So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4)

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So Much Trouble: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection (So Wrong It's Right Book 4) Page 41

by Jamie Knight

  “Robert, Robert,” I scream.

  Our bodies are slick with sweat, sliding against one another.

  I look into his eyes, the determination written in them. I want to see him come and I want him to come a lot. I move one of my hands to his cheek and caress it. My chest tightens as my body tingles in the strongest sense.

  “Fuck, Savannah, you feel so good.”

  I squeeze my walls down on his shaft and Robert bucks into me, coming with a roar as he spills his cum into the condom that’s inside me.

  “Jesus,” he sighs.

  His face looks so beautiful and my own orgasm is set off by his. I begin to quiver and shake. I scratch at Robert’s back, looking for somewhere to release all the tension that has built up inside me.

  I hold on to him for dear life until I stop convulsing. Robert and I stay holding on to one another for a little bit, using the time to catch our breath.

  “Savannah,” I hear Robert say quietly.

  “Mmhm,” I answer.

  I’m waiting for whatever follow up he had planned, but there’s nothing. Maybe he just wanted to say my name.

  I move my heavy limbs and Robert lets me down. I feel like there’s something very much unsaid between the two of us.

  I don’t know how to bring any of that up, so I just excuse myself to the bathroom. I pee and clean myself up. Looking at myself in the mirror, I don’t see any discernable changes between who I was a couple days ago and then the woman I’m seeing in the mirror right now.

  But I feel so different. Basically, everything has changed in such a short amount of time. I’m not in university anymore, I’m married, I think I might be… falling for my fake husband in a very real way – I don’t know what my life is anymore.

  I don’t want to leave Robert waiting for too long, so I exit the bathroom and find him in the bedroom. He’s put on some underwear and turns to me when I walk in. I’m still naked and, suddenly, very aware of it. I cross my hands over my breasts and try to hide my nudity.

  A shirt comes for my face and I grab it out of the air before it makes contact with me.

  “What was that?” I ask, laughing.

  Robert shrugs.

  “Looks like you wanted some clothes,” is his reply.

  I slip the oversized shirt on and join Robert on the bed. He lies down, and I lie down next to him. He’s removed the condom.

  Some of his hair falls into his face and I move it away from his eyes. I don’t take my hand away once his eyes are free again. I keep stroking his hair, loving how soft it is.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Your hair’s really nice,” I say, answering, but not really answering. “It’s soft; do you use a special conditioner?”

  I don’t know why I’m asking questions about his hair. I have actual, important questions I want to ask him, but I’m not really in the mood to have any serious discussions.

  Today’s been full of the heavier side of life – the last couple of days have, in fact. A few moments of mundane-ness would be nice.

  “I don’t think so. It’s just regular hair stuff,” he tells me.

  He’s smiling, something Robert has been doing a lot more often. He has a cute smile. If I could make him smile all the time, I would. I could spend hours getting him to laugh because hearing it is amazing.

  “Nothing special?”

  “No. I can show you the next time I shower,” he offers.

  I laugh at the idea. I would definitely take him up on it. I’d like hair as soft as his is.

  I like it when he flirts with me. I know he likes having sex with me, but these moments make me think there might be more between us. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but that’s how I feel, I guess.

  “You want me to watch you shower?” I ask him.

  I try to make myself sound all innocent, like I don’t know what’s he’s implying, but I know it’s a huge fail.

  “I’d prefer it if you were in there with me, but I’d settle for you watching,” he says.

  His voice gets lower, and I feel myself getting all hot.

  If I’m not careful, I’m going to spend every waking moment fucking this man or trying to fuck him, anyway.

  I sit up in the bed, and Robert regards me with curiosity showing in his eyes.

  Not wanting to make him suspicious about how turned on I am, I say, “All this talk of water has made me thirsty.”

  I add a smile to sweeten the pot.

  “I’m talking about taking a shower with you, and your mind focuses on the fact that there’s water in the shower?” he asks me.

  I shrug. I mean, that’s not the whole truth. All I was focusing on was the thought of water dripping off his hard body, but because I got all hot and bothered, I thought a nice glass of cool water would do the trick.

  “I can get it for you,” Robert offers.

  I put my hand on his chest to push him back down and shake my head.

  “I can do it myself, it’s fine. Thanks, though.”

  I climb out of the bed to get my drink and hopefully get my body to calm the hell down and, I guess I’m not paying too much attention because my feet get all caught up in the blankets and I take quite the tumble.

  “Ow!” I yell.

  It hurts a lot more than expected. I’m able to get my foot out from the tangle of blankets it’s in, but then Robert is by my side in less than a minute. He must have jumped out of the bed and sprinted over to me. He scoops me up, which surprises me.

  “What are you doing?” I ask him.

  “Taking you off the floor,” he grunts.

  He moves me to the bed and gently places me on top of it. Then he takes a seat next to me and kisses the top of my head before taking my ankle and inspecting it. It’s pretty tender.

  “Looks like you twisted your ankle.”

  He says it more to himself than to me, but I kind of guessed the same thing. That’s the perk – and maybe the pitfall – of training to be a doctor.

