So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4) Page 40

by Jamie Knight

  There’s a knock on the door and Brent goes to answer it.

  “Hi Brent.”

  I hear Savannah’s voice and I get up to greet her. I find her standing in the entryway, talking to Brent.

  “Hi, Rob,” she says, when she sees me.

  She smiles, and I smile back.

  Brent looks at us and then motions towards the kitchen.

  “Why don’t we all take a seat?”

  Savannah follows Brent and me back to the kitchen and we sit down.

  I realize that I still haven’t eaten my sandwich. I get up and get a knife. I cut it in half and offer Savannah one of the halves.

  “Thanks,” she says, taking the food.

  She bites into it and I finally eat mine. Brent keeps giving me weird looks, but I’ve decided to ignore them for now, or maybe for the rest of my life.

  “How was dress shopping?” I ask her.

  She has just taken a bite, so she chews for a little bit. Before talking, she covers her mouth.

  “It was okay. Sorry about my dad. I didn’t expect him to be so… enthusiastic about this whole thing.”

  “It’s fine. I figured it all out, so it’s no big deal.”

  I mean, it is a big deal, but I don’t want to make Savannah feel bad about it. She’s already dealing with so much herself and my parents are something I can handle on my own.

  “Um, so Brent and I were talking – I told him about your theory that neither one of us cheated,” I say.

  She turns to my friend.

  “Do you believe me?”

  He quickly glances at me before returning his eyes to Savannah.

  “I do. Nothing really seemed right from the beginning, if you think about it. The only problem now is the proof.”

  Savannah nods. This is close to the conversation we had in Vegas, but, now, I have more of a direction for my suspicions. In particular, what Landon said to me earlier.

  “I actually might have something. It’s small and proves nothing, but it may be a starting point,” I explain. “After you left, I was alone with Landon in your father’s office and he said some weird stuff.”

  Savannah nods knowingly.

  “He told me that you guys were supposed to get married ever since you were younger, and he said something about how you going to medical school was just a stupid dream or delusion.”

  Savannah’s eyes turn downward towards the table.

  I’m worried that I might have embarrassed her, without meaning to.

  “Yeah, that’s unsurprising,” she mumbles.

  Her eyes narrow and she picks her head back up.

  “Actually, Landon was at the school the day of the test,” she mentions. “I ran into him on my way to class. I immediately thought it was weird that he was there, but I just thought he was stalking me like he tends to do. It didn’t seem overly important to me.”

  I’m sorry, but did she just say that Landon stalking her is typical?

  “Wait a second, he stalks you?” I ask.

  I’d gotten a very creepy vibe from him, but this is another level.

  “I mean,” Savannah shrugs. “Kind of. He pops up in places that I don’t expect him to be, a lot. It’s harmless, I thought. Or at least it has been.”

  I don’t like how dismissive she’s being about Landon stalking her. It’s controlling and kind of aggressive behavior on his part. I don’t want to push the issue too much, though – at least not here. Maybe later I’ll get more information.

  “What else happened that day?”

  “Um, I went to take the test, took it, handed it in –”

  “Actually,” I interrupt, “we gave our tests to Nicole and she took them up for us.”

  Savannah’s eyes light up.

  “You’re right. Do you think she’s involved? I mean, she’s my friend…”

  Savannah trails off.

  I don’t know if Nicole would alter our tests – I don’t know her very well – but we need to find out.

  “Why don’t we talk to her? It’s a place to start and –” Before I can finish, Lindsay walks back into the kitchen and hands me the phone.

  “Our parents are on the phone. They’re ready for you,” she says.

  I look at the phone in her hand and I take it. Deeply inhaling, I put the phone to my ear and say,

  “Hi Mom. Hi Dad.”

  I see Savannah sit up a little taller.

  “Robert,” I hear my mom say. “You need to call us more often. Your sister has been catching us up on some of the things you two have been up to. I’m so sad to hear about your problems with school, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

  “Thanks, Mom. There’s actually a reason why Lindsay called you. I have some news,” I start to say.

  “Oh, hold on a second. You’re father’s a little distracted. Let me get his attention.” I hear my mom refocusing my father. “Okay, we’re ready, honey.”

  “Well, I wanted to tell you guys I got married.”

  My mother gasps, and my dad starts coughing. Then my mom begins asking me a string of questions.

  “You got married! Well, who is she? When did this happen? Where? Did you take picture of it at least? Do we get to meet her? Where did you meet her?”

  There are so many questions and I do my best to answer each and every one.

  “Her name is Savannah, we got married yesterday, we go to med school together, we got married in Vegas, and of course you guys get to meet her.” I’m happy that my parents are airing on the side of happiness as opposed to freaking out. “We’re actually planning on having a second wedding where we’ll have friends and family.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!” my mom enthuses.

  “That’s good news, son,” my dad adds.

  Maybe this second wedding won’t be totally horrible. I know my parents have been wanting me to find someone – they would never say anything or pressure me, but they’ve been happily married for so long and Lindsay has found wedded bliss.

  I was basically next. Maybe they were just relieved that I finally found someone.

