chest. “That’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever said to me. Please don’t ever say something like that again. Now summon this one. His name is Ivatress.”

  “Do you know him?”


  “How sharp are his teeth?”

  “Oh, he won’t need teeth to kill you.”

  I hesitate, but for some reason, I trust the demon far more than I should. “Alright.”

  His face shows clear surprise but then he quickly pushes that away and grins at me. “Alright. I am excited!” He even looks it.

  “Which should worry me, but I’m not,” I say as I grab some powder and start drawing the magic circle. Then I tailor the summoning to include the demon’s true name. I cut my hand and stand before the circle with one last glace at Havoc.

  He looks wildly amused. “You should be kneeling for this to work better.”

  “Really? Geoff always stands.”

  “Yes, but he’s old as dirt and has summoned a lot of demons.”

  “Okay,” I say as I kneel down and let blood drip into the circle.

  Then I begin to summon the demon, using his true name. Nothing happens at first and I wonder if I’ve done it wrong.

  I glance at Havoc for reassurance. He waves at me like he wants me to hurry up. “You’re not focused enough. You’re wavering. You need conviction in your voice. A higher demon will not come unless forced. You have to force him out.”

  “Okay. Ivatress, I summon you to serve beneath me,” I growl and slam my hand onto the ground. The ground begins to break as an arm reaches out. The large hand smacks the ground as I see horns and a white head shaped like a bull rising up from the hole. The demon stands up, facing slightly away from me as I look up at the large minotaur in shock.

  “Who summoned me?” it calls as it turns quickly and the largest dick I’ve ever seen in my life smacks me in the face.

  I reel back, absolutely mortified until I realize that this… this is why Havoc told me to kneel.

  He’s howling, he’s laughing so hard, but he won’t be laughing when I murder him. I rush into Havoc’s circle, leaving the giant-penised thing behind.

  “Your face! Your face and his penis!” Havoc shouts. He’s wiping away nonexistent tears of joy.

  “I’m going to murder you,” I declare as I grab him in a headlock, unsure of where to go from here. He’s laughing too hard to be concerned at all as I decide a punch to the gut will suffice. Instead, it feels like I break my hand on his rock-hard stomach.

  “Oh, gods above! Your naive little heart trusted me when I told you to kneel!” He’s enjoying this way too much.

  My eyes are barely slits, I’m glaring so hard. “You knew he’d be naked!”

  “Iya is always naked! And then it smacked your face!”

  “My new goal is to set you free so I can murder you.”

  He’s laughing too hard to care. “I’ve seen you looking me over, little human. You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that even a little.”

  I jerk back in horror. “I would never!”

  “Oh, it’s alright. I know I’m a lot to look at.”

  “Who… summoned me?” the minotaur asks. He seems a little confused now.

  I don’t even know if I can face him. So I yank my shirt off and toss it at the minotaur. “Cover yourself with that!”

  “Do I have to?”


  I give him a moment and turn around only to find that he’s put the shirt onto his upper body instead of tying it around his waist and now his huge dick seems to stand out even more.

  Havoc seems to find this even funnier, especially because the minotaur has ripped the shirt in multiple places forcing it onto his body.

  “Heavens save me.”

  Iya, as Havoc has been calling him, looks around before his eyes settle on Havoc. Even though his face is very unhuman, I can tell his entire expression changes.

  “You’re one of those. Iya doesn’t like those. Iya doesn’t like you,” he shouts as he points a meaty finger right at me.

  “One of… those?” I question.

  “He thinks I’m yours,” Havoc explains.

  “Oh. He’s not mine.”

  Iya isn’t focused on me. Instead he’s staring at Havoc as he steps up to the barrier of his magic circle and begins to push through it. The barrier isn’t meant to keep them in, since it’s not like the one around Havoc.

  Iya turns to me and starts moving closer.

  “Miles, you need to command him to stop. He’s not listening to you. You need to control him,” Havoc says.

  “Command him?” I ask. Obviously, I’ve seen Geoff command demons. That’s all he does. But if I started barking commands at Havoc, he would hate me. Would this Iya feel the same?

  Havoc looks a little concerned, which is kind of odd. “Iya doesn’t trust you.”

  I turn back to the minotaur. “Iya, I am not here to hurt you. Do you know Havoc?”

  He lets out a loud grumbly noise that tells me he’s not pleased.

  “Miles, control him! What are you doing?” Havoc yells. “Iya, he is not my master!”

  Iya rushes toward me, but I stand my ground. “Iya, do I need to control you or would you like control of yourself? You have one choice here and if you step into my space, I’ll no longer trust you, and I will force you to do my bidding.”

  He keeps moving, so I lift my hand which makes him hesitate.

  “Iya, listen to me,” I say. “Havoc, as I’ve renamed him, is not my demon. I’m not controlling him.”

  Iya looks over at Havoc.

  Havoc nods and I’m surprised he’s helping me out here. “He’s telling the truth.”

  Iya examines me, then leans forward and sniffs me. “You reek of the dark mage’s magic.”

  Because I’m no stranger to Geoff’s ways. “He is my master as well.�

  The minotaur watches me closely. “Iya hates him.”

  I give him a half smile. “Join the club.”

  He stares at me and flips his head this way and that. “Iya likes your face.”

  “Oh… um… thank you?”

  “Iya would like to see you naked!”

  “Oh my gods.” Well, that’s concerning.

  Havoc is back to cackling.


  “Hmm… is young mage certain?”


  “Hmm…” Then he looks at Havoc. “Ah! I see! You want sex with him!”

  This is a fucking disaster. “I do not!”

  “Oh?” Havoc asks. “With me?”

  “No! This is horrible.”

  I pull back from the memory and look at the huge grin on Havoc’s face.

  “One of the best days of my life.”

  “Was it?”

  “Hands down.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I say as I lean into him and listen to him retell me his favorite parts of that time.

  Chapter Six

  “How late do you guys sleep?” Etienne asks as Havoc and I come down the stairs. I feel a little sore from yesterday’s fiasco, but okay for the most part. The only thing wrong is that I’m tired since I was up most of the night. The wound is already almost healed with the magic I used on it since it wasn’t too deep, so I should be able to take the stitches out in only a few days.

  Etienne is sitting at a table in the empty café since the café hasn’t even opened yet.

  “He was here when we got here this morning,” Yoko says.

  “Like… at the door?” I ask.

  She shakes her head while looking concerned. “No, no, just helping himself to a cup of coffee.”

  I eye him suspiciously. I want to figure this person out. “You busted through my barrier?” I ask.

  Etienne takes a slow sip. “I didn’t bust through it. I simply walked through it,” he says. “I’d like to help you guys.”

  “Where’d you go last night?” I ask curiously as I walk over to the table.

  “The hotel I’ve been staying at,” he says as he pats the table like he wants me to sit down.


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