  Robert keeps moving his hands around my ankle, testing to see where the soft spots are. Something about this feels oddly familiar.

  Yeah, I’ve been hanging out with Robert almost nonstop for a while, but this doesn’t feel like something that happened over the past couple days. This is a strong sense of déjà vu that I’m having trouble placing.

  I furrow my brow and see if I can force my mind to remember and that’s when it hits me. This has happened before – not here – it was a long time ago. There was this little boy. I was playing with him at one of my dad’s auto-parts plants.

  We were running around all this old equipment – something we should not have been doing – and I fell and twisted my ankle and that little boy was…

  “Wait a minute,” I say, pulling my ankle back – a momentary lapse in judgement because it’s not like my injury has healed in the last five minutes.

  “Ow,” I say softly.

  Robert looks at me like I’m crazy.

  “What are you doing?”

  He moves to get my ankle again, but I move it away again.

  “We did know each other, didn’t we?” I ask, ignoring his questions. “Like before med school. Did we maybe meet at an auto-parts plant when we were kids?”

  Robert narrows his eyes but doesn’t say anything. He looks back down at my ankle and continues to prod it. I take his lack of answer as a no… or maybe he doesn’t know.

  “What I’m trying to say is that I think we met when we were like eight or ten at this plant. I twisted my ankle then and that’s why I’m suddenly getting this flashback because you helped me out back then and, I don’t know, but do you remember something like that, too?”

  I get my ramble out and wait for Robert to say something.

  I’m expecting him to be as equally as shocked as I am. I mean, it’s a crazy twist of fate that we ended up going to the same med school and our paths intersected so much – it’s kind of crazy.

  But instead of having the same revelation I had, Robert g
ets a snarky look on his face.

  “Well, it took you long enough,” he mumbles.

  He gets up after his little comment, I’m assuming to get supplies to wrap my ankle, but I don’t want to drop this conversation. While he’s sifting through the drawer, looking for the wrap, I throw a pillow at his back. I get a direct hit.

  “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” I ask.

  I’m not really mad. I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t just let me know we knew each other back then. It’s not that complicated. Maybe we could have been friends again.

  Robert comes back to and starts wrapping my ankle.

  “Apparently, you thought that I wasn’t important enough to remember, so I guess I just decided not to bring it up,” he says.

  He isn’t looking at me, and is instead taking his time to wrap my ankle. It makes me feel bad for sure. I mean, it explains why he’s been so cold towards me. I’m a little mad with myself for not putting two and two together.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you sooner,” I apologize.

  I’m not sure what else I should say to rectify this. I don’t know if I can rectify this.

  I look at Robert and he just shrugs. I feel like this is his way of showing me that he’s a little upset. He doesn’t say it – he’ll either get super mad or super quiet instead.

  “When did you recognize me?” I quietly ask.

  Obviously, it was before this moment. And that’s what he was talking about with my dad. Now I don’t have to ask him about that conversation, because I’ve figured it out.

  “The first moment I saw you,” he says.

  I can’t hide the fact that I’m shocked. I don’t know exactly what that means – the fact that he’s always known.

  We sit quietly for a moment, and he finishes wrapping my ankle. Then he props it up on some pillows and finally looks at me. I can’t quite read his face, but I still feel like he’s hiding something from me.

  What it is? I have no clue.

  At the very least, learning about how we actually first met explains a lot of those things he was saying to my dad, but then there’s… there’s that other thing… I know that maybe I shouldn’t bring this up right now, but I can’t stop myself.

  “Did you, um… When you were talking to my dad, did you – were you telling the truth about what you said to my father? I mean, did you – or have you really loved me ever since we were kids?”

  I barely get that sentence out. I’m crazy nervous because I have a lot invested in his answer. More than I should, given our… circumstances.

  I’m waiting for Robert to say something, but he keeps quiet. He’s back to looking at my ankle and he’s kind of stroking it over the wrap.

  I don’t think he’s going to answer me, and I’m not going to make him. It would have been nice to have an answer. It would have been more than nice, but I’m obviously not going to get satisfaction regarding that today, and it’s okay.

  I’m about to tell him to forget about it, but, then, Robert moves closer to me on the bed. He takes my hand in his, playing with my fingers ever so slightly.

  He finally looks into my eyes again, and I think he might answer this time, but instead, he kisses me. I feel his hand wrap around me and bring me against his body as the kiss deepens.

  I take in his scent and moan into his mouth. For now, I can forget about getting my questions answered. I just want to focus on Robert’s body on mine, which is the only thing I need.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight - Savannah

  I wake up the next morning and find Robert asleep next to me. I’m glad I’m able to get up earlier than him, because then I get to see his peaceful face in the morning.

  I don’t spend too much time staring at his face, since I need to get ready for the day, so I get myself out of bed, but when I try to stand up, I fall down because my ankle is obviously still tender. I just had my own lapse in judgement.

  My fall to the ground wakes up Robert and he jumps out of my bed and to my side.

  “Don’t tell me you hurt your other ankle,” he sarcastically says.

  I shake my head, making a face at his little joke.

  “No, I just forgot that I probably shouldn’t be walking on my ankle is all,” I respond.

