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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

Page 38

by Jamie Knight

  When we get to the plane, there isn’t any more talking. We sit across from one another, but Savannah just stares out the window.

  I think about what she told me – the fact that maybe we’re both being manipulated. It sounded a little crazy to me when she first said it – why would anyone want to do something like that? – but with some time to think on it, maybe it isn’t so crazy.

  The only reason I thought Savannah was lying was because I knew I hadn’t cheated, so it was a process of elimination. But, in terms of her personality, she never seemed like the type to cheat, so her theory could hold water.

  The only problem is that I can’t think of anyone who would want either one of us thrown out of school. Is there anyone who hates us that much?

  Getting us kicked out – that would have taken a whole lot of time and effort. Who would go to all that trouble?

  We touch down and, when we get out of the plane, there’s a limo waiting for us. God, the Kings have so much money.

  It feels kind of weird, being so close to all this wealth. The way the two of them just throw around money… it’s very different from my usual life.

  We take the limo to a very nice apartment building. I assume this is where Mr. King lives. Savannah still hasn’t said anything, but, once we’re in the lobby waiting for the elevator, I start to see some real fear on her face.

  I don’t like that she’s so scared to see her dad. I can’t say much, since I don’t know anything about her relationship with her father, but it isn’t the greatest thing that she’s had to fake a marriage in order to keep her dad from forcing her to marry someone else.

  The elevator gets down to the bottom floor, and we step inside. Savannah presses the button for the penthouse and, on the ride up, she turns to me.

  “Um, so my father can be kind of intimidating. As long as you hold your ground, though, everything should be fine,” she says.

  I furrow my brow.

  “Also, thanks for going along with my crazy plan,” she adds. “I know you must have thought I was insane when I showed up at your front door, but you have no idea what this means to me.”

  After her small speech, she gives me quick kiss right before the doors open. As we walk through, she takes my hand. I give hers a gentle squeeze, just to let her know that I’m here for her.

  We get to a door and Savannah pushes it open. When we walk in, I see that Joseph King is sitting at his desk. He looks very similar to how I remember him – just with more gray hair and an extra wrinkle or two.

  I can see what Savannah means when she says her dad is intimidating. I can see some of the tactics he is using to get me feeling scared.

  So, now, I’m annoyed. And it’s not just because of this moment. Joseph King is acting like a downright bastard. He calls his daughter after she’s gotten married and demands she return home – I’m guessing so he can question her – and the only reason any of this is happening is because he wants to control her life to the point where she feels that this fake marriage is the only way she can escape.

  I’m a little more invested in this than I’d like to be, but we’re beyond the point of lamenting that fact.

  No one says anything as Savannah and I sit down in front of the desk. Joseph and I glare at one another for a while. I know he’s waiting for me to say something, that he wants me to crack first, but I refuse.

  I’m not going to let him win. I know this shouldn’t be some kind of game, because, in the end, it’s our livelihoods we’re playing with, but, also, fuck him. I refuse to lose.

  I haven’t let go of Savannah’s hand yet, and I’m doing my best to silently relax her. I’m slowly rubbing my thumb in circles along her palm. Joseph and I maintain eye contact until he suddenly turns to his daughter.


  “Yes, Father?”

  “Bring us all a cup of coffee, would you.”

  It’s not much of a question, but more of a command and – to my surprise – she gets up and leaves, letting go of my hand. It’s like she’s a totally different person right now.

  She must really be worried that her dad’s going to try and retaliate against her or something.

  But what kind of man would do that to his own daughter?

  What kind of man is Joseph King, really?

  After Savannah leaves to get the coffees that he had ordered her to make, Joseph and I are left alone. It would probably be customary for the two of us to have some kind of conversation, but neither of us say anything.

  Instead, we wait in silence for Savannah to return. I feel no need to make nice with this guy. He may be my father-in-law, but it’s only for a year, and he’s an ass, so there’s that. This whole thing feels like an entire nuisance, but it is what it is.

  Savannah is back a lot quicker than expected and then she passes out the coffees.

  “Here you go,” she says, as she hands me a mug.

  “Thanks,” I reply.

  Once we all have our cups, Savannah takes her seat. I take sip and smile. Savannah remembered how I like it, which isn’t too surprising, since we both take it the same way.

  “Hmm, you know how Robert takes his coffee,” Joseph comments.

  I know he’s trying to get us to slip up and do something to reveal that this whole thing is a fraud. Clearly, he’s suspicious, but there’s no way I’m going to sell Savannah out. I said I’d do this for her, which means going all the way.

  “Of course she does. She’s been making it for me for months,” I tell him.

  A very big part of me wants to add how it’s usually in the mornings, but that would just be crude and I don’t want to embarrass Savannah. Plus, I don’t want to speak out of anger.

  The whole thing with Landon was a little regrettable, but Savannah seemed to enjoy it and didn’t get angry at me later. This situation feels wholly different, though. Her dad is a new beast and I have no idea how this is going to go down.

