Book Read Free

Through the Woods

Page 3

by Rowan Thalia

  “I can’t believe you thought I would let you off that easy,” he hisses in my ear with a nibble on the shell.

  “Darn, you caught me,” I giggle as we stumble through the doorway.

  Dex closes the door behind us, and I lean forward to turn on the water. While the water is running, I grab my toothbrush and squeeze the white paste onto it. Dexter joins me at the sink, and I squeeze toothpaste on his brush as we stand side by side, making weird faces at each other while we clean our mouths. I love the easy way we fit together, it’s always been this way. We met when we were at the same preschool. I was afraid that when we dated we’d lose this, but it only got stronger.

  Bending over to spit and rinse, I almost bonk my head on the nozzle when Dex gooses me. Giving him the side eye, I finish spitting. Before I stand up, I reach over to pinch and twist his nipple.

  “Ah! Okay, okay I give up!” he chuckles as he bends to take off his boxers.

  With a self-satisfied smile, I pull off my shirt, and then let my sleep shorts pool on the floor. The room is full of steam already, warming the air to a bearable temperature. Unable to help myself, I glance appreciatively up and down Dexter’s body and let out a sigh. He winks back, and leans forward to place a kiss on my cheek, before opening the shower curtain. We step into the tub, one by one. I adjust the scorching water to a reasonable lobster level and let the stream run over my head.

  “Are we under a time schedule this morning?” Dex asks, moving behind me and blocking most of the water.

  I wedge my body between him and the wall, allowing more water to douse me before answering. “Not really. Sterling is helping make breakfast. Besides eating, we’re supposed to report to our job locations and get set up. Nothing rigid today.”

  Dex laughs at my choice of words and pours shampoo in his hand. He lathers my hair, pressing his body against my back. His fingers draw circles around my scalp, relaxing me and sending chills down my spine. He steps backward, letting the water rinse my hair as he continues to run his fingers through the purple locks. When he’s done, he turns my body and seals his mouth over mine. Our tongues dance, and my nipples harden almost painfully against his buff chest. Every time Dex kisses me, it’s like mercury in my veins. I’ve wanted him for so long, my body immediately responds.

  Nuzzling me against the wall, Dex brings my arms above my head and clasps them together in one hand. I growl and bite his lower lip when he molds his body to mine, his erection pulsing between us. His breath is ragged when he backs his face from mine and locks stares with me. Big brown eyes smolder, and his lips quirk up on the side when he lifts my leg and spears me with his hard cock. I’m so wet, he glides in effortlessly. I gasp when he thrusts deeper and touches my magic spot. You’d think we’ve fucked a million times as easily as he gets me, but we haven’t. This part is still new and so exciting that my orgasm is building immediately. The tension in my abdomen feels like a dam threatening to break. I just need...

  “Dexter,” I groan. “Please let go of my hands and fuck me harder.”

  With a grunt, he frees my hand, and uses the extra leverage to hold on to the windowsill above us. I wrap my arms around his neck and tilt my hips just enough to rub my clit right against the root of his cock. Tingling starts at my clit, works its way up my navel, and spreads through my limbs until I am trembling as I come. Dexter’s breath is labored, but his eyes never leave mine. His mouth parts, like he’s tasting my pleasure. Meeting his gaze, I bite my lower lip and dig my nails into his ass while the last waves of ecstasy roll through me.

  “Oh fuck, I’m coming,” Dex’s eyes roll back, and his lip curls.

  His hips jerk, and his hand digs into the meat of my thigh as he comes. He closes his greedy mouth over mine, wringing the last waves of pleasure from me. Our bodies relax together, and he lets my leg drop. The frenzied touching becomes slow and purposeful, each of us tracing the lines of the other. Dexter leans his head against the shower wall beside my head and sighs. I giggle and kiss his chin, before easing away from the wall and back under the spray to rinse off.

  The hot water sluices over my body, and I grab my loofah from the ledge. Dex hands me the soap, and I work up a lather before washing my body and then Dexter’s. We take turns washing each other’s backs, then rinse off.