  “There’s something else – Savannah’s dad wants to have dinner with you guys to get to know you. Are you free tomorrow?”

  “Yes, your dad and I will make time to meet your wife and her family. We’ll be there tomorrow.”

  I talk a little bit longer with my parents, letting them know about a few more things that I’ve done recently, such as at work. Even though everything they said sounded really good, there was a bit of an edge to their voices.

  My dad said a little too little. I suspect they’ll get out everything out to each other that they need to once we hang up, though.

  “Thanks for calling, honey,” my mom tells me, “we’ll see you tomorrow.”

  We say goodbye and hang up. The call was a lot less stressful than I expected, but I’m still not totally convinced that this is all going to be smooth sailing.

  I turn to Savannah and she smiles at me knowingly. Our parents all had unexpected reactions, but something was off.

  But I can’t really complain because I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. Other than trying to salvage everything and have it keep going in the right direction.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven - Savannah

  I’m glad that Robert told his parents about our elopement and that they seemed to take the news well. There was no yelling or declarations of disappointment, at least, so I’d call it successful.

  It’s nice that we get to spend a little more time with his sister and her husband. It is my first time meeting Lindsay and she is honestly so nice.

  She is very pregnant and it’s so hospitable of her to let me see the nursery that she and Brent are painting. And I actually get a tour of their entire house, during which time Brent and Robert stay in the kitchen and try to get in contact with Nicole.

  “Do you like being married to my brother?”

  Lindsay and I are standing upstairs, right outside of her bedroom, when she asks me this. It kind of
surprises me, but I guess she’s just a blunt person.

  “Um, yeah, he’s really nice. I wouldn’t have married him if I hadn’t wanted to.”

  It’s the truth. We may not have gotten married for love, but I did want to marry him, so what I’m saying is how I feel.

  “You know, you don’t have to lie to me. Robert told me everything about why you guys got married and I’m not judging you guys or anything. I get that sometimes you have to do what you need to do, I would know that better than most, but…”

  She stops talking and bites her bottom lip.

  I feel like she might not want to say what she’s thinking, but I’m too curious to let it slide.

  “What is it?” I ask her.

  “My brother doesn’t always say everything he should. He likes to keep it mysterious, if that makes sense,” she says.

  I nod.

  “And what I’m trying to say is that I don’t want this thing you guys have to end in a way that… hurts either one of you. You seem like a great person. I don’t know if any of this is coming out right.”

  She laughs nervously.

  I think I know what she’s trying to say.

  It’s something that I’m not quite ready to reveal to myself yet, so I just stop her.

  “I understand, and don’t worry. I wouldn’t ever hurt Robert, if I can help it,” I say, trying to reassure her.

  She nods and then we drop the conversation. Lindsay shows me the rest of the house, but I’m still stuck on what she said. I’m not upset with her or anything, but it’s more that I’m stuck in my own feelings.

  We make our way back to the kitchen and the boys tell us they weren’t able to get a hold of Nicole.

  “We tried calling and texting, but she answered nothing. Maybe she’s busy or just isn’t answering.”

  Maybe she’s avoiding us? I wonder.

  I did let them use my phone to contact her since I thought that she’d be more likely to talk to me than them. I mean, we have no proof that she was involved, but it’s not great that she isn’t answering.

  “We can try to track her down tomorrow on campus. She has class and should be pretty easy to find,” I suggest.

  “Okay,” Robert agrees.

  It looks like we’re done here and I’m kind of ready to head home. It’s not that I wouldn’t love to spend more time with Lindsay and Brent – especially Lindsay – but I think I’ve just overextended myself today. I feel overwhelmed and tired.

  “Are you ready to go?” Robert asks.

  I nod, happy that he noticed that I want to leave. He’s really attuned to my feelings like that, and I appreciate it. We say goodbye to Brent and Lindsay and go outside.

  I’m thinking about what to do next. I should probably just head home. I could relax, check on things back home, think of next steps, but I’m just not feeling it. I don’t want to be alone.

  I’m not sure how to let Robert know this. I’m thinking about what his sister said. Her words and their implications are rattling around in my head.

  Robert hails us a cab and the two of us climb in. He gives the driver his address and we sit in silence.

  A lot has happened today. I’m going to have a real wedding to acknowledge the fake marriage I’m in, I have to confront my good friend to see if she helped to get me kicked out of school, and I’m dealing with my own feelings on top of that.

  I had been thinking about it before Lindsay had said anything, but I was planning on just not dealing with it. Now, I’m not so sure.

  Could something… else come out of this?

  Maybe we had a rocky start, but could we turn it around?

  Is that what I want?

  “Uh, Savannah?”

  I turn to Robert, a little surprised that he’s broken the silence.


  “Did you want to spend the night at my place?” he quietly asks me.

  I look at him, my heart warming up because I’m really happy – and not just because I was thinking about how I didn’t want to spend the night alone. Robert doesn’t know that that is how I was feeling.

  I think he might want to actually have me around. His reasons? I don’t know what they are, but I’m not going to make him tell me why right now.