  Chapter Twenty-Four - Savannah

  I can’t believe I left Robert in my dad’s office by himself. I’m nervous about the two of them being alone. What in the world could they be talking about?

  I’m pretty confident that Robert won’t let anything slip, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t get a shakedown from my dad.

  I just have to focus on making these mugs of coffee so I can get back in there. It’s a good thing that I found out how Robert likes his coffee this morning. It would have looked weird to have to ask him in front of my dad. I would have just had to have guessed how he took it and I’d probably get it wrong, since no one else seems to like coffee as sweet as I do.

  When I come back with the coffees, Robert and my dad are sitting there silently. It’s a little odd, but I’m not totally surprised. In fact, I’m rather relieved that they didn’t get into some big fight while I was gone. The two of them are kind of similar in their stubbornness.

  Also, I’m much more concerned about how this is all going to go down. I am well aware of the fact that my dad will be angry at my defiance. From the moment I came up with the plan, I knew that I’d have to come back home and do damage control with my dad. I was even looking forward to it a little. It may have been because I was still stewing in my anger at my dad.

  But now that I’m sitting here and facing him, I feel a little bad for deceiving him. Maybe I should have tried talking to him again before going for this insane option. But there’s nothing I can do about it now.

  My dad is looking at Robert rather shrewdly. His exact opinion, I’m not sure of. He likes to be a hard man to read, which is usually fine. It works for his business dealings and in arguments, but I’m so nervous right now. I’d like to know what’s going on in his head or I just need someone to say something.

  “It’s nice to see you again,” my dad says.

  I’m assuming he’s talking to Robert, because he’s looking at him. I furrow my brow, because I don’t know what he’s talking about. I was sure that the two of them had never met. My dad turns to me.

nbsp; “This isn’t the first time Robert and I have met,” my dad explains, but his explanation doesn’t clear anything up for me, because I still don’t know how they met.

  I look at Robert and he nods.

  “We have met before,” he confirms.

  What? He’s met my dad before?

  There’s something that must be sitting beneath the surface that I don’t know about, but I can’t think of what it is. I feel rather deceived, that he didn’t tell me this sooner.

  “Have you been in love with Savannah ever since then?” my dad asks.

  Since when?

  “I have,” Robert says.

  I want to ask Robert what in the world he’s talking about, but I have a feeling it would give away the ruse. There’s no way I wouldn’t know, if the two of us had gotten married for love instead of as part of a scheme.

  Had Robert and I met before? I feel like I’d remember him.

  And when would he have met my dad?

  Later, when Robert and I are alone again, I’m going to question him about this.

  My dad suddenly smiles, and I’m surprised. I had been ready for a lot of emotions from him, but happiness was not one of them.

  “Well, you grew up quite nicely, Rob,” my dad says, in a very casual tone. “I’m so happy that you’ve loved my daughter for so long.”

  I want to know exactly how long, but I’m so relieved that things have worked out that I’m willing to let this little mystery slide to the wayside for a little bit.

  My dad stands up and Robert joins him. He puts his hand out for a handshake.

  “I’d like to welcome you to family,” my dad says, taking Robert’s hand.

  I finally let out the breath I’d been holding in. The release of tension is riveting. I’d been so worried since my dad called earlier today – to be able to release all of that feels good.

  Everything will be fine now, I think. This whole thing really worked out. I can’t believe a crazy plan I had on a whim really came to fruition.

  My dad turns to me next and I get my butt out of the chair so that I’m standing with them.

  “Now, little lady, I am very much pleased with your new husband, but I don’t know if I can forgive you for eloping,” my dad says.

  Maybe I spoke too soon when I thought this had all worked out.

  “I’m sorry, Dad. I guess we were just so caught up in the excitement of it all.”

  I shrink a little into myself, but I can see how my dad felt a little alarmed.

  “There is a way you can make it up me, though,” he says, but he doesn’t let it slip that I’ve worried him. “I insist the two of you have a second wedding. I will pay for everything, of course, but I’d really like to walk my daughter down the aisle.”

  I’m ready to say yes because I don’t want my dad to feel like he missed out on anything and I already feel bad enough for being so sneaky.

  I look at Robert and he looks annoyed, but he’s not saying anything. I know I had promised him this whole thing would be a lot simpler than it’s turning out to be.

  I’d like to avoid a full wedding as well, but I feel like I owe it to my dad. I can’t please everyone all the time and, so, I’ll just have to choose one side.

  “Yeah, that would be fun,” I say.

  I try to keep my voice pleasant because it’s clear that my father is delighted by all of this.

  “This will be great. We don’t have to do anything too big, but I’d liked to have a few friends and family attend and celebrate,” my dad says. “This is a momentous occasion and we must have witnesses!”

  My dad is so excited that it’s a little surprising. I hadn’t really expected him to have this reaction – not that I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth. Though, I can tell this is going to a rather involved affair. There’s no way Robert and I are going to be able to fly under the radar.

  “Of course,” I exclaim.

  I’m not sure else what to say to my dad.