  “I’m looking forward to having our own house together after college,” he whispers, as if he almost hopes I don’t hear him. “With all of us.”

  “Well, we only have one more year,” I smile as I turn back to face him. “Do you think our… relationship will stand the test of time? I mean, if we all move in together we will have to tell everyone’s parents. I have a feeling the Van Dyn’s won’t agree with their twins being in a harem.”

  “A harem?” Dex laughs.

  “Well, I’ve been trying to think of what we are, but there isn’t a name. We aren’t practicing polygamy, because I am the epicenter for all of you.”

  “Polyandry, I looked it up,” Dex grins.

  “Trying to outdo Specs with the research? Mm. I like it,” I lick my lips and launch forward for another kiss. This kiss is sweet and full of emotion rather than lust. I want him, and I want our lifestyle to work. I need them all like I need air to breathe.

  “Good. I like you liking me,” he says with a self assured grin. “I’m going to set up an obstacle course today for survival skills. I’m excited about it! What are you doing?” Dex asks as he bends to turn off the water. I grab our towels off the shelf before answering.

  “I think the first activity I want to do with the campers is create camp banners for their cabins, so I need to look up some simple projects for that and see what materials we have on hand,” I say as I dry off. “I’m not looking forward to working with that perky Wendy chick, she rubs me wrong.”

  Dex frowns at me. “Well, to be fair, most girls rub you wrong. Just give her a chance, okay? You never know.”

  “Gah. I hear you. I will be nice, but I will not be perky.”

  “No one would ever dream of asking you for perk,” he sticks his tongue out at me and opens the bathroom door.

  I mock frown and follow him into the bedroom to get dressed.

  After getting dressed and grabbing breakfast with the guys, I head over to the art cabin. The stacks of clear plastic containers are full of supplies. I just need to see what we have, to decide how to put the banners together. It’s camp tradition to name the cabins something kitchy for competitions. The girls will have more fun than the boys creating banners and signs, but I’ll make the next project something more “dude bro” to level the playing field.

  Wendy hasn’t arrived yet, so I take a deep breath and twirl in the empty room. Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement, so I stop and turn back toward the door.


  There’s no answer, but the door is open a crack and it’s swaying in the breeze. A chill runs through me and I freeze, holding my breath and listening for movement. When nothing else happens, I run towards the door and grab at the handle.

  “Hey, watch what you’re doing,” Wendy gripes as my nails find purchase on her arm.

  “Sorry,” I mumble. “I didn’t see you there.”

  “Whatever,” she pops the gum in her mouth and flips her golden hair. She’s dressed in a tight, blue dress that’s not exactly campy, more like midnight dancing. Her lips are full and glossy. “So, I was thinking. We could split the campers up and work, I mean, then we would have smaller groups.”

  “Yeah. That’s cool with me. But the first activity is always cabin banners, do you want to do that one together?” I ask as I walk back toward the center of the room.

  “Sure, that works. Have you started a calendar yet?”

  “Um, nope. Do you want to do your own?”

  She nods and walks to the back corner of the room toward one of the desks. After digging around for a minute, she pulls out a notepad and starts writing. I watch her for a minute at first, trying to figure her out. I told Dex I would give it a chance,
so here I am trying. I just can’t see us clicking, I mean how long did she take to flip her hair and iron out that dress? I favor the simple approach. Laid back jean shorts and a band tee with my signature black Converse. I’m not a heathen though, I wear black eyeliner, mascara, and my signature dark purple lipstick everywhere I go. Well, we aren’t going to be BFFs, but hopefully we can still have fun.

  Happy to not have to interact with her too much, I survey the room and take the second desk. I suppose I should create a calendar too. Boo. I didn’t think about the boring parts of being a camp director. I only suggested we work here because I want to contribute more to the family fund account… well, and this was an easy excuse for all of us to spend the summer together without having to answer too many questions. My mom and dad know about the guys, and so do Dex’s. The rest of the guys are trying to figure out how to tell their parents without getting into a big fight. I think my mom and Dex’s mom knew this was coming. They’ve seen Dex, Specs, and I interact over the years. I also think they are hoping I choose one, but I won’t. I refuse. I love them all.