  He looks at me like I’m an idiot and then he helps me back up, so I’m sitting on the edge of the bed. He goes to his closet and pulls out some crutches.

  “Here, you can use these for now.”

  I’m surprised he had crutches just lying around, but I’m also grateful.

  This way I’ll be able to keep the weight off my foot. I get myself up and use the crutches to move around the room. Robert watches me.

  “I think we should go to the hospital, just to be sure everything really is okay and that nothing gets worse. A couple of x-rays would be a good idea,” he says.

  I shake my head.

  “I’m fine. I’ll just walk around on these for a couple of days and then I’ll heal up nicely,” I tell him.

  He makes a face consisting of a frown that shows me his displeasure with my plan.

  “Come on, Robert. You did a good job with the wrap, so I’m sure there won’t be any problems there, and we need to find Nicole today to see if Landon got to her. I think that’s top priority,” I insist.

  I open my eyes wide, hoping that he’ll agree with me and drop the whole hospital business. He’s probably right, and I should have a full-fledged doctor with fancy equipment look at my ankle, but I’m just jonesing to get a start on this business about us getting wrongfully expelled.

  Robert rolls his eyes.

  “Okay, we can skip the hospital… for now, but if it starts to hurt more, we’re going, okay?” he says.

  I nod, pleased with the fact that he’s agreed to my plan, but also happy that he’s so worried about me.

  We get ourselves together for the day and take a cab to campus. I have most of Nicole’s schedule memorized, so I know where we can find her. We station ourselves outside one of her classes and wait for it to let out.

  “Do you think this is going to work? What if she has nothing to do with it?” I ask.

  ’m feeling pretty nervous. This could be a real shot at getting back into our original med school. I had completely given up on that happening but, now, I’m thinking that it might be an actual possibility. I don’t want to screw this up.

  “Let’s just take this one step at a time. I’m sure everything will be fine,” Robert reassures me.

  He’s probably right. I just need to keep a level head and I’m sure we’ll get through this without too many problems.

  We wait quietly for a little bit and, during that time, I keep sneaking peeks at Robert. He didn’t actually admit that he loved me last night. He didn’t even answer the question.

  I know I did a bit of a mess up by not recognizing him sooner, and I feel really bad about it, but there’s nothing I can do at this point.

  But I don’t think I’ll be able to get Robert’s words to my father out of my head— nor his weird behavior, either. I’m just not sure how to ask him about it without him totally dodging the question.

  It doesn’t take too long for Nicole to make an appearance once class lets out. She doesn’t see us immediately, though.

  Robert gets to her first since I’m on these damn crutches. Her eyes go wide when she sees us, but nothing really seems out of the ordinary.

  “Robert, Savannah! What a surprise,” she greets us.

  Her brow furrows.

  “What happened?” she asks when she sees my crutches, sounding concerned.

  “I fell out of bed. It’s not a big deal,” I tell her, shaking it off.

  I don’t really want to talk about my injury, but I want to get to the meat and potatoes of why we’re here.

  “We actually came here to see you. Robert and I had a few questions,” I say.

  Nicole looks between the two of us.

  “What did you want to ask me about?” she inquires, sounding n

  “It’s about the day of the test, the embryology test,” Robert jumps in. “We wanted to know if anything could have happened to our tests… if they could have been altered in any way… since you were the one who took them up.”

  Nicole laughs nervously and shakes her head.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I gave the professor your tests after taking them from you guys. Nothing happened,” she tells us.

  Clearly, Nicole is hiding something. She’s way too anxious. I quickly glance at Robert before taking over.

  “We won’t be angry with you if you tell us the truth. We think that Landon is somehow responsible for this whole thing. I know that if you helped him at all, it’s because he made you do it. We just need the truth,” I plead with her.

  If Nicole doesn’t have anything to tell us or refuses to talk, we’re back to square one.

  “I don’t…”

  “Please, Nicole. We want to get our lives back on track and, if we’re going to do that, we need your help.”

  She takes a deep breath and takes a few more seconds to look between the two of us. I can see the internal struggle she’s having, and I hope that she decides to tell us what she knows.

  “Okay,” she says.

  It looks like she’s going to come over onto our side.

  “Landon did approach me. He wanted me to switch out the tests with others he had given me, that had the same answers filled in on both tests. I said no at first, but then he said that if I didn’t do it, he’d fire my dad – and he wouldn’t just fire him, he’d make sure that he couldn’t get a job with anyone he does business with,” Nicole confesses.

  I know as well as she does that that’s not an idle threat by Landon. He has a lot of pull and being on his bad side would not be a good thing.

  Nicole’s mom has cancer, so I don’t know where their family would be without a secure job to pay the medical bills. I can’t say I blame her for giving in to what Landon wanted her to do.

  Nicole starts crying, and I hobble over to comfort her.

  “I’m so sorry, Savannah,” she says. “You’re my friend, and I got you kicked out of school. I know how much this all meant to you and – I should have at least told you. You’ve always been resourceful. Maybe you could have figured it out, but I was so scared, and I thought it would just be easiest to do what he said.”


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