  It seems he’s gotten his gears grinding about this whole thing and it’s just better for me to let him do his thing. It may turn out that he plans this entire to-do. That could work out in the end, because it would give Robert and me time to look into new universities.

  “You know what?” My dad takes out his phone. “I need to see if I can rent the local botanical gardens on such short notice.”

  The botanical gardens? That’s really fancy. It would be a nice venue if Robert and I were actually married because we were in love. I feel bad that my dad’s about to go to all this trouble for something that’s fake, but there’s nothing I can really do without giving him at least a hint as to what’s really going on, which I don’t want to do.

  “If the two of you will excuse me,” he says.

  I nod, and my dad leaves the room, so Robert and I are alone. There are a lot of things I feel we need to talk about, but there’s one thing that I want to ask him right away.

  “Where do you know my dad from?”

  That whole conversation was super vague – probably because my dad thought I already knew the details – but I had no idea Robert had ever met him and it sounded like he maybe he had met me, too?

  I couldn’t tell from what they were saying what was going on. And I have no idea why Robert wouldn’t tell me that he knew my dad.

  That feels like a weird thing to keep to himself. Especially given our current circumstances. We’re married, we’re conspiring together – it would be something worth knowing.

  Sure, we’re only married because we were staging it all for my benefit. He doesn’t owe me anything — not even disclosure of the fact that apparently he knew my family or maybe even me in the past. But it’s unsettling that he didn’t say something sooner.

  “Childhood,” is all that he says now.

  I’m waiting to hear more, but that’s all he gives me. I know he doesn’t say a lot most of the time, but this isn’t the time for his famous vague silence. I want him to trust me a little bit more than he appears to be doing right now, and ‘childhood’ is like the vaguest answer he could possibly give me.

  Well, I’m not going to take his one-word answer – and I’m about to ask him a follow up question – but then the door opens up and Landon, of the all the motherfucking people, walks through.

  I have to hold in a large sigh.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the one who called my dad – not that it caused any of the problems I’m sure he was hoping it would cause. So that might have just made him more mad, though.

  There’s no way I’ll be able to kick him out with my dad in the next room, but, at least now, I can hide behind this marriage and not have to worry about him making moves on me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five - Robert

  Even when Savannah was questioning me about how I knew her dad, I didn’t want to tell her about our history just yet. It’s clear she still doesn’t remember me from back then and I don’t think I’m ready or in the mood to explain it to her just yet.

  In the past, I’ve told myself I should mention the fact that I had known her and her dad previously. But it has been too hard to get the fucking words out.

  What her dad did to the factory where my dad worked and therefore indirectly to my dad was tough on my whole family and it’s a very vulnerable part of my past. I wasn’t about to divulge such sensitive information to someone who cheated off my exam.

  Once I realized she didn’t cheat, I came closer to wanting to tell her about our shared history, but I still didn’t feel comfortable yet. Now, it’s all come out though, and I was stupid for not realizing it would. I was just sticking my head in the sand and trying to block out that part of my past, like I usually do.

  Savannah isn’t able to ask me any other questions because our old buddy Landon walks in just then. He’s an unwelcome intrusion, but, at least, I don’t have to keep talking about this thing with Joseph. Now to deal with this asshole.

  “Savannah, Robert – Joseph told me you guys were here. I wanted to congra
tulate the two of you.” Landon sounds cheerful and has this big smile on his face, but I don’t trust the look in his eyes.

  I feel like he’s always scheming. I have a feeling he’s coming up with some plans to get what he wants – whatever he wants. He seems like a snake just waiting to strike.

  “Thanks,” Savannah says flatly.

  She’s standing close to me, but not touching me. I kind of want to hold on to her just to let her know that I wouldn’t let Landon mess with her, but I’m sure she wants to show him she can handle herself – which she can.

  “No problem. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a whole lot of each other nowadays.”

  That comment is directed at me, but it doesn’t sound like he’s very excited that we’ll be having all this potential contact. Well, neither am I.

  “Probably,” is how I respond.

  I’m sure Landon is going to say more, but Joseph pokes his head in.

  “Savannah, I just made a private appointment for you to look at wedding dresses at the local shop and you need to get there now because I told them of the urgency.”

  I hear Savannah let out a soft sigh.

  “Do I have to?” she asks.

  I want to laugh because she sounds like a whining child. It’s interesting, seeing her dynamic with her father.


  Her dad puts a hard stop on her name. I can see her battling within her own mind about whether to put up more protests, and her dad gives her a look. The fight clearly leaves her, and she nods.

  “Okay, I’ll go. Let me just grab my things.”

  Savannah gets her bag as she’s starting to leave. I follow her, thinking I’ll accompany her to the dress shop, but Joseph holds up a hand.

  “Robert, could you stay back? I’d like to talk to you a little more,” Joseph tells me.

  Savannah looks behind her and mouths “sorry” to me before leaving.

  “I have a few more calls to make, but I’ll be back soon.”

  I’m left alone with Landon and that’s when his cheerful demeanor drops. I’m not in any way shocked that he drops all pretenses when it’s just me.


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