  Smiling to myself, I open one of the camp binders and flip through the pages. There are lists of activities and sample agendas. I pick between a few of the calendars and Frankenstein my activity line up. When I’m happy with what I’ve written, I groan and sit up. My back is cramped, and my legs need a good stretch. Looking at the clock I gasp. I didn’t realize how long I was writing. When I glance behind me, Wendy has her head propped up on her hand and is fast asleep. Grinning to myself, I slide away from my desk and head out the door. It’s lunch time, and Juniper don’t miss a meal.

  When I get to the common house, the boys are already there. Jessica brought pizza, and everyone is wolfing it down. I scurry over to the table, load up a plate, and grab a soda before sitting down. When I take my first bite of cheesy awesomeness, Asher nudges me.

  “Hey babe. How was your morning?”

  “It was good,” I say between bites. “Yours?” I ask as I point to all the guys.

  “Good. I got all the archery gear set up and ready to go. Next, I want to clean up the softball field,” Asher grins.

  “That sounds cool,” Dexter adds. “I set up a badass obstacle course. I’m going to break these campers!”

  “Well, the clinic is all sanitized and ready to go,” Sterling adds.

  “I repaired two of the lifeguard stands. Things were falling apart,” Alex says with a mouthful of pizza.

  “And I’ll have you know, I was nice to my teammate,” I say haughtily. The guys all crack up laughing. Before they can make another remark, Wendy and the other staff walk in. She smiles to my guys as she passes, ignoring my wave. I growl and take a deep breath, determined not to let her rile me up.

  “Yeah, well I kinda get a weird feeling when I’m out in the woods around here,” Asher whispers. “Anyone else?”

  “Dude. Don’t start. We’re done with creepy shit, right Purple?” Alex groans.

  “Uh, yeah. I mean I haven’t seen anything,” I rasp as a shiver runs down my spine. When I look up from my plate, the outline of a palm print disappears in the window. I take a gulp of my soda and lean over onto Dexter’s shoulder. He wraps his arm around me, as he and Alex talks sports.

  Is it over? What if it isn’t?



  When lunch is over, we all part ways again. I’m loving it here so far, but it’s way too quiet in that damn activity cabin. Thankfully, I’ve got my phone loaded with music, so I grabbed it and my charger when I went back to grab food.

  The moment I step into the cabin, something clatters to the floor, making me jump. I narrow my eyes and scan the cabin, hoping not to spot anything. This whole camp has a creepy vibe, but I seem to be the only one who thinks so. Even Jun is acting like she hasn’t seen anything, which seems impossible. The girl is a bright, purple beacon for ghosts.

  I’m glad we scored these jobs, though. Our relationship was quick to start, there was just something about her that drew me in. I was a goner from day one. But we still have so much to learn about each other, and what better way to do that than while we’re stuck in the woods.

  Picking up the inventory log, I go through the checklist and inspect all the sports equipment… one by one. It’s a tedious job, but broken down sports equipment could lead to someone getting hurt. That’s something I’m not willing to risk.

  By the time I’ve finished sorting through all of that, the sun has set. The door creaks open, and I spin around - paranoid. I’m relieved to see it’s only Jun. She grins when she sees me. Her toothy smile warms my heart, and makes me forget I was spooked at all. I feel like we didn’t get to see it as much toward the end of the semester. Leonard took way too much from us. From now on, I’m determined to do anything just to see that smile all the time.

  “Hey, babe,” I say, walking over and pulling her toward me. When our faces are mere inches away, I lean in and capture her lips with mine. They are petal soft against mine as she melts into the kiss, letting out a low groan. Scooping her up, I move so she's pressed against the wall while our tongues dance. She starts rocking her hips against me, flushing out a full on boner. I’d love nothing more than to get down and dirty right now, but I don't want to get caught here with everyone else around. Instead, I snake my hand into the waistband of her cotton shorts. I slide my fingers through her wetness, teasing her, and I’m rewarded with a throaty moan. Juniper whimpers, begging me for more, but I don't want fast. I want to learn everything about her, including exactly how to turn her on.