  I nod and slip my hand into his, liking the warmth and strength in his hold. He squeezes my hand a little and the rest of the ride is spent in silence, but this one feels different. This one feels comfortable.

  We get to Robert’s apartment, and I follow him upstairs. Once we get inside, I put my bag down and look at Robert. He’s walked a little further into the apartment than I have, and he has his hands in his pockets. I let my eyes scan his body, appreciating the man in front of me.

  “Are you going to come inside?” he asks me.

  I step away from the door and approach him. He watches me, unmoving. When I get to him, I put my hands on his shoulders and begin softly massaging them. I slowly bring my hands down until I’ve got his hands in mine.

  “What do you want to do now?” I whisper.

  He looks at me for a second before I get pulled into his body. I gasp at the sudden movement. My head goes right to his chest, my ear by his heart. I can hear it beating, the sound a little faster than normal.

  I feel Robert’s hands in my hair, bunching it up. He pulls my head back so I’m looking up at him. His mouth comes down on mine, his tongue fighting with mine.

  I bring my hands up and wrap them around his neck, tightening my hold to bring my body even closer to his. I can feel his erection over his jeans, pressing into my stomach.

  “Savannah?” he says against my mouth.

  I pull my head back and swallow.


  My eyes dart back and forth across his face.

  “Why don’t you take off your clothes?”

  His voice is low, and it sends a shiver down my spine. I step away from him and his arms fall back down to his sides. He regards me as I, first, take off my jacket.

  I drop it on to the floor. I move to my shirt next, pulling it up over my head. I see Robert’s gaze move to my breast. I’m doing my best to keep my breath steady, but my heart is beating like crazy. I know this isn’t the first time we’ve slept together, but that doesn’t make me any less nervous. They’re nerves tinged with excitement, though.

  I unbutton my jeans next, pushing them over my hips and down my legs. I stand back up and step out my pants. I’m left standing in my bra and panties, looking into Robert’s eyes. I think he might come over to me, but he doesn’t move, just continues to stare.

  I take a deep breath and move my fingers to my back, so I can unhook my bra. I let it fall forward and on to the floor. I take off my underwear next. It feels weird being completely naked and having Robert stare at me, but I can see in his eyes how much he wants me. It turns me on even more.

  “Touch yourself,” Robert whispers.

  “What?” I ask breathlessly.

  “Touch yourself,” he repeats.

  I nod, taking in what he just said. I bring my hands back up and caress my neck, letting my hand wander down to the top of my breast. My finger circles around my nipple and then they skim down my stomach.

  I’m about to get to the tops of my legs when I hear, “Stop.”

  I open my eyes, just then realizing I had closed them.

  “Is something wrong?” I ask.

  Robert shakes his head and then, suddenly, he’s right in front of me.

  “How are you so beautiful?” he asks me.

  Before I can answer, he kisses me. I feel his hand go down and grip the inside of my thigh. His fingers stroke my skin, slowly moving upwards.

  As his hand travels higher and higher, my breathing gets more and more labored. His fingers slip inside me. My own hands are on his biceps and my nails dig into his arm and the intrusion.

  “Rob,” I gasp.

  He smiles against my mouth and slowly circles his fingers more, all around my clit. My gasps get louder as my body tenses wi
th pleasure. His mouth moves from my lips and over to my neck. His teeth graze my skin.

  “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop,” I beg him.

  “I won’t,” Robert responds.

  His thumb moves to my clit and I squeeze all my muscles. His fingers continue to pump in and out of me until I’m so close to the edge of orgasm.

  Sweat has dotted my brow and I’ve thrown my head back. Robert’s lips continue to move against my neck, until he finally coaxes my orgasm out of me.

  “Oh, Robert,” I say, as my body starts to shake.

  It feels like warmth seeping into me, starting from my center and flowing through my body. I start to cool down and move my hands from Robert’s biceps and throw my arms over his shoulders.

  I feel his head move from my neck, and he kisses the top of my head. He shifts his face, so we can look at one another. I move my hands to the front of his shirt and grab on to it lightly.

  “I think you should get naked, too,” I suggest.

  Robert laughs through his nose and nods.

  “Okay,” he agrees.

  I let him go, so that he can get undressed. He starts with his shirt and I get to see his beautiful body. I want to touch him, but I’ll let him get naked first.

  His clothes are finally completely off, and I walk back up to him. I start with putting my hands on his chest. I drag them down until I reach his shaft. Knowing what I want, and not wanting to miss out, I drop to my knees and bring my mouth around Robert’s cock.

  “Fuck…” he mumbles.

  I move my mouth back and forth, letting his shaft move in and out of it. I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock, inhaling the musky scent of his arousal. I moan around his shaft, my throat vibrating and my body electric.

  “Savannah,” he says, while pulling me back up to my feet.

  He quickly puts on a condom.

  “What?” I ask, but before I can get an answer, he’s kissing me again.

  I feel his arms encircle my waist and he picks me up, so I wrap my legs around him. My back hits the wall and then Robert is inside me.

  “Dear God,” I gasp, as I throw my head back.

  He isn’t soft or gentle, his cock grinding against me with ferocity.


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