  As I continue to tease her, her legs shake, and her kiss turns from sweet to intense. I don't stop my torture, it’s too fucking hot watching her face flush. After her second moan rips straight to my dick, I slip two fingers inside of her core. Sucking on her neck, and pumping my digits in and out, I draw out Jun’s pleasure until she’s almost weeping.

  When I can barely hold myself back from fucking her on the floor, I slide my thumb over to give her clit the relief she's crying out for. Juniper hisses, then nuzzles her face into my neck as her body pulses around my fingers. Instead of stopping, I speed up, keeping the pleasure going as long as possible. A sharp pain makes me gasp as her teeth clamp down on my neck. Fuck, that’s hot. I want her so bad right now! As her body settles, I pull my hand out of her shorts and plant a kiss on her neck.

  When she looks back up at me, her eyes are dark and her lips are plump. I capture the ripe petals again, in a spine tingling kiss. Looking into her eyes, I bring my fingers to my mouth and swirl my tongue over them, getting a taste of her. She groans again at the sight, and I don't bother to hide my smirk of satisfaction.

  "How was the rest of your day?" I ask, setting her down on her feet and adjusting my throbbing erection. I keep one hand on her hip to steady her as she regains her composure.

  "It was all right," she says, adjusting her shorts and wrinkling her nose at my question. Her hands dance toward the bulge in my pants, but I grab them and kiss her knuckles. There will be plenty of time for that later.

  "She wants to split the campers in half, so two separate projects and calendars. I'm fine with it, because it's less time with her, but the campers won't be happy if one of us is doing something 'more fun' than the other," she says with a huff, hopping up onto the table and curling her legs under her while she waits for me.

  "I'd say let the campers pick. You'll just have to make sure your projects are cooler than hers. Though your day sounds more interesting than mine, I had to go through a checklist to make sure all of this shit's safe for the kids," I joke, gesturing to all the sports equipment.

  "What do you think of the camp?" she asks, her eyes lighting up. I don't have the heart to tell her I think it's creepy as fuck. Instead I grin back and keep my expression neutral.

  "It'll be better when we've got the campers here. It's boring here during the day, hence the music," I joke, pointing to my phone that's still playing through my music collection. I walk over and unplug it, befor
e clicking off the music.

  "We still have a bit of time before dinner. Want to go for a swim?" she asks. I grin and nod, taking her hand and leading the way. Strolling down the path, my heart clenches with happiness. I love spending time with Jun. With a smile, I pull her closer to my side and kiss the top of her head. It's nice to have her to myself sometimes. I love our little family, but the group dynamic makes time with her that much more precious.

  Speaking of our group, we almost bump into them when we round a curve in the path. Dexter has his arm around Sterling's shoulder, and he's leaning in close while they whisper about something. Sterling looks a little upset, and I make a mental note to see what's up during dinner.

  Dex looks up and gives a quick wave. We wave back, but keep walking toward the lake. I love that we've hit the place in our relationship that when one of us is getting alone time, the others just let it happen. The lake is quiet when we arrive, it's just us. I definitely won't complain about that.

  "This is why I wore my bikini under my clothes. After last time, I didn't want strangers seeing me in my wet underwear," Jun jokes as she slides her shorts down and tosses her tank top to the side. With a graceful dive, Jun disappears into the water.

  Following her lead, I strip down to my boxers since I wasn't as prepared, and dive in after her. The cool water embraces me, a welcome relief from the muggy Louisiana heat. I surface and wipe the water from my face, looking around for Jun. She bobs up, swims close, and wraps her legs around my torso. With her arms around my shoulders, she leans her head back and looks up at the sky, a serene expression on her face.

  "What do you think will happen when we graduate?" I blurt out before I can stop myself. The more time we spend together, the more I've worried about what comes next. Her calmness slips away, her brows furrow and she quirks an eyebrow at